The trip was quite uneventful after that and I realised how monotonous life on a sailing ship could be.
The days basically pass by where you're doing almost the same thing everyday.
I would wake, eat, man the wheel, do some light cleaning of the ship where I basically cheated by letting my [Shadow Summons] do the work when out of sight of the others, eat again, bathe with water created by my Hydromancy, then go to sleep.
The whole process would then repeat again the next day.
Of course there were short times where we would also gather around together to talk to pass the time and the Sirens were very helpful in entertaining us with their singing, but things just started to settle in a sort of routine for us.
I could, of course, use my [Shadow Summons] to take over managing the ship for us since I pretty much learned the basics already and the knowledge was passed to my summons, but Emilia and Odeta agreed that it was too risky for me to show it here.
Journal Entry:
Did I... Lose myself there? But she wasn't even singing? Could she have unintentionally used her magic to make me lose my mind there? Because I would definitely have wanted to at least put on my sheath before fucking her to prevent impregnating her...
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