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2.38% Rune God MLP:FIM SI / Chapter 2: The First Work Of Art

Capítulo 2: The First Work Of Art

four weeks later

I sat there looking at the leg's final blueprint in genuine awe because I had done it for once in my new life. I had gotten the runes to work appropriately. As long as it was cleaned and cared for, this limb will outlast an earth pony in all ways that matter, unicorns will be able to channel their magic through it with no problems, and Pegasus should be able to move clouds with it will do all it is meant to do and more. I could not help but weep because it most likely will never be put into mass production. It was too hard to make this will most likely never be able to get past apprenticeship being handed down by a master to teach, and it most likely will lead to new ponies finding rune talents that did not exist before now.

I sighed and slowly put down the blueprint, but that did not mean I would not do my best. After all, the first version will be the closest to my vision. On the other hand, people will be able to simplify it quite easily. It's not the leg or arm that is the problem. It is the runes themselves if you are not in complete control when you lay the runes down. You could cause a catastrophic explosion ruining your entire work and having to start over, which is a massive problem. So, I looked at the book I had to make; I had to write down my complete Runic Language before the runes would work as I planned for them too.

I gently pulled out the necklace with my protection runes on it and could not help but grimace at my first work. If I were a dwarf, it would not have even been considered shoddy it was less than apprenticeship work. It was a novice work, maybe not even novice, more like trash. It should have never been considered my crown jewel. I was not prepared mentally or physically; I slowly moved over to the mirror and saw that I had put on quite a lot of muscle. If I did not have a horn on my head, I would almost think I was an earth pony.

I slowly thought back to my welcome party…

---flashback 3 weeks 4 days ago—

It has been three days and still no welcome party, which made me slightly nervous because, from what I remember, Pinkie figured things out quickly before I figured out this was not a television show. This was real life. She could not just know everything about me right off that bat, and that must be why I am asked specific questions whenever I go outside. I have been slowly talking with Silver Arrow about my progress, and I gave him a report that I would most likely approach him in 3 to 4 weeks about the prosthetic. I can tell he was just humoring me whenever we talked, but I knew this would work. It had to because I have given this man a small measure of hope, he might have tried to hide it, but I could tell it was there, but it was tiny.

Whenever I get annoyed with the blueprint, I would walk outside to the forge I had built out in the backyard and create a small toy. I had already completed 7 of the toys. I already knew what I was going to do with them. I had seen a little toy shop in Ponyville's marketplace when I make the blueprint; I put them up for sale in the shop so he can sell them at a low price. As I was making my 8th toy, I heard a small cough behind me. Which surprised the hell out of me because I was shirtless and holding molten metal. Luckily, I did not drop my current load. I turned slightly and saw that Pinkie was standing there sheepishly.

"I knocked at the front door, and no one answered, but I saw the smoke in the back. I thought you might be cooking something on an open fire did not realize that you were working with something a little more dangerous than food," I nodded and motioned for Pinkie to continue as I slowly forged the metal into the desired shape. She had quickly noticed I could not talk because of the fumes before she hurried on talking. "So I have the plans for your welcome party, and I know you don't like loud music, but what do you think about jazz."

I looked at her and slowly nodded while pouring the metal into the mold so it will cool. I started pouring the rest into a mold in the shape of a bar before grabbing a hot metal bar and placing it on my anvil. Afterward, I had held the metal hammer and beginning to swing at the metal on the anvil. "So what are you making."

I used one hand to move left and right, pointing at the toys on one rack and the swords and axes on the other. Currently, there were four swords and 3 axes. Pinkie had slowly made her way over to the toys and saw how well made they were

"these are beautiful almost heirloom class."

I nodded because that is what this body liked doing in his free time. I was surprised that there were classes of goods on the market and realized that ponies were incredibly proud of the things they make despite being not entirely prideful beings. I figured it was because of the talents themselves that caused them to feel pride in their creations. I threw the ax in the water to cool it off. I was not entirely worried about imperfections because this was never going to be sold. It was a showpiece pretty much, and if someone wanted to buy it, I would not let them because I agreed with this previous body owner no weapons of war armor is fine same as with other things but no weapons, nothing to kill with.

The only reason I make weapons at all is that the forge masters must be able to complete grade 3 weapons in case of a war, which means professional, aka journeyman. The ranks move in a total of 6 classes, novice, apprentice, journeyman, master, grandmaster, and heirloom. Heirlooms are considered extremely rare because I got to be able to make toys like that so young is impressive.

"Sorry about that Pinkie, the fumes here are slightly deadly to normal people. I can breathe them because of this," I held up a necklace that glowed in magical light. I stood there shirtless and a thin coat of water "so when is the party going to happen."

"I was hoping you could hold it tonight, but if not, we can do it tomorrow," she asked me while smiling at me.

"Yeah, we can do it tonight ill just need to wash up and seal my lab, so no one goes in it," I answered her quickly and promptly; I slowly asked out of curiosity, "how many people are going to be there?"

"close to 200 people you most like will not get to talk to all of them, but you will most likely find people that you like and can talk to," she said slowly, almost distracted I was confused before remembering that I had just poured cool water on my body. "I hope that you enjoy it, and I was wondering if you are fine with alcohol at this party."

"I do not mind alcohol at all, but I will not be able to drink it at all," I explained quickly. "I can not stand alcohol for the life of me. I just do not enjoy the taste at all, and I get drunk easily."

"Alright, I will tell everyone to be there, and that alcohol will be allowed." She smiled before walking off, and if I did not know any better, she had a little bit of an extra sway in those hips.

---Flashback over---

With 100 hundred percent clarity, I do not remember that night because someone had slipped me some alcohol, but I remember waking up in the same bed as Pinkie. The only reason I am sure that I had not indulged in her honor is that we were both completely dressed. I was lucky that I had awoken first and allowed myself to get thoroughly cleaned up and to clean up the house. I was surprised when Pinkie walked down the stairs without any pants on, and was that not a beautiful sight to see she was in a thong. She had ended up apologizing about how out of hand the party was and helped me clean up before going home to rest.

I slowly got up and walked outside to look at the forge and looked at the grandmaster-level toys that I had created. I slowly counted them because I was impressed with how many there were. I counted 49 toys that I could give to the local toy shop that Colt could sell for me. I slowly packed them in a crate so I could carry them at one time. When I had seen everything was loaded into the box, I slowly picked it up and put it on my back. I was surprised to see Pinkie outside my gate; we got along quite well despite our differences, like where I was quiet, she was loud, where I was a person that did not like to go out too often. She loved to be with her friends and hanging out with them, and despite everything, it was looking like I was building a relationship with Pinkie.

"What is with the box, Onyx?" Pinkie asked in genuine curiosity after saying hello to me.

"Remember that blueprint I showed you about the prosthetic I was planning to create?" I told Pinkie quickly because I was genuinely excited to talk to her about it.

"Yeah, it looks amazing. Are you saying you are finally done with the blueprint? You got everything working," she asked me in a slightly awed tone because I had lent her the books about what I was doing and why I was doing it.

"Yeah, I did it. I got the runes to work right, and now I just have to get measurements from Silver Arrow and some help from ponyville hospital. I should be able to get him up and walking in exactly 2 weeks. Still, I had not told you that I would make two things, a weapon and a toy, whenever I got frustrated while working on this. Weapons because it keeps my skills up, I made my first master grade sword last time. The toys are because it's my passion, so in this box are all the toys I made in the last four weeks," I spoke to her with a mouthful while she listened intently "all these toys are going to be sold at the shop in the marketplace with him getting 90 percent of the profit."

"The kids will love them, I am sure of it," she spoke while smiling at me "did you already speak with him about this deal?"

"Nope, not yet, but I know he will not say no because I was like him but in Canterlot," I spoke with sadness.

As we stopped in front of the shop, I looked at the name and could not help but laugh at Colt's Out of the Toy Box. Pinkie opened the door for me so I would not have to, and I could not help but smile at her. I heard a young man speak slowly, "Welcome to Colt's Out of the Toy Box, I am Colt feet."

I could not help the snort that escaped my mouth, "I am Onyx, and I wish to put some stuff up for sell in your shop."

"Certainly, let us take a look at what you got, stranger." I nodded and set the box down before taking out the 48 Grandmaster level toys and pulling out something I was really proud of, my very first Heirloom toy. I heard Colt let out a low whistle at the sight of these "you know you could sell these at Canterlot for a hefty price?"

"I know, but to me, these toys are meant for children who will break them and be rough with them, so I want them at the lowest price you can set them for without any major problems," I turned one of the toys over "here is my craftsmanship mark, so they know who created the toys."

Colt slowly looked over every single piece. "I can sell the grandmaster toys for 100 bits and the heirloom for 200 bits."

I bowed deeply because, in the capital of Equestria, the grandmaster toys could go for 600 bits and the heirloom easily 1200 bits, "thank you, I am sure the children will love them."

I nodded before moving to leave the building, "I will take a 10 percent commission."

He nodded excitedly, "are you sure you could probably get half."

"Yes, I am sure I do not need money as much as you," I explained to him "have a nice day, colt. I will come again."

"I need to go see Silver Arrow, Pinkie." I smiled at her and waved at her before I started moving towards where Silver sits typically.

"Later, Onyx, I hope everything goes as it should," she waved before running off to do her own thing. I watched her hop away and could not help but follow her butt as she walked away before shaking my head.

As I saw him sitting there, I knew he was waiting for this. I could see his muscles coiled, almost nervous I knew he would not have minded if I failed, but I would have, and I am lucky that my runes worked as well as they did.

I waved at him in excitement, "Silver, I did it. I got the runes working that will power it."

He looked at me like he slightly doubted me, but he knew me well enough that I did not boast about things like this, "are you certain you figured out the rune language?"

"I did. I also figured out why people kept failing in making a language powerful enough," I explained to him quickly "rune language's require words the more words in the language, the more powerful it becomes. so for every word created, the runes themselves get more and more powerful."

He nodded along while listing to my explanation, "so what you created a brand-new language from scratch?"

"that is exactly what I did but with runes." I pulled out my bag and showed him the three books I had written down before pulling out the runes themselves, a mix of Norse and dwarf. "I needed 3 books with over 20000 words in each book totaling up to a total of 60000 words. I had to create a runic alphabet from scratch because if a symbol had been used in a different runic language, then it would not work when I was creating it."

He looked slightly overwhelmed with the amount of work I had put into it to be able to power, and as he spoke to me with a slight tilt to his voice, "well, are you certain that was enough to get it working?"

"oh yes, quite certain you have no idea how many times I hoped it would be enough to power the rune schematic every ten thousand words I had to stop and test because I did not mind if they got too powerful, but I wanted to get this project done for you." I spoke to him with small bags in my eyes, and I could tell from how he looked at me that he thought I was slightly mad but in a good way almost.

"If you could do something like this, why are you not at the Royal Canterlot laboratory?" he asked in genuine curiosity.

"When I was offered a place there, they told me I would be making next-generation magical weapons. I could not do it. I don't know why but I can't make a weapon. I have only just reached a master level in weapon-making," I spoke in a tone of voice that said things about my mood than any words could do.

"So what do I need to do," Silver spoke in genuine curiosity. "I mean, from what I am seeing, we're going to need the hospital to do this operation, but you need to make the leg right."

"Indeed, that is why we are going to the best fashion expert in Ponyville, miss Rarity, if anyone gets me the measurements needed to build this beast. It is her, and I have to money to pay for the operation. If it is truly successful, well, there is no greater gifts than success." I stood slowly. "Are you ready to get measured because? Once you do, I will start building you a leg, and it will only take me a few days. then schedule the appointment at the hospital to get this bad boy on you, so soldier, are you ready to walk without that crutch."

He looked at the crutch, and I think it hit him for the first time what this would mean if we were successful to walk again and even run without any help would be a dream come true for him, "yeah, I am ready to be normal again."

I smirked as I lead him to miss Rarity's shop. I know it has a name, but it will always be miss Rarity because she was too nice to me at the party. As we pulled up in front of it and saw that she was sitting there reading, I sighed because we were lucky that meant she had no clients right now or yesterday, so we should be in and out.

"Hello, Onyx come to take me up on that wardrobe update?" Rarity said with a smile, and she was a magnificent Unicorn. She had easily Double d breast and hourglass shape to her that most just could not match.

"No, Rarity, I am here for your help with something quite different but should be right up your wheelhouse," I answered before explaining what I needed from her. "I need you to measure Silver's foot and draw the measurements for what his missing leg should look like, and I need this to be as accurate as possible."

She looked a little confused about this request but nodded, showing she had no problems doing this "sure, honey, but can I ask why?"

I bit my lip, and I brought out the blueprint and the runic sequence to power the thing, "I did it I cracked the prosthetic problem Rarity, and Silver agreed to be my test case."

As much as people make fun of Rarity for using her powers for fashion, she was still one of the best magic users in ponyville. Without twilight here, I knew she would understand what I meant when I said that I had cracked it because it was her dream to make magic clothing that would require a powerful Runic language.

"Darling, are you serious? Did you do it?" she asked in a toneless tone voice almost sounding like she was gasping for breath before she took a stern tone of voice, and this was no longer fashion Rarity but the magic side, she rarely showed to anyone "show me right now or I am not letting you do this because you know as well as I do how dangerous this could be to Silver darling."

I nodded before bringing out the three books of words I had handcrafted and the alphabet that I had made for the language. Rarity slowly reached out magically to the runes themselves, feeling the weight I had given them. Rarity started to shake in laughter, "you did it, you actually did it. How big of an area can they power?"

"A single limb took 60000 words to be able to power a limb and only a single limb. My best guess would be that I will need 360000 words to be able to make it so the runes can cover a full-body, so no dresses or pants or anything like that, yet maybe shoes and socks, a hat, maybe a small scarf." I informed Rarity slowly and deliberately, so I did not get her hopes up. She nodded quickly, showing that she understood.

"if you do this, Darling, you will have to hand over those books to the Princess or at least a copy of them. You know that right, Darling, this is very serious." She looked at me because this was a lifetime of work that I had done just so a man would be able to run again, work that most would not thank me for because a runic language this powerful will mean I went against Harmony.

"yeah, but I promised Silver that I would help him walk even if no one believed I would succeed. I made a promise, so I will do my best to make sure that promise is followed through on," I spoke, and my voice was heavier than it was before, almost as if the words had physical weight to them.

---third POV---

The only one who noticed was Silver, and that is because he had felt that voice before it was when Princess Celestia was with them on a tour of Equestria when a group of Diamond Dogs attacked them. It was only once, but when the Princess gave an order, it was almost like they were boosted, and they had no fear.

---third POV end---

I was confused why Silver was looking at me like that, but he was no longer doubting what we were going to do. I slowly turned back to rarity "measure him please, Rarity."

She looked at me slowly, making sure that I was willing to go through with this, "alright darling ill do this, and why don't you take a much-needed rest."

I blinked slowly and realized I was exhausted for some reason all of the sudden, "I am going to sit down, Rarity."

I slowly moved to the chair before falling asleep.

---Rarity's POV---

I was distraught when I saw Onyx pass out as soon as he sat down. I was about to rush over before Silver stopped me "he will be fine. Onyx did something that I have only seen one other being do what he has just done. He put weight in his words, using them to cause an effect on the world, and the person I watch do it was only slightly tiring but considering who that was, he should be fine in a few hours."

I looked at him in confusion "what do you mean? He added weight to his words. In all my time in pursuing magic, I have never heard of something like this."

"I wouldn't be surprised, it is one of Equestria's most closely guarded secrets because people who can add weight to their words can make their troops fight harder, and they are physically stronger when it is used, but it also makes them fear no injury." Silver explained one of Equestria's military secret quite calmly. "it is no use for him to know about it because he does not need it for his daily life and his children probably will not have it."

I nodded at this explanation before motioning for him to follow me "alright, let's get your leg measured so he can build the monstrous-looking thing for you. I cannot believe he wants to use steel for this."

"steel is the strongest metal miss rarity," he answered in genuine confusion.

"steel is the worse metal to enchant Mister Silver. It does not take enchantments well, but for a limb, I guess you will have to use steel, and it is no wonder he needed 60000 words if he was using steel for this," I informed him slowly.

---POV Celestia---

For a split second, I felt something only me and my sister and Candance could do as a person using weighted words. If so it is slightly worrying because weighted words can only mean one thing, an alicorn yet to be born because I would have felt someone becoming an alicorn. Candance does not understand what the weighted words mean as much as I dislike them. It is our god voice pretty much as much I hate that word.

---POV Magical Realm---

Harmony danced around the sleeping unicorn happily that it had gotten another agent against anything that would threaten the Harmony of the world hell. Discord knows that Harmony keeps the world safe. What he does is the reverse of Harmony. Still, he never tried to change the whole world, and even when he owned the world, he defended it religiously from outsiders.

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