

male LV 3

I write therefore I am. That's the point, because I don't write so much to prove it. / Escribo luego existo. He ahi la cuestion, pues no escribo tanto para demostrarlo. El Español es mi idioma

2019-11-05 Unido Global
Obras originais
Emblemas 7

Moments 3076
2 years ago

Well, I resent the threat, but have my stones anyway... for now.

(Give me your stones and reviews or i'll go missing for 4 months again... jk)

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

Video Games · I_like_gore

2 years ago
Replied to DaoistXt5a60

Hello, how are you? ^^


Your suggestions: (The coolest or the one with the most likes will be chosen)

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

Video Games · I_like_gore

2 years ago
Replied to Kelvin_Ade

What is the difference?

Marie nodded and then said, "Maybe it was fate that reunited us with your people, but when we heard that although the CDC was destroyed, your group was moved to this place and now we are anxious to reunite." 

TWD: A New Beginning From the End of the World

TWD: A New Beginning From the End of the World

TV · SrCuervo

2 years ago

A stabilizing magical object for the types of magical energy he possesses, an enhancer to help in human aspects, allowing him a greater capacity to adapt to the energies he possesses and a talent for learning other types of magic, such as elemental magic. Just give a real end goal to the MC so you know what good use you can make of that element without breaking the character from the OP and lacking coherence XD (Translated by Deepl)

Your suggestions: (The coolest or the one with the most likes will be chosen)

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

League of Legends: The Grim Wolves

Video Games · I_like_gore

2 years ago
Replied to Nobius

В основном это более описательный вариант. Это только первая глава, и хотя я внесла некоторые изменения, одно из самых больших изменений вы, вероятно, увидите во второй главе.

2 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I am in exams and now I have to study. My schedule does not exist to start correcting chapters, I have corrected and edited this chapter about 4 times and only now I am somewhat satisfied with the result. There will be some changes in how the plot goes, I hope it feels and reads better.

2 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I am in exams and now I have to study. My schedule does not exist to start correcting chapters, I have corrected and edited this chapter about 4 times and only now I am somewhat satisfied with the result. There will be some changes in how the plot goes, I hope it feels and reads better.

2 years ago
Replied to BlankTheHidden

It was done XD

2 years ago
Replied to tetlay

chapter updated in the rewrite. I'll actually have to watch the videos I'm basing these first arcs on again.

2 years ago
Replied to Jin_Kazaragi

Je cherchais quelques infos sur wow et je n'ai rien trouvé qui valide vraiment un niveau de puissance plus élevé en soi, il semble plutôt que les personnages deviennent "spéciaux ou uniques" à certains moments, comme s'ils "brillaient" davantage, je ne sais pas si je comprends. Malgré tout, j'essaierai de faire des comparaisons, mais pour l'instant, j'ai décidé que tout sera basé sur des niveaux de puissance ou de mana, de compétence ou d'expérience en matière de combat, de spécialité (sorts ou attaques uniques que seul ce personnage peut faire) et de contrôle de l'énergie (magique ou non) utilisée, au moins au début puisque, eh bien, ils sont tous élémentaires. Votre suggestion a été très utile, donc tout est dans l'ordre des lettres, ce qui s'avère plus facile. Merci pour votre aide à ce sujet^^

  • World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte) original

    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)


    WARNING: English is NOT my first language. This is translated by Deep. I rewrite the novel . Esta Historia se encuentra en español en Wattpat. Lo publique en ambas cuentas, es el mismo nombre en ambas. ese es el link de la historia en Wattpad. Si me buscan en Wattpad deben hacerlo en "perfiles" por el nombre de "Audio_Coon" y les aparecera el nombre de "Lord Tyckert" o algo parecido, pero tengo las mismas 2 novelas que publico aqui, solo que ambas en español. Sinopsis:He died and hoped that some god would fulfill his wishes. He managed to get the interest of a "ROB" but ended up becoming an "Earth Elemental". His story will begin in Azeroth, in a time of chaos and constant struggle for power. He will have to give everything to survive and fulfill the burden of his "Wishes". Tags: Non-human protagonist, dragons, evolution, change of shape, fantasy, action, adventure, isekai, (possible romance?), Travel between worlds, "Author interaction recommended". Disclaimer: I do not own the history of the WOW Universe and I do not own the cover image. If the owner of the story does not agree with me posting this fanfic, I will stop immediately. If the owner of the image wants me to remove the image, I will do it without any problem.

    1 Chs 111 Coleções

  • World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star original

    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star



    WARNING: English is NOT my first language. This is translated by Deep Esta Historia se encuentra en español en Wattpat. Lo publique en ambas cuentas, es el mismo nombre en ambas. ese es el link de la historia en Wattpad. Si me buscan en Wattpad deben hacerlo en "perfiles" por el nombre de "Audio_Coon" y les aparecera el nombre de "Lord Tyckert" o algo parecido, pero tengo las mismas 2 novelas que publico aqui, solo que ambas en español. Sinopsis:He died and hoped that some god would fulfill his wishes. He managed to get the interest of a "ROB" but ended up becoming an "Earth Elemental". His story will begin in Azeroth, in a time of chaos and constant struggle for power. He will have to give everything to survive and fulfill the burden of his "Wishes". Tags: Non-human protagonist, dragons, evolution, change of shape, fantasy, action, adventure, isekai, (possible romance?), Travel between worlds, "Author interaction recommended". Disclaimer: I do not own the history of the WOW Universe and I do not own the cover image. If the owner of the story does not agree with me posting this fanfic, I will stop immediately. If the owner of the image wants me to remove the image, I will do it without any problem.

    61 Chs 2.7k Coleções

  • Soy una mazmorra, pero ¿realmente es un mundo de fantasía? original

    Soy una mazmorra, pero ¿realmente es un mundo de fantasía?


    Sinopsis: El protagonista despierta en un lugar extraño, sin poder moverse, hablar o hacer algo al respecto... o eso creia. Resulta que es una "Mazmorra" y tendra que afrontar su nueva vida, en un mundo desconocido con un futuro incierto, y si falla, consecuencias que le prometen mucho sufrimiento. Pero al menos puede crear lo que imagine. Longitud de cada capitulo: Aproximadamente 3900- 5000 palabras. Trato de que cada capitulo sea largo. Que espero como Autor: Si te ha gustado la historia o hay partes que no te gustan o no comprendes, comenta. Me ayudaria a saber como mejorar Las criticas constructivas son muy bien recibidas y los animo a hacerlo. Esta obra la realize yo, no es un fanfic. Derechos de Autor: Licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD SOBRE LA IMAGEN: La foto de portada no me pertenece. Si el autor de la imagen desea que la retire, lo hare sin ningun problema. Eventualmente la cambiare por una que se adapte mejor

    9 Chs 149 Coleções