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58.33% Omniversal Chat Group [Semi-OP OC] / Chapter 7: The Training Begins

Capítulo 7: The Training Begins

I have some people asking me this same question a number of times. My answer is yes. I am indeed twelve years old, got a problem with that? Just kidding, wasn't trying to sound rude. Yes, I am indeed twelve. Don't know why it's so hard to believe, I'm pretty sure other people who are probably younger than myself write stories on here as well.





"What did you want to talk about, Hyuto?"

"Not right now. We'll talk when we get to the meetup area."

"O-Okay...?" Aya stuttered a bit as both she and Hyuto had both left the library not too long ago. They were now walking towards the place that Hyuto had decided for the group to meet back up after they were finished with their tasks, the place being a nearby abandoned building area that Hyuto had spotted while they were first walking into the city.

The place wasn't too far now, probably a few more minutes of walking.

As they were walking, a girl that was quite short, being shorter than them, was walking past. Aya and Hyuto ignored her though as the person didn't exactly stand out at all to them, so there was no reason to pay her any attention. However, the person that walked past acted differently to them as her eyes had widened before immediately turning around.

The female stared with slightly widened eyes as her eyes laid on Aya, and she stared at the young black-haired girl as both she and Hyuto continued to walk in the opposite direction. 'That girl... I can hear it, her heartbeat. I feel great sadness, but... also nervousness and also happiness mostly. What an interesting heartbeat...'

However, when her eyes laid on Hyuto's back, she couldn't help but begin shaking as she felt herself falling to the ground on her knees as her eyes continued to shake uncontrollably. Her breathing went heavy as the sound of Hyuto's heartbeat felt like a massive hammer hitting her on the head mercilessly.

'Wh-What is this?!' The female couldn't help but shout at herself. 'This heartbeat... it's mostly calm, but... what is this immense rage! I've never heard anything like it!'

The girl could hear the sound of his heartbeat clear as day, and the sound seemed to completely overrule any other sound around her. The sound was seemingly completely calm and showed no signs of agitation or anything, but as she listened deeper... she heard this strange sound coming from deep within his heartbeats.

A sound that spoke of uncontrolled rage and despair, it was hidden behind countless other emotions, but she could hear it clear as the morning sun. Just the mere sound of it caused her to almost faint on the spot, it was far worse than anything she had ever heard before in her life. The only thing that could even come close to it was...

'I-It's almost as b-b-bad as the S-Sonata of Darkness...!'

While she knew that the sound she was hearing right now wasn't doing anything that would kill her, the amount of despair and rage she felt from his heartbeat was just as bad as the sonata, if not even far worse if completely unleashed. The boy was keeping it contained greatly, almost to non-existence, though who knows if it would break at any moment.

Only time would tell...

'That person...' Hyuto thought to himself as he glanced ever so slightly over his shoulder to see the person fallen onto the ground on their knees looking in their direction. He narrowed his eyes slightly as they gave off a sudden white glow for a second before returning to their usual black. 'I feel something familiar... what is it?'

"Is something wrong, Hyuto?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."


Like stated, it didn't take long at all before both Hyuto and Aya had arrived at the abandoned buildings that Hyuto said to meet up at. The place was like a large warehouse with what appeared to be a number of construction materials kept inside, it was probably some kind of storage area for construction materials or whatever.

Well, used to be at least.

"Alright, let's get started."

"Eh? With what?"

"Training, of course." Hyuto voiced as he placed his bag down against the wall of the building. It seemed that the other three hadn't returned yet, so he might as well begin with Aya's training. Though, there was something he needed to do first. "Oh, before that though. We need to have that little talk I told you about..."


"Aya, I've noticed something the past few hours, and it's been bugging me." Hyuto frowned, though it wasn't one of annoyance or anger, but more of concern. Aya seemed confused, so Hyuto then continued as he crossed his arms. "While we've been walking, and when sitting, I've noticed that you have been holding your stomach quite a bit. Mind explaining?"

"E-Eh? Well, it isn't much, it's a simple stomach ach-."

"Don't lie to me, Aya." Hyuto sighed heavily as he shook his head. Aya flinched at this as she didn't even get to finish her sentence before Hyuto had called her out. It was true that she was about to lie about the reason, and it was obvious to Hyuto. "The way you do it is not normal. It's as if you're checking your stomach to make sure that your organs are fine. Trust me, I know the feeling."

"What do you mean...?"

"Don't worry about that. Anyway, we can't proceed with your training unless I know that you truly can even start it with your current condition. I have a feeling your stomach is also one of the major reasons for the bags under your eyes as well." Hyuto voiced with narrowed eyes. Aya seemed to slump her shoulders. "See, just seeing your reaction confirms my thoughts."

"I... you got me..."

"Aya, lift up your shirt."

"E-Eh?!" Aya shot her gaze up at him. She felt her face heat up at his bold statement, though when she saw his expression, which held no sign of embarrassment. She hesitated, but when she saw Hyuto's serious gaze, she relented and began lifting up her shirt, exposing her stomach region to Hyuto. Hyuto's eyes just went cold for a second.

"I knew it..." Hyuto narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Aya's stomach. Her stomach had a number of dark bruises, along with some that he could see were most likely recent as a few were looking to be slowly fading. Though, most were still present clearly. 'No wonder she was holding her stomach... However, how did she get these?'

"..." Aya was still embarrassed about exposing her stomach, though she felt more nervous than anything as Hyuto stared at the bruises that littered her stomach. She knew where they came from, and she usually got new ones every day because of her brother. She felt like Hyuto might think of her differently after seeing this...



"I won't ask you how you got these injuries. Whenever, or if, you tell me. Then I expect that it will be your voluntary choice to do so." Hyuto sighed. Aya felt relieved after hearing this, though she felt guilty when she could hear the high amounts of concern in his tone. Should she tell him about her problems? Would he think of her differently? "For now, I'm going to need you to lie on the ground."

"Wh-Why?" Aya asked in confusion. Hyuto didn't respond and just began digging through his bag, to which she stared at him for a second before complying as she slowly laid on the concrete ground. She was using her bag as a pillow as she stared at Hyuto, to which she saw the male take something out from his bag. "What is that?"

"This here is a medicinal cream developed by one of the people back in my world. It is capable of healing minor body injuries." Hyuto explained simply. It was true, this type of medicine was something made by one of the people that were blessed by a deity of medicine or healing. They are capable of creating medicinal supplies of healing any disease.

Though, creating medicines that can completely regenerate limbs wasn't exactly something common, if it even existed at all. The more experienced ones could heal and regrow limbs with their powers, though it is far harder to create medicine with the same effect. You can't just take a pill and expect your body to regrow itself instantly.

It might be possible in the future if a truly experienced person blessed by a god or goddess or healing and or medicine tries, but the success rate of such medication might not be high until a number of good years after testing.

Hyuto walked on back over to Aya before kneeling down and opening the small squeeze bottle, to which Aya saw a transparent slimy liquid come out that had what looked almost like green glitter mixed into it. She felt embarrassed when Hyuto then began to spread the solution gently onto stomach, though she did feel a strange sensation on her stomach from the cream.

The feeling was almost as if like some kind of cold fluff was tickling her stomach, and it continued for a bit as Hyuto stopped spreading the cream along all the bruises before standing up. Aya tilted her head downwards at her stomach while still lying down as she then saw the green particles inside of the spread solution begin to emit a faint glow.

"Wh-What's going on?"

"It's the healing effect taking effect. Stay still for a moment." Nodding to Hyuto's words, Aya didn't move as the glowing soon began to fade as the transparent cream seemed to absorb into her stomach. What happened next astonished her. The bruises, including the darker ones, faded away almost instantly as all of the areas of her stomach returned to its natural skin colour.


"Good. It seems that the cream works just as good as always." Hyuto smiled as he closed the squeeze bottle up before chucking it back into his bag. Aya had stood up slowly while he did so as she felt her stomach with both her hands, there was no pain at all and she didn't feel any trace that the medicine was even there in the first place.

The bruises had caused her great pain for a number of weeks, and to have them suddenly disappear just like that was hard to believe. But, with all that has happened already, she didn't act as surprised but was more amazed than anything...

"Like I said before. If you want to tell me, then you can. I'll listen to you when you're ready, and I'm sure the others are the same." Hyuto assured as he stretched his limbs a bit. He then turned around to face her. "The others should be arriving soon if they remember what I said. Do you want to start training now or wait for everyone else? You should get some rest too."

"N-No!" Aya suddenly yelled aloud. Hyuto was a bit surprised at this as he blinked at her, Aya blinked as well as she noticed her actions. She blushed for a second before shaking her head as she stared at him with serious eyes. "I don't want to be a burden to you and the others... I want to get stronger so that you all won't need to protect me all the time!"

"Are you sure? This won't be easy."

"Yes, I am." Aya voiced in a serious tone as she stared into Hyuto's eyes. Hyuto just stared for a second before smiling slightly as he gave a sigh, he could see clearly that she was determined to do just that. Hyuto reached into his bag before taking out what appeared to be a white bracelet of sorts with a red jewel attached to it. "What's that?"

"This here is a Gravitational Modification Bracelet. Just as it sounds, this will allow you to alter the gravity that is placed around your body. The gravity placed will always be vertically downwards, so no changing gravity horizontally and sending you flying." Hyuto explained as he handed the item over to her. "It will allow you to get stronger under increased gravity. Simple yet incredibly effective."

"So... it would be like wearing weighted clothes?"

"Something like that." Hyuto shrugged. Aya just nodded before placing the bracelet onto her left wrist, though nothing happened as she did so. She just stared at the item in confusion. "It won't just turn on instantly when you put it on, that would disastrous. What you do is simply tell it to switch your gravity to whatever multiplication you want. That particular one's limit is a thousand times gravity. I suggest you start at two times gravity."

"Okay..." Aya muttered as she stared at the bracelet. After hearing his explanation, she was honestly concerned if she would even be able to move if she did so. Though, she wanted to get stronger, so she'll try her best at least. "Um... switch the gravity to two times?"

When she said that, the bracelet's red jewel suddenly glowed for a second before Aya widened her eyes slightly. Her knees bent quite a bit as she felt her body shaking, she felt as if an invisible force was pushing her down, which was exactly the case. She felt the gravity around her double as she was being pushed towards the ground.

"Try your best to stand up. Just move around the best you can, only when you can move decently well under that gravity can you start training in it seriously." Hyuto stated as he stared at her as she was managing to slowly stand back up straight. Just two times gravity seemed to affect her greatly, which was expected since she was a normal human. 'I'm honestly surprised she can even stand that well...'

He just watched as Aya began to attempt to walk, taking small steps as he saw that her legs were shaking. Though, she seemed to be pushing through as she began walking around the large room. This method of training was probably one of the most simple, but it was definitely also one of the most effective methods to ever exist.

Just increasing gravity was like having weights on you.

"Just continue walking, Aya. We'll begin doing basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, a bit of running and more whenever you feel comfortable under that gravity increase. Once it begins to feel normal to you, we'll begin to increase the gravity slowly each time."

"R-Right!" Aya's voice was shaken as the gravity made it a bit harder for her to speak as well as breathe. She knew that she could probably turn off the gravity right now when she wanted, but she wanted to continue doing this for as long as she could. 'M-My legs...! They feel like they're going to collapse any second...!'

True to her words, her legs were shaking even more than before. It wasn't long before she actually fell down to her knees as she used both her arms to keep herself from fully being pressed against the ground. She then quickly muttered. "S-Switch gravity back to normal...!"

Thankfully, the gravity soon returned to what she was used to as she flopped onto her back as she was panting heavily as sweat was already dripping down her face. She could already tell that the training was going to be difficult from this little session, though she was going to try her best to get through it. She wanted to get stronger.

"Very well done, Aya. I'm impressed." Hyuto complimented honestly as he walked on over before handing her a towel as well as a bottle of water. Aya nodded in thanks as she managed to sit herself up as Hyuto sat down in front of her. "Just keep this up and you'll begin to notice your strength increasing quite rapidly. Even more so when you increase the gravity further. But, we'll stick to two times for right now."

"Mm..." Aya nodded as she gulped down the water before wiping her face with the towel Hyuto gave her. "Is this method really as effective as you say it is?"

"You'd be surprised." Hyuto chuckled. "I used this method quite early on when trying to get stronger faster. It did wonders for me. I knew that I would get results, but I hadn't expected myself to be five times stronger than normal in only a few days of training myself."

"A-And you think I can do the same?"

"Of course. If you work hard enough, then anything is possible really." Hyuto assured. "Anyway, you can begin once again whenever you want. I'll be waiting until you are comfortable to continue on to more difficult parts of the training."



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