We followed him down the corridor where he showed us where the supposed thieves had ransacked the house.
At first, he wanted to bring us to another part of the manor until I noticed one particular room had a smoky smell coming from there.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the room I had identified where the smell came from.
He paused and seemed to grimace slightly like he really didn't want me to notice that room.
"It's… It's just the kitchen."
"Don't you smell something from there?"
"It's the kitchen… That's normal right?"
"Hmmm… Let's start from there then."
"What? There's nothing in the kitchen though!"
You really can't act more suspicious than you already have, my guy…
"Since there's nothing there, let's just take a quick look before moving on."
"But… There's… Alright…"
He probably figured that trying to stop us anymore than this would be too suspicious so he relented.
Journal Entry:
Huh... For him to just decide to confess right now... Is he planning something else?
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