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18.26% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Capítulo 16: Chapter 16

At nightfall you can see a lonely figure sitting on a tower, in front of the tower a small fight occurs where several orcs were defeated but the figure on the tower does not even register what is happening, said person only looks at the horizon without really focusing on anything and only occasionally repeating a phrase.

"I'm a pervert... I'm a degenerate... I'm a pervert." it all happened a few hours before.


*Some hours before.*

'Wow I really earned a huge fortune, now I can repair the castle, besides I obtained a huge amount of metals and I will be able to create some elemental weapons too, but more important Inow have gold... now that I think about it, I have to pay salaries too, not to mention with all the new 'recruits' I have.'

I had to pay them salaries and organize them, I already have more than 100 people so I also have to start thinking about where to get food, clothes and others suplies, besides that I will have to prepare weapons and armors, I probably can use the weapons droped from the monsters, but I'm still short on armors. In the game the player could only create weapons in a limited way, but here I can create armor thanks to the skill that I obtained, although I don't have the blueprints on how to make them or even the list of necessary materials, so I'll have to innovate, the best thing would be to base myself on other games where things can be forged so I'll try to copy the designs and materials to make them.

As we walk back to the castle, I turn to see the people I 'recruited', their weapons leave a lot to be desired, even the kobols had better weapons, and their armor or rather their lack of them since the better thing I've seen is a wood and leather shield, from then on they only bring their clothes, I saw in the city that there is leather, why don't they make armor with it? According to what I saw, they were also all considered adults since their ages go from 18 to 25 years with varied levels from 23 to 34.

'At least I won't worry about 'attacking' some of the girls in the castle anymore, although thanks to the fact that I modified things in my system I don't think it would happen, in case I want it I could go with Arldana or Nambra.' although while we are walking I remember something and turn to ask Aphine.

"Aphine, I wanted to ask you how marriage works here, I mean how do you know that two people are married?" I immediately lengthen my question when I see how Aphine turned red, I'm going to take responsibility for them but now I want to understand a little how it works in this reality, since I will probably do it with some of the new women and it is better not to go for married women, I already did too much NTR. I remember in the game it was a western wedding, with a white dress, rings and stuff.

So she proceeds to explain to me how it works, which is basically like in the game, only it just takes more time to prepare, since you talk to the priest of the temple 1 month or at the very least 2 weeks before the wedding and if the wedding is in Prontera in sometimes the king is the one who officiates the ceremony, and like westerners they wear their rings as a sign that they are married.

Then I proceed to explain the different forms of weddings that I remember, the Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, weddings of kings, of the steppes, of ancient civilizations, in short I had a good chat in which Nysynea was also interested in talking about the different regions, after that Aphine told me something interesting.

"I didn't know there were so many ways to get married! Some of them sound very romantic, I wonder how is the ceremony to get children? Does it work the same as ours?" Wait, they don't react to sex because I have to follow a series of commands, steps or something for them to recognize it?

"I don't think so, but it's alright to talk about those things... in public?" I looked at her and from the look I gave her she noticed that I didn't understand what she meant, so she began to explain it to me.

"Is OK everyone knows how to do it, Hmmm, to get a child we go to a special room in the church and pray to the god Odin to bless us with a child" so is it in a room? or it will only work in a certain area... I guess I'll end up building a church in my territories I'll just put Aphine as the priest of the place and I can use the room whenever I want.

"Depending on the devotion the couple a child is given to them, in the following days he is given a name and his parents help him learn to walk and talk, after a week they return to the church to show that they can take care of the child." Wait, I don't know why but I'm not liking the direction of the conversation, I feel that there is something odd...

"After that he or she goes with his/her parents so he/she can learn what he/she needs to survive in the world, 4 years later he/she is sent to school to become a novice for 2 years, where they turn 16 and can change classes to their first job... master is something wrong?" Aphine turns to see me, the others who came with me too, and they look at me somewhat worried when they see me stay still. I'm sure it's just my imagination yes, ahahaaha, I'll have to teach them math, yes, how can she go wrong in such a simple sum.

"Aphine you have to learn to add well, don't worry I'll teach you later, but just to clarify, when they are born you start counting their age from zero, like in some cultures that I told you or what is the age they count when they are born?" I see her with hope in my eyes, that what I'm thinking isn't true, just my imagination, yes I'm surely imagining things... hahahaha.

"Eh? Of course, we are all born 10 years old, master, and our age is counted from there, so in my case, with only 7 years old, I managed to change my job of High Priest, it takes decades to get, I am extremely grateful to you my.... MASTER!" Yes, I'm leaving, let go of me Nysynea, let me fall into the river, the only thing I didn't want to happen happened to me.

[Gamer's Mind Activated]

We managed to get back to the castle, not without having Gamer's Mind activated several times and at least 3 more guilt/suicide attacks when remembering all the things I did to them, hahahaha, where is the FBI when I need them, or the galactic police or whatever shit that takes care of the punishments of this place, I'm a degenerate pervert, and the looks that all the others give me do not help me at all, do not see me with pity, it would be better if they tried to stab me with their weapons. Hahahaha.

'Officer I didn't know they were of that age!! But I surrender, just don't let me appear on television, I accept all charges, just make sure they never lack for anything!'


*Present Time.

[Gamer's Mind Activated]

'This will be what, the fifty-ish time it has been activated? Although well at least I don't have suicidal thoughts anymore, but shit, the old teachings failed me... when in doubt choose the one with the bigger boobs. I mean, how the hell was I going to know that their ages were in 1 digit? Why the hell do I want my system if not even their ages are well marked!'

[Gamer's Mind Activated]

But it's not the time to lament anymore, it's midnight now so I have to get to work, the war is coming and I have to prepare weapons and armor for... I'm going to send children to fight, damn it, I get out of one problem and into another, I better disable various things in my system, before I and spend the next few hours regretting it again.

'Wow that's better, becoming a robot is fun, now let's see... it's already the next day, so I has been 11 days in this place...' I think I'm progressing very well, although there are still 9 more days before I know which world I will go to. Now I have my new 88 subordinates will be reborn as soon as it dawns, after they gain experience and change jobs again I will obtain 8 Lord Knights, 6 Paladins, 8 Snipers, 3 Clowns, 3 Gypsy, 12 High Wizards, 7 Professors, 10 Assassins Cross, 9 Stalkers, 5 Whitesmith, 5 Creators, 8 High Priest and 4 Champions.

Thanks to the fact that I am in this mode my thoughts are clearer and more efficient, however I will have many problems if I stay like this for a long time, the human mind is not prepared to eliminate all its emotions without driving you crazy, the best thing would be to activate some emotions and not leave everything turned off... the human mind is not prepared to carry this type of load.

While I think this I start the construction mode and begin to modify the castle, it's like playing a game of CityDev, although I only have two options, my castle and the village of kobolds that I 'liberated' today, first and thanks to the resources I can repair the walls, forge, kitchen and dining room, the bedrooms are in good condition so I decide to expand the walls a little more to the other castle, it does not allow me since I do not have control to modify it, but I was able to approach it 50 meters, so I'll have to do the rest manually.

I repair the battlements, put loopholes in the walls and towers, also create a couple of extra watchtowers and try to repair the outer towers, although according to this it is easier to take them down and rebuild them not to mention that I can also recycle the materials used, I choise everything that is inside first and then proceed to check everything outside. I keep looking at what to modify.... I place barbicans at the main gate and will have to forge the portcullis.

And with this I spent all the stone and more than half of the wood, I will have to cancel the repairs of the interior towers due to lack of materials, If they manage to cross the outer wall, I will retire with everyone, I am not going to risk their lives in a battle that is already lost if the wall falls. An advantage of the construction mode is that they build themselves without the need to evacuate the area, it just takes a few hours, it really is another cheating skill, building and repairing something that would last for weeks or months normally in a few hours.

Now I guess I must prepare my subordinates, the best is to separate them into 5 groups of 20 each, commanded by Arldana, Lilinaya, Nambra, Aphine and Epianne, the other 19 girls that I bought will be their second in command, I'm still not sure about what happened but when the new recruits changed to their seconds jobs they did not win the title 'oxoxo of Leonhard' like the rest of my girls. The title they obtained is Knight/Crusader/Priest/Etc. of Britoniah, I will have to wait until they are reborn to know if this will change or not and if it affected anything since the title does not explain anything, it only says symbol of belonging to the order of Britoniah.

So for the moment and leaving the system do all the repairs alone, I still can't figure out the reason why they were enslaved either, but if what the captives tell me is true, they were deceived by the viceroy of Geffen, who must have a bigger plan than just enslaving people. So I asked Lilinaya to investigate what will happen with them, other adventurers who escaped from the Kobolds, so I start to think about what to do to with the time I just got,

'On the to-do list is creating armor, weapons, changing jobs, forging a portcullis and building a palisade between both castles' I give the order to start building the palisade to one of the girls who are on the wall. On the other hand, I finally received the observations of the other castle, the walls and towers are in good condition and to my surprise we found a complete alchemical laboratory. Now we can begin to produce healing potions.

'Now that I think about it, could they use weapons from other jobs or can they only use the ones that are exclusive to their job? I was able to equip the Lord Knight's weapons despite being a Whitesmith I have to check this.'

After several experiments, I managed to discover that the class limit is a lie, although it does not mean that everyone can use the weapons properly, apparently their jobs allows them to adapt to the weapons of said profession more quickly, to use other weapons they have to learn to use them normally, thanks to that the amount of weapons that I would need to forge decreases drastically, something that will be good to do then is create spears and bows for everyone, so they can attack from the walls.

'I think we can use the 100 Crossbow that I got from the Kobolds, they are easy to use as there isn't much science in them, it will probably be good to create some Arbalest too, although the problem will be the arrows... eh? Nambra, Yhefi and Aleesia have the Arrow Crafting skill, they get it after being reborn? ' Come time has passed since i started testing and while I was formulating an action plan Lilinaya returned and kneeled in front of me giving me her report.

"Master, from what I see in Geffen they didn't do much with the surviving adventurers, or rather it's probable that they didn't even realize something since none of them approached Geffen as they headed towards the Prontera without entering the city." Hmmm another thing that I hadn't paid attention to, Lilinaya acts more... cold would be the correct word, she seems to be more reserved, well, it's the image expected of a cold and reserved assassin, how distracted was I that I didn't even notice?

I pat her head and thank her for her work and I tell her to go rest, and for my part I I head towards the forge, there are a few hours left until dawn, I will begin to refine the Elunium and Oridecon with the help of Akhene, is not that much needs to be done just drop the ores and wait for them to melt.

While we wait for the ingots to be prepared, I start creating an armor on a paper, most of the pieces I think of consist of things that are almost impossible to recreate at the moment, either due to lack of materials or just the idea is not feasible, even when creating full body armor the amount of metal required to make it is astronomical, I can probably only forge about 10 or 20 of them

At the end, I decide to create a simple Padded Armor, although it will have several variants, some will be covered with steel plates to reinforce it making a slightly heavier armor, this would be the basic armor of the Knights, Paladins and Whitesmiths, for the Assassins and Stalkers it will be the more leather and will only have steel in critical places so that it does not weigh so much. For the Snipers it will be mostly leather, and a little tighter so it doesn't bother them, although I'm going to make it a little thicker in the front part.

For the Wizards and Priest, I would like to put them in the same armor as the others, but when I asked them they told me not to give them armor, so I created a robe with wolf leather, and according to what they told me they will be able to enchant it, I asked the champions and creators and they directly requested a Padded Armor. Once I thought of the designs I went to work on making them and when I finished the first armor Akhene was panting? It is the first time that I see an expression like this in the NPCs.

"What happens Akhene? you are well?" She doesn't answer me, but she approaches me and begins to observe the armor, by the way she's acting I wouldn't be surprised if she stripped naked and started masturbating, or even asked me to have sex, so the NPCs can react according to the circumstances? I proceed to put my hand on her shoulder and she finally reacts.

"Master, how did you do this!? Are you the god of blacksmithing!? If so please accept me as your disciple! I will give my body to you, mind and soul please at least let me see you when you work!" What the hell? Now she act like I'm selling some kind of drug.

"Calm down, take a deep breath." No it doesn't work, well I'll have to do it my way, so I decide to lift her top and caress her chest, she looks at me confused and immediately ends up like the others and stays still, so I stop massaging her chest and start talking with her.

"Can you explain to me why you are so excited?" I tried to adjust her top and again she went into fan girl mode, so I decide to leave her topless, so she is calm and she can answer my questions, she just stares at me and starts talking.

"Master, the techniques and skills to create armors have been lost for a long time, we can only create clothes, the armors that people wear are the ones they get by changing jobs, that's why what you made is impressive... Please accept me as a disciple! if you wish... I can be naked while you teach me..." I see, that explains why I didn't find any armor...

'Wait, is she embarrassed? but how is it possible? she clearly acted like a robot... did her AI deduce that if she remained naked I would teach her? So, it create some function where she accept that it is normal to be naked if you want to learn?' While I am distracted I notice that she has already taken off her shorts and now she is completely naked in front of me, I notice how she act like a robot at first, and a little later she wants to cover herself but shows a look of determination and places her hands to her sides.

"Master, please accept me as your disciple, I'm willing to do whatever you want." With her face red but with a look of determination, she stands in front of me completely naked. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, since I have all my emotions eliminated, so I begin to experiment to see if I can understand what started her 'update', for which I ask her to take various poses, observing her reactions, she begins to act like a robot sometimes when she has to take compromising poses and when I touch her, but most of the time she acts normal.

'Although thinking about it, forcing her to pose naked in front of me... I'm lucky that no one is going to come here for today. Not to mention that she is 15 years old... note to myself: No more random experiments.'

"Very well I accept you as my apprentice, get dressed and let's get ready and by the way, you shouldn't undress... you can only undress if I tell you understood?" I'm sure something bad will happen if I let her act on her own, I don't know how the NPCs who joined me today will react if they see her naked when she's with me or if she will act normal if I don't give specific commands.

"YEAH! Thanks, teacher! I will learn all your techniques, don't worry!" She immediately jumps up and hugs me, I hold her and I hand her shorts so she can get dressed, hmmm she acted normal when she hugged me? when I hug her a while ago, she also became a robot, why she is different now...? Stop thinking. Well today I learned something interesting, I'll have to plan more about how to unravel the mysteries of their AI.

After that I start to explain to her how to create armor and I 'assemble' another one while she watches, after I explained the process 2 more times I discovered that a new skill appeared in her skill tabs.

[Smith Armor (Active/Passive) Lv: 1/4 (Can be upgrated Max. Lv: 5)

Description : Enables to forge Armor Class Items by consuming all the required items. This skill`s level not affects the level of armors that can be created. Skill level affects success rate.

Required to possess of materials and blueprints required for production.

DEX and LUK additionally affect success rate.]

When I look at mine, a similar skill also appears, although mine levels up to a maximum of 10, and in the blueprints now only show [Steel Plate Armor (Steel) - Pending], [Steel Armor (Steel) - Pending], [Light Padded Armor (Leather) - Produced], [Padded Armor (Hard Leather) - Pending], [Heavy Padded Armor (Steel) - Pending] and [Blue Wolf Robe - Pending]. It seems I have to design on paper what I want to do and calculate the amount of materials I need, since I had designed a dragon armor but I didn't even know what materials to use, so it was not shown here.

'So I can teach my skills to others... another thing to experiment I'll see if they can learn any skill or do they have to be exclusively from their class, today without a doubt is a day of discoveries.'

"You already learned it, well done, just so you know I'll going to teach this skill to the others, but since you.... became my apprentice I will teach you much more." She just stares at me.

"Pervert, surely you were thinking of me naked... and it's better that I don't know that you teach the same thing as me to the other teacher! Or at least they will have to pass the same test as me! If I discover that you lied to me I will tell everyone what you did!" At first she only murmured but later she spoke normally and finished threatening me, It's a good way to interact with her, so I decide to do the last experiment and whisper in her ear.

"You could have refused at any time, you know well that I would accept you from the beginning but you still did all that of your own free will..." I see how she begins to blush, so they really have responses to sexual actions? Then why don't they react like that normally? It could also be because they were reborn, since Arldana and the others were reborn I didn't interact much with them

"But I will accept your proposal, they will do the same as you if they want to join, although just so you know, I'm the one who will choose if they take the test or not. Now let's get to work, we have to create more than 100 pieces of armor." She nodded and we begin to work.

It's weird how the skill works, at first I had to do it by hand, just like when I taught Akhene, but once I learned it just by using the skill, 5 seconds later the armor appears in front of me. Apparently with Akhene it's the same so we can quickly create the armor. In addition to creating several more equipment to make a 'complete armor' or at least our first pre-official uniform.

[Padded Armor Rank: Uncommon Type: Armor

Armor constructed of solid metal plates that have been padded on the inside for comfort. Defense - 35 Price: 48,000]

Forging: 30 Steel, + 3 Elunium, +10 Animal Skin, +50 Blue Hair.] 50 will be forged

[Light Padded Armor Rank: Uncommon Type: Armor

Modified armor constructed of leather that have been padded on the inside for comfort, It has steel plates only protecting vital areas. Defense - 20 Price: 32,000]

Forging: 10 Steel, + 2 Elunium, +20 Animal Skin, +50 Blue Hair.] 50 will be forged

In the end I decided to create only 2 varieties of armor, since the heavy one, despite the fact that it is better, spends a lot of materials that I don't have at the moment, although I don't worry much since it is only the 'temporal basic' equipment and then I'm going to create real specialized armor for each job.

[Blue Wolf Robe Rank: Uncommon Type: Armor

A wolf skin robe knit out of blue threads. Defense - 23 Price: 7,000]

Forging: 1 Elunium +10 Animal Skin +10 Feather, +80 Blue Hair.] 30 will be forged

[Shield Rank: Rare Type: Armor

A well crafted shield which most kinds of attack cannot penetrate.

Defense - 60 Price: 56,000]

Forging: 2 Elunium +80 Steel +6 Animal Skin +10 Wolf Claw.] 15 will be forged.

I thought we would need more of this shield but apparently only the paladins want to use it the rest will use the Bucklers that we got from the Kobolds, luckily we have more than 100, but we will probably forge some more to have some spare.

[Buckler [1] Rank: Uncommon Type: Shield

A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks.

Defense - 40 Price: 14,000] we have 105 of them.

[Steel Boots Rank: Uncommon Type: Footgear

A pair of heavy leather boots of Lunatic fur padded with steel plates that is suited to warriors.

Req. Swordsman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class. Defense - 16 Price: 18,000]

Forging: +10 Steel, +6 Animal Skin, +10 Feather.] 80 will be forged.

[Iron Boots Rank: Uncommon Type: Footgear

A pair of boots made of supple, high quality leather reinforced with iron plates.

Req. None. Defense - 9 Price: 5,000]

Forging: +6 Iron, +6 Animal Skin, +20 Blue Hair.] 80 will be forged.

[Muffler Rank: Common Type: Garment

A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders.

Req. None. Defense - 8 Price: 5,000]

Forging: +10 Animal Skin, +20 Feather.] 80 will be forged

[Manteau Rank: Uncommon Type: Garment

A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather.

Req. Swordsman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class. Defense - 13 Price: 32,000]

Forging: +20 Animal Skin, +30 Blue Hair.] 80 will be forged

We're done quickly, thanks to not having to actually forge the things, so we proceed to discuss what weapons we need. After so much debate about weapons we decided the easiest way to do it, so I go and ask what weapon they want, there were many proposals, at the end we decided to use the most popular ones.

[Ring Pommel Saber [2] Rank: Uncommon Type: Sword

An one-handed sword with an elaborately designed hilt.

Req. Level: 27, Swordsman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class. Attack - 100 Price: 24,000]

Forging: 40 Steel +50 Wolf Claw] 25 will be forged

[Flail [2] Rank: Uncommon Type: Mace

With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very intimidating weapon.

Req. Level: 14, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class. Attack - 69 Price: 16,000]

Forging: 33 Steel +5 Emveretarcon]. 15 will be forged

[Pike [3] Rank: Common Type: Spear

A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers.

Req. Level: 4, Swordsman Class. Attack - 60 Price: 3,450]

Forging: 70 Iron.] 100 will be forged

[Halberd [1] Rank: Rare Type: Spear

A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking.

Req. Level: 33, Swordsman Class. Attack - 165 Price: 54,000]

Forging: 10 Steel + 12 Oridecon.] 10 will be forged

To tell the truth only 5 people requested spears, I don't understand why they don't want to use them, it is a very reliable weapon, even so I will make everyone carry one since they give a great advantage in defensive battles, and they will be extremely used on the palisade.

[Fist Rank: Rare Type: Claw

A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on enemies.

Req. Level: 24, Priest Class, Monk Class. Attack - 115 Price: 53,000]

Forging: 4 Oridecon + 10 Ruby.] 15 will be forged

Thanks to my new skills I can even create weapons that couldn't be found in the game like bows, instruments, whips and katars, the only bad thing is that most of the higher level weapons ask me for precious stones that I don't have, so I'll have to send someone to get them.

[Gakkung Bow [1] Rank: Rare Type: Bow

A bow made famous by its use by Goongso, a legendary Korean archer that used this bow's power to smite his enemies.

Req. Level: 33, Archer Class, Thief, Rogue. Attack - 160 Price: 105,000]

Forging: 10 Steel + 6 Oridecon + 2 Trunk +1 Sardonyx.] 25 will be forged

[Arbalest [1] Rank: Rare Type: Bow

A powerful siege weapon that is, in essence, a huge crossbow. Requires a minimum of 2 people to operate it

DEX + 2

Req. Level: 33, Archer Class, Thief, Rogue. Attack - 360 Price: 148,000]

Forging: 20 Steel + 10 Oridecon + 20 Trunk +10 Topaz.] 5 will be forged

[Jamadhar Rank: Rare Type: Katar

A specially made katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third blade from within.

Req. Level: 33, Assassin Class. Attack - 165 Price: 37,200]

Forging: 10 Steel + 4 Oridecon, +2 Zircon.] 15 will be forged

[Gladius [2] Rank: Rare Type: Dagger

A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans.

Req. Level: 24, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class. Attack - 105 Price: 43,000]

Forging: 40 Steel + 4 Oridecon + 1 Sapphire.] We have 41 and I will see how many can be forged

I still don't understand how a gladius came to be classified as a dagger in this world, from what I see of the ones we already have, it has the shape and size of the Roman gladius, a very reliable weapon so it will become the most basic weapon that they would possess.

It is an advantage not having to forge so many things, mostly because we do not have many resources to be able to forge what I want, so many will have to comfort themselves with monster weapons in addition, I will put several of these weapons for whoever wants to use them, thanks to the large number that we have. It consist in 172 x Katana [3] and 42 x Slayer [3] that are two handed swords, 14 Blade [4] One hand swords, 12 x Battle Axe [4], 8 x Orcish Axe, 167 x Axe [3], 99 x Hammer [3], 106 x Crossbow [3].

[Battle Axe Rank: Common Type: Two-handed Axe

A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once.

Req. Level: 3. Attack - 80 Price: 5,400]

[Orcish Axe Rank: Rare Type: Axe

An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors.

Req. Level: 3, Assassin Class. Attack - 75 Price: 27,200]

[Axe [3] Rank: Common Type: Axe

A common axe.

Req. Level: 3, Attack - 38 Price:500]

[Hammer [3] Rank: Rare Type: Two-handed Axe

A really big hammer.

Req. Level: 16, Attack - 120 Price: 15,500]

[Crossbow [3] Rank: Uncommon Type: Bow

A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies.

Req. Level: 18,. Attack - 65 Price: 17,000]

Why the hell is a hammer classified as an axe? besides I didn't know I had so many weapons in my inventory, actually I don't know how much crap I have in there, I better check properly what I have, a big advantage is that I can organize my inventory with just one click, even though I have to sit down and analyze well what I have.

Another problem we have is that I don't have the slightest idea of how to make magic wands, not to mention that I don't have any skills for it at the moment, I probably have to become a wizard to get it, the only good thing is that I had already bought several at Geffen.

Once dawn I made everyone's reborn and I see their status, as I thought, their titles didn't change much, they gained the tittle, Member of Britoniah, It doesn't give them many advantages like my girls and it seems that it doesn't guarantee their loyalty, how is it that the mercenary system interacts with my system then.

I also send Amisra (Creator) with Lilinaya to Morroc to buy the gems we need as far as I understand the discount skill works in this world, so I hope to save a little if we buy them directly in Morroc. I will give them money 4,000,000 to buy what is necessary in the end I decided to send Victoria (Assasin), Shetinoth (Stalker), Nysynea, Lusha (Champion) and Akhene too and I tell them to use Kafra's teleportation services, they will bring precious materials bought in a city of thieves, so what could go wrong...?

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