I looked around after I finished eating the baby castellas, finding myself seated on a picnic mat amongst the girls I had come to watch Mother's fight with.
It seems like I was back on the cliff again, though I wasn't sure for how long I was occupied with eating the sweets since the sun was still up.
Katsuki was in the midst of wiping my mouth clean with a napkin while the other girls were busy eating their own sweets too.
"Where is Mother?" I asked.
"The Madam is with the King now, Mistress," Katsuki answered me as a matter of factly while still wiping my mouth.
I let her finish before I turned my gaze back to the field and it looked like the camp was in the midst of tearing down its fortifications.
Most likely because they already decided there was no need to siege the castle anymore.
Hmm… If Mother is with the King now, does that mean that she already dealt with the Off-Worlder?
"Can I go see her?"
Journal Entry:
Arrghhh!! Why do these guys have to do this?! Just go start a farm somewhere or something! Why do you have to be so troublesome?!
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