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4.76% Rune God MLP:FIM SI / Chapter 4: The Gifting Of The Limb

Capítulo 4: The Gifting Of The Limb

As I sat there looking at the leg and foot that I had crafted, I slowly grabbed a long thin tube of granite and dipped it in the sliver I had melted down beforehand. I slowly wrote out the three words that would power the limb for Silver with the coated granite tube. I slowly chanted while writing out the words up and down the limb' Power the limb Run the limb Recycle the power'. I had to keep chanting it softly but having to get louder with every Rune I had completed. I realized that I will be shouting when I get the Runes done. My voice will be shot for a few hours. I keep chanting the words because I needed to do so I could focus my will on what the runes would do. Still, in the process, I had developed a pounding headache from doing this, but it needs to be done now. Before the limb completely cools off so the sliver will mix with the steel.

I spoke to myself slowly, almost as if I were talking to the runes themselves. "I know I should have used gold, but I don't have enough bits to do this in gold, and beside sliver is the second-best. Besides, it looks good with steel, and you always do the best you can with the prototype, and even if you are a prototype for that man, you are his future."

I sat there looking at the completed limb, and as I looked at it. I could not help it. I burst into laughter at the sight of the Runed limb. I changed the world, and I am nowhere near done with changing this world. I looked around for food and saw a sandwich with a note 'make sure you eat, Pinkie Pie.' I smiled happily and quickly ate the food before moving to head out of the forge and moving my way to the house and getting some sleep that I looked at my home and thought. 'I think I am falling in love with Pinkie, and I think for once in my life I am genuinely happy.'

I was surprised to hear humming from my kitchen and was confused; then I saw Pinkie cooking dinner. "Pinkie, what are you doing here, and how long have you been here."

I saw her physically jump and whirl around; luckily, she was not holding a knife or anything like that. "Onyx, you are finally done."

I was confused about what she meant. "What do you mean finally, Pinkie? I mean, I only missed lunch."

"Onyx, you have been in there for close to 36 hours. You missed 5 meals, I was worried, and the only reason I did not rush in there to force you to eat is Rarity," Pinkie spoke with a tone of voice that was heartbreaking. "I called her over, and when you were chanting, she told me you were so deep in the magic it would not let you stop. If I attempted to interfere, I could get magically hurt, not just physically."

"I was terrified I was going to lose you, Onyx; you were just slowly moving inch by inch. ]I checked up on you hourly, and that was the only reason I knew you were moving" she looked about, ready to burst into tears before she rushed in to hug me. I held her there in my chest and allowed her to cry; I slowly rubbed her head. "It felt like I was losing you, Onyx, and there was nothing I could do."

"that is because the rune language is not 100 percent done it is less than 20 percent done. This will get better with every book I complete." I informed straight up, honesty. "I will have to get another book done before I even think about using the runes again, though."

"what do you mean the language is not done," she asked in curiosity.

"Runic languages need to be written down, and the words have to make sense once they are written down. I have not completed the language enough to make it completely safe." I explained to her calmly. "For the language to be complete, I will need to write another 5 volumes of books with each volume containing a little over sixty thousand words."

"I figure by the time the Summer Sun Celebration, I should be done with Volume 3 making what happened the first time a thing of the past." I said in a low tone of voice while looking at her with honesty in my voice. 'Of course, the only reason I am not immediately writing all six Volumes because that would be extremely crazy, and there would be no way for me to explain it, after all, I am only 22.'

"You promise you won't use these runes again until you complete the 2nd volume, you truly promise," Pinkie said, mumbling into my chest.

"Yeah, I promise now can I get a shower? I probably stink Pinkie" I watch as her face blushes before turning back to the food.

"Go take a shower. I will make sure the foods ready for when you get out" I nodded before walking up the stairs and climbing into the shower. I felt the water fall on my body. As I got out of the shower, I slowly made my way to the bed before I collapsed on it, and I smiled to myself as I slowly fell asleep. 'Sorry, Pinkie, I will eat later now I need to sleep.'

---Pov Pinkie Pie---

I had called out to Onyx to come to eat. I was surprised that he did not come down immediately after his shower. I gently pulled everything off the stove and worked my way up the stairs in thought, 'I wonder what could be taking so long.'

I looked in his bedroom and saw him on his bed, snoring away in only a towel. I could not help but snort at the sight of him before moving him under the blankets. 'I wonder what drives you, dummy, because according to Rarity, you got pulled deep into making that limb that even Rarity was surprised at how deep you were.'

I slowly moved the bangs out of his face and saw that he had bags under his eye' sleep well, Onyx, you earned it.'

I kissed him on the cheek before running back to the kitchen to get it cleaned up. 'I will probably stay the night and cook for him in the morning.'

I nodded my head before heading to the guest bedroom. 'I mean, it is probable that he will sleep until noon, and so he is going to be extremely hungry I will cook him some delicious food.'

I slowly snuggled into the bed and could not help my dreams as if I were laying with him in his bed.

---time skip 3-day Onyx's POV---

I stood outside the hospital, waiting for Sliver to arrive. I slowly looked over the connection cap and the limb itself. I knew right then and there that I had done it. I mean, I knew I had done it before that, but now it was real, and that scared me because it was now entirely out of my hand and was in sliver's and the doctor's hand to turn this into a complete success. After this, whether the success or failure will depend on two people, and I can not help but get nervous at this thought because I have next to no control over these two people. I can take over maintenance, but this first install depends on two people, which makes me scared.

I saw Sliver arriving and smiled at him. "Ready, Sliver?"

"As best I can be," I saw him speak nervously, "are you certain that this will work."

"I am one hundred percent certain that this will work," I inform, and I guess something on my face made him believe me because he looked at me and nodded deeply.

As Sliver and I walked into the hospital, I hoped that this would work because the limb works fine, but the installment is where I am worried. I saw the doctor standing there, and he spoke to us, "Is the limb ready."

I nodded and brought out the limb and connection cap. "Here you go."

He nodded and got people to collect it and clean it so he could install them. "This is going to take a little over 12 hours. You might want to go home."

I looked at him like he was a moron and then moved to the waiting area. "I will be here until you are done."

He nodded and led Sliver to the prep area, and then I lost sight of them. I slowly leaned back and got out a book before I started nodding off before I thought to myself, 'though I rested enough, looks like I have not completely rested.'

---time skip 12 hours---

I was slowly reading my book. I had already been awake for 2 hours, so it's not like I was low on time. It is just the book was kind of boring. I looked at the time and realized it was coming up on 12 hours, meaning we should be done soon. I turned my attention to the door before nodding and leaning back into my chair in thought, 'They will be out soon. The doctor said the surgery would take 12 hours that means he might not have accounted for prep time and all the things to get into the surgery, or it might have been slightly harder.'

I was not surprised when less than 10 minutes later, the doctor walked out, almost looking like he was going to collapse but with a big smile on his face. "So how did it go."

"The connection cap was installed perfectly, and when he wakes up, we will be able to get the limb on him in less than 30 minutes. He can begin physical therapy near immediately afterward." the doctor explains, extremely happy that the surgery had gone as well as it did. I just nodded my head because I knew it would go perfectly. "Are you sure the power will be able to run the leg?"

The only reason I am not getting tired of people asking me that question is because they do not know that someone else has asked me that multiple times and that I had asked myself that question numerous times myself. Afterward, I had slowly walked into the hospital room and saw that they had connected it correctly. It was almost as If I had sculpted it in my vision onto the real world without any failures, I did a small jig before heading out.

I was so happy that when I saw Pinkie, I spun her in circles while was hugging her. I could not be happier I babbled at Pinkie. "I did it, Pinkie. The limb is on, and we just need to wait and see if the runes will power it, and I know that it will because I have done the necessary tests. I know this will work. It truly has to work."

"Onyx, please let me down. You are spinning me too much. It is making me dizzy," she spoke with quickly wanted me to set her down.

As I sat her down, I looked her over, and I realized I had been here for nearly 2 months, and I have gotten used to being a horse person. I had wondered why but I quickly realized it was because of Harmony. In the show, they describe the Elements of Harmony, but I think Harmony itself is partially sentient. I believe it understands things on some level; otherwise, why could it help the elements when needed them. I was equally parts confused about why Harmony was accepting me as one of its people. At the same time, I was just happy because it meant I could meet this wonderful woman.

I let out a loud sigh. "Now that I have completed my research project. I need to make the rune language even better by completing the second volume before moving on to my next project. I already know what I want to do next, but when I am attempting, it will be making extremely hard to make. I will make the next generation magic armor a 3 piece armor system powered by runes."

"but that cannot be done until I make the next volume of my book, but I am going to take a break for the next few days. Pinkie, anything you want to show me? I mean, I have not been out of the house for nearly 2 months since I have arrived here," I asked Pinkie.

"Are you serious? Yeah, I have tons of things to show you, Onyx. I want to introduce you to my friends. I want to show you where I walk, and all the things I like to do for fun, and all the hangout spots, and there is so much we have to do before you get wrapped up in your work again." I listened as she babbled about all the things she was going to show me and what we were going to do with my two weeks of downtime to allow myself to heal. I had a checkup with a magical health specialist I had nearly cracked my horn. After all, I was channeling way too much violent magic when I created my runes. As I was walking with Pinkie for a split second, I felt a gaze on my back. I peered over my shoulder to where I felt that gaze because I trusted the magic I had to warn me about this kind of thing. Because it was me, but all I saw was were shadows.

---POV Solar Dusk---

Well, was that not an exciting development Onyx felt my magic fluctuate slightly even in such a damaged state he felt me. 'It looks like the lady is right. He is a potential alicorn, and it looks like as long as he finishes his volumes, he will most likely spark. Still, he wants to use it before he completes it, which is massively dangerous than normal.'

I gently pull out the file I have created on him. 'Onyx Cobalt, what is your secret, and how did you create this rune language because from where I am standing. There is nothing like this in your class reports, and afterward, you were a toymaker. If I did not know you were the same Unicorn and an alicorn candidate, I would think you were a changeling.'

I gently pulled out a stick of jerky and chewed on it, and savored the taste. 'The princess is the only one who accepts this side of me.'

'So why did you come to ponyville? You literally packed everything up and threw away a job that could have made you millions of bits you can create Heirloom toys after all,' I thought as I looked at the toy I had bought before I flipped the toy over and looked at the mark he had created. 'You changed your sigil no, it is more like you added to it a single circle around the edge with some rune letters that you created saying something strange it almost looks like a name. Still, I have never seen one like it.'

I stopped before considering something I did not before 'Are you a reincarnate someone who was able to sneak out of the afterlife for a second life? If so, did you just get your memories back? But if that was the case, why come to ponyville? I mean, it's tiny is it important for historical reasons, but why was Harmony helping you reach your full potential in this life.'

'No, it would be more accurate to say that you are going for the finish line this time. Let make a guess Onyx or whatever his last name was most likely worked on the rune language in the afterlife and his earlier life. He most likely wrote all 6 volumes already in his mind, but he does not have the energy to make it' I slowly collected my thoughts, 'and then there is this.'

I slowly took out the prosthetic blueprint and the files on the operation. 'This thing is stupidly advanced; I wonder if this is truly ancient knowledge mixed with top-tier modern education.'

It is the only thing that makes sense to me. The runes on the sigil must be a hint to your previous identity. But why is Harmony accepting you, mister Onyx? and how did you sneak your way back to life. I slowly gather the report, including my thoughts about him being a reincarnation. I wonder if the princess might be able to guess his previous life and maybe why Harmony is accepting.

---Princess Celestia POV---

It is about the time for Solar Dusk report about Onyx to come through. As I was thinking this, the box lit up with his report "Always prompt Solar."

I pull out his report and quickly flip through it. I was slightly surprised by his guess of Onyx's identity before thinking about it and seeing the thought process. Before going through everything and seeing that it could be right before thinking of who he could be before remembering a runemaster that was laughed at. Because he never contributed to the field like everyone else despite saying that he had already created his own rune alphabet. That when he released it, every other Runemaster would bow their head. He also lived in ponyville, and I saw him only once and discovered that he was an alicorn potential. He never had that oomph to achieve his spark, and with no deed's to his name, I actually forgot about his name because he was no hero, flawless metal.

I sat their in thought before nodding my head if he genuinely did sneak out of the afterlife because of his rune language. I just do not know why he snuck out before I remember something in his letter "my word is my bond; I always keep my word." That would fit if he felt unhappiness from failing to keep his promise in life. He would have done anything to keep it, even sneaking out of the unsneakable. I nodded my head, 'He is probably the best scout in the world then. If his deed were ever known beyond Solar and me, then it would be an instant alicorn.'

---Magical Realm POV---

Harmony pulled itself up after falling over as its laughter spilled out at the mistake its best agent made and a cute pawn did together.

'What is so funny harmony?' Discord asked Harmony

'One of my agents thinks my newest recruit is a reincarnate from the afterlife.' Harmony smiled at Discord or at least the complete version, not his clone that is also using his name.

'I see, and what is the truth' Discord asked out of curiosity.

'A soul fell through the worlds and landed in our backyard so I allowed it to reincarnate as they think. But the new agent is not from any afterlife. I don't even know how he came to be here. I thought that maybe you plucked him in one of your moods, ' Harmony answered honestly.

Discord hummed, in thought, 'I did not pluck a soul from anywhere.'

'So you are telling me a soul was able to survive the madness long enough for me to find him,' Harmony asked in disbelief.

'Looks like you got a rare one, Harmony.' Discord said, especially pleased before he spawned a chessboard and put a couple of pieces on it but not a full set before looking at the statues around them.

Harmony sat down and placed a couple of pieces and a new one with a couple waiting in the wing. She smiled at Discord, 'Yeah, I guess I did, so what are we playing for this time.'

'This game is co-op against nightmare moon, ' Discord said with a slight snarl. 'I will be attempting to destroy her.'

'and I will be attempting to save her, ' Harmony said happily before taking on a stern tone 'and cleansing the filth from her body.'

'No matter who wins in the end, the filth will be gone from our world.' Discord and Harmony spoke as one around the two of them were a bunch of broken statues holding various doors closed while a small orb spun in between them. When you zoomed in on the planet, you would be surprised to see the entire MLP world.

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