/ Fantasy / Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave Original

Shadow Slave

Fantasy 1,907 Capítulos 37.6M Modos de exibição
Autor: Guiltythree

4.68 (3,530 Avaliações)

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Growing up in poverty, Sunny never expected anything good from life. However, even he did not anticipate being chosen by the Nightmare Spell and becoming one of the Awakened - an elite group of people gifted with supernatural powers. Transported into a ruined magical world, he found himself facing against terrible monsters - and other Awakened - in a deadly battle of survival.
What's worse, the divine power he received happened to possess a small, but potentially fatal side effect...

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    Shameless author here :) Writing a review for your own book is not easy, so I'll just say a few things. Also, if you have any questions about the novel, you can leave them in the comments! - "First of all, what is this book about?" It's about a guy named Sunny who lives in a dystopian future where some people are forced to periodically visit a magical world and battle terrible monsters. If they survive, they receive special powers. - "What type of guy is Sunny?" He is a cynical, disillusioned young man with a bleak outlook on life. But! He has a sense of humor and a strong desire to not only survive but also thrive in this world. You'll like him, I promise. - "Will he be overpowered?" Not really. He will certainly become powerful, but not powerful enough to steamroll over his enemies. Every victory Sunny achieves will be won with cunning, hard work, and skill. So, more of a Dark Souls type of situation. - "Will there be romance?" Yes, but a slow one. - "Romance, you say! So... a harem? There is a harem, right?" Not really. Sunny will be surrounded by a lot of beautiful people, both male a female, but he will probably only have one romantic relationship. Uh... one at a time, at least. We'll see! - "How often are you updating?" Currently, I'm dedicated to writing one chapter every day. The amount may increase in the future, but it depends on a lot of factors. - And, finally... "Aren't you too full of yourself? You rated your book five stars!" What can I say, it's a great book. One of the best books I've ever written! I've only written one other book, but still. It's definitely one of the top two best books I've written in my life. If you don't believe me, check for yourself ;)

    Ver 522 Respostas

    Over my course of reading novels for years I have to say this is by far one of if not the best novel I've ever read. The plot, background, and characters are original following NO cliches, they are utterly amazing and brings a new concept to magic and powers. The character in no way feel one dimensional and all feel like living, breathing characters. The main character is relatable but at the same time not as we are not in his situation. The MC has a brain and uses it yet actually has emotions even though at first he seems kind of cruel which was pretty cool also. MC is not OP but also not weak and uses his intelligence to defeat his obstacles including the greatest one, his flaw. Flaws an amazing system the author made to show some kind of downside of getting powers besides the obvious risk of death in a nightmare. At first I was unconvinced by the flaws importance to the novel and felt something were forced for about... 1 chapter. The chapter after I immediately realized the importance of the flaw and how satisfying it was to see him shape what he says in a way that doesnt break the rules of his flaw. Him outsmarting others even while under a flaw is the most satisfying thing ever. Personally, I abhore any romance in novels, mainly because its a reminder of my loneliness and it is usually forced or stupid, however even though they havent yet, there are moments, and I will genuinely stab my eyes out if the MC and Changing Star don't hook up, perfect webnovel couple. The grammar is impeccable, not sure about updating stability because I just read it all in one go. Background is detailed without being too much exposition, and is ORIGINAL and actually very interesting. Especially the authors way of utilizing prophecies which I cant go to far into because of spoiling. But the prophecy seemed well though out, had me wishing for a explanation, and honestly cant complain. All in all this novel is the one true gem of webnovel and should make all the other trash bow down and delete itself. I am now going to donate power stones every day. Please give this novel a chance, while its a little slow at first, after a few chapters it will not dissapoint. Especially the comedy, its actually funny. Author, never give up on this novel or I will hunt you down and make you continue writing. This feels like it has been written by a famous author.

    Ver 67 Respostas

    Hey there folks, Griffin here. Resident music composer, game developer, and occasional enjoyer of good books. I’m here to give a COMPLETELY UNBIASED review of Shadow Slave, written by a good buddy of mine named Guiltythree. Before getting into an actual review, I’d like to start by saying that my absolute favorite part of this piece of literature, beyond the awesome story, is the community surrounding it. The Shadow Slave discord server is one of the few online spaces I have been a been active in that truly makes me feel like I’m part of a family. And that isn’t just because I recently found out that I’m long lost cousins with the one of the lead moderators (true story, shout out NobleQueenBee 😂). Never have I been a part of a community so active, engaged, non-toxic, respectful and loving. I cannot recommend enough that you join the server if you end up reading this wonderful webnovel. Speaking of which, it’s probably time I start talking about the actual novel. I’ll split the review up into 4 simple categories: Characters, World Building, Power System, and Story. —————— Characters: —————— If you’re looking for a generic overpowered protagonist who crushes every obstacle in his way, you came to the wrong place. And while those types of characters can be fun to read, they often lack the depth and complexity that makes a character feel truely *real*. Sunless, the main character of this story, is a flawed and realistic human being. His thoughts are as realistic as his approach to problems; I find myself often thinking that I would make very similar decisions if put in similar situations. His weaknesses push him to work harder. Every challenge he faces is an opportunity to learn. Instead of steamrolling every encounter, Sunny is almost always facing an uphill battle. Through hard work, quick thinking, and sometimes sheer luck, he just might be able to come out on top. That isn’t to say Sunny never gets his time to shine, there are quite a few memorable power fantasy moments. But through and through, Sunny’s dark humor, wholesomely pessimistic nature, and Tsundere complexion make his perspective an absolute joy to read. Beyond it’s protagonist, Shadow Slave is overflowing with unique and loveable characters. Guiltythree brings so much life to the cast of this novel that even the villains are captivating. Even the points of the story where I would be bored if I was reading any other novel are made to be intimate and refreshing through the carefully crafted complex characters that Guilty has introduced us to. A simple dinner conversation between old friends demands as much of my attention as a climactic battle, simply because you grow to cherrish every single one of cast members. They feel like real people I have met and befriended. —————— World Building —————— The world of Shadow Slave, similar to Guilty’s other novel, is a gritty and realistic dystopia. Flashy elements of fantasy and sci fi collide and serve to distract the reader from the grim reality behind the scenes. At the forefront of your attention are the awakened individuals, people walking around with super powers, fighting with metal armor, bows and swords to defend the citizens from the Nightmare Creature threat. But as much as the government propaganda would like you to believe in these real-life heros, they are just as shady as any human society can be. There are starving orphans on the edges of the city, sweatshop labor conditions for factory workers, the climate and weather has become polluted to the point of lethality, and there is the ever-present lovecraftian threat of the Nightnare Spell. And yet, as dangerous as this world Guilty has crafted truly is, I can’t help but wish I could experience it for real. Every bit of lore surrounding the dream world is intriguing. I’m a sucker for stories involving ancient history, civilizations, and dark forces. If you are as well, without spoiling anything, you will LOVE the incredibly unique and mysterious world of Shadow Slave. —————— Power System —————— Many power systems in other novels and stories suffer from a lack of balance. What I believe sets apart the system Guilty has created here is the unique aspects and flaws that make this power system unlike any story I’ve ever read but also keep it in a healthy balance. While in the world of shadow slave, people can fly, run at superhuman speeds, teleport, heal injuries and set enemies on fire, each ability comes with its own unique flaw. This system keeps combat interesting while maintaining a sense of equality. While some abilities might be more powerful or flashy than others, their flaw could be just as debilitating. Because of this, every new enemy is unique and interesting. A challenge of strength, but also of mind as Sunny tries to decipher what their flaw or weakness might be while limiting his own. I believe the power system in this novel is just one more thing that sets it apart from every other story in the genre. —————— Story —————— The plot of Shadow Slave , if it could be described with just one sentence, is a coming-of-age story hidden in the packaging of a dark action thriller. In the middle of Sunny learning to combat various unimaginable abominations, he is also an abandoned hermit learning how to make friends. While he struggles with the grim reality of betrayal he also learns what it means to truly trust the people that matter to him. His life lessons and relationships become just as interesting as his action-packed encounters with dead gods and horrifying demons. While you as a reader follow his path to power, you also get to watch him grow into a loveable and relatable character, facing many issues you may have also struggled with. Ultimately, Shadow Slave is an exciting and captivating story that keeps me unlocking chapters the minute they are released. Guiltythree is an incredible author and wonderful human being that I am proud to call my friend. I cannot wait to see what he has planned and I will be right here excited to read each new chapter that he writes. I hope you, the person reading this review, decide to join me and the thousands of other people doing the same. Peace and Love, Griffin (SkeuZ) Tyler

    Ver 51 Respostas

    ⚠️ WARNING⚠️ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK A f-ing masterpiece of a story, read till chp 77 or 78 and if this story goes in the same as it has been going we will soon get another gem among novels. Just wanna thank the author for this awesome book. Writing Quality is awesome. Barely any mistakes. Story Development is intriguing and hooks you. The author is master of Dao of Cliffhangers. Character Design also delivers, the characters feel real, everyone has the own plus and minuses. Updating stability is good. World Background is also awesome. It's like peeling layers over mysteries and each layer pulls you deeper into the authors trap of making you want to read more. P.S. (Just my wish) If this story continues like this, with this Quality I believe we will also get a manhwa adaptation of this someday.

    Ver 8 Respostas

    Simply brilliant. Creativity that rivals Tolkien, a world abound with original, terrifying creatures that audibly made me gasp SEVERAL times. The writing is enthralling, the story is compelling, the characters so full of life in a world which reflects nothing but death. But above all that, this is a novel that does not underestimate the spirit of humanity. Every character is adapting, THRIVING, in this new world. They are intelligent and invoke that familiar feeling that what you're reading is not a mere book - it takes you far away into the world that the author wants you to see, and what a glorious sight it is. You have truly created something unique, author. Cheers.

    Ver 12 Respostas

    I signed up literally for one reason only. To warn you away from reading this book, at least until further chapters are released. I will not reveal spoilers. I will only say that the most important quality which makes a novel worthy of being read - the agency of the main character - is violated in the most unsatisfying way, after hundreds of chapters of suspense and development. The end of the second volume genuinely makes me wish that I had not started this book. Wherever this trope appears, it is almost universally reviled. This is partly because it is the ultimate exercise in lazy arbitrariness - if the character is forced to act a certain way, then the plot can move forward regardless of the actual personality of the character. I will not insult the author. But I will say that going by the tone of his writing, there will be little to no karma from his agency having been betrayed. There will be no satisfying resolution. The main character will continue to be disrespected, pitied, and remain fundamentally pathetic. The underdog will remain in the mud, and those that spit on him will go on with their day with a calm face and a superior conscience. I hope I am wrong. But I suspect not. It is too much to expect that this feedback will be received. So I can only warn - if you want over 300 chapters of well-written, exciting action and development followed by a whimper which nullified all that came before it, then read on.

    Ver 76 Respostas

    Slave. MC is an actual slave in many ways. The title is more literal than you would think. MC is barely an MC. He is more like a sidekick, We are reading a story form the sidekicks perspective, sure he is a bit devious and special, but in the end he is a slave. Wasted a lot of time reading this in hopes that it improves, in the end, it only gets worse, and MC becomes a bigger slave. The overall quality and everything else is great, too bad that the MC is a bit too pathetic.

    Ver 136 Respostas
    LV 5 Badge

    Volume 1 is good. Very good. Volume 2- A lot of chapters, do not make sense. The author went along the path of the text, for the sake of the text. Lost dynamics. Volume 2 - a snail crawling in a small circle. The character development in Volume 1 . Volume 2- development canceled and stuck in place. They have become dumber.

    Ver 9 Respostas

    Man this is isekai elden ring/dark souls. Love it. 🔥 Action, system, adventure and without harem! The world building and writing make me genuinely shiver for their gargantuan scale and ambiance. The MC is not OP either! Hope the author gets enough revenue to do this full-time and update daily💯

    Ver 4 Respostas

    Its better than most novels on here but I would not call it a masterpiece. The writing is ok but nothing where I just want to keep reading. Its not immersive at all. I had to drop the novel at around Chapter 20 because reading the novel is just not engaging in my opinion. Kind of feeling bad to give this a negative review because you can see that the author put a lot of effort into his creation. But I just got bored. Its just not mine sorry.

    Ver 28 Respostas

    world background and writing quality of this novel is top noch ..alas other than that all things gone tooo much down side after begining of 2nd volume (around 120 chapter or somthing) you who is thinking to read this novel be aware ..yess you will gonna like this novel very much because of mc's character and actions on 1st volume but after that from 2nd volume is allllll LOooosttttt ...at one point it seems author himself forgot how he made mc's character and it will pain to see mc's actions on 2nd volume ...so if you like to see how an alfa intelligent ruthless mc becomes idiot wimp beta side character in 2nd volume of the novel than you can happily start reading now otherwise don't bother with this ...i have droped this after reading 2nd volumes 100 chapters of somthing where mc's idiotic actions are hard to bearable and all focused are got on the Fmc ...author if you are reading this comments do work on mc's character if you don't wanna losse more readers otherwise 🙏

    Ver 16 Respostas

    read up to the 70s and dropped it, its not even bad as far as writing goes it just feels slow and i never get the feeling of wanting to read more or get hype about the main character, i feel like the initial part of the story had me hooked and everything after felt like a drag. So it's a good read if you don't mind that kind of story, just not for me

    Ver 8 Respostas

    very disappointed, shadow slave has an amazing start and the main character we are introduced to is a cunning, smart person that doesn't even hestitate to poisen seemingly "innocent" people for his safety, paired with good side characters and an interesting world it would seem like it's going to be great, right? wrong. Everything you've just read gets thrown away and wasted, the main character isn't cunning (you can be cunning without lying), smart or anything anymore. Character development is random and when it's announced to happen ("beach" episode) doesn't happen and overall Sunny disappoints in every aspect. you would think that he fights against the spell and avoid being a slave? nope, he becomes the slave of someone and that's it.. he's a slave, the novel lost its uniqueness at that point and I dropped it after trying to read further, spoiler; it doesn't get better.

    Revelar Spoiler
    Ver 16 Respostas

    The MC throughout history lives up to his name because he only dedicates himself to being the slave of other people and I accept everything they tell him to do without protest, just stop being a pathetic slave to a bigger one that follows faithful whatever order they give, there is no autonomy. If you want to read a story of a person blindly following someone without complaining and getting nothing in return this is for you on the other hand this is absolute rubbish.

    Ver 20 Respostas

    Shadow Slave is by far the best Light novel you will find on the Internet. If you are looking to fully immerse yourself into a story this is the one for you. The world building, character development, power system, villans, and plot are all each the best I have seen and I couldn’t get enough of it. As someone who has read close to 1000 different light novels, most seam like garbage to me now and I will forever feel like somthing is missing in them as I compare them to this novel. I will not spoil anything and sincerely hope that you pick this novel up and read it and watch as all the puzzle pieces fall together as the story goes on. I hope you read and find yourself asking questions about the story and predict what may happen only to be right or often completely thrown off just as I was. This was an incredibly enjoyable story and the only one I have ever found myself being willing to pay the author to keep it going, along with downloading this app to write the review. GuiltyFree you have done an incredible job with this and I sincerely wish you the best as this story is a piece of art. Please continue to work on it as myself, and I assume many others, are eager to see how our characters will develop. Thank you! ;)

    Ver 6 Respostas

    I loved the start of the story and thought it was a great begging. But, as I continued to read up till the 200th chapters I found myself growing to dislike the Mc. For me he started feeling like a side character with no growth. Also, he is being more passive than anything right now and the fls feel like jerks. They left him all alone as soon as they got to the city basically and everyone just makes fun of him a lot. I am hoping that something changes to where he finally mans up a little a start taking more charge instead of stumbling around following the fls who treat him like air.

    Revelar Spoiler
    Ver 10 Respostas

    Shadow Slave is a story about Sunny, a orphan who lives in the slums and forced to struggle to survive. He suddenly was infected by the Spell, and forced to survive a dangerous nightmare, otherwise he will turn into a monster. Honestly, a solid novel. This novel has vibes kinda like a mix of dark souls and diablo, leaning more towards diablo. It's fairly decent, and some parts of it are on par with some actual published novels, but it has some problems. Writing quality is pretty good. Far better than most on this site. Very few grammatical errors if any, and word choice is relatively creative. (5/5 stars) Story development is fairly decent as well. Personally, I don't enjoy novels where the author writes about the main character in the "future", then proceeds to write from where they previously left off to where the main character currently is. First arc is pretty good, kept you hooked and interesting, second arc got rather boring, but I think thats more of an issue with the characters. (4/5 stars) Honestly, character design is what brings this novel down in my opinion. Specifically, the main character. It is extremely hard to root for the main character at all, theres not a single quality of his that gives hype to his character. It's not a horrible character, compared to some other novels on this website, but you really can't bring yourself to like him. Character development might as well be non-existent, because I've read to chapter 180+ and not much has changed. His character is rather inconsistent as well. It feels rather weird to me for a character so deeply rooted in deceit and lies, is he is relatively trusting, which is weird. You would think someone who lived in the slums for eighteen years would naturally be distrustful. Even to some of the people that might as well just scream "I'm evil". Aside from that, as stated previously, main character has no admirable qualities. He is cowardly, lacks any conviction, a hypocrite, incredibly childish and immature, etc. Not a whole lot has changed since the start of the novel, most of the character development seems rather superficial to me. Furthermore, his lack of caution that CONSTANTLY re-appears after he just becomes cautious is annoying. Like I stated previously, this isn't very fitting for someone who lived in the slums, and someone who literally has to venture in a world where anything and everything could kill you. (3/5 stars) As for the world background, it's amazing. It manages to keep the grim-dark vibe for pretty much the entire story. This world is believable and realistic. (5/5 stars) Overall, a very solid story, with the main character bringing it down a notch. I would highly recommend this novel. I give this novel 4.4 stars out of 5.

    Ver 3 Respostas

    Although it has few chapters it has a very promising plot and MC and is written by a good author1 which can be hard to find on this site full of the predictable "harem 20 chapters in", cant wait for more!

    Ver 1 Respostas

    Well in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking at this matter in a different way and without fighting and by trying to make it clear, and by considering each and everyone's opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.

    Ver 5 Respostas

    ......................................................................Good Soup.............................................................

    Ver 1 Respostas
    Última versão:
    Chapter 1906: Dark Armor 4 hours ago

    Volume 0 : Auxiliary Volume

    1. The Nightmare Spell 2 years ago

    Volume 1 : Child of Shadows

    1. 1
      Nightmare Begins 2 years ago
    2. 2
      Slave Caravan 2 years ago
    3. 3
      The Strings of Fate 2 years ago
    4. 4
      Mountain King 2 years ago
    5. 5
      Broken Chains 2 years ago
    6. 6
      Confronting the Tyrant 2 years ago
    7. 7
      Three Slaves and a Hero 2 years ago
    8. 8
      Nothing at All 2 years ago
    9. 9
      Wishful Thinking 2 years ago
    10. 10
      First Man Down 2 years ago
    11. 11
      Crossroads 2 years ago
    12. 12
      The Smell of Blood 2 years ago
    13. 13
      Moment of Truth 2 years ago
    14. 14
      Child of Shadows 2 years ago
    15. 15
      Shadow Slave 2 years ago
    16. 16
      Rebirth 2 years ago
    17. 17
      Three Simple Words 2 years ago
    18. 18
      Absence of Light 2 years ago
    19. 19
      Crossing the Bridge 2 years ago
    20. 20
      Outcast Once Again 2 years ago
    21. 21
      First Performance 2 years ago
    22. 22
      Corpse Corner 2 years ago
    23. 23
      Dreams and Nightmares 2 years ago
    24. 24
      Moving Up in the World 2 years ago
    25. 25
      Wilderness Survival 2 years ago
    26. 26
      Changing Star 2 years ago
    27. 27
      Measure of Power 2 years ago
    28. 28
      Training Montage 2 years ago
    29. 29
      The Last Day on Earth 2 years ago
    30. 30
      Starless Void 2 years ago
    31. 31
      Low Tide 2 years ago
    32. 32
      Making a Choice 2 years ago
    33. 33
      Carapace Scavenger 2 years ago
    34. 34
      Only Steel Remembers 2 years ago
    35. 35
      A Shadow, a Star and an Oracle 2 years ago
    36. 36
      Bonfire 2 years ago
    37. 37
      Getting to Know Each Other 2 years ago
    38. 38
      Questions in the Dark 2 years ago
    39. 39
      Journey to the West 2 years ago
    40. 40
      Weak Point 2 years ago
    41. 41
      Strength in Numbers 2 years ago
    42. 42
      Essence of Combat 2 years ago
    43. 43
      Repetition 2 years ago
    44. 44
      Cassie's Dream 2 years ago
    45. 45
      Sound of Laughter 2 years ago
    46. 46
      Experience 2 years ago
    47. 47
      Echo 2 years ago
    48. 48
      The Storm 2 years ago
    49. 49
      Natural Element 2 years ago
    50. 50
      Death Trap 2 years ago
    51. 51
      Carapace Centurion 2 years ago
    52. 52
      Clarity 2 years ago
    53. 53
      Immortal Flame 2 years ago
    54. 54
      Spoils of War 2 years ago
    55. 55
      Lucky People 2 years ago
    56. 56
      The Heaviest Thing in the World 2 years ago
    57. 57
      Use of Weapons 2 years ago
    58. 58
      Survival of the Fittest 2 years ago
    59. 59
      Shadow of the Crimson Spire 2 years ago
    60. 60
      Bone Ridge 2 years ago
    61. 61
      Sea of Ash 2 years ago
    62. 62
      Hide and Seek 2 years ago
    63. 63
      Lord of Ashes 2 years ago
    64. 64
      Pursued by Demons 2 years ago
    65. 65
      Lights in the Darkness 2 years ago
    66. 66
      First Part of the Plan 2 years ago
    67. 67
      Racing Against Time 2 years ago
    68. 68
      Beacon of Death 2 years ago
    69. 69
      The Guest 2 years ago
    70. 70
      Judgement of the Blade 2 years ago
    71. 71
      One Small Mistake 2 years ago
    72. 72
      Demon Slayers 2 years ago
    73. 73
      The Circle of Death 2 years ago
    74. 74
      Midnight Shard 2 years ago
    75. 75
      Broken Dreams 2 years ago
    76. 76
      The Abyss 2 years ago
    77. 77
      Enthralled 2 years ago
    78. 78
      Bliss 2 years ago
    79. 79
      Twist of Fate 2 years ago
    80. 80
      Spirit of Exploration 2 years ago
    81. 81
      Weaver's Eye 2 years ago
    82. 82
      Fear of the Unknown 2 years ago
    83. 83
      Five 2 years ago
    84. 84
      Black Seed 2 years ago
    85. 85
      One Step at a Time 2 years ago
    86. 86
      Final Clue 2 years ago
    87. 87
      Plan of Escape 2 years ago
    88. 88
      Boat Builders 2 years ago
    89. 89
      Demon's Bones 2 years ago
    90. 90
      Nightfall 2 years ago
    91. 91
      Escape 2 years ago
    92. 92
      Journey into the Night 2 years ago
    93. 93
      Black Water 2 years ago
    94. 94
      Battle in the Depths 2 years ago
    95. 95
      Starlight 2 years ago

    Volume 2 : Demon of Change

    1. 96
      Exile 2 years ago
    2. 97
      Hunter's Dream 2 years ago
    3. 98
      Uninvited Guests 2 years ago
    4. 99
      Pursuit 2 years ago
    5. 100
      Clear Conscience 2 years ago
    6. 101
      Turf War 2 years ago
    7. 102
      Stone Saint 2 years ago
    8. 103
      Coup de Grace 2 years ago
    9. 104
      Soul Arsenal 2 years ago
    10. 105
      Living Stone 2 years ago
    11. 106
      Creating a Monster 2 years ago
    12. 107
      Growing Shadow 2 years ago
    13. 108
      Test Dummy 2 years ago
    14. 109
      Soulmates 2 years ago
    15. 110
      Memento 2 years ago
    16. 111
      Lesser Creature 2 years ago
    17. 112
      Duel of the Monsters 2 years ago
    18. 113
      Dark Well 2 years ago
    19. 114
      Voice of Darkness 2 years ago
    20. 115
      Nightingale 2 years ago
    21. 116
      Deal with the Devil 2 years ago
    22. 117
      Cruel Injustice 2 years ago
    23. 118
      Mirror Image 2 years ago
    24. 119
      A Fistful of Soul Shards 2 years ago
    25. 120
      Approaching the Castle 2 years ago
    26. 121
      Graveyard of Hope 2 years ago
    27. 122
      Four Months Ago 2 years ago
    28. 123
      Helping Hand 2 years ago
    29. 124
      Desolation 2 years ago
    30. 125
      A Feast in Time of Plague 2 years ago
    31. 126
      Effie 2 years ago
    32. 127
      Abandon All Hope 2 years ago
    33. 128
      King of the Hill 2 years ago
    34. 129
      Solace 2 years ago
    35. 130
      Strength of a Dozen Men 2 years ago
    36. 131
      Traversing the Dark City 2 years ago
    37. 132
      End of the Line 2 years ago
    38. 133
      Farewell 2 years ago
    39. 134
      Bright Castle 2 years ago
    40. 135
      Cohabitation 2 years ago
    41. 136
      Reflection 2 years ago
    42. 137
      All Eyes on Me 2 years ago
    43. 138
      Unexpected Reunion 2 years ago
    44. 139
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless and His Beautiful Female Companions Princess Nephis and Lady Cassia, Abridged (Volume I) 2 years ago
    45. 140
      True Legacy 2 years ago
    46. 141
      Golden Serpent 2 years ago
    47. 142
      Behind the Scenes 2 years ago
    48. 143
      Gunlaug 2 years ago
    49. 144
      Right of Challenge 2 years ago
    50. 145
      Justice 2 years ago
    51. 146
      Power 2 years ago
    52. 147
      Guild Hall 2 years ago
    53. 148
      Last Harvest 2 years ago
    54. 149
      Dark Diver 2 years ago
    55. 150
      Hunting Party 2 years ago
    56. 151
      Head Hunting 2 years ago
    57. 152
      There and Back Again 2 years ago
    58. 153
      Guiding Star 2 years ago
    59. 154
      Light of the Seven 2 years ago
    60. 155
      First Recruits 2 years ago
    61. 156
      Free Lunch 2 years ago
    62. 157
      Wind of Change 2 years ago
    63. 158
      Invisible 2 years ago
    64. 159
      Revelation 2 years ago
    65. 160
      The Future 2 years ago
    66. 161
      Rubicon 2 years ago
    67. 162
      Lost from Light 2 years ago
    68. 163
      The Past 2 years ago
    69. 164
      Parting 2 years ago
    70. 165
      Power 2 years ago
    71. 166
      Light and Shadows 2 years ago
    72. 167
      Unforgivable 2 years ago
    73. 168
      Outside 2 years ago
    74. 169
      Back to the Future 2 years ago
    75. 170
      Star-Crossed 2 years ago
    76. 171
      Tether 2 years ago
    77. 172
      Memory Market 2 years ago
    78. 173
      Black Armor 2 years ago
    79. 174
      Shopping Spree 2 years ago
    80. 175
      Reunion 2 years ago
    81. 176
      Coming Clean 2 years ago
    82. 177
      Cloak and Dagger 2 years ago
    83. 178
      Lost Expedition 2 years ago
    84. 179
      New Generation 2 years ago
    85. 180
      Break Point 2 years ago
    86. 181
      Rules of Hospitality 2 years ago
    87. 182
      Feeding the Monster 2 years ago
    88. 183
      Learning New Tricks 2 years ago
    89. 184
      Value of Humility 2 years ago
    90. 185
      Battle Master 2 years ago
    91. 186
      Eureka 2 years ago
    92. 187
      Trial of Strength 2 years ago
    93. 188
      Of Heaven and Hell 2 years ago
    94. 189
      Sunny's Brilliant Emporium 2 years ago
    95. 190
      Point of No Return 2 years ago
    96. 191
      Pursuer 2 years ago
    97. 192
      Lighthouse 2 years ago
    98. 193
      The Catacombs 2 years ago
    99. 194
      Aching Bones 2 years ago
    100. 195
      Rolling Battle 2 years ago
    101. 196
      Divine Intervention 2 years ago
    102. 197
      Ultimate Test 2 years ago
    103. 198
      Last Stand 2 years ago
    104. 199
      Cliffhanger 2 years ago
    105. 200
      Descent 2 years ago
    106. 201
      Lord of the Dead 2 years ago
    107. 202
      Risk and Reward 2 years ago
    108. 203
      Corpse Eater 2 years ago
    109. 204
      Mysterious Key 2 years ago
    110. 205
      Journey to the South 2 years ago
    111. 206
      Triumph 2 years ago
    112. 207
      Beach Episode 2 years ago
    113. 208
      Something Productive 2 years ago
    114. 209
      Fireside Banter 2 years ago
    115. 210
      Shadow of the Past 2 years ago
    116. 211
      Game of Lies 2 years ago
    117. 212
      Knights and Knaves 2 years ago
    118. 213
      Sword Saints 2 years ago
    119. 214
      Transient Shadow 2 years ago
    120. 215
      Shapeless 2 years ago
    121. 216
      Tacit Understanding 2 years ago
    122. 217
      Origin 2 years ago
    123. 218
      Shadow Dance 2 years ago
    124. 219
      Relics of the Past 2 years ago
    125. 220
      So You're a Spider, So What? 2 years ago
    126. 221
      Zenith 2 years ago
    127. 222
      Clearing the Nest 2 years ago
    128. 223
      Natural Selection 2 years ago
    129. 224
      Pyre 2 years ago
    130. 225
      On the Shoulders of Giants 2 years ago
    131. 226
      The Fool 2 years ago
    132. 227
      Comparatively Safe 2 years ago
    133. 228
      Crossing the Canyon 2 years ago
    134. 229
      The Passenger 2 years ago
    135. 230
      Precarious Battle 2 years ago
    136. 231
      Stone Giant 2 years ago
    137. 232
      Before the Storm 2 years ago
    138. 233
      Swarm 2 years ago
    139. 234
      Horde 2 years ago
    140. 235
      Flower Boy 2 years ago
    141. 236
      Ex Machina 2 years ago
    142. 237
      Wall of Darkness 2 years ago
    143. 238
      Into the Storm 2 years ago
    144. 239
      Clash of Titans 2 years ago
    145. 240
      Gaze of the Unknown 2 years ago
    146. 241
      Halfway 2 years ago
    147. 242
      New Toys 2 years ago
    148. 243
      Fangs of a Dragon 2 years ago
    149. 244
      Death Zone 2 years ago
    150. 245
      Theatre of Giants 2 years ago
    151. 246
      Irrefutable Proof 2 years ago
    152. 247
      The Mist 2 years ago
    153. 248
      Those Who Survived 2 years ago
    154. 249
      Curse of Darkness 2 years ago
    155. 250
      Defiant Oath 2 years ago
    156. 251
      Boundary of the Underworld 2 years ago
    157. 252
      Unseen 2 years ago
    158. 253
      Without a Master 2 years ago
    159. 254
      The First Lord 2 years ago
    160. 255
      Dawn Shard 2 years ago
    161. 256
      True Reason 2 years ago
    162. 257
      Nightmare Champion 2 years ago
    163. 258
      Herald of the Crimson Terror 2 years ago
    164. 259
      Bloody Mayhem 2 years ago
    165. 260
      How to be a Hero 2 years ago
    166. 261
      Moonlight Shard 2 years ago
    167. 262
      Path to Damnation 2 years ago
    168. 263
      The Beginning of the End 2 years ago
    169. 264
      First Things First 2 years ago
    170. 265
      Hateful Shadow 2 years ago
    171. 266
      The Devil You Know 2 years ago
    172. 267
      Let There Be Light 2 years ago
    173. 268
      Clash 2 years ago
    174. 269
      Incarnation of Death 2 years ago
    175. 270
      Runaway 2 years ago
    176. 271
      Insurmountable 2 years ago
    177. 272
      Shadow and Darkness 2 years ago
    178. 273
      Chrysalis 2 years ago
    179. 274
      Salvation 2 years ago
    180. 275
      Secrets of the Ruined Temple 2 years ago
    181. 276
      Black Door 2 years ago
    182. 277
      Demon of Fate 2 years ago
    183. 278
      Weaver's Mask 2 years ago
    184. 279
      Guilty Conscience 2 years ago
    185. 280
      One Last Job 2 years ago
    186. 281
      Seven Heroes 2 years ago
    187. 282
      Sacrifice 2 years ago
    188. 283
      Final Piece of the Puzzle 2 years ago
    189. 284
      Nothing Serious 2 years ago
    190. 285
      Kill Order 2 years ago
    191. 286
      Blessings of the Fire 2 years ago
    192. 287
      Lonely Star 2 years ago
    193. 288
      Progress Report 2 years ago
    194. 289
      Start of the Play 2 years ago
    195. 290
      Judgment Day 2 years ago
    196. 291
      Eye of the Storm 2 years ago
    197. 292
      Just Cause 2 years ago
    198. 293
      The Challenge 2 years ago
    199. 294
      Song of Steel 2 years ago
    200. 295
      The Duel 2 years ago
    201. 296
      Creature of Light 2 years ago
    202. 297
      Red Flower 2 years ago
    203. 298
      Fire and Blood 2 years ago
    204. 299
      Twisted Reflection 2 years ago
    205. 300
      Bright Lord's Slave 2 years ago
    206. 301
      Heirs to the Throne 2 years ago
    207. 302
      Status Quo 2 years ago
    208. 303
      Helpful Shadow 2 years ago
    209. 304
      Hunting for a Big One 2 years ago
    210. 305
      Trail of Blood 2 years ago
    211. 306
      Final Confrontation 2 years ago
    212. 307
      Throne of Light 2 years ago
    213. 308
      Handmaiden 2 years ago
    214. 309
      What Dreams May Come 2 years ago
    215. 310
      Shadow Demon 2 years ago
    216. 311
      The Last 2 years ago
    217. 312
      Invisible Chains 2 years ago
    218. 313
      Starlight Shard 2 years ago
    219. 314
      Leaving the Dark City 2 years ago
    220. 315
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (1) 2 years ago
    221. 316
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (2) 2 years ago
    222. 317
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (3) 2 years ago
    223. 318
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (4) 2 years ago
    224. 319
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (5) 2 years ago
    225. 320
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (6) 2 years ago
    226. 321
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (7) 2 years ago
    227. 322
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (8) 2 years ago
    228. 323
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (9) 2 years ago
    229. 324
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (10) 2 years ago
    230. 325
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (11) 2 years ago
    231. 326
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (12) 2 years ago
    232. 327
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (13) 2 years ago
    233. 328
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (14) 2 years ago
    234. 329
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (15) 2 years ago
    235. 330
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (16) 2 years ago
    236. 331
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (17) 2 years ago
    237. 332
      Siege of the Crimson Spire (18) 2 years ago
    238. 333
      Belly of the Beast 2 years ago
    239. 334
      Silver Sword 2 years ago
    240. 335
      Ascent 2 years ago
    241. 336
      The Gateway 2 years ago
    242. 337
      Nobody 2 years ago
    243. 338
      Rest of the Mongrels 2 years ago
    244. 339
      Better, Faster, Stronger 2 years ago
    245. 340
      Honor 2 years ago
    246. 341
      One Thousand 2 years ago
    247. 342
      Crimson Terror 2 years ago
    248. 343
      Soul Conduit 2 years ago
    249. 344
      Sorrow, Pain, and Rage 2 years ago
    250. 345
      Shadows and Light 2 years ago
    251. 346
      Promise of Blood 2 years ago
    252. 347
      Free Fall 2 years ago
    253. 348
      Unbroken 2 years ago
    254. 349
      Fate 2 years ago
    255. 350
      End of the Nightmare 2 years ago

    Volume 3 : Prince of Nothing

    1. 351
      Once Again 2 years ago
    2. 352
      Monster Core 2 years ago
    3. 353
      Light Bringer 2 years ago
    4. 354
      Awakening 2 years ago
    5. 355
      Back to Reality 2 years ago
    6. 356
      Interview with the Shadow 2 years ago
    7. 357
      Risk and Reward 2 years ago
    8. 358
      Shadow Step 2 years ago
    9. 359
      Soul Serpent 2 years ago
    10. 360
      Broken 2 years ago
    11. 361
      Making Plans 2 years ago
    12. 362
      Breakfast Invitation 2 years ago
    13. 363
      Citizen Sunny 2 years ago
    14. 364
      SS Class Awakened Sunless 2 years ago
    15. 365
      Young Prospect 2 years ago
    16. 366
      Lessons of History 2 years ago
    17. 367
      Fog of Time 2 years ago
    18. 368
      Aster, Song, Vale 2 years ago
    19. 369
      Hidden Forces 2 years ago
    20. 370
      Exploration Report 2 years ago
    21. 371
      Academic Achievement 2 years ago
    22. 372
      Names of the Gods 2 years ago
    23. 373
      Reunited 2 years ago
    24. 374
      Dinner with Friends 2 years ago
    25. 375
      Separate Paths 2 years ago
    26. 376
      Broken Oath 2 years ago
    27. 377
      Mantle of the Underworld 2 years ago
    28. 378
      A New Beginning 2 years ago
    29. 379
      Chained Isles 2 years ago
    30. 380
      Above and Below 2 years ago
    31. 381
      Roan of White Feather 2 years ago
    32. 382
      The Crushing 2 years ago
    33. 383
      Cowardly Researcher 2 years ago
    34. 384
      Traversing the Islands 2 years ago
    35. 385
      Iron Hand Island 2 years ago
    36. 386
      Sanctuary of Noctis 2 years ago
    37. 387
      Withered Flowers 2 years ago
    38. 388
      Vigil 2 years ago
    39. 389
      A Place to Call His Own 2 years ago
    40. 390
      Is My Castle 2 years ago
    41. 391
      Dreamscape 2 years ago
    42. 392
      Birth of a Legend 2 years ago
    43. 393
      Mongrel 2 years ago
    44. 394
      One Strike 2 years ago
    45. 395
      Roaring Lion, Hidden Dragon 2 years ago
    46. 396
      Viral Sensation 2 years ago
    47. 397
      Mongrel's Wisdom 2 years ago
    48. 398
      Master of his Trade 2 years ago
    49. 399
      Golden Coin 2 years ago
    50. 400
      Call of Treasure 2 years ago
    51. 401
      Clueless 2 years ago
    52. 402
      Chain Worm 2 years ago
    53. 403
      Sky Tide 2 years ago
    54. 404
      Soft Life 2 years ago
    55. 405
      Going Back to School 2 years ago
    56. 406
      Educated Guess 2 years ago
    57. 407
      Dreamscape Qualifications 2 years ago
    58. 408
      Oh, No 2 years ago
    59. 409
      Treasure Hunt 2 years ago
    60. 410
      Reckoning 2 years ago
    61. 411
      Reflection 2 years ago
    62. 412
      Perfect Adversary 2 years ago
    63. 413
      Mirror Beast 2 years ago
    64. 414
      Mystery of the Dark Mirror 2 years ago
    65. 415
      Cruel Sight 2 years ago
    66. 416
      Hanged Man 2 years ago
    67. 417
      Shipwreck 2 years ago
    68. 418
      Remnant Crew 2 years ago
    69. 419
      Eureka 2 years ago
    70. 420
      Amazing Chest Ahead 2 years ago
    71. 421
      Ecstasy of Gold 2 years ago
    72. 422
      Rude Awakening 2 years ago
    73. 423
      Risk and Reward 2 years ago
    74. 424
      Unlucky Streak 2 years ago
    75. 425
      Twisted Rock 2 years ago
    76. 426
      Most Terrible Battle 2 years ago
    77. 427
      Death of a Mimic 2 years ago
    78. 428
      Covetous Coffer 2 years ago
    79. 429
      Schism 2 years ago
    80. 430
      Tapestry of Fate 2 years ago
    81. 431
      Fall From Grace 2 years ago
    82. 432
      First Day of Nothing 2 years ago
    83. 433
      More of the Same Nothing 2 years ago
    84. 434
      Absolutely Nothing 2 years ago
    85. 435
      Listening to Nothing 2 years ago
    86. 436
      Nothing to Worry About 2 years ago
    87. 437
      Nothing, Nothing, Nothing 2 years ago
    88. 438
      Prince of Nothing 2 years ago
    89. 439
      Do or Die 2 years ago
    90. 440
      Merciless Stars 2 years ago
    91. 441
      Ocean of Flame 2 years ago
    92. 442
      Burning Heaven 2 years ago
    93. 443
      Secrets of the Void 2 years ago
    94. 444
      Obsidian Tower 2 years ago
    95. 445
      Respite 2 years ago
    96. 446
      Relentless Destroyer 2 years ago
    97. 447
      Primal Fear 2 years ago
    98. 448
      Golden Needle 2 years ago
    99. 449
      Thousand Years of Hunger 2 years ago
    100. 450
      Alabaster Phalanx 2 years ago
    101. 451
      Bone Weave 2 years ago
    102. 452
      Above and Beyond 2 years ago
    103. 453
      Shrine of Stars 2 years ago
    104. 454
      Hope 2 years ago
    105. 455
      Doorway to Heaven 2 years ago
    106. 456
      Leaving Nothing Behind 2 years ago
    107. 457
      Ivory Tower 2 years ago
    108. 458
      Shackles of Hope 2 years ago
    109. 459
      Seed of Nightmare 2 years ago
    110. 460
      Fight or Flight 2 years ago
    111. 461
      Welcome Home 2 years ago
    112. 462
      An Epic Quest 2 years ago
    113. 463
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless and his Stoic Stone Companions Talking Rock and Silent Saint, Abridged (Volume II) 2 years ago
    114. 464
      Passion Blossoms Hotter in the Cold Heart of Despair 2 years ago
    115. 465
      Subjective Value 2 years ago
    116. 466
      A Gracious Invitation 2 years ago
    117. 467
      Dinner with a Saint 2 years ago
    118. 468
      Desecrated Grove 2 years ago
    119. 469
      Fire Keepers 2 years ago
    120. 470
      Come Winter 2 years ago
    121. 471
      Quid Pro Quo 2 years ago
    122. 472
      Worthy Reward 1 years ago
    123. 473
      Mobius Loop 1 years ago
    124. 474
      Truth Be Told 1 years ago
    125. 475
      A Few Things To Do 1 years ago
    126. 476
      A Song of Light and Darkness 1 years ago
    127. 477
      Standing Ovation 1 years ago
    128. 478
      Credit Where Credit is Due 1 years ago
    129. 479
      Delegation 1 years ago
    130. 480
      Busy Schedule 1 years ago
    131. 481
      First Meeting 1 years ago
    132. 482
      Peace Offering 1 years ago
    133. 483
      Two Hundred Seconds 1 years ago
    134. 484
      The Gate 1 years ago
    135. 485
      Lesser Evil 1 years ago
    136. 486
      Call of a Nightmare 1 years ago
    137. 487
      First Wave 1 years ago
    138. 488
      A Beast More Terrible 1 years ago
    139. 489
      Second Wave 1 years ago
    140. 490
      Break Point 1 years ago
    141. 491
      Desperate Measures 1 years ago
    142. 492
      Gate Guardian 1 years ago
    143. 493
      Advent of Death 1 years ago
    144. 494
      The Cavalry 1 years ago
    145. 495
      Masked Hero 1 years ago
    146. 496
      Stand and Fight 1 years ago
    147. 497
      Unexpected Turn 1 years ago
    148. 498
      Superficial Connection 1 years ago
    149. 499
      Somewhere Far Away... 1 years ago
    150. 500
      ...In the Depths of a Nightmare 1 years ago
    151. 501
      Step Two 1 years ago
    152. 502
      Sudden Request 1 years ago
    153. 503
      Harsh Reality 1 years ago
    154. 504
      The Right People 1 years ago
    155. 505
      The Slaughterhouse 1 years ago
    156. 506
      Silent Witnesses 1 years ago
    157. 507
      In the Spotlight 1 years ago
    158. 508
      Battle of the Shadows 1 years ago
    159. 509
      Ghastly Reward 1 years ago
    160. 510
      Human Echo 1 years ago
    161. 511
      Ascension 1 years ago
    162. 512
      Unburdened 1 years ago
    163. 513
      War Council 1 years ago
    164. 514
      Hidden Blade 1 years ago
    165. 515
      Traveling Together 1 years ago
    166. 516
      Legacy of Ruin 1 years ago
    167. 517
      Baiting the Monster 1 years ago
    168. 518
      Cargo Hold 1 years ago
    169. 519
      Trapped 1 years ago
    170. 520
      Deliverance 1 years ago
    171. 521
      Undying Chain 1 years ago
    172. 522
      Invincible 1 years ago
    173. 523
      Made Eternal 1 years ago
    174. 524
      Forty-Two 1 years ago
    175. 525
      Vengeful Ghosts 1 years ago
    176. 526
      Demon 1 years ago
    177. 527
      The New Guy 1 years ago
    178. 528
      Personal Style 1 years ago
    179. 529
      Secret Lair 1 years ago
    180. 530
      Something Better 1 years ago
    181. 531
      Dream Tournament 1 years ago
    182. 532
      Ancient Forest 1 years ago
    183. 533
      Battle Royale 1 years ago
    184. 534
      Demonic Swordsman 1 years ago
    185. 535
      No Hard Feelings 1 years ago
    186. 536
      Icon of Chivalry 1 years ago
    187. 537
      Learning Curve 1 years ago
    188. 538
      Devouring Styles 1 years ago
    189. 539
      Out of Reach 1 years ago
    190. 540
      Blood Feud 1 years ago
    191. 541
      Battle of Two Demons 1 years ago
    192. 542
      Polite, Reasonable Online Discussion 1 years ago
    193. 543
      Finale 1 years ago
    194. 544
      Glory to the Victor 1 years ago
    195. 545
      Mongrel Victorious 1 years ago
    196. 546
      Morgan of Valor 1 years ago
    197. 547
      Forged in Battle 1 years ago
    198. 548
      The Road so Far 1 years ago
    199. 549
      Soul Beast 1 years ago
    200. 550
      Tournament Rewards 1 years ago
    201. 551
      Slave's Inheritance 1 years ago
    202. 552
      September 1 years ago
    203. 553
      Gracious Host 1 years ago
    204. 554
      Coming Clean 1 years ago
    205. 555
      Best Served Cold 1 years ago
    206. 556
      About Those Potatoes 1 years ago
    207. 557
      Night Temple 1 years ago
    208. 558
      One Last Lesson 1 years ago
    209. 559
      No One Path 1 years ago
    210. 560
      Pawns of Fate 1 years ago
    211. 561
      Journey to the North 1 years ago
    212. 562
      Into the Night 1 years ago
    213. 563
      Lost Sentinels 1 years ago
    214. 564
      Inspection 1 years ago
    215. 565
      Unleashed 1 years ago
    216. 566
      Imprisoned 1 years ago
    217. 567
      No Escape 1 years ago
    218. 568
      Full Circle 1 years ago
    219. 569
      On the Seventh Day 1 years ago
    220. 570
      Thirst 1 years ago
    221. 571
      Don't Make a Sound 1 years ago
    222. 572
      Sweeter than Heaven 1 years ago
    223. 573
      Hunger 1 years ago
    224. 574
      Black Altar 1 years ago
    225. 575
      Confrontation 1 years ago
    226. 576
      Inner Sanctum 1 years ago
    227. 577
      Only You 1 years ago
    228. 578
      Perfect Vessel 1 years ago
    229. 579
      First Victim 1 years ago
    230. 580
      Presumption of Guilt 1 years ago
    231. 581
      Bell Tower 1 years ago
    232. 582
      For the Greater Good 1 years ago
    233. 583
      Web of Lies 1 years ago
    234. 584
      A Dark Ocean 1 years ago
    235. 585
      Clash 1 years ago
    236. 586
      Cold Steel 1 years ago
    237. 587
      The Explosion 1 years ago
    238. 588
      Trust Issues 1 years ago
    239. 589
      Dark Mirror 1 years ago
    240. 590
      The Host 1 years ago
    241. 591
      Sea of Soul 1 years ago
    242. 592
      Soul Slayer 1 years ago
    243. 593
      One Step Forward 1 years ago
    244. 594
      Two Steps Back 1 years ago
    245. 595
      The Saints Are Coming 1 years ago
    246. 596
      And We Were Gone 1 years ago
    247. 597
      Welcome Aboard 1 years ago
    248. 598
      Broken Balance 1 years ago
    249. 599
      The Flying Ship 1 years ago
    250. 600
      The Departure 1 years ago

    Volume 4 : Chain Breaker

    1. 601
      Kingdom of Hope 1 years ago
    2. 602
      Swarm of Shadows 1 years ago
    3. 603
      Menagerie of Monsters 1 years ago
    4. 604
      Shadow Gladiator 1 years ago
    5. 605
      Hideous Demon 1 years ago
    6. 606
      Fate of a Slave 1 years ago
    7. 607
      Shifting Sand 1 years ago
    8. 608
      Reincarnated as a Demonic Gladiator in a Magical World 1 years ago
    9. 609
      Glory 1 years ago
    10. 610
      Mind of a Beast 1 years ago
    11. 611
      Immortal Lords 1 years ago
    12. 612
      Red Colosseum 1 years ago
    13. 613
      Schools of Sorcery 1 years ago
    14. 614
      Hope's Canvas 1 years ago
    15. 615
      Ancient Runes 1 years ago
    16. 616
      Black String 1 years ago
    17. 617
      Simplest Weave 1 years ago
    18. 618
      Plan of Escape 1 years ago
    19. 619
      Seven Seconds 1 years ago
    20. 620
      Death 1 years ago
    21. 621
      Path to Freedom 1 years ago
    22. 622
      Wooden Sword 1 years ago
    23. 623
      Ardent Desire 1 years ago
    24. 624
      A New Day 1 years ago
    25. 625
      Comfortably Numb 1 years ago
    26. 626
      Hiding in the Dark 1 years ago
    27. 627
      Needlework 1 years ago
    28. 628
      From the Dark Side 1 years ago
    29. 629
      Pursuit 1 years ago
    30. 630
      Wicked Warlock of the East 1 years ago
    31. 631
      The Funniest Thing in the World 1 years ago
    32. 632
      Broken Heart 1 years ago
    33. 633
      Dead Fortress 1 years ago
    34. 634
      Pillar of Flame 1 years ago
    35. 635
      The Will of Gods 1 years ago
    36. 636
      Desecration 1 years ago
    37. 637
      Iron Cage 1 years ago
    38. 638
      Dream After Dream 1 years ago
    39. 639
      Neverending Nightmare 1 years ago
    40. 640
      World That Has Gone Mad 1 years ago
    41. 641
      Dream Battle 1 years ago
    42. 642
      Rude Awakening 1 years ago
    43. 643
      Clash of Shadows 1 years ago
    44. 644
      My Enemy 1 years ago
    45. 645
      Facing a New Day 1 years ago
    46. 646
      Familiar Sights 1 years ago
    47. 647
      Two Answers 1 years ago
    48. 648
      With Good Intentions 1 years ago
    49. 649
      Kingdom of Madness 1 years ago
    50. 650
      Drastic Measures 1 years ago
    51. 651
      Invisible Tethers 1 years ago
    52. 652
      Plentiful Gains 1 years ago
    53. 653
      Cute Little Snake 1 years ago
    54. 654
      Shadow Lantern 1 years ago
    55. 655
      Nightmare 1 years ago
    56. 656
      Gardens of the Moon 1 years ago
    57. 657
      Chance of Victory 1 years ago
    58. 658
      Seven Knives 1 years ago
    59. 659
      A Rest Before the War 1 years ago
    60. 660
      Shadow Arrows 1 years ago
    61. 661
      Precious Tether 1 years ago
    62. 662
      Demon's Bargain 1 years ago
    63. 663
      Heralds of War 1 years ago
    64. 664
      Basic Logic 1 years ago
    65. 665
      Preparations 1 years ago
    66. 666
      Dark Rider 1 years ago
    67. 667
      Temple of the Chalice 1 years ago
    68. 668
      Vessels of War 1 years ago
    69. 669
      Feral Child 1 years ago
    70. 670
      With Kid Gloves 1 years ago
    71. 671
      Thunderstruck 1 years ago
    72. 672
      Shadow Cohort 1 years ago
    73. 673
      War Masters 1 years ago
    74. 674
      Mercy of Shadow 1 years ago
    75. 675
      Devastation 1 years ago
    76. 676
      Glass Knife 1 years ago
    77. 677
      Current of Fate 1 years ago
    78. 678
      Wind of Change 1 years ago
    79. 679
      Messenger from the North 1 years ago
    80. 680
      Lost and Found 1 years ago
    81. 681
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless in the Lonesome Land of Nightmares, Abridged (Volume III) 1 years ago
    82. 682
      The Red Sect 1 years ago
    83. 683
      To Kill a Dragon 1 years ago
    84. 684
      You Must Become a Dragon 1 years ago
    85. 685
      Temple of the Night 1 years ago
    86. 686
      Creature of the Fog 1 years ago
    87. 687
      Oracle of the Night 1 years ago
    88. 688
      Big Decision 1 years ago
    89. 689
      Trust 1 years ago
    90. 690
      One Question 1 years ago
    91. 691
      Heresy 1 years ago
    92. 692
      Free Time 1 years ago
    93. 693
      Knowledge of Everything 1 years ago
    94. 694
      Key Piece 1 years ago
    95. 695
      Sonorous Silver Bell 1 years ago
    96. 696
      Extraordinary Rock 1 years ago
    97. 697
      Friendly Visit 1 years ago
    98. 698
      Creature of the Lake 1 years ago
    99. 699
      Reverse Scale 1 years ago
    100. 700
      Blood of the Moon 1 years ago
    101. 701
      Four Hunters 1 years ago
    102. 702
      Devil 1 years ago
    103. 703
      Way Back 1 years ago
    104. 704
      A Cup of Tea 1 years ago
    105. 705
      Herald of the Sun 1 years ago
    106. 706
      Ultimatum 1 years ago
    107. 707
      Treachery 1 years ago
    108. 708
      Crimson Beast of Twilight 1 years ago
    109. 709
      Nature of the Beast 1 years ago
    110. 710
      Departure 1 years ago
    111. 711
      A Simple Task 1 years ago
    112. 712
      Leaving the Sanctuary 1 years ago
    113. 713
      War Drums 1 years ago
    114. 714
      Dread Naught 1 years ago
    115. 715
      Boarding Party 1 years ago
    116. 716
      Head of the Snake 1 years ago
    117. 717
      Slick With Blood 1 years ago
    118. 718
      Heavenly Carnage 1 years ago
    119. 719
      Dark Moon 1 years ago
    120. 720
      Crimson Sky 1 years ago
    121. 721
      Dreadful Threat 1 years ago
    122. 722
      Soul Reaver 1 years ago
    123. 723
      Falling Star 1 years ago
    124. 724
      Weight of Regret 1 years ago
    125. 725
      Shipwreck Island 1 years ago
    126. 726
      Sweet Release 1 years ago
    127. 727
      Unforgiven 1 years ago
    128. 728
      Spiteful Shadow 1 years ago
    129. 729
      Broken Shackles 1 years ago
    130. 730
      Dying Wish 1 years ago
    131. 731
      Child of the Sun, Child of the Moon 1 years ago
    132. 732
      Sevras 1 years ago
    133. 733
      Inferno 1 years ago
    134. 734
      Final Obstacle 1 years ago
    135. 735
      Settling Debts 1 years ago
    136. 736
      Surrounded 1 years ago
    137. 737
      Self-Reflection 1 years ago
    138. 738
      Soul Annihilation 1 years ago
    139. 739
      Empty Skies 1 years ago
    140. 740
      Dream is Collapsing 1 years ago
    141. 741
      Chain Breaker 1 years ago
    142. 742
      Hope 1 years ago
    143. 743
      Appraisal 1 years ago
    144. 744
      Ascension 1 years ago
    145. 745
      Freedom of Choice 1 years ago
    146. 746
      First Steps 1 years ago
    147. 747
      Invisible Scars 1 years ago
    148. 748
      Young Masters 1 years ago
    149. 749
      Shadow Manifestation 1 years ago
    150. 750
      Home 1 years ago

    Volume 5 : Dread Night

    1. 751
      Master Sunless 1 years ago
    2. 752
      Solid Foundation 1 years ago
    3. 753
      Crux of the Matter 1 years ago
    4. 754
      History Lesson 1 years ago
    5. 755
      Obel Scale 1 years ago
    6. 756
      Navigation 1 years ago
    7. 757
      Professional Sensibility 1 years ago
    8. 758
      Crossroad 1 years ago
    9. 759
      New Developments 1 years ago
    10. 760
      Valuable Lesson 1 years ago
    11. 761
      Burning Candles 1 years ago
    12. 762
      Negotiations 1 years ago
    13. 763
      Dangerous Questions 1 years ago
    14. 764
      Spirit of Flame 1 years ago
    15. 765
      Turmoil 1 years ago
    16. 766
      Making History 1 years ago
    17. 767
      Measure of Strength 1 years ago
    18. 768
      Dark Shore 1 years ago
    19. 769
      Maybe 1 years ago
    20. 770
      Aimless Blade 1 years ago
    21. 771
      Honor Guard 1 years ago
    22. 772
      Journey to the East 1 years ago
    23. 773
      Catching Up 1 years ago
    24. 774
      Fundamental Changes 1 years ago
    25. 775
      Cafe Sunless 1 years ago
    26. 776
      The Enemy of My Enemy 1 years ago
    27. 777
      Blind Date 1 years ago
    28. 778
      In the Shadows 1 years ago
    29. 779
      Unmoored 1 years ago
    30. 780
      Friendly Spar 1 years ago
    31. 781
      The Brightest Light 1 years ago
    32. 782
      Grand Teacher 1 years ago
    33. 783
      Captive Audience 1 years ago
    34. 784
      Single Whole 1 years ago
    35. 785
      Solitude 1 years ago
    36. 786
      Lifeline 1 years ago
    37. 787
      Training Session 1 years ago
    38. 788
      Cordial Invitation 1 years ago
    39. 789
      Only Forward 1 years ago
    40. 790
      Outing 1 years ago
    41. 791
      Human Rituals 1 years ago
    42. 792
      Blind Spot 1 years ago
    43. 793
      Memories of the Future 1 years ago
    44. 794
      Adulthood 1 years ago
    45. 795
      Moment of Peace 1 years ago
    46. 796
      Real Deal 1 years ago
    47. 797
      Different Side 1 years ago
    48. 798
      Lonely Tree 1 years ago
    49. 799
      Outskirt Rat 1 years ago
    50. 800
      Facing the Music 1 years ago
    51. 801
      Distinguished Guests 1 years ago
    52. 802
      Feast of Deceit 1 years ago
    53. 803
      Friendly Reminder 1 years ago
    54. 804
      Whispering Blade 1 years ago
    55. 805
      Conversation with a Mirror 1 years ago
    56. 806
      A Dance of Light and Shadow 1 years ago
    57. 807
      From Within 1 years ago
    58. 808
      A Long-Awaited Conversation 1 years ago
    59. 809
      True Strength 1 years ago
    60. 810
      Secret Gift 1 years ago
    61. 811
      Train Ride 1 years ago
    62. 812
      Naval Convoy 1 years ago
    63. 813
      First Evacuation Army 1 years ago
    64. 814
      Special Company 1 years ago
    65. 815
      First Irregular Company 1 years ago
    66. 816
      Three Phases 1 years ago
    67. 817
      Captain Sunless 1 years ago
    68. 818
      Irregulars, Assemble 1 years ago
    69. 819
      Alloy Beast 1 years ago
    70. 820
      Importance of Utility 1 years ago
    71. 821
      Offense Pillars 1 years ago
    72. 822
      Shadow Cohort 1 years ago
    73. 823
      Six Awakened 1 years ago
    74. 824
      Mysterious Master 1 years ago
    75. 825
      Under Pressure 1 years ago
    76. 826
      Shopping Spree 1 years ago
    77. 827
      Daunting Task 1 years ago
    78. 828
      The Call 1 years ago
    79. 829
      Battle Scars 1 years ago
    80. 830
      Departure 1 years ago
    81. 831
      Master Naeve 1 years ago
    82. 832
      Heirs of the Storm 1 years ago
    83. 833
      Rhino 1 years ago
    84. 834
      Cohesion 1 years ago
    85. 835
      Siren's Song 1 years ago
    86. 836
      Black Water 1 years ago
    87. 837
      Naval Engagement 1 years ago
    88. 838
      Bang 1 years ago
    89. 839
      Unholy Blood 1 years ago
    90. 840
      Mobilization 1 years ago
    91. 841
      Prudent Decision 1 years ago
    92. 842
      Lessons of the Past 1 years ago
    93. 843
      Falcon Scott 1 years ago
    94. 844
      Opening Act 1 years ago
    95. 845
      Ranged Specialists 1 years ago
    96. 846
      Melee Vanguard 1 years ago
    97. 847
      Slaughter 1 years ago
    98. 848
      Persistent Threat 1 years ago
    99. 849
      Pincer Maneuver 1 years ago
    100. 850
      Surrounded 1 years ago
    101. 851
      No Holds Barred 1 years ago
    102. 852
      The Return of the Lord 1 years ago
    103. 853
      Bone Singer 1 years ago
    104. 854
      Perfect Alibi 1 years ago
    105. 855
      Snow and Ash 1 years ago
    106. 856
      Alien Landscape 1 years ago
    107. 857
      Jade Beetle 1 years ago
    108. 858
      Aerial Superiority 1 years ago
    109. 859
      Summit 1 years ago
    110. 860
      Stone Hive 1 years ago
    111. 861
      Entombed 1 years ago
    112. 862
      Soul Reaper 1 years ago
    113. 863
      Fractured 1 years ago
    114. 864
      Breaking the Balance 1 years ago
    115. 865
      Lucky Shot 1 years ago
    116. 866
      White Stone 1 years ago
    117. 867
      Tooth and Nail 1 years ago
    118. 868
      Reputation 1 years ago
    119. 869
      Sin of Solace 1 years ago
    120. 870
      To Do List 1 years ago
    121. 871
      Wild Imaginations 1 years ago
    122. 872
      Spreading Nightmares 1 years ago
    123. 873
      And Full of Terrors 1 years ago
    124. 874
      One Last Mission 1 years ago
    125. 875
      Old Roads 1 years ago
    126. 876
      LO49 1 years ago
    127. 877
      Disconnected 1 years ago
    128. 878
      VIP 1 years ago
    129. 879
      Signs of Lightning 1 years ago
    130. 880
      Cause and Effect 1 years ago
    131. 881
      Change of Plans 1 years ago
    132. 882
      Condition Yellow 1 years ago
    133. 883
      Sortie 1 years ago
    134. 884
      Sinister Blade 1 years ago
    135. 885
      Myriad Eater 1 years ago
    136. 886
      Clean Up 1 years ago
    137. 887
      Lapse of Judgment 1 years ago
    138. 888
      Vanishing 1 years ago
    139. 889
      Without a Trace 1 years ago
    140. 890
      Mutual Responsibility 1 years ago
    141. 891
      Fatigue 1 years ago
    142. 892
      Futility 1 years ago
    143. 893
      Negative Space 1 years ago
    144. 894
      Cold Waves 1 years ago
    145. 895
      Catcher in the Night 1 years ago
    146. 896
      The Obstacle 1 years ago
    147. 897
      Silent Ocean 1 years ago
    148. 898
      Going for a Swim 1 years ago
    149. 899
      Only Hope 1 years ago
    150. 900
      Don't Look Back 1 years ago
    151. 901
      Degrees of Danger 1 years ago
    152. 902
      State of Affairs 1 years ago
    153. 903
      Abstract Numbers 1 years ago
    154. 904
      A Journey of a Thousand Miles 1 years ago
    155. 905
      Bearer of Bad News 1 years ago
    156. 906
      Moral Conundrum 1 years ago
    157. 907
      Burden of Command 1 years ago
    158. 908
      Delegation 1 years ago
    159. 909
      Underground Nest 1 years ago
    160. 910
      Master of Cartography 1 years ago
    161. 911
      Question of Value 1 years ago
    162. 912
      Soul of a Man 1 years ago
    163. 913
      Lucky Sleeper 1 years ago
    164. 914
      Moving On 1 years ago
    165. 915
      Fool's Errand 1 years ago
    166. 916
      Divide and Conquer 1 years ago
    167. 917
      Black Tongues 1 years ago
    168. 918
      Voiceless Wraiths 1 years ago
    169. 919
      Defying Gravity 1 years ago
    170. 920
      Sum of Its Parts 1 years ago
    171. 921
      New Pets 1 years ago
    172. 922
      Little by Little 1 years ago
    173. 923
      Secret of the Estuary 1 years ago
    174. 924
      Wear and Tear 1 years ago
    175. 925
      Low Growl 1 years ago
    176. 926
      Stormfront 1 years ago
    177. 927
      Racing Against Time 1 years ago
    178. 928
      Devouring Cloud 1 years ago
    179. 929
      Swarm 1 years ago
    180. 930
      Old Tunnel 1 years ago
    181. 931
      Rival of Light 1 years ago
    182. 932
      Blinded 1 years ago
    183. 933
      Darkness at the End of the Tunnel 1 years ago
    184. 934
      No Way Out 1 years ago
    185. 935
      Unmoored 1 years ago
    186. 936
      Anything That Can Go Wrong 1 years ago
    187. 937
      Exchanging Messages 1 years ago
    188. 938
      Food Delivery 1 years ago
    189. 939
      In the Belly of the Beast 1 years ago
    190. 940
      Heart of Darkness 1 years ago
    191. 941
      Time to Run 1 years ago
    192. 942
      Tide of Darkness 1 years ago
    193. 943
      No Way Forward 1 years ago
    194. 944
      Safe and Relatively Sound 1 years ago
    195. 945
      The Road Ahead 1 years ago
    196. 946
      Scenic Route 1 years ago
    197. 947
      Highway to Hell 1 years ago
    198. 948
      Dire Marathon 1 years ago
    199. 949
      Moving Slaughterhouse 1 years ago
    200. 950
      Derailed 1 years ago
    201. 951
      Outrider 1 years ago
    202. 952
      Hidden Giant 1 years ago
    203. 953
      Titan 1 years ago
    204. 954
      Only Darkness 1 years ago
    205. 955
      The End 1 years ago
    206. 956
      Follower 1 years ago
    207. 957
      Tooth and Nail 1 years ago
    208. 958
      A Series of Unfortunate Events 1 years ago
    209. 959
      Lonesome Rider 1 years ago
    210. 960
      Erebus Field 1 years ago
    211. 961
      Sand Castles 1 years ago
    212. 962
      Reaper's Crow 1 years ago
    213. 963
      Supply Depot 1 years ago
    214. 964
      Proof of Competence 1 years ago
    215. 965
      New Plan 1 years ago
    216. 966
      Reinforcements 1 years ago
    217. 967
      Smooth Ride 1 years ago
    218. 968
      Shifting Scales 1 years ago
    219. 969
      Gifts of the Shore 1 years ago
    220. 970
      Hellfire 1 years ago
    221. 971
      Strategic Retreat 1 years ago
    222. 972
      Soulbound 1 years ago
    223. 973
      Mutual Rescue 1 years ago
    224. 974
      Shadow in the Shell 1 years ago
    225. 975
      Marble Shell 1 years ago
    226. 976
      Ubiquitous Law 1 years ago
    227. 977
      Through the Blizzard 1 years ago
    228. 978
      Back Again 1 years ago
    229. 979
      Full Circle 1 years ago
    230. 980
      Siege Capital 1 years ago
    231. 981
      All Quiet 1 years ago
    232. 982
      Dark, Empty, and Silent 1 years ago
    233. 983
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (1) 1 years ago
    234. 984
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (2) 1 years ago
    235. 985
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (3) 1 years ago
    236. 986
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (4) 1 years ago
    237. 987
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (5) 1 years ago
    238. 988
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (6) 1 years ago
    239. 989
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (7) 1 years ago
    240. 990
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (8) 1 years ago
    241. 991
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (9) 1 years ago
    242. 992
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (10) 1 years ago
    243. 993
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (11) 1 years ago
    244. 994
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (12) 1 years ago
    245. 995
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (13) 1 years ago
    246. 996
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (14) 1 years ago
    247. 997
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (15) 1 years ago
    248. 998
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (16) 1 years ago
    249. 999
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (17) 1 years ago
    250. 1000
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (18) 1 years ago
    251. 1001
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (19) 1 years ago
    252. 1002
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (20) 1 years ago
    253. 1003
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (21) 1 years ago
    254. 1004
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (22) 1 years ago
    255. 1005
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (23) 1 years ago
    256. 1006
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (24) 1 years ago
    257. 1007
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (25) 1 years ago
    258. 1008
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (26) 1 years ago
    259. 1009
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (27) 1 years ago
    260. 1010
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (28) 1 years ago
    261. 1011
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (29) 1 years ago
    262. 1012
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (30) 1 years ago
    263. 1013
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (31) 1 years ago
    264. 1014
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (32) 1 years ago
    265. 1015
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (33) 1 years ago
    266. 1016
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (34) 1 years ago
    267. 1017
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (35) 1 years ago
    268. 1018
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (36) 1 years ago
    269. 1019
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (37) 1 years ago
    270. 1020
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (38) 1 years ago
    271. 1021
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (39) 1 years ago
    272. 1022
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (40) 1 years ago
    273. 1023
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (41) 1 years ago
    274. 1024
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (42) 1 years ago
    275. 1025
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (43) 1 years ago
    276. 1026
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (44) 1 years ago
    277. 1027
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (45) 1 years ago
    278. 1028
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (46) 1 years ago
    279. 1029
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (47) 1 years ago
    280. 1030
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (48) 1 years ago
    281. 1031
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (49) 1 years ago
    282. 1032
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (50) 1 years ago
    283. 1033
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (51) 1 years ago
    284. 1034
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (52) 1 years ago
    285. 1035
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (53) 1 years ago
    286. 1036
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (54) 1 years ago
    287. 1037
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (55) 1 years ago
    288. 1038
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (56) 1 years ago
    289. 1039
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (57) 1 years ago
    290. 1040
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (58) 1 years ago
    291. 1041
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (59) 1 years ago
    292. 1042
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (60) 1 years ago
    293. 1043
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (61) 1 years ago
    294. 1044
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (62) 1 years ago
    295. 1045
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (63) 1 years ago
    296. 1046
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (64) 1 years ago
    297. 1047
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (65) 1 years ago
    298. 1048
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (66) 1 years ago
    299. 1049
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (67) 1 years ago
    300. 1050
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (68) 1 years ago
    301. 1051
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (69) 1 years ago
    302. 1052
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (70) 1 years ago
    303. 1053
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (71) 1 years ago
    304. 1054
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (72) 1 years ago
    305. 1055
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (73) 1 years ago
    306. 1056
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (74) 1 years ago
    307. 1057
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (75) 1 years ago
    308. 1058
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (76) 1 years ago
    309. 1059
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (77) 1 years ago
    310. 1060
      The Fall of Falcon Scott (78) 1 years ago

    Volume 6 : All the Devils Are Here

    1. 1061
      Dire Strait 1 years ago
    2. 1062
      Gone Fishing 1 years ago
    3. 1063
      Lively Corpse 1 years ago
    4. 1064
      East Antarctica 1 years ago
    5. 1065
      Reaper 1 years ago
    6. 1066
      Faithful Imitation 1 years ago
    7. 1067
      With Your Shield 1 years ago
    8. 1068
      Changed Man 1 years ago
    9. 1069
      Secrets of the Island 1 years ago
    10. 1070
      Dysfunctional Citadel 1 years ago
    11. 1071
      Familiar Role 1 years ago
    12. 1072
      Brief Levity 1 years ago
    13. 1073
      The Fourth Step 1 years ago
    14. 1074
      Authority 1 years ago
    15. 1075
      Know The Enemy 1 years ago
    16. 1076
      Know Yourself 1 years ago
    17. 1077
      Midnight Sun 1 years ago
    18. 1078
      Army Scout 1 years ago
    19. 1079
      Imp 1 years ago
    20. 1080
      Marvelous Devil 1 years ago
    21. 1081
      Lake Ruin 1 years ago
    22. 1082
      Ancient Chimneys 1 years ago
    23. 1083
      Reconnaissance 1 years ago
    24. 1084
      Following the Tyrant 1 years ago
    25. 1085
      Wolf Army 1 years ago
    26. 1086
      Shared Pain 1 years ago
    27. 1087
      War Masters 1 years ago
    28. 1088
      Force Multiplier 1 years ago
    29. 1089
      Falling Star 1 years ago
    30. 1090
      Tyrant 1 years ago
    31. 1091
      Fifth Shadow 1 years ago
    32. 1092
      Expeditious Retreat 1 years ago
    33. 1093
      Perfect Moment 1 years ago
    34. 1094
      Wake of Ruin 1 years ago
    35. 1095
      High Praise 1 years ago
    36. 1096
      Murder of Crows 1 years ago
    37. 1097
      Special Envoys 1 years ago
    38. 1098
      Appaling Curse 1 years ago
    39. 1099
      Vanguard 1 years ago
    40. 1100
      Accumulation 1 years ago
    41. 1101
      Strange Bedfellows 1 years ago
    42. 1102
      Opposing Forces 1 years ago
    43. 1103
      Beautiful Monsters 1 years ago
    44. 1104
      Devil's Advocate 1 years ago
    45. 1105
      Step by Step 1 years ago
    46. 1106
      Status Quo 1 years ago
    47. 1107
      Spycraft 1 years ago
    48. 1108
      Gathering Information 1 years ago
    49. 1109
      Titanic Battle 1 years ago
    50. 1110
      Seven Saints 1 years ago
    51. 1111
      War Games 1 years ago
    52. 1112
      Different Kind of Deception 1 years ago
    53. 1113
      Rampaging Spawn of Shadows 1 years ago
    54. 1114
      Bloody Brilliant 1 years ago
    55. 1115
      Creatures of Light and Darkness 1 years ago
    56. 1116
      Placid Whisper 1 years ago
    57. 1117
      Fell Titan 1 years ago
    58. 1118
      Pure Chance 1 years ago
    59. 1119
      Chain Reaction 1 years ago
    60. 1120
      Performance Review 1 years ago
    61. 1121
      Deluge of Compliments 1 years ago
    62. 1122
      Mirror of Truth 1 years ago
    63. 1123
      Solace of Oblivion 1 years ago
    64. 1124
      Pure Soul 1 years ago
    65. 1125
      Private Conversations 1 years ago
    66. 1126
      Unexpected Revelation 1 years ago
    67. 1127
      Escalation 1 years ago
    68. 1128
      Contradiction 1 years ago
    69. 1129
      Thieves and Wolves 1 years ago
    70. 1130
      Closeness 1 years ago
    71. 1131
      Foresight 1 years ago
    72. 1132
      Ambush 1 years ago
    73. 1133
      Chilling Message 1 years ago
    74. 1134
      Peaceful Morning 1 years ago
    75. 1135
      Rematch 1 years ago
    76. 1136
      Friendly Duel 1 years ago
    77. 1137
      Loser's Game 1 years ago
    78. 1138
      Suffering from Success 1 years ago
    79. 1139
      Limitations 1 years ago
    80. 1140
      Staring at the Wall 1 years ago
    81. 1141
      Self-Actualization 1 years ago
    82. 1142
      Tangible Shadow Form 1 years ago
    83. 1143
      Collateral Damage 1 years ago
    84. 1144
      Theater of Shadows 1 years ago
    85. 1145
      Slither of Fear 1 years ago
    86. 1146
      Blood Rain 1 years ago
    87. 1147
      Song of Slaughter 1 years ago
    88. 1148
      Unsealed 1 years ago
    89. 1149
      Uncaged 1 years ago
    90. 1150
      Unseen 1 years ago
    91. 1151
      See no Evil 1 years ago
    92. 1152
      Field Trip 1 years ago
    93. 1153
      Memory Lane 1 years ago
    94. 1154
      Former Glory 1 years ago
    95. 1155
      What the Future Holds 1 years ago
    96. 1156
      Returning to the Shipwreck Island 1 years ago
    97. 1157
      Blood-Nourished Root 1 years ago
    98. 1158
      Dinner is Served 1 years ago
    99. 1159
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless in the Cold and Dreadful Darkness of the Long Night, Abridged (Volume V) 1 years ago
    100. 1160
      Idle Days 1 years ago
    101. 1161
      Blessed Steel 1 years ago
    102. 1162
      Old Haunts 1 years ago
    103. 1163
      Broken Land 1 years ago
    104. 1164
      Nice Summer Day 1 years ago
    105. 1165
      Warmth of Affection 1 years ago
    106. 1166
      Homecoming 1 years ago
    107. 1167
      Prince's New Clothes 1 years ago
    108. 1168
      Familiar Faces 1 years ago
    109. 1169
      Battlefield of the Gods 1 years ago
    110. 1170
      Day and Night 1 years ago
    111. 1171
      His Own Designs 1 years ago
    112. 1172
      Fine Facade 1 years ago
    113. 1173
      Red Herring 1 years ago
    114. 1174
      Lacquered Box 1 years ago
    115. 1175
      Demon of Chaos 1 years ago
    116. 1176
      Bitter Feeling 1 years ago
    117. 1177
      Drums of War 1 years ago
    118. 1178
      Long Drive 1 years ago
    119. 1179
      Measure of Growth 1 years ago
    120. 1180
      Cold Logic 1 years ago
    121. 1181
      Three Armies 1 years ago
    122. 1182
      Good Show 1 years ago
    123. 1183
      One Short Word 1 years ago
    124. 1184
      The Final Argument 1 years ago
    125. 1185
      Before the Battle Starts 1 years ago
    126. 1186
      Final Preparations 1 years ago
    127. 1187
      Battle of the Black Skull (1) 1 years ago
    128. 1188
      Battle of the Black Skull (2) 1 years ago
    129. 1189
      Battle of the Black Skull (3) 1 years ago
    130. 1190
      Battle of the Black Skull (4) 1 years ago
    131. 1191
      Battle of the Black Skull (5) 1 years ago
    132. 1192
      Battle of the Black Skull (6) 1 years ago
    133. 1193
      Battle of the Black Skull (7) 1 years ago
    134. 1194
      Battle of the Black Skull (8) 1 years ago
    135. 1195
      Battle of the Black Skull (9) 1 years ago
    136. 1196
      Battle of the Black Skull (10) 12 months ago
    137. 1197
      Battle of the Black Skull (11) 12 months ago
    138. 1198
      Battle of the Black Skull (12) 12 months ago
    139. 1199
      Battle of the Black Skull (13) 12 months ago
    140. 1200
      Battle of the Black Skull (14) 12 months ago
    141. 1201
      Battle of the Black Skull (15) 12 months ago
    142. 1202
      Battle of the Black Skull (16) 12 months ago
    143. 1203
      Battle of the Black Skull (17) 12 months ago
    144. 1204
      Battle of the Black Skull (18) 12 months ago
    145. 1205
      Into the Fire 12 months ago
    146. 1206
      Nightmare Desert 11 months ago
    147. 1207
      First Night 11 months ago
    148. 1208
      Newcomer 11 months ago
    149. 1209
      No Way Out 11 months ago
    150. 1210
      Dead Soldiers 11 months ago
    151. 1211
      Until Dawn 11 months ago
    152. 1212
      Pursuer 11 months ago
    153. 1213
      Search & Rescue 11 months ago
    154. 1214
      Source of Nightmares 11 months ago
    155. 1215
      Steel Tower 11 months ago
    156. 1216
      On the Run 11 months ago
    157. 1217
      Bone Tired 11 months ago
    158. 1218
      Hunted 11 months ago
    159. 1219
      Silver Sun 11 months ago
    160. 1220
      Indestructible 11 months ago
    161. 1221
      Unstoppable 11 months ago
    162. 1222
      Against All Hope 11 months ago
    163. 1223
      Diverging Goals 11 months ago
    164. 1224
      Second Night 11 months ago
    165. 1225
      Short Respite 11 months ago
    166. 1226
      Alluring Offer 11 months ago
    167. 1227
      A Friendly Invitation 11 months ago
    168. 1228
      Unattainable Mirage 11 months ago
    169. 1229
      Seventh Night 11 months ago
    170. 1230
      Hell is Empty 11 months ago

    Volume 7 : The Tomb of Ariel

    1. 1231
      Once More, With Feeling 11 months ago
    2. 1232
      Lost in the Mist 11 months ago
    3. 1233
      Coming to Terms With the End of the World 11 months ago
    4. 1234
      Two Futures 11 months ago
    5. 1235
      Wondrous Sight 11 months ago
    6. 1236
      Great River 11 months ago
    7. 1237
      The Answer Is 11 months ago
    8. 1238
      So Bizarre 11 months ago
    9. 1239
      Sea Monster 11 months ago
    10. 1240
      Sunny Zeppelin 11 months ago
    11. 1241
      Dark Island 11 months ago
    12. 1242
      Cataclysmic Battle 11 months ago
    13. 1243
      Searching for Light 11 months ago
    14. 1244
      Damn Great Steak 11 months ago
    15. 1245
      Smashing Problems with a Hammer 11 months ago
    16. 1246
      Research Partners 11 months ago
    17. 1247
      Fear Itself 11 months ago
    18. 1248
      Entombed 11 months ago
    19. 1249
      Titanic Ship 11 months ago
    20. 1250
      Death of a Hero 11 months ago
    21. 1251
      Rude Awakening 11 months ago
    22. 1252
      Voyage, Voyage 11 months ago
    23. 1253
      Parade of Shadows 11 months ago
    24. 1254
      Back to Basics 11 months ago
    25. 1255
      Dancing Spirits 11 months ago
    26. 1256
      Reaching for the Stars 11 months ago
    27. 1257
      In the Darkness 11 months ago
    28. 1258
      Last Light 11 months ago
    29. 1259
      Pristine Soul 11 months ago
    30. 1260
      Leisure Cruise 11 months ago
    31. 1261
      A Butterfly Flapping Its Wings 11 months ago
    32. 1262
      A Shrimp Between Two Whales 11 months ago
    33. 1263
      Sea of Blood 11 months ago
    34. 1264
      Gaping Wound 11 months ago
    35. 1265
      Dirty Job 10 months ago
    36. 1266
      Unexpected Complication 10 months ago
    37. 1267
      Candlelight 10 months ago
    38. 1268
      Azure Serpent 10 months ago
    39. 1269
      Third Contender 10 months ago
    40. 1270
      Pinnacle of Strength 10 months ago
    41. 1271
      The Krill 10 months ago
    42. 1272
      Paradise Lost 10 months ago
    43. 1273
      Collapse 10 months ago
    44. 1274
      Time of Truth 10 months ago
    45. 1275
      Last Resort 10 months ago
    46. 1276
      Dance of Monsters 10 months ago
    47. 1277
      Fourth Step 10 months ago
    48. 1278
      Mutual Destruction 10 months ago
    49. 1279
      Raging Waves 10 months ago
    50. 1280
      Beauty and the Beast 10 months ago
    51. 1281
      Leaving the Dark Island 10 months ago
    52. 1282
      Currents of Time 10 months ago
    53. 1283
      Ketch 10 months ago
    54. 1284
      Hail Weaver 10 months ago
    55. 1285
      Ananke 10 months ago
    56. 1286
      Fortuitous Encounter 10 months ago
    57. 1287
      Blissful Ignorance 10 months ago
    58. 1288
      King Among Beasts 10 months ago
    59. 1289
      Crown of Twilight 10 months ago
    60. 1290
      Royal Promise 10 months ago
    61. 1291
      Perilous Gift 10 months ago
    62. 1292
      History of Time 10 months ago
    63. 1293
      Defilement 10 months ago
    64. 1294
      Corruption 10 months ago
    65. 1295
      No One Knows 10 months ago
    66. 1296
      Doom War 10 months ago
    67. 1297
      Where Nightmares Come From 10 months ago
    68. 1298
      Noble Cause 10 months ago
    69. 1299
      Nameless Things 10 months ago
    70. 1300
      Riverborn 10 months ago
    71. 1301
      Fourth Mastery 10 months ago
    72. 1302
      Absolute Law 10 months ago
    73. 1303
      The Great and Terrible Lord Sunless 10 months ago
    74. 1304
      Fishing in the Great River 10 months ago
    75. 1305
      House of Parting 10 months ago
    76. 1306
      Paths of Ascension 10 months ago
    77. 1307
      Before the Nightmare Spell 10 months ago
    78. 1308
      Weave 10 months ago
    79. 1309
      Mad Prince 10 months ago
    80. 1310
      Forsaken 10 months ago
    81. 1311
      Temple of the Nightmare Spell 10 months ago
    82. 1312
      Ancient Mural 10 months ago
    83. 1313
      Nightmare Within Nightmare 10 months ago
    84. 1314
      Revelations of Madness 10 months ago
    85. 1315
      Steel Devil 9 months ago
    86. 1316
      Limits of Power 9 months ago
    87. 1317
      Difficult Questions 9 months ago
    88. 1318
      Leaving Weave 9 months ago
    89. 1319
      House of Youth 9 months ago
    90. 1320
      Childhood's End 9 months ago
    91. 1321
      Drowning Island 9 months ago
    92. 1322
      Broken Time 9 months ago
    93. 1323
      Time Storm 9 months ago
    94. 1324
      Relentless Battle 9 months ago
    95. 1325
      Lawless Abyss 9 months ago
    96. 1326
      Eye of the Storm 9 months ago
    97. 1327
      Frozen Reflections 9 months ago
    98. 1328
      Serene Peril 9 months ago
    99. 1329
      Last Hurdle 9 months ago
    100. 1330
      Floodgates 9 months ago
    101. 1331
      The Well of Wishes 9 months ago
    102. 1332
      Splinters 9 months ago
    103. 1333
      Farewells, The Storm 9 months ago
    104. 1334
      Dire Promise 9 months ago
    105. 1335
      After the Storm 9 months ago
    106. 1336
      Stench of Fate 9 months ago
    107. 1337
      Ghost Ship 9 months ago
    108. 1338
      On the Importance of Needlework and Carpentry 9 months ago
    109. 1339
      Moving On 9 months ago
    110. 1340
      New Perspective 9 months ago
    111. 1341
      Learning the Hard Way 9 months ago
    112. 1342
      Nebulous Mantle 9 months ago
    113. 1343
      Crown of Dawn 9 months ago
    114. 1344
      On Course 9 months ago
    115. 1345
      Monster Herders 9 months ago
    116. 1346
      Faltering Star 9 months ago
    117. 1347
      Trial of Skill 9 months ago
    118. 1348
      Sorcerer Supreme 9 months ago
    119. 1349
      Crowning Achievement 9 months ago
    120. 1350
      Familiar Pattern 9 months ago
    121. 1351
      Beware of Future Versions of Yourself Bearing Gifts 9 months ago
    122. 1352
      Nearing the Edge 9 months ago
    123. 1353
      Tattered Sails 9 months ago
    124. 1354
      By Grace of Dusk 9 months ago
    125. 1355
      Fallen Grace 9 months ago
    126. 1356
      The Last Sybil 9 months ago
    127. 1357
      Long, Long Time 9 months ago
    128. 1358
      Beautiful Chains 9 months ago
    129. 1359
      See no Evil 9 months ago
    130. 1360
      Marooned 9 months ago
    131. 1361
      Devoured by Time 9 months ago
    132. 1362
      No Other Choice 9 months ago
    133. 1363
      The Shadow, the Star, and the Oracle 9 months ago
    134. 1364
      Creating New Memories Together 9 months ago
    135. 1365
      The Sound of His Wings 9 months ago
    136. 1366
      Terror of the Earth 9 months ago
    137. 1367
      Dream Curse 9 months ago
    138. 1368
      Setting Sail 9 months ago
    139. 1369
      Lost Library 9 months ago
    140. 1370
      Insidious Adversary 9 months ago
    141. 1371
      Dark Garden 9 months ago
    142. 1372
      Clearing a Path 8 months ago
    143. 1373
      Counting Echoes 8 months ago
    144. 1374
      Drowned Temple 8 months ago
    145. 1375
      Spoiled for Choices 8 months ago
    146. 1376
      Fighting the Future 8 months ago
    147. 1377
      Battle in the Shallows 8 months ago
    148. 1378
      Graceful Blade 8 months ago
    149. 1379
      A Step Forward 8 months ago
    150. 1380
      Cage of Futures 8 months ago
    151. 1381
      Cleaning Up 8 months ago
    152. 1382
      Long Time Coming 8 months ago
    153. 1383
      A Pile of Soul Shards 8 months ago
    154. 1384
      Novel Idea 8 months ago
    155. 1385
      Flame of Divinity 8 months ago
    156. 1386
      Forests, Plains, Rivers, and a Vast Blue Sky 8 months ago
    157. 1387
      Divine, Unholy 8 months ago
    158. 1388
      Wheels of History 8 months ago
    159. 1389
      Shifting Map 8 months ago
    160. 1390
      Guiding Light 8 months ago
    161. 1391
      Rushed Exit 8 months ago
    162. 1392
      Desolation 8 months ago
    163. 1393
      Vortex 8 months ago
    164. 1394
      The Luxury of Being Bored 8 months ago
    165. 1395
      Hello, Blue Sky 8 months ago
    166. 1396
      Approaching the Vortex 8 months ago
    167. 1397
      Wishful Thinking 8 months ago
    168. 1398
      Braving the Barrier 8 months ago
    169. 1399
      Misty Shore 8 months ago
    170. 1400
      Footprints in the Sand 8 months ago
    171. 1401
      One of Those Situations 8 months ago
    172. 1402
      Sunny Waited for a Moment 8 months ago
    173. 1403
      Deja Vu 8 months ago
    174. 1404
      Another Round 8 months ago
    175. 1405
      Undone 8 months ago
    176. 1406
      Undying 8 months ago
    177. 1407
      Moving in a Circle 8 months ago
    178. 1408
      Closest Path 8 months ago
    179. 1409
      Covering the Tracks 8 months ago
    180. 1410
      River Nomads 8 months ago
    181. 1411
      Monster Preserve 8 months ago
    182. 1412
      Misty Forest 8 months ago
    183. 1413
      Falling Trees 8 months ago
    184. 1414
      Bone Garden 8 months ago
    185. 1415
      Empty Shells 8 months ago
    186. 1416
      Invisible Scars 8 months ago
    187. 1417
      War Beast 8 months ago
    188. 1418
      Point of Return 8 months ago
    189. 1419
      Mother of Learning 8 months ago
    190. 1420
      Unexpected Complications 8 months ago
    191. 1421
      Joy of Life 8 months ago
    192. 1422
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless and his Valiant Companions in the Evil Pyramid of Ancient Dread, Abridged (Volume VI) 8 months ago
    193. 1423
      Lines in the Sand 8 months ago
    194. 1424
      Do It Yourself 8 months ago
    195. 1425
      Cavern Terror 8 months ago
    196. 1426
      Pathfinder 8 months ago
    197. 1427
      Unexplored Opportunities 8 months ago
    198. 1428
      Searching Reflection 8 months ago
    199. 1429
      Bed Time 8 months ago
    200. 1430
      The Last Meal 8 months ago
    201. 1431
      Tea and Dessert 8 months ago
    202. 1432
      Admission 8 months ago
    203. 1433
      Trying Something New 7 months ago
    204. 1434
      World of Darkness 7 months ago
    205. 1435
      Time Map 7 months ago
    206. 1436
      Heavy Burden 7 months ago
    207. 1437
      One Pebble 7 months ago
    208. 1438
      Hiring an Assistant 7 months ago
    209. 1439
      Desperate Times 7 months ago
    210. 1440
      Desperate Measures 7 months ago
    211. 1441
      Let's Split Up 7 months ago
    212. 1442
      Elusive Duo 7 months ago
    213. 1443
      Cutting a Mountain 7 months ago
    214. 1444
      New Ways to Die 7 months ago
    215. 1445
      Inside the Tower 7 months ago
    216. 1446
      Wind Flower 7 months ago
    217. 1447
      Different Approach 7 months ago
    218. 1448
      A Beautiful Dream 7 months ago
    219. 1449
      Left Behind 7 months ago
    220. 1450
      Seventh Realm 7 months ago
    221. 1451
      Forgotten Name 7 months ago
    222. 1452
      Path to Salvation 7 months ago
    223. 1453
      The Other Guest 7 months ago
    224. 1454
      An Oath and a Promise 7 months ago
    225. 1455
      Puppet Master 7 months ago
    226. 1456
      Do What You Want 7 months ago
    227. 1457
      Hunting Stronger Beasts 7 months ago
    228. 1458
      One Last Time 7 months ago
    229. 1459
      Musical Diversion 7 months ago
    230. 1460
      Dead March 7 months ago
    231. 1461
      Encore 7 months ago
    232. 1462
      Smooth Ride 7 months ago
    233. 1463
      The More They Desired 7 months ago
    234. 1464
      Sunny Submarine 7 months ago
    235. 1465
      Rendezvous 7 months ago
    236. 1466
      Hidden Chamber 7 months ago
    237. 1467
      Just Like That 7 months ago
    238. 1468
      An Extravagant Meal 7 months ago
    239. 1469
      Something to Remember 7 months ago
    240. 1470
      Farewell Gift 7 months ago
    241. 1471
      Terror 7 months ago
    242. 1472
      Given Promise 7 months ago
    243. 1473
      Hiding in the Tower 7 months ago
    244. 1474
      End of Days 7 months ago
    245. 1475
      Defiled Saints 7 months ago
    246. 1476
      Attrition 7 months ago
    247. 1477
      Undying Slaughter 7 months ago
    248. 1478
      Soul Reaper Jet 7 months ago
    249. 1479
      Fractured Island 7 months ago
    250. 1480
      In a Day's Work 7 months ago
    251. 1481
      Emergency Repairs 7 months ago
    252. 1482
      Third Way 7 months ago
    253. 1483
      Reaper's Scythe 7 months ago
    254. 1484
      Radiant Depths 7 months ago
    255. 1485
      Traversing the Vortex 7 months ago
    256. 1486
      Colorful Ribbon 7 months ago
    257. 1487
      The Source 7 months ago
    258. 1488
      The First Plague 7 months ago
    259. 1489
      A Variable 7 months ago
    260. 1490
      No Bounds 7 months ago
    261. 1491
      Dark Boundary 7 months ago
    262. 1492
      Back to the River 6 months ago
    263. 1493
      Sins of the Past 6 months ago
    264. 1494
      The Edge 6 months ago
    265. 1495
      Still Water 6 months ago
    266. 1496
      Bygone Battlefield 6 months ago
    267. 1497
      Chain Barrier 6 months ago
    268. 1498
      Mirror Realm 6 months ago
    269. 1499
      Prince's Old Clothes 6 months ago
    270. 1500
      Perfect Trap 6 months ago
    271. 1501
      Two Choices 6 months ago
    272. 1502
      Flawed Reflection 6 months ago
    273. 1503
      Approaching Twilight 6 months ago
    274. 1504
      Frozen City 6 months ago
    275. 1505
      Shape of His Soul 6 months ago
    276. 1506
      Heart of Twilight 6 months ago
    277. 1507
      Twilight Throne 6 months ago
    278. 1508
      Unleashed 6 months ago
    279. 1509
      Stolen Bodies 6 months ago
    280. 1510
      King's Resentment 6 months ago
    281. 1511
      Drowning Star 6 months ago
    282. 1512
      Chaos and Mayhem 6 months ago
    283. 1513
      Furious Shadow 6 months ago
    284. 1514
      Burning Rust 6 months ago
    285. 1515
      Formless Shadow 6 months ago
    286. 1516
      Consuming Wrath 6 months ago
    287. 1517
      Supernova 6 months ago
    288. 1518
      Ruin 6 months ago
    289. 1519
      Reverse Scale 6 months ago
    290. 1520
      Dreadful Soul 6 months ago
    291. 1521
      Sharpest Arrow 6 months ago
    292. 1522
      Break of Dawn 6 months ago
    293. 1523
      Endlessly Flowing 6 months ago
    294. 1524
      Bitter, Sweet 6 months ago
    295. 1525
      Memory of Light 6 months ago
    296. 1526
      Tempered in Flame 6 months ago
    297. 1527
      Leaving Twilight 6 months ago
    298. 1528
      New Eden 6 months ago
    299. 1529
      Worm of Doubt 6 months ago
    300. 1530
      Blessing of Misfortune 6 months ago
    301. 1531
      Colors of the Sky 6 months ago
    302. 1532
      Unchanging 6 months ago
    303. 1533
      Dusk Flower 6 months ago
    304. 1534
      Rejuvenated 6 months ago
    305. 1535
      Seven Heroes 6 months ago
    306. 1536
      Future Youths 6 months ago
    307. 1537
      Last Testament 6 months ago
    308. 1538
      Lord's Wisdom 6 months ago
    309. 1539
      Sybil's Secrets 6 months ago
    310. 1540
      Clouded Judgment 6 months ago
    311. 1541
      Into the Sunset 6 months ago
    312. 1542
      Last Journey 6 months ago
    313. 1543
      Pride of a Craftsman 6 months ago
    314. 1544
      Innermost Void 6 months ago
    315. 1545
      Purest Sound 6 months ago
    316. 1546
      Raised by Wolves 6 months ago
    317. 1547
      Dawn of Time 6 months ago
    318. 1548
      Final Act 6 months ago
    319. 1549
      Scouting Mission 6 months ago
    320. 1550
      Change of Plans 6 months ago
    321. 1551
      Left Behind 6 months ago
    322. 1552
      Lifeboat 6 months ago
    323. 1553
      Shadow and Seer 5 months ago
    324. 1554
      Familiar Face 5 months ago
    325. 1555
      Partners in Crime 5 months ago
    326. 1556
      Dangerous Knowledge 5 months ago
    327. 1557
      Terrifying Existence 5 months ago
    328. 1558
      First Thread 5 months ago
    329. 1559
      Thousand Cuts 5 months ago
    330. 1560
      Freedom of Choice 5 months ago
    331. 1561
      Treacherous Shadow 5 months ago
    332. 1562
      Leaving Without Saying Goodbye 5 months ago
    333. 1563
      Terrors of the Past 5 months ago
    334. 1564
      Returning to the Source 5 months ago
    335. 1565
      Traversing the Mist 5 months ago
    336. 1566
      The Estuary 5 months ago
    337. 1567
      One Last Time 5 months ago
    338. 1568
      Knowledge of the Void 5 months ago
    339. 1569
      Cracking Mirror 5 months ago
    340. 1570
      Writ in Water 5 months ago
    341. 1571
      Seventh God 5 months ago
    342. 1572
      Testament of Dread 5 months ago
    343. 1573
      Stone Maze 5 months ago
    344. 1574
      Whoever Fights Monsters 5 months ago
    345. 1575
      Free of Sin 5 months ago
    346. 1576
      Dreadful Whisper 5 months ago
    347. 1577
      Past, Present, and Future 5 months ago
    348. 1578
      Lost Shadow 5 months ago
    349. 1579
      Forgotten 5 months ago
    350. 1580
      What You Wished For 5 months ago
    351. 1581
      Shadows and Dust 5 months ago
    352. 1582
      Banished 5 months ago
    353. 1583
      Shadow Avatars 5 months ago
    354. 1584
      Sevenfold 5 months ago
    355. 1585
      Climbing Out of a Grave 5 months ago
    356. 1586
      Grey Sky 5 months ago
    357. 1587
      Dream Gate 5 months ago
    358. 1588
      Unchained 5 months ago
    359. 1589
      Untethered 5 months ago
    360. 1590
      Epilogue 5 months ago

    Volume 8 : Lord of Shadows

    1. 1591
      Years Later 5 months ago
    2. 1592
      Humble Shopkeeper 5 months ago
    3. 1593
      Pleasant Morning 5 months ago
    4. 1594
      Familiar Faces 5 months ago
    5. 1595
      Builders of Things 5 months ago
    6. 1596
      Wind of Change 5 months ago
    7. 1597
      Tragedy of Imperfection 5 months ago
    8. 1598
      Present Problems 5 months ago
    9. 1599
      Delivery 5 months ago
    10. 1600
      Beast Farm 5 months ago
    11. 1601
      Esteemed Guest 5 months ago
    12. 1602
      Short, Dark, and Handsome 5 months ago
    13. 1603
      He's a Rumor 5 months ago
    14. 1604
      Brave New World 5 months ago
    15. 1605
      Memory Boutique 5 months ago
    16. 1606
      Belated Apology 5 months ago
    17. 1607
      Godgrave 5 months ago
    18. 1608
      Death Zone 4 months ago
    19. 1609
      Reclusive Saint 4 months ago
    20. 1610
      Land of Shadows 4 months ago
    21. 1611
      Nameless Temple 4 months ago
    22. 1612
      An Audience with the Lord 4 months ago
    23. 1613
      Decent Proposal 4 months ago
    24. 1614
      Lord's Challenge 4 months ago
    25. 1615
      Grand Entrance 4 months ago
    26. 1616
      Blade of Shadows 4 months ago
    27. 1617
      Duel of the Saints 4 months ago
    28. 1618
      Transcendent Battle Art 4 months ago
    29. 1619
      Essence Technique 4 months ago
    30. 1620
      Deeper Layer 4 months ago
    31. 1621
      Princes of the Universe 4 months ago
    32. 1622
      Many Mysteries of Shadow 4 months ago
    33. 1623
      Dark Colossus 4 months ago
    34. 1624
      Crazy Girl 4 months ago
    35. 1625
      Undergeared 4 months ago
    36. 1626
      The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer... Wait, Who? What Was His Name? Abridged (Volume VII) 4 months ago
    37. 1627
      Hunting Spoils 4 months ago
    38. 1628
      Weary Pilgrim 4 months ago
    39. 1629
      Roads to the Future 4 months ago
    40. 1630
      Ravenheart 4 months ago
    41. 1631
      Hidden Menace 4 months ago
    42. 1632
      New Developments 4 months ago
    43. 1633
      Public Sentiment 4 months ago
    44. 1634
      Scenic View 4 months ago
    45. 1635
      Message to Myself 4 months ago
    46. 1636
      Man-Shaped Void 4 months ago
    47. 1637
      Negative Space 4 months ago
    48. 1638
      Pretty as a Picture 4 months ago
    49. 1639
      Beautiful Mirage 4 months ago
    50. 1640
      Harrowing Reality 4 months ago
    51. 1641
      First Impressions 4 months ago
    52. 1642
      Selfish Reasons 4 months ago
    53. 1643
      Unseen 4 months ago
    54. 1644
      Royal Forge 4 months ago
    55. 1645
      Found Nothing 4 months ago
    56. 1646
      Dungeons & Daemons 4 months ago
    57. 1647
      Infinity Mirror 4 months ago
    58. 1648
      Lost in Reflection 4 months ago
    59. 1649
      Memory of Ice 4 months ago
    60. 1650
      Frozen City 4 months ago
    61. 1651
      New Predator 4 months ago
    62. 1652
      Terrible Challenger 4 months ago
    63. 1653
      Erebus 4 months ago
    64. 1654
      Opening Salvo 4 months ago
    65. 1655
      Rain of Destruction 4 months ago
    66. 1656
      Into the Storm 4 months ago
    67. 1657
      Heart of Winter 4 months ago
    68. 1658
      Burning Wrath 4 months ago
    69. 1659
      Hour of Reckoning 4 months ago
    70. 1660
      Fragments of a Fleeting Dream 4 months ago
    71. 1661
      Missing Light 4 months ago
    72. 1662
      Bridge Builders 4 months ago
    73. 1663
      Domain War 4 months ago
    74. 1664
      Search and Rescue 4 months ago
    75. 1665
      Alone in the Dark 4 months ago
    76. 1666
      Wandering Temple 4 months ago
    77. 1667
      Disarmed 4 months ago
    78. 1668
      Hollow Bones 4 months ago
    79. 1669
      Questions in the Light 3 months ago
    80. 1670
      Welcome to the Jungle 3 months ago
    81. 1671
      Fear the Sun 3 months ago
    82. 1672
      All That Remains 3 months ago
    83. 1673
      Entering the Ruins 3 months ago
    84. 1674
      In Tandem 3 months ago
    85. 1675
      Uncovered 3 months ago
    86. 1676
      Inalienable 3 months ago
    87. 1677
      Spark of Longing 3 months ago
    88. 1678
      Path to Supremacy 3 months ago
    89. 1679
      Beacon of Hope 3 months ago
    90. 1680
      Spirit of Light 3 months ago
    91. 1681
      Battle Partners 3 months ago
    92. 1682
      Hasty Retreat 3 months ago
    93. 1683
      Dark Deity 3 months ago
    94. 1684
      Pure Agony 3 months ago
    95. 1685
      Booming Business 3 months ago
    96. 1686
      Acts of Humanity 3 months ago
    97. 1687
      Suddenly, and Without Warning 3 months ago
    98. 1688
      Cherry on Top 3 months ago
    99. 1689
      Satisfactory Answer 3 months ago
    100. 1690
      A Blade to Slay the Gods 3 months ago
    101. 1691
      Skill Issue 3 months ago
    102. 1692
      Return Customer 3 months ago
    103. 1693
      Convincing Lie 3 months ago
    104. 1694
      Facing the Consequences 3 months ago
    105. 1695
      All According to Plan 3 months ago
    106. 1696
      VIP Treatment 3 months ago
    107. 1697
      Actionable Strategy 3 months ago
    108. 1698
      Auntie Effie's Lessons 3 months ago
    109. 1699
      First Impressions 3 months ago
    110. 1700
      His Own Worst Enemy 3 months ago
    111. 1701
      Illusory Castle 3 months ago
    112. 1702
      Legendary Encounter 3 months ago
    113. 1703
      Courting Death 3 months ago
    114. 1704
      A Slap Heard Around the World 3 months ago
    115. 1705
      Familiar 3 months ago
    116. 1706
      Memory Purveyor 3 months ago
    117. 1707
      The Fine Nuances of Demon Hunting 3 months ago
    118. 1708
      The Huntsman 3 months ago
    119. 1709
      Hunter's Prey 3 months ago
    120. 1710
      Daring Escape 3 months ago
    121. 1711
      On Thin Ice 3 months ago
    122. 1712
      Icebreaker 3 months ago
    123. 1713
      Fire and Ice 3 months ago
    124. 1714
      Apex Predator 3 months ago
    125. 1715
      There Are No Washing Machines in Ravenheart 3 months ago
    126. 1716
      Grain of Sand 3 months ago
    127. 1717
      Rustle 3 months ago
    128. 1718
      Sounds of Battle 3 months ago
    129. 1719
      Story Time 3 months ago
    130. 1720
      Hard Day at Work 3 months ago
    131. 1721
      Footsteps of History 3 months ago
    132. 1722
      Slingshot Maneuver 3 months ago
    133. 1723
      The Flight of the Wraiths 3 months ago
    134. 1724
      Nightsinger 3 months ago
    135. 1725
      Silent Clash 3 months ago
    136. 1726
      Strategic Solution 3 months ago
    137. 1727
      A Brawl of Titanic Proportions 3 months ago
    138. 1728
      Cost of Time 3 months ago
    139. 1729
      Three Saints and a Devil 2 months ago
    140. 1730
      Heartbreaker 2 months ago
    141. 1731
      Slaying Blade 2 months ago
    142. 1732
      Luxurious Ride 2 months ago
    143. 1733
      Familiar Stranger 2 months ago
    144. 1734
      Behind Closed Doors 2 months ago
    145. 1735
      Toast to Loyalty 2 months ago
    146. 1736
      Make it Four 2 months ago
    147. 1737
      A Walk in the Park 2 months ago
    148. 1738
      Crumbling Dam 2 months ago
    149. 1739
      Assassination 2 months ago
    150. 1740
      No Traces 2 months ago
    151. 1741
      Best Policy 2 months ago
    152. 1742
      Good Reason 2 months ago
    153. 1743
      A Small Group of Committed Citizens 2 months ago
    154. 1744
      Changing the World 2 months ago
    155. 1745
      Missing Catalyst 2 months ago
    156. 1746
      Just War 2 months ago
    157. 1747
      The Infamous Lord Mongrel 2 months ago
    158. 1748
      Precious Moments 2 months ago
    159. 1749
      Leave It All Behind 2 months ago
    160. 1750
      Nothing But Time 2 months ago
    161. 1751
      Why Did the Flame Wane? 2 months ago
    162. 1752
      Reading About Nothing 2 months ago
    163. 1753
      Runaway 2 months ago
    164. 1754
      I Hurt, Therefore I Am 2 months ago
    165. 1755
      Affirmation 2 months ago
    166. 1756
      Nothing Left 2 months ago
    167. 1757
      Hollow Mountains 2 months ago
    168. 1758
      Something Wicked This Way Comes 2 months ago
    169. 1759
      Return to the Forgotten Shore 2 months ago
    170. 1760
      Ruins of the Crimson Spire 2 months ago
    171. 1761
      Silent Streets of the Dark City 2 months ago
    172. 1762
      Thus Spoke Weaver 2 months ago
    173. 1763
      Sea of Dust 2 months ago
    174. 1764
      Never Be Afraid Again 2 months ago
    175. 1765
      The Three of Them 2 months ago
    176. 1766
      Busy Body 2 months ago
    177. 1767
      Restless Mind 2 months ago
    178. 1768
      Swordsmanship Enthusiast 2 months ago
    179. 1769
      Dreams Old and New 2 months ago
    180. 1770
      Keen Insight 2 months ago
    181. 1771
      Curtain Call 2 months ago
    182. 1772
      Deus Ex Machina 2 months ago
    183. 1773
      Fake It 2 months ago
    184. 1774
      Till You Make It 2 months ago
    185. 1775
      Knight Commander 2 months ago
    186. 1776
      Working Dead 2 months ago
    187. 1777
      Hell on Wheels 2 months ago
    188. 1778
      Survey Team 2 months ago
    189. 1779
      Leaving the Main Camp 2 months ago
    190. 1780
      Moonriver Plain 2 months ago
    191. 1781
      Don't Shoot the Messenger 2 months ago
    192. 1782
      Heirs of War 2 months ago
    193. 1783
      Peaceful Days 2 months ago
    194. 1784
      Stairway to Heaven 2 months ago
    195. 1785
      Hermit Saint of Godgrave 2 months ago
    196. 1786
      Decent Archer 2 months ago
    197. 1787
      Ack 2 months ago
    198. 1788
      Weeping Canyon 1 months ago
    199. 1789
      Peculiar Connection 1 months ago
    200. 1790
      Value of Regret 1 months ago
    201. 1791
      Queenmaker 1 months ago
    202. 1792
      Bait and Switch 1 months ago
    203. 1793
      Soft Hand 1 months ago
    204. 1794
      Last Memory 1 months ago
    205. 1795
      Burned Forest 1 months ago
    206. 1796
      End of the World 1 months ago
    207. 1797
      Last Refuge 1 months ago
    208. 1798
      Knowledge of Everything 1 months ago
    209. 1799
      Back to Civilization 1 months ago
    210. 1800
      Return to the Black Mountain 1 months ago
    211. 1801
      A New Home 1 months ago
    212. 1802
      Restoration 1 months ago
    213. 1803
      After the Fighting is Over 1 months ago
    214. 1804
      Unexpected Invitation 1 months ago
    215. 1805
      Sir Mongrel 1 months ago
    216. 1806
      Shadow in Distress 1 months ago
    217. 1807
      Dream Come True 1 months ago
    218. 1808
      Down the River 1 months ago
    219. 1809
      Beach Date 1 months ago
    220. 1810
      Beautiful Gift 1 months ago
    221. 1811
      Perfect Day 1 months ago
    222. 1812
      Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1 months ago
    223. 1813
      Behind the Mask 1 months ago
    224. 1814
      Confession 1 months ago
    225. 1815
      Stranded 1 months ago
    226. 1816
      Simple Porter 1 months ago
    227. 1817
      Shelter and Food 1 months ago
    228. 1818
      Moment of Respite 1 months ago
    229. 1819
      Pursued 1 months ago
    230. 1820
      Waiting for Rain 1 months ago
    231. 1821
      A Thousand Steps 1 months ago
    232. 1822
      Miraculous Feat 1 months ago
    233. 1823
      Mud 1 months ago
    234. 1824
      After Me Comes the Flood 1 months ago
    235. 1825
      Edge of the Abyss 1 months ago
    236. 1826
      Coming Storm 1 months ago
    237. 1827
      Cleansing 1 months ago
    238. 1828
      Lost and Found 1 months ago
    239. 1829
      A New Way 1 months ago
    240. 1830
      Resistance to Change 1 months ago
    241. 1831
      Abstract Concept 1 months ago
    242. 1832
      The Other Side 1 months ago
    243. 1833
      Honesty is the Best Policy 1 months ago
    244. 1834
      As Simple as That 1 months ago
    245. 1835
      Next Morning 1 months ago
    246. 1836
      Resolution 1 months ago
    247. 1837
      Part of Life 1 months ago
    248. 1838
      Palace of Imagination 1 months ago
    249. 1839
      Last Days of Peace 1 months ago
    250. 1840
      Bathed in Starlight 1 months ago

    Volume 9 : Throne of War

    1. 1841
      Evil Minds That Plot Destruction 1 months ago
    2. 1842
      First Blood 1 months ago
    3. 1843
      Crash Landing on You 1 months ago
    4. 1844
      On the Other Side 1 months ago
    5. 1845
      Seventh Royal Legion 1 months ago
    6. 1846
      Ground Perspective 1 months ago
    7. 1847
      Deadly Equilibrium 29 days ago
    8. 1848
      Reign of Steel 29 days ago
    9. 1849
      Taste of Ash 28 days ago
    10. 1850
      War Council 27 days ago
    11. 1851
      Talking to Myself 27 days ago
    12. 1852
      Champions of Valor 27 days ago
    13. 1853
      The King's Speech 26 days ago
    14. 1854
      The Shadow's Response 26 days ago
    15. 1855
      Sudden Assignment 25 days ago
    16. 1856
      Champions of Song 24 days ago
    17. 1857
      Missing Invitation 24 days ago
    18. 1858
      Precipice 24 days ago
    19. 1859
      Untold 23 days ago
    20. 1860
      Turn of Fortune 23 days ago
    21. 1861
      Homecoming 22 days ago
    22. 1862
      Puppet Master 21 days ago
    23. 1863
      Repercussions 21 days ago
    24. 1864
      Sibling Rivalry 21 days ago
    25. 1865
      Into the Fray 20 days ago
    26. 1866
      Cutting the Red Tape 20 days ago
    27. 1867
      Quid Pro Quo 19 days ago
    28. 1868
      Expedition Force 19 days ago
    29. 1869
      War Machine 18 days ago
    30. 1870
      Career Advancement 17 days ago
    31. 1871
      Shadow of Death 17 days ago
    32. 1872
      Burning Bright 17 days ago
    33. 1873
      Shadow Commander 16 days ago
    34. 1874
      Lord's Lieutenants 16 days ago
    35. 1875
      End of Shift 15 days ago
    36. 1876
      Third Pillar 15 days ago
    37. 1877
      Secrets of the Past 14 days ago
    38. 1878
      Interim Results 13 days ago
    39. 1879
      Bone Crack 13 days ago
    40. 1880
      Hell March 13 days ago
    41. 1881
      Leaving the Camp 12 days ago
    42. 1882
      Entering the Hollows 12 days ago
    43. 1883
      In His Element 11 days ago
    44. 1884
      Scarlet Garden 10 days ago
    45. 1885
      Fortune Favors the Bold 10 days ago
    46. 1886
      Dark Dancer 10 days ago

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