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World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte) World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte) original

World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)

Autor: Audio_Coon

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1

Author's Note: Chapter Edited and "Improved".

(This chapter has been translated by Deepl and corrected by Grammarly. If you find any errors or have any suggestions with the translation and wish to improve any paragraph, please go ahead, your help will be welcome and you will be given credit for helping to improve the chapter. ^^)

Every time a dialogue appears with quotation marks (" ") it will be a spoken dialogue (which involves sound, the use of the mouth, or any organ that facilitates the dialogue by physical means and that everyone in the environment and with hearing capacity can hear).

Every time a hyphen (-) or some other type of separation (#, %, &, /, among others) appears, it means a being different from what could be expected is communicating and is audible, example: A ghost, a god, a spirit, a shadow (yes... a shadow that speaks) among other types of uncommon beings. In any case, I will explain in advance which signs will be used with which character if the chapter warrants it.

Whenever a wavy dash (~) appears, it implies a thoughtful dialogue. This dash can also be used when two people are having a telepathic chat or someone is reading someone else's mind.

Whenever text appears without quotation marks or a dash at the beginning, it implies a descriptive dialogue of the situation.

Whenever an asterisk (*) appears at the beginning and the end of a word or sentence, it means that it is some kind of sound effect (I'm still learning which ones and how to use them) example: *Bang*.

I will use a name in brackets "()" at the beginning of each dialogue to make it easier to identify who is talking or communicating, as long as there is more than one character talking or thinking, otherwise the POV will tell you who is talking.

Probably some comments will appear in parenthesis "()" and with a dialogue starting in "A:". Example: (A: Me) That would be me, and I'm just getting involved to play "comedian" and interact a little more with you, so it's not dialogue that will be heard by any character in the novel. If you don't like me commenting or feel it destroys your connection to the novel, just comment and I'll stop doing it.

If you have any questions or suggestions to improve the chapter and make it more readable, understandable, descriptive, or awesome, feel free to comment. I try to read, answer and take into account every comment you make as well as the suggestions.

Now, enjoy the novel.

... ... ...

(POV: Protagonist. Time: Depends on the perspective. For the protagonist a long time, for those observing, only a few minutes. Place: No place is a place). (A: "Courage the cowardly dog" does not count XD).


A voice was singing in the darkness, although his voice sounded good, you could tell it wasn't something he had mastered.

(Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky)

"Good Morning! Today's forecast calls for blue skies."

"Sun is shinin' in the sky,

There ain't a cloud in sight

It's stopped rainin'

Everybody's in a play

And don't you know,

It's a beautiful new day."




A slightly glowing figure was visible in the darkness and that was where the singing was coming from.

(Protagonist) ~Oh, hello, were you listening to me? I love that song. ~ I nodded.

~ I almost feel like they were playing in front of me. I hope you liked my singing... and the song too. ~ He thought with an optimistic and bright smile on his face. (A: Ba-dump tss... )

~Well, I'll tell them a little about myself, you know, to chat a bit. ~ He thinks while gesturing with his hands.

~I don't know how I died, but I'm sure I'm dead. I know, this infinite darkness that surrounds me confirms it... ~ He thinks while pointing around him.

~I've been aware of my current state for some time, even so, I don't know what will happen now. If I'm honest, I hope I can meet a god who will give me some wishes so I can live in one of my favorite stories and have some incredible power to deal with whatever comes my way. ~Thinks as he lightly punches the air.

~I don't consider myself someone violent or with a great fighting spirit, but, I do think of myself as someone quite competitive. I've always liked to win, although I think it's something common in everyone, I also know that it all depends on the situation and the person, even so, I think that deep down we all want to win. ~ Nods with a confident face.


~I wish some god would show up soon. Being so long surrounded by darkness and where all I can see is my "body", it's stressful... It would be worse if I didn't have hope and faith that some god will appear and grant me what I desire. I know it, I can feel it in my spirit. ~ He thinks as his glow increases slightly and he touches his chest where his heart would be.

~You may ask, how can I be so sure, and the answer is simple, "Hope is the last thing to be lost" and "As long as there is life the possibilities are endless." ~ Think with a confident smile.


~I know it doesn't sound very convincing considering I'm dead, but, ask yourself this question, "What else can I do?". I've been conscious for a while now and the truth is, while I want to go crazy at this point because it's been a while without something happening, there's nothing to be gained by doing so. Besides, I truly believe that it is hope and faith that what I want will happen, that I am relatively sane now. I know I'm dead and what I said about "As long as I'm alive the possibilities are endless" may not be very valid, but, I'm looking at that saying from a deeper and more philosophical point of view. Why, simple, it also helps me stay sane and stay calm. ~ He thought, as he moved his arms and legs in a Buddhist meditation position.

~Sometimes you just have to believe to make it all work, and so far it's serving me well enough, that's what I believe. I deeply believe that I've been holding up very well despite being all alone, with nothing else to do besides talking to myself and of course, to you. ~ Suddenly a hint of desperation was visible in his eyes and his big smile, something that disappeared just as quickly.


~Ugh, what was that sound, and why does my head hurt so much? ~ He thought, clutching her head with both hands and the glow of his "body" was changing slightly.

~It hurts. How strange, I didn't think I could feel a headache, or any kind of pain, or even get sick in the condition I'm in... I mean, what could make a dead man sick, maybe life?...? *laughs*. ~ forgetting his headache, he held his stomach as he began to laugh nonchalantly with loud guffaws, enjoying his own "joke".

*Sigh* Suddenly and wearily he let out a long sigh.

~Sure, I know you may also be thinking that maybe I haven't made it as sane as anyone else might if they make it in the first place... but I reckon there are some things about me that I could throw out the window *laughs*. I find it so funny what one can do to keep oneself occupied in these kinds of situations *laugh*. ~ His laughter was short and sounded a bit sarcastic.

~I wonder, is this how people who were stranded alone, on islands or inhospitable places, would feel? Those places where the possibility of escape seemed nil and whose only possible friend was a coconut, some rock, or something like that... Although I don't have any of those things, at least there's your *laugh*. ~ He thought despondently.

~So I consider myself a winner in comparison. In the end, they're on their own and I'm not. By the way, if you disagree just answer me and tell me otherwise, I dare you *Laughter*. ~ He thought very cheerfully, enjoying his words.

... (A: No one who deigns to answer.)

~I'll take that as a "yes". Haha, I win.

~He nodded with glee.

~Now, I think I got a little sidetracked in what I was going to say, but that's normal for me, don't worry. Where was I going, mmmm... I remembered, for hope is the last thing you lose and the possibilities are endless. ~ He nodded again as he crossed his arms.

~Well, I can tell you that my friends used to say that I liked to eliminate some things in the definitions, something like when you make a square and erase its limits, but you still say it's a square because it used to be one, only now without stripes to limit it. I was always amused when they said it, but I sincerely believe that some things lack a deeper explanation or definition than what already exists. ~ Extending a hand, I continue.

~Example, I am dead because I can no longer reproduce and I don't follow the definition of the letter, but can I consider myself dead if we look at it more deeply, I mean, I am still here. Alone, but thinking and clear of myself. ~ He paused for a moment and then laughed briefly.

~At least as much as I can be. ~Waving a hand again to point, he continued.

~This is why I prefer to see things by removing some restrictions or adding some others. But of course, don't worry, everything has to be logical for it to happen, besides, it's not with everything, only with what I consider myself something, mmm, how to say it... "Not limitable", as is life, to give an example. I believe that life is so deep that even when we limit it to understanding it, the word can encompass more, even if for that I have to restructure it *Laughter*. And to the one who doesn't like it, let him answer as he favors *laugh*. ~ Again he began to laugh loudly, to the point that some tears that looked like small shining pearls, fell and were visible in his eyes.

Suddenly a laugh rang out in all the darkness. A laugh that sounded like that of the ultimate villain. (A: Alucard from Hellsing would be a good example of his laugh. Anyone who doesn't know the Hellsing OVAs should watch them, 100% recommended).

(?) - Well said!

(Protagonist) ~ Wow, suddenly this voice that echoes everywhere appears... Amazing, I'm glad someone finally answered me. ~ His smile was huge.

(?) -Well, it's fun to watch. And I think you deserve an answer.

(Protagonist). ~Great and the others won't say anything? ~ He thought as he looked around.

... (A: You're not worthy!)

Just silence.

(?) -I guess not. - The new voice sounded amused as he said it.

(Protagonist). ~ Well, it's your loss. ~ he thought with a shrug.

(?) -So, let's start by switching places.

Out of nowhere, all the darkness around him disappeared and instead, he was now sitting on top of an incredibly comfortable piece of furniture. In front of him was a table with a drink and assorted food.

(?) - Enjoy to your heart's content. - Said the strange voice coming from a figure shrouded in darkness that seemed to spring from his being, and with his arm beckoned him towards the table, as he sat from the other side.

(Protagonist) ~Well, thank you very much Lord God? ~ I ask with much hesitation.

(God?) -I'm not a god, but call me whatever you prefer. - He said calmly.

(Protagonist) ~That explains a bit about your appearance that sums up darkness... Are you a Demon or something? ~ Nodding at his calm reply, this time he sounded more curious than worried.

(Demon?) -I'm neither of those. Don't worry so much about my identity, I'm here to fulfill your hopes and give you some wishes.

(Protagonist) ~ Great, but do I have to give anything in return, I hope I can pay with something besides my soul. ~ With a smile appearing on his face, he quickly nodded.

(Dark Being) -*Laughter* I see you don't believe me, but that's your decision. On the other hand, of course, you have to give something in return but don't worry, I don't wish for your soul. - His little laugh echoed throughout the place.

(A: There is no better name than having no name *Nod*).

(Protagonist). ~ Alright, how many wishes do I have, and what do I have to give in return? ~

(Dark Being) -I'll give you 3 wishes, but you have some customizable options for you to choose from. The price is variable, but it's not a bad thing, it's just something I do to give things more exciting, *Laughter*. - Laughing briefly, he continues.

(Dark being) - So choose first how you prefer your desires. - Suddenly, on top of the table appeared a large book that looked heavy and whose cover looked magnificent. It was entitled "Personalized Wish List".

(Protagonist) ~Okay. ~ He thought as he shrugged his shoulders.

After some time perusing, he saw an option that looked interesting to him.

(Protagonist) ~Option Mega Myx: First wish: Location - Time - Race (Pick your location and the rest is random).

~Second wish: Wish for something and it will come with a plus (Increased Price).

~Third wish: Wish for something and it will come with a plus (Increased Price). Try it Now!

Nodding and with a smile on his face, he laughed amusedly and then said.

~I choose this one, it looks interesting.

(Dark Being) -I didn't expect you to be so bold *Laughter*. ~His evil laugh sounded and he seemed to be amused.

(Protagonist) ~ Well, the dead can take risks *Laughter*. ~ While his laughter full of joy sounded carefree.

(Protagonist) ~ If my soul is not at stake I don't see a problem. Besides, I'm curious to know what the price will be.

(Dark Being) - Oh yeah? *laughs* perfect. Let's start with the first wish then.

(Protagonist). ~ I wish to be reborn in the World of Warcraft universe, more precisely in Azeroth.

(Dark Being) -An interesting universe... continue.

(Protagonist) ~ For the second wish, I want a powerful mental protection ability, as powerful as your power allows, and with it, I can store all my memories, including the ones I have now.

(Dark Being) -*Laughter* So you're making sure to kill 3 birds with one stone. Very clever of you. - His amusement seemed to increase.

(Protagonist) ~Well, since I know the danger level of the world I'll be born into, I'd rather make sure I stay sane... As much as I can *Laughter*.

(Dark being) -*Chuckle* Excellent, continue. - He chuckled lightly.

(Protagonist) ~Before we continue, I'd like us to move on to choosing the time I'll be in and the race I'll be if that's okay.

(Dark Being) -*Cackle*- His laughter increased another tone. He seemed to be amused at everything, for his figure that oozed darkness trembled slightly as if he couldn't help but let his amusement be contained in his body.

Suddenly, a small lottery wheel appeared on the table. At the top, in a box, it was titled "Time". Its wheel of options had various words and colors on it, though there were so many that they couldn't be distinguished.

As soon as he finished laughing, he commented.

(Dark Being). - No problem, so I'll start.

One could see how the wheel began to turn at great speed. And such was its speed that fire came out of the edges and its color began to change little by little until it reached white, and then from one moment to the next, a big flash briefly illuminated everything.

(Protagonist) ~ Ugh. ~ He rubbed his eyes lightly to try to regain his sight. (A: Not that it works...)

(Dark Being) -*Laughter* Fortune is not something you should see. Now let's see what time you will be born. By the way, the time you're going to be born immediately regulates the number of races available to choose from, or in this case, to be chosen.

(Protagonist) ~It makes sense, *feel*. ~ He thought, quickly recovering from the surprise flash.

(Dark Being) -Perfect, then you will be born in... the time... of... - He said as they watched the wheel lose the other colors and only enlarge the color and word of the chosen time.

(Protagonist) ~Please say it at once. This kind of thing makes me impatient.

(Dark Being) -You're attracted to risks, but don't you have the patience to deal with them, that's a bit worrying. - He said with mock concern in his tone and then went back to sounding amused.

(Protagonist) ~I'm not attracted to risks. I chose that option because it's the one I want the most. Besides, life is more interesting if you don't know what to expect. And I can wait patiently impatiently... I hope I explain myself *laughs*. ~ He thought with a carefree smile on his face.

(Dark Being) -*Laughter*. Now, you will be reborn in "Azeroth primordial".

(Protagonist) ~Oh... ~ Suddenly his smile faded.

(Dark Being) -*Laughter* Let's see your race, which in my opinion is only relegated to elemental types, and therefore we will choose the type of elemental you will be reincarnated as. - He said while chuckling slightly.

(Protagonist) ~Okay (Protagonist). ~ He forced a smile.

(Dark Being) - What's wrong, *Laughter* revives that mood... *Laugh*- Tilting his head slightly to the side he asked, as he began to laugh nonchalantly.

(Protagonist) ~ *Laugh* Very good joke, you almost killed me with laughter... *laugh*. ~ Soon he joined him, with a big grin and not looking the least bit worried about anything.

(Dark Being) - *Laugh* Careful, my sense of humor can be deadly *Laugh*.

And they both continued to laugh at each other's jokes for some time...

-Time After-

(Dark being) -*Laughter*. Well, let's turn this wheel and see your fortune.

Again the wheel began to turn at great speed and from one moment to the next, a flash appeared again.

(Dark Being) -Even if you try, there is no law of fortune that you can learn by watching this wheel. It's just a normal wheel of fortune.

(Protagonist) ~You forget that it was literally on fire because of the speed at which it spins... ~ He thought with a forced smile.

(Dark Being) -Well, what's normal for me may not necessarily be normal for you *Laugh*. - He dismissed calmly with his characteristic evil laugh.

(Protagonist) ~Wait... I just realized that at no time have I spoken and all the time I have been communicating by my thoughts... ~ Suddenly a look of realization appeared on his face.

(Dark Being) -This always amuses me *Laugh*. So, you'll be an "earth" base elemental then. - Chuckling, he continued.

(Protagonist) ~Well, at least it's a tank.

(Dark Being) - Indeed. Now choose your third wish. - He encouraged with a gesture.

(Protagonist) ~Mmmm, I wish to have control over my body so I can change shape, and choose whether or not to add mass, among other things, with the ability to adapt and evolve to everything.

After the dark being struck an "I'm thinking" pose, he said.

(Dark being) ~ How about we make a deal?

(Protagonist) ~ Will you include my soul as payment?

(Dark being) -No. - He said with a chuckle.

(Protagonist) ~Then tell me, anyway, I can still choose whether to accept or not.

(Dark Being) -*Laughter* Very well. I will give you something that will help you a lot but I will choose. I will also refine your third wish. In return, I will give you quests from time to time that you will have to try to complete. I promise you that you will not regret it if you complete the quests. Also, this includes a lower price and is something apart from the price that the wishes have, what do you think?

(Protagonist) ~Mmm... Deal. One more power, even if you choose it, shouldn't be bad.

(A: How easily the gullible, the trusting, and the foolish fall... *laugh*).

(Dark Being) -Perfect. The price of the first wish will be: Fight, fight, defeat and help against the enemies that seek to destroy, control, and corrupt Azeroth. You shall keep Azeroth alive and free.

With the protagonist nodding, I continue.

(Dark Being) -For the price of the second and third wish: you must hone your skills and control over both abilities so that you can use them to their full potential. On the other hand, you will keep all your memories without any problems.

(Protagonist) ~Well, I expected something more, but I accept. Although I'm not someone good at fighting, I'll try my best. By the way, will I at least get the necessary information on how to use my powers? You know, since I have to learn on my own. I at least need to know how to train them.

(Dark Being) -Just the necessary so you can learn how to use it in the beginning and a little guidance, from there it's up to you. I recommend you start learning how to fight right away. So, until we meet again *laugh*. - His evil, dark laughter was starting to sound louder and louder.

(Protagonist) ~He does laugh a lot.

And as the protagonist listened to that laughter that seemed to have no end, he fainted.

(A: Well, this is the first rewritten chapter, I hope you liked it).

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