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39.58% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 91: CHAPTER 86 End??????

Capítulo 91: CHAPTER 86 End??????

" Coming here didn't solved your problem creed. It was merely the first step to ending your threat. The X-Men, like Logan, may seem weak to you. But I assured you, cross us and you'll wish you'd never been born."

Jean Grey

X-Men #28 : Devil in the House


"Those the storage rings, all ten rings have 20 slots each,  so you would be able to store 20 corpse per ring,  so use in only on the biggest or the strongest"

After hearing Jinwoo commands all the 101 soldiers melted into darkness and disappeared in different directions


She tried to slash apart the God of Death, however, the blade just bounce off him no matter how much strength she put in on her strikes. Jinwoo then grabbed her arm and punched her to the ground. He then did his ground slam, creating another shockwave of ice and light energy. It hit Esdeath directly and pushed her back. The ice general then created a giant ice tree where a bunch of icicles were fired from the branches to Jinwoo. The Hunter quickly dashes through the field to avoid the icicles, waiting for an opening. After weaving around the tree and icicles, the Hunter found his opening and charged at the general and delivered a punch, but Esdeath dodged it with ease. Jinwoo's punch, while not hitting his attend target, did destroyed the base part of the tree and made it fall to the ground.

Esdeath kicked Jinwoo and then delivered a combo of punches to her opponent. "My ice won't be able to touch you in this form, but I have others ways of attacking," she said as she smashed Jinwoo's face to her knee. She was about to hit him again with her fist until the Hunter stopped her by grabbing her wrist. As the ice general tried to break free from the god's grip, Jinwoo looked at her blankly and replied, "Like I care." Then with most of his strength broke Esdeath's wrist and ripped her hand off her arm. Esdeath screamed in pain as she held her bleeding wound. This left her wide open as Jinwoo punch her with his light enhanced punch a couple feet away. With Esdeath down for a bit, Jinwoo picked up the ice tree and began swinging it. As Esdeath was getting up, her six senses were warning her of danger to her right, she didn't had time to dodge the incoming attack, so she quickly summoned an ice shield in time to block the ice tree was about to her. Unfortunately, the force behind the tree destroyed the shield and still hit her on launched her through the battlefield. Then Jinwoo used the ice tree as a battering ram in an attempt to crush her.


Esdeath looked back at her now frozen statue to see the Hunter's expression. His face was that of shock and confusion. The sight of this made Esdeath smile with glee as at least made him have an expression that could satisfy her. "While I didn't get a chance to torture you with my newest methods, I can now rest easily. Not only did I defeat you in battle, but I got you to show some expression to your dead corpse. 

After all, I am the strong and I get what I want." With that, Esdeath walked away with a smile on her face and accomplishment in her head.


Esdeath stopped in her track when she heard that sound. She noticed that the sound was coming from behind her, so she turned around to see what was making it. Her eyes widen with shock to see that sound was coming from the block of ice as it was forming multiple cracks on it. More and more formed as it was a sign that the ice was about explode. 

And it did as the block of ice was destroyed from the inside with many shards of ice flying in every direction. Esdeath put her arms up to covered her face from the ice shards. As everything quiet down, Esdeath lowers her arms to see Jinwoo in the middle of the ice wreckage. He had a face of annoyance and anger as he looked at the ice general. "I'm done," he said as he runs towards Esdeath.

Esdeath tries to summon more ice, but Jinwoo was too quick and grabbed her hands with his. The both of them then began to push each other, locked in a struggle to overpower on another. However, Jinwoo proved to be the stronger of the two as he wasn't putting in too much power in his arms. Esdeath, on the other hand, was struggling to keep her footing in their with using all her strength, she could feel that her arms were giving out. 

"When I came here, I just wanted to get this over with. But when I heard about you and how strong you were and how there was no one that could rival you in power, I thought maybe, just maybe, you could've actually made me feel something, but no!" Jinwoo yelled out as he put in more power behind his push which made forced Esdeath to an almost kneeling position. "You have just been a disappointment! Even when I left myself open and held back a bit, your attacks did nothing!"

Jinwoo put in more strength into his push. Jinwoo very might caused the earth to shake, his and Esdeath's feet dug into the ground, and a giant crack formed between them. Esdeath was shocked by this man's strength. No one, not even herself, could cause the ground to shake and be destroyed by sheer strength alone. Not only that, her muscles were crying out for the pain to stop and her bones felt like they were about to break. "I… don't… get it," 

Esdeath said, struggling to talk while maintaining her hold, "I… attack… every weak… point… that the… human body… has. You should… be experiencing… pain." "I thought so, too. Until, I saw that you were just like the rest of them. You can attack me with everything you have and I'll just keep coming back. Plus, your body will give out. And to answer your question, there's one thing you should know about me," Jinwoo said. "I can't feel any of this," he said in a laughing and crazy manner.

That with, Jinwoo headbutted Esdeath back a couple feet. The Hunter then ran to the ice general and when he did, the ground he was previously on gave out and fell deep into the earth's crust. Jinwoo then, once again, uppercut Esdeath into the air. As the sadist was flying the air, the God of Death appear behind her, grabbed her, and proceeded to punch her from the head and chest area. Esdeath got a couple hits as well, but it did little to the Hunter. Then he used his legs to push Esdeath into the recently created giant crevice. Luckily, Esdeath used her ice to create to ice spikes to stab them to the near of wall of the crevice and prevented her fall.

Despite the pain she was feeling right now, Esdeath began to climb to the top of the crevice. As she climb to the top, Esdeath could hear Jinwoo talking to her, "You've seen it with your eyes. You can't hurt me. Nothing can. This whole fight, your attempts, your struggle are all pointless." Esdeath continued to climb until she reached the top. When she did, Esdeath was greeted by Jinwoo as he kick the crevice's edge, causing her to fall again as he said, "Pathetic." Esdeath did managed to use her ice, in time, to levitate herself and fly to the other side of the crevice. As she was on solid ground, Esdeath felt her muscles extremely sore and her injuries were still there from before. 

During this, Jinwoo continue to rant, "You can't win! I feel nothing! And despite all the pain you feel and knowing I'm unstoppable, you still keep trying! I even felt sorry for you throughout our fight! I not my father nor my brother and if had just given up, none of this would have happened! But, no!" With his rant finished, Jinwoo jump towards Esdeath, from the other side of the crevice, to punch her. But, the ice general dodged it in time. Both combatants now close to each other as Jinwoo turned around and faced Esdeath. They stared at each other for a couple seconds until Jinwoo viciously said, "Let's finish this." "Indeed," Esdeath replied coldly.

Jinwoo light dashed towards Esdeath and delivered his punches to her, but the ice general managed to hold her ground and launched her punches. They began to fight in close quarters combat as they punched and blocked each other. 

While Eseath was strong, she wasn't do well in this as she was receiving more hits then her opponent. Then Jinwoo grabbed one of her arms and punch her far with his light enhanced punch. He was about run to her, but Esdeath used her ice powers to freeze Jinwoo in place by icing his arms and legs. 

"COME ON!" he yelled as he tried to break free from his restrains. While he was struggling, Esdeath created another mass of ice, but because of her muscle pain, the ice sphere was smaller than the second one. But it was still bigger than the first. "Die!" she yelled out as she threw the ice sphere at the God of Death. Jinwoo broke out of his restrains and saw the ice sphere heading towards him. He simply jumped towards and with one punch, destroyed the ice sphere into thousands of ice shards.

As Esdeath looked at this on frustration, Balsur grabbed the biggest ice shard closest to him and threw it at the ice general.

Esdeath saw this and immediately dodged the ice shard. However, she would wide open for Jinwoo's ground attack and was hit by a shockwave of light energy and ice. As she got up, Esdeath see that Jinwoo was in his ice form. His rushed at the ice general and punch her in stomach and punch her again in the face, it was block by Esdeath with her ice shield. 

She then used her ice appendage to slash at Jinwoo. But, due to his form, the ice slash did nothing. Thus left her open for Jinwoo to knee attack her in the stomach. He then proceed to grab her left arm and did a judo throw her to the ground. With Esdeath's arm still in his grip, Jinwoo twisted and bend her left arm until bones broke completely which caused Esdeath screamed in pain. Despite the pain, the ice general kick Jinwoo in the face and he let go of her arm. As Esdeath got up, she looked at her broken arm. It was completely bended up in unnatural ways and the pain was unbearable.

During her check, Jinwoo did his ground attack of icicles and light energy. 

Esdeath managed to sense this and dodge the attack. And with her good arm, she fires more icicles at Jinwoo, which he proceed to dodge them all with his light dash. When he got close, Jinwoo kicked Esdeath then grabbed her head to deliver a headbutt. He finished by punching her again a few feet away. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!" he screamed out as he switched to his fire form and threw fire light mixed projectiles as Esdeath. She blocks them with her ice appendage and quickly creates an ice shield in front of her to block a fiery kick from Jinwoo.

Esdeath then create a giant ice mech that towered over the Hunter. "Let's see if you can break through this!" the ice general yelled as she charged at the God of Death. Jinwoo charged as well and when the both combatants got close, they reel their fists back and their punches collided with one another. The moment their fists collided, Jinwoo's punch completely destroyed the ice mech arm. Then he slam the ground to unleash a fire and light energy mixed shockwave underneath the ice mech suit. 

The fire not only melted the ice of the mech, but the explosion from the attack was destroying it. 

Seeing as her ice mech was close to its destruction, she jumped out of it.

As she got out, Esdeath was greeted with the Hunter as he tackle her with a flame shoulder tackle. Then he bear hugged her and began to squeeze her all his might while burning her at the same. "Hahahahaha, I was told you were a type of person that enjoys the cold, so I thought burning you would be fun," Jinwoo said menacingly. 

Esdeath was struggling to break free, but his grip was too strong. She had to think of something fast or else she'll be crushed and burned to death. Then an idea came up and acted fast. She cover on her forehead and with all her might headbutted Jinwoo with her ice covered forehead. While it barely anything to the Hunter, this allowed Esdeath to break free.

Esdeath immediately attack Jinwoo with her ice appendage blade and got two hits in, but Jinwoo recovered quickly and gave a multiple jab combo onto the ice general. Jinwoo ended his combo by grabbing Esdeath's head and slammed it to the ground and began to drag the sadist's head through the ground. Then the Hunter threw the ice general a few meters away as Esdeath rolled painfully across the ground.

Seeing the ice general being at her limit, Jinwoo walked towards her as he decided to end this struggle. Esdeath got up on her knees and was breathing heavily. She could still feel the massive pain from her broken arm and her aching head. Even with Ice Storm, Commander In-Chief, she was reaching her limit and her injuries weren't helping. But the ice general was still determined to prove that she was the stronger of the two in this fight.

As Esdeath kneeled in pain, she could hear Jinwoo approaching her, ready to kill her. Anyone would become frighten from the thought of being killed in a weaken state. However, Esdeath only smile as she had one more trick up her sleeve. Esdeath focused her ice powers to activate her final trump card and she quietly uttered, "Mahaphama," And with that, everything around her turned blue and stopped, whatever was moving, were stopped in their tracks. Esdeath had activated her trump card, which allowed her to freeze time and space.

She got up on her feet and looked at Jinwoo to see that he wasn't moving an inch. Esdeath smile at this as she creates another ice appendage blade as she going to end this. "You are truly the strongest opponent I have ever face in my life. You even forced me to use my special trump card. An ability to allow me freeze time and space itself. You should feel honored that I used this on you. Now die before me," she said sadistically as she thrusts her rapier towards the Hunter's head.

As her blade was about to pierce it's target, something unexpected happened. Jinwoo's hand grabbed the blade and stopped it in its tracks. Esdeath widen her eyes in shock. In her head, this was not something this man should be able to do. He should not be able to move when her trump card is active. 

Then Jinwoo began to laugh as he looks at Esdeath in the eyes. "Didn't I tell already," he said in a crazy and threatening manner, "I can't feel any of this." With that, Jinwoo grabbed her arm, that had the ice appendage, and bend it in the opposite direction, breaking it as a result. Esdeath screamed in pain, but it wasn't over. The Hunter then kick Esdeath's knee so hard, the bones there broke. Then he finished this by punching her with light enhanced punch that sent her to building's wall.

Esdeath laid there with almost all her bones broken and having multiple bruises all over her.

Blood was coming out of her mouth and she felt her entire body weaken by her injuries. Even with, Ice Storm, Commander In-Chief, still active, it couldn't heal her. Esdeath had lost. As she laid there, she heard someone come in front of her.

 She looked up to see Jinwoo as he looked at her with some amusement. "Look at you. You were said to be the strongest in this continent, yet here you are, beaten to near death like any typical mortal that tried to challenge a god. I really put too much high hopes for you to see if you could get me to feel something. But, in the end, you we're just like rest of them. You were a disappointing weakling."

Esdeath simply smiled at his respond as she replies, "You are indeed correct. Even with all my power and knowledge, I lost because I was simply too weak." She then looked down as she had her eyes closed with a smile as she said, "Please Jinwoo, grant me a warrior's death." 

She waited for Jinwoo to grant her request as this was something she wanted if she ever died. However, the only thing she received was Jinwoo laughing at her. It start off as a chuckle then it began to laugh like a maniac. Esdeath looked at the Hunter in confusion on what he was doing. Why didn't he grant her wish? Why is he laughing? These questions were in Esdeath's head, trying figure out an answer.

Jinwoo then stopped laughing and began to talk, "After everything you put me through, after all that bullshit you threw at me, you expect ME to do what YOU want?! Hahahahaha, sorry lady, but that isn't going to happen. 

I already gave you two chances to surrender and receive a quick death and you rejected them both. So, I'll kill you however I please! Besides, if I gave you a warrior's death, you will most likely be sent to Valhalla and there are already enough war hunger bastards in there to deal with. It doesn't need another one like you." This response made Esdeath shook a bit as this was something she didn't expect to happen to her. She always got what she wanted, but now, she being rejected her death wish.

"Since you pretended to be a god and you are known for torturing your victims, I believe I found the perfect death for you," he said as cracked his knuckles, "I'll be torturing you to death with every torture method I know.

 And while I'm not at your level, my father did teach me a thing or two." Esdeath eyes widen in as she was now frightened by how she would die. Esdeath was never one to be scared in battle. She always had a thrill of excitement when fighting a strong opponent that could prove a challenge. But this was different, like her victims before her, she was defenseless against this man. He was going to torture her and she couldn't anything about it. "Let's begin your journey to Tartarus, Hell, Narak, shall we?" Jinwoo said menacingly.




"Huff huff huff"

A scared gasp filled the bedroom in the middle of the night. Esdeath suddenly woke up and immediately sat up, looking around to find herself in a bed with the bedsheets covering the lower part of her naked form. Her breathing was shaky as she tried to calm herself down. Never once in her life had Esdeath had a nightmare, let alone wake up suddenly from one.

But that nightmare had seemed too real for her. It felt like she was actually there, experiencing what happened within it. "Esdeath?" A voice called out beside her, and she turned to see the reason for her nightmare.

She was momentarily confused before memories flooded into her mind, reminding her of what happened before she lost consciousness. With a gasp, she looked around and realized she was in a huge, extravagant room. The room was adorned with gold along the edges and had enough space for at least seven people to live comfortably. Such rooms could only be found in the capital, owned by an imperial noble – the most corrupt nobles that even the child emperor thought twice before confronting due to their vast wealth and connections.

Esdeath despised these nobles for various reasons, such as how their eyes were always fixated on her body, how they hid behind masks of lies, and even how some of them enjoyed eating human flesh. "Esdeath?" The voice called out again, this time with a louder tone.

As the memories resurfaced, Esdeath snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him – Sung Jin-Woo, now her master and everything she pledged eternal loyalty to. He was lying next to her, also unclothed. She realized that her waking up had unintentionally awakened the girl next to her. Perhaps he was also exhausted from the long fight, not just physically but mentally as well.

"Esdeath?" He called out again, shaking her. He sat up and looked at her with a worried expression. "Is everything alright?"


I don't know where some of you got it but let me especially tell you again I didn't nerfed mc.

No it wasn't like that I don't even like stories where mc gets nerfed or dumb I didn't nerfed him, it's Just the esdeath I'm writing is similar to her manga variant.

Who can freeze continent's,

Yes physically Jinwoo is stronger but energy wise Esdeath nearly beats him.

And I didn't nerfed in fact I have his power grow much stronger in this fight which lasted more then 13 hours.

I didn't nerfed him nor am I going to.

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