"So… You're telling me that you chose the reincarnation option?"
"And you willingly became another race that isn't human?"
"And you've been around for more than ten years?"
"Did I just ask a minor for sex?"
"Technically I'm thirty if you were to count my time in the other World so I'm an adult."
"Oh… So you wanna suck my cock?"
"Is your cock long enough to touch your ass?"
"Eh? What? Err… I mean yes! Yes it is!"
"Good, then you can go fuck yourself."
I flipped him the bird before crossing my arms while daring him to do something about it.
Andrew stared at me blankly for a good long while before clearing his throat, "Well… You do know what my bane does when I ask that question right?"
"Yeah, you need to win a game after propositioning someone for sex or they won't do it with you."
Journal Entry:
If I had to guess, Andrew probably saw all this as a game and the people around him as NPCs to be exploited without consequence. The scary thing is that I doubt he would be the only Off-Worlder who would think like that here.
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