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Charles's with so many bodies of you kids and from all the stores so seeing my chance I spoke again. 

Darkseid: "Erik," I said as everyone looked at me as Erik looked. I pulled him towards me as He looked up as if he wanted to know what I wanted. 

Darkseid: "I can understand your anger. I believe I am also not happy after seeing all this and don't worry I will give them something much worse than Death. So many Mutant children dead they could have achieved greatness but Humans and their struggle to build a weapon not just kill us but themselves. So I will give you this chance. I want everything here gone Dead and the whole area should also pay for what they did." I spoke while looking into his eyes. Now it was his decision. If he decided this, I would have him as one of my Generals. If his Humanity was still with him and if he said no, let's just say I can find someone good who could use those powers. And I want him to decide on this without any influence from outside now that's why I had long stopped reading minds around me. 

So the only way Eric could end up serving me like Essex was if and only if he bent his knee to me of his own free will. If that act required any coercion or manipulation from me or Zelda then death was the only option that was awaited for him. 

When everyone heard this their eyes were wide open before Erik's group had grins on their faces while everyone waited for what he would say while Erik's mind was running wild. 

Erik Pov. 

I was but a normal human born and raised in Nuremberg, Germany by a middle-class Jewish family. While attending a local school I became attracted to a young Romani girl named Magda, the daughter of the school cleaner. I would do things such as craft her necklaces and excel in sporting events to gain her attention. While returning from school one day, I encountered a Nazi rally and found my uncle Erich beaten and wearing a sign saying that he had shamed a German woman (as he was Jewish, and she was not). Not long after, at a school event, I won a javelin competition to impress Magda, and the following day was accused of cheating (under the belief that a Jewish boy could not possibly exceed his "Aryan" classmates). I was told to either give up my medal or recreate the throw with a "regulation" javelin. After winning the competition a second time, I was again accused of cheating, expelled, and beaten by the other children.

This is how most of my childhood has gone. if even I had one in the first place Whatever it was it good not the best but good until came the fucking World War I, my father got beaten the family conditions grow worse came to another human war World War II, 

When I became a smuggler at a very young age to help his family survive. When the Nazis began deporting the ghetto's residents to the Treblinka extermination camp in July 1942, I and my family escaped from Warsaw. On their way to a hideout, we were captured by Nazi soldiers. As we were about to be executed, father saved my life by pushing me out of the firing line without anyone noticing. The corpses and I were buried in a mass grave. 

I was eventually found and captured and would spend my early teens imprisoned at the Vernichtungslager (extermination camp) in Auschwitz, Poland. I didn't trust Mengele and, consequently, became a Sonderkommando to avoid selection for the geneticist's experiments. Cleaning out the furnaces of the crematoria, I discovered the bodies of my friends who had been selected by the geneticist and turned into monsters. The only member of my family to survive the Holocaust, and I learned first-hand how brutally human beings could treat those they considered different.

While in Auschwitz, I was reunited with Magda and continued to smuggle food and supplies to her. I saved Magda from the gas chambers and then from execution; as the Sonderkommando revolted, the two of us escaped together. For several years, I and Magda lived in a Carpathian Mountain village, and eventually, we were married. They had a daughter, Anya. 

And this time I got the identity of Erik Magnus Lehnsherr. I was satisfied with the simple life of a mountain village. I moved my family to the then-Soviet city of Vinnytsia so he could better himself. On their very first day in the city, I consciously used my powers for the first time. 

I magnetically hurled a crowbar at his boss who was cheating him of his pay. When I returned to the inn where Magda, Anya, and he were staying, I saw that it was on fire and my daughter Anya was trapped on the upper floors. I tried to use his new-found powers to save his daughter, but his boss had called the KGB and they beat me up and held me down, preventing me from rescuing little Anya. 

The child fell, burning to her death, in front of me. I then used my powers to destroy the men holding him, the crowd watching, and a large section of the city of Vinnytsia as revenge. As I attempted to bury my daughter, more soldiers arrived after hearing what I had done and attacked me. After being shot in the head, I forced the soldiers to turn their own guns on themselves. 

Eventually, I traveled to Haifa, Israel, under the guise of "Erik Magnus". I worked there as a volunteer orderly at a psychiatric hospital for Holocaust victims. It was there I first met and became friends with Charles Xavier. I and Xavier frequently debated the subject of mutants' coexistence with the rest of humanity, though neither revealed to the other that they themselves were mutants. While Xavier was idealistic and believed that humans and mutants could co-exist, my experiences had hardened him, and I had come to believe that humanity would never allow mutants to live in peace. And the proof is in front of me. After the two of us joined forces to rescue our friend, Gabrielle Haller, from Baron von Strucker and his Hydra agents and revealed our powers to each other, I seized Hydra's store of Nazi gold and left for parts unknown, realizing his and Xavier's views were incompatible.

Even after all this, I attempted to stay on the path of righteousness and used my powers to help track Nazi war criminals. However, while working for one of the Western intelligence agencies they got news of my powers Western intelligence agency decided to put an end to his activities. They murdered My girlfriend at the time, Isabelle, right in front of my eyes. In a rage, I killed his "control" and cohorts. What little trust I still had for humanity shattered, I took the name "Magneto" and began planning his campaign against the human race.

In all these years I had seen and experienced what humans do to anything they see as different they burn and rule even their own kind just because they can, they do all this just because they have a different God or they have different Skin color and it's nothing in front of what they did to My fellow Mutants. 

They had committed so many atrocities with us that it can't be counted and this did not start from the last hundred or two hundred years No 

It's a custom that started when humans learn to use stones and fire and from then they burned us in the name of God by calling us Witches, Monster, and Demons, and here they put us in those tubes to experiment in the name of science for the greater good of humans and they still try to build weapons out of us to not only kill themselves but our own kind. In the name of a social or biological order designed by this regime. 

They had built those machines to keep us from getting our freedom. They had built those dog collars like we are not humans, we are some kind of wild animals that need to be put in collars.  And they now say they are building a cure for Mutants as if we are cancer to them. 

All I remember is pain. Just pure pain, nothing else. I am what the military calls a mutant. We were freaks of nature for them.

They take us to labs where they start our worst nightmare of ours. They placed us in cells putting dog collars. They would cut us and draw blood regularly. They would put many things inside us and then watch us writhing in pain for hours. 

They would ask us how I feel and if there was any change in our body that we feel. And we would comply because if we don't they would repeat the process again. 

On some rare occasions, they would just slice some of our fleshes. They were truly some joyous occasions cause on those days we would feel less pain. And I had felt everything through a little girl who shared all her pain with me as she is an empath. I felt all her emotions, fears, Pain, Cries for help, and everything as I was in her place. 


And here we are he standing in front of me someone who has gone through all this more In me or possibly more than any of us and what it made him maybe a very fit definition for a God someone who can move the moon and then put it back like its a game revive millions travel at unimaginable speeds kill more than a billion lives without batting an eye, creating a living army that doesn't die from civilization that is so advance from humans that they can wipe Humans like cockroaches. While also killing the Gods of that species. 

He didn't look angry like me when he looked at all this but he never looked angry even when he saw Sinister, someone who had experimented on him for years and he had even taken him under his wing. Maybe both of them are right. All power has a price and you have to pay to get it. 

So now the question is if I am ready to pay the price then Yes I am if Mutants can have a good life even if we had to fight daily for the right to live even if we had to snatch rights from others. Because there are always some people who will never see what is good for them or how worse humanity is. They will never see its flaws or maybe never accept it. So yes I am maybe this is why I live long enough this Is my Destiny I am made for this. 

3rd Person pov. 

Erik: "I will do it but I can't feel much metal in the facility." 

Darkseid: "Erik its your illusion and the illusion you surround yourself with, supported by people around you in thoughts of what you do is move metals around and levitate. And even then you can only control paramagnetic Metal. 

you don't know your own strength or your own potential but what you do is not even a fraction of what you can really do Erik Let me show you. As Darkseid says this all the metal plastic glass and two humans around them flew toward them.  

Darkseid: You generate and manipulate magnetic fields. not only control Magnetokinesis but also you can use it to create Magnetic Force-Fields that will take direct strikes from Thor Hammer, Magnetic Rays, Gravity Reduction, Geomagnetic Link, Metal/Matter Manipulation you can perceive and manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level. With it you can Morph metal into any shape or form. You can generate and project powerful bolts of electricity, you can create a Wormhole, make yourself invisible, and still just a small part of your true powers lies in the form of Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation. You can manipulate one of the four Foundation forces of the universe. 

Darkseid: "Erik You can fuse two atoms together creating so much energy that can solve human problems of energy like a fusion reactor. You can control minds and you could make anything magnetic, you can manipulate glass and plastic just like you could metal and you could end the world. You Erik not the master of Magnetism no you are the master of Electromagnetic Spectrum"

As Darkseid explains this everything that flew toward him and follows what Darkseid was explaining like when he said Erik could Morph metal all metal around him Morph into different shapes and forms from liquate to solid then electricity created on them. A Wormhole appears and two atoms fuse together and start to shine proving a fusen has happened. And so on. 

Hering and watching all this everyone's eyes were wide open now they never thought of something like this even the smartest mind looked shocked especially Erik who never try to explore his powers. 

Darkseid: So Erik I will say again join me in this war. You will have to become emotionless. You will have to do things that will challenge your morals and ethics. You will have to do things that would make you reconsider your life choices. 

Erik looked at Darkseid with understanding. He saw that there was some wetness in his eyes. Sohe goes down to his Knee. 

Erik: "You know I know about all that. And you know what I thought. Everything has a price. And someone has to pay. Rich kids enjoy the wealth that their ancestors paid for. So how can our race's freedom come without any sacrifice? Someone has to sacrifice their sleep, their morals, their ethics, their sanity. 

Hearing this, Darkseid nodded. In the next second Zelda beeps and a black liquid. appeared in his hands. This liquid at one time would turn into a solid and sharp weapon and at other times it was as fluid as water.

Darkseid: "Well then let me give you a gift as my first true Soldier. This matter is something that only I can make. I can manipulate it completely. It is far sturdier than any metal you have heard. Also, its toughness, sharpness, and magical properties can easily rival Adamantium, Vibranium, and Uru. 

It defies physics. It can bond with any living organism. 

Yes, it can bond with your body and you can turn it off and on at will. It improves you at the genetic level and increases your strength by a lot. 

Also, this metal does not have any magnetic properties.

It can also absorb radiation and shocks. Also, no metal detector can detect my metal. It enhances your Mutant ability and if you are a normal human it not only gives you an enhanced strength to lift up tons but It also enhances your Genome and you can get any ability. 

It can be turning invisible, it can be blending in the environment or you can scream really loud. You can produce bioelectricity or you can use ultrasonic sound waves, echolocation like, etc. You got the gist of it. 

And not only that. This metal even makes you fireproof, bulletproof, and shockproof to most degrees. It even makes your mind calm in a dire situation.

This Metal will put your body into its prime and then lock that from you will not age and you will become self sustain for at least one month. This also greats your level Level II - Ailments Enhanced Regeneration. 

Also, this metal makes your body adaptable.

So what do you guys think of it now? " Darkseid finished with a small smirk. 

Every one of their jaws was hanging down. It was quite a comical view. They stood in the force field and even humans who were ignored were shell-shocked. 

They couldn't believe what they were hearing. 

Erik: This….This…. This metal. With this power, we can win at Any time now. We already have your army of mutants. Or the ' hyenas' as you like to call them. 

With this powerup, we can win only in one day. They don't have anything to stop us.

Darkseid: let me be clear. There are powers in this world that can wipe out the mutant race with a thought. We have to prepare as our war is not only with the Earth but it is with all the universe. 

Believe me when I say that our true enemies are beyond what you can even think or even imagine, but slowly and surely I will reach their power, and then I will rise.

Darkseid: This will be one of my gifts to you. I call it Elysium in the name of our race, the Elysian race.. I can give you many but like words spoken by me Power corrupts all and having too much at one time will do even with the smartest minds. It must be earned not given. 

Darkseid: "Now get up, it's time for a bond with this metal and a New Magneto to be born."

Erik nodded as he got up. Darkseid nodded as the next second the Metal leached on him. The metal started to enter Erik's body through the body pores, his mouth, and the nostrils. Darkseid makes Erik's pain receptors stop working or else Erik would be in a lot of pain. 

As Metal with him even deeper level than the symbiote. 

The bonding was completed in 2 minutes. and starts to take its effects as Erick starts to return to his prime in his 28s from 50 years old young man (comic book logic.) his hair was changed from white color while he looked more muscular and powerful now.

Darkseid: Well I wanted to know what unique power it gave you but it seems there are too many people outside.  I want you to rip every limb from their bodies. Turn this area into Wasteland. 

Erik: Yes, I will do that. I will turn this whole area into a land where death will walk. They killed thousands of babies of my race.Those traitors don't even deserve a place in hell. They even experimented on newborns and babies in their mother's wombs. Those damn traitors. I will take everything from them. They will ask for death and even In death, they will not get the rest. " Erik said the last part with venoms. Erik breaks down with every word and starts to cry out loud.  He started to cry like a little boy. 

Darkseid: Yes Yes, we will do that Erik. We will make them rue the day they were born. But first, calm down. Anger clouds your Judgement or have you forgotten that? We will give them 10 fold but first calm down. Don't let the anger consume you. it's not the time to show your weakness but the New Magento to the World. Channel that anger you have and you will find everything for it. Said Darkseid while placing his hand on the shoulder of Erik and after hearing this he nodded. Make sure to leave no one alive. They call us a devil and devil they shall greet. " Spoke Darkseid as they prepare to teleport outside 

But before this happens one man who still was blinded by his own teachings spoke

Charles: "Erik don't do this there is thousands of people kids females young and old in this town good honest innocent without knowing about all this"

Erik: "Charles you know this all and don't give the excuse you read minds of billions of people while stting in this chair you you know their but you dont do a thing you know most if not all the mutant experiments facilities that are in the world but you dont do a shit. You know evry killer, every rap*est every hydra member in the world you know every terrorist and their every attack but you don't do a shit mutant brothers and sisters all dead countless others experimented on on butchered where were you Charles "

"You know this all we were supposed to protect them where were you when your own people needed you hiding you and your group pretending to be something you're not  you abandoned us all you abandoned just for this fake peace look around what did it cost us those little childers they all were nothing but pure they did nothing wrong some were even didn't came to the world don't you understand. I let my race mercy of human long enough in thought that they will change but NEVER AGAIN. 

Peace was never an option, not after this." Spoke Erik with so much anger everything around him started to shake and all humans fell down and even the town felt that earthquakes of 5 magnitude were coming while every metal and even plastic and glass circle around proving how much power boost Elysian gave him. 

While Hearing all this all the Mutants were now in shock as this means Charles knew all this and if they think with logical brain it makes scans why didnt they think like that does it means he had mess with their brains more then that. And now if they think deep enough why Charles was there when they needed him the most just before the End like a hope for them Now all this makes scans he was there to become their hero all dots connect now and now was question how deep these dots goes How long he knows them and WHY. and this realisation shock them to the core especially the females in the group who were so lost that they didn't even notice they shifted had space. While Darkseid corruption working on it fullest, asking them to ask more questions to themselves. 

Darkseid Pov. 

While watching this I had a smile on my face as how much I did with just a accdent my manipulation and thoughts are scary. As all of us disappeared and then appeared just 500 meters up in the sky. Which was filled with Jets and Helicopters and some media Helocopters and ground below them had many tanks and an army wielding highly destructive weapons. Some Hulkbusters Headquarters and some Heroes and SHIELD agents with their own weapons. And even sexy red hair killers are here. With all the media around whole area. 

As everyone saw us they pointed weapons at us. But then the whole place started to shake. 

3rd Person Pov 

At this time a new Erik was born, one who knew what he wanted and the one who was ready to walk the hell to achieve what he wanted. The Elysian army, he is The General who never loses. 

But the title given to him by his enemies is the most eye-catching. He is The Demon General of the Elysian's. His name alone is enough to change the tide of the war. The one-man army, The Metal God Erik.

important to read 

So what powers cod best suit for Magneto please commant and I know today's chapter was more concentrated on him but Hii this character least deserves a chapter and now he is part of Darkseid army. And that's why he had Mutants with him all the time he is forcing them to open their eyes while corrupting the famels. 

Charles is a one hack of mother fuker messed up

character maybe marvel darkest.

So after this arc  is done with all this I will start world development giving the Povs of most if not all important peoples the space Shi'ar Empire, Universe, Cosmic Beings, Earth, US, Heroes, Heroes who were not on the island and Villains, Future Villains like Kang now time line is messed up for his other variants Asgard, now its strongest weapon strongest weapon broken like that. and especially the females. 

So some if not all people don't know, Apocalypse is the smartest when it comes to genetics and Mutant X Gene most of you think he is all because of Celestial tech but you should know he is first born mutant with thousands of years experience with it anf if you count his money he will be trillionaire as he was a farrow of Egypt, and you can imagine rest if it in fact, any true older person with enough brain will have enough money to put Tony stark in shame. 

Now he is using Celestial for years imagine we gave him a cave man our tech he can use it but can't explain how it works and how its do so he be called smart or dumb this is what Apocalypse place and he can use frist because he got knowledge from a Celestial but remember he is using it for thousands of years and he had learned it even if he can't explain it like how many of you explain what internet is. 

Why are Comments getting fewer When I am putting more effort into them? Uploading images and writing this long chapter Do it write some comments 


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Marvel once published an employee's resignation letter in a comic. 

In 1979, former Marvel Comics artist Dave Cockrum had resigned and later found his resignation strangely inserted into the Iron Man comic issue number 127. His letter was featured in a panel which shows Stark's butler, Jarvis, resigning after an abusive episode with Tony Stark. 

One of the most unexpected Marvel facts: The letter published was copied word for word from the original letter the former comic artist had written. 


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️


GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

important to read 

So what powers cod best suit for Magneto please commant.

So after this arc  is done with all this I will start world development giving the Povs of most if not all important peoples the space Shi'ar Empire, Universe, Cosmic Beings, Earth, US, Heroes, Heroes who were not on the island and Villains, Future Villains like Kang now time line is messed up for his other variants Asgard, now its strongest weapon strongest weapon broken like that. and especially the females. 

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