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25% Omniversal Chat Group [Semi-OP OC] / Chapter 3: Getting To Know The Members... If Only A Bit

Capítulo 3: Getting To Know The Members... If Only A Bit





[Despaired Beauty: Hello, everyone...]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Oh, welcome. Glad to have you join us!]

[Warrod Sequen: +1]

[Lux Arcadia: +2]

[Willa: +3]

[Despaired Beauty: Thank you... is everything about what you all have said true?]

[Warrod Sequen: Indeed. It is quite the situation we all have found ourselves in]

[Lux Arcadia: What's your name? Oh, nice to meet you by the way! Lux Arcadia, though you probably already know since it seems that you have read through the messages that we all have already sent through]


The four other members felt kind of uncomfortable as the person didn't seem to be responding.

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: You don't need to tell us if you don't want to...]

[Despaired Beauty: No, it's fine! It's Aya... Aya Asagiri]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Alright then, nice to meet you, Aya. Welcome to the chat group!]

[Warrod Sequen: Welcome!]

[Lux Arcadia: Welcome, Aya!]

[Willa: Welcome]

[Despaired Beauty: Th-Thank you!]

Hyuto smiled a bit as while it was difficult to determine a person's current emotions and personality due to it being text, he was pretty sure that the girl was probably a shy and timid type. She was even typing in her stutter, it was a strange thing to do, but at least it helped the rest of them determine how she was feeling.

Though, his gut was telling him something was more about this girl.

Something... not so great.

He wasn't sure why he was feeling this, but maybe it was something to do with her nickname. Something just really bugged him about her. Though, he wasn't going to pry into her situation as he had a feeling he might regret it later if he pushed for an answer. It would be best to take things slow, they barely knew one another after all.

[Willa: Make sure to change your nickname, Aya]

[Despaired Beauty: Y-Yeah!]

{Despaired Beauty has changed her name to Aya Asagiri}

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Alright, since all of us are here. What do you guys saying about each sending a picture of ourselves? Think of it as building up trust with one another. I don't mind personally, but I'll leave it up to you all if it is something you won't mind commencing with]

[Lux Arcadia: Fine with me. I don't mind]

[Warrod Sequen: Same can be said for me. Additionally, it'll be beneficial for us to know one another's appearances if we are to truly be able to meet with one another across worlds. If we happen to be separated, we'll know who to look for]

[Willa: No problems here]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: How about you, Aya? If you don't want to, that's fine. No one is going to force you]


Aya was sitting on her bed with a smile on her face as she was looking at the hologram in front of her. It had honestly been a long time since she had actually been able to smile, with the bullying she had at school and also the abuse that she got from her brother, there was really nothing to smile about.

Most of the time, she had thought about ending it all. But, she had never been able to due to fear.

She hadn't known these people for long, but she already felt hope building up in her as the people in this Omniversal Chat Group all were extremely nice. Willa was as quiet as ever but did every now and then message. Perhaps this was truly her opportunity to make some friends, even if she didn't know them in real life.

Though, she did think of the fact of world travel that this chat had mentioned. If she could, then that would mean she would be able to actually meet with these people. But, there was no way that, that could all be true, right? She was still finding it very difficult for her to believe all of it, she did live a very horrible normal life after all.

Nothing supernatural like different worlds or magic.

Her thoughts on that matter stopped though when she noticed the group talking about something. It was about sharing a picture of themselves to one another. Some form of trust-building exercise, as to what Hyuto was saying. He was asking the others if they didn't mind, which all of them were okay with it.

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: How about you, Aya? If you don't want to, that's fine. No one is going to force you]

Aya stared at the screen nervously as she read his message. It seemed that everyone else was more than happy to share what they looked like with each other, though was she? She was happy that they were giving her the choice if she wanted to or not. She honestly didn't want to, that being because she felt like her appearance was horrible.

Her eyes had bags under her eyes, mainly due to lack of sleep as she would never be able to get to sleep due to the fact that the night time was the only time she actually had peace. She felt like if she just dragged on the night as much as she could, then she could avoid the day time where her abuse and bullying would occur.

Another reason why was because she felt like she looked ugly. She had never thought herself as cute or beautiful in any way, yet this chat group had given her a nickname with beauty in it. She wasn't sure what to think about that. Maybe the chat group system was just mocking her with the name, or maybe it truly meant it. She didn't know...

The others were willing to share their appearance, and she felt bad about herself if she didn't do the same...

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: We'll let you think on that, Aya. The rest of us will do so while you ponder. I'll go first. You okay with that?]

[Lux Arcadia: +1]

[Warrod Sequen: +2]

[Willa: +3]

Aya quickly read this before doing the same, she didn't want to be left out.

[Aya Asagiri: +4]

{Hyuto Ryuzae has sent a picture} -> [📷]

The group all saw a file send through into the chat group as they all then clicked onto the file, and when they did, they saw the image of a young boy who appeared to be quite high up as he was sitting down. Aya couldn't help but feel her face heat up a bit as the boy appeared to be around her age and was quite attractive if she were to say.

She had seen models before on the internet, mostly from ads as she had never really had any interest in such things like most girls do. From the ones she had seen, she would have to say that Hyuto puts them to shame as despite his age being the same as herself, from what she could tell, he had a decently masculine appearance.

[Warrod Sequen: Hoho~! You are certainly a handsome young man!]

[Willa: 👍]

[Aya Asagiri: H-How old are you, Hyuto?]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Hm? I'm fourteen]

'He is the same age as me.' Aya thought with some surprise. He did look her age, but she wasn't certain as there were some people out there that appear older than they actually are and vice versa. Though, Lux was the person that spoke next and had asked a question that was also lingering on her mind but didn't dare ask.

[Lux Arcadia: Excuse me, Hyuto. What's up with that large scar?]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: I... would rather not talk about that]

[Lux Arcadia: Oh, sorry...]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Don't worry about it, I'm not upset]

[Lux Arcadia: Thank goodness... Well, I guess I'll go next!]

{Lux Arcadia has sent a picture} -> [📷]


Hyuto clicked onto the photo that Lux had sent on over, and he assumed that the others probably had already done so. When he did, he was greeted by the sight of a young man who was probably four or three years older than himself. Having slightly messy white hair along with a pair of grey eyes to boot, he was a decent looking guy.

He wasn't gay, he just knew how to appreciate a guy's looks. He didn't have anything wrong with people who were attracted to the same gender, he just wasn't gay personally. People were free to love whoever they want to.

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Interesting style of clothing, Lux]

True to his words, Lux's clothes were quite fancy looking and looked like it belonged to royalty, not to the point that of royalty for a prince, but more just extremely fancy. The others seemed to have similar thoughts as Warrod then added to the messages.

[Warrod Sequen: I agree. An interesting choice]

[Lux Arcadia: Well, it's actually my school uniform...]

[Willa: Really? It looks good]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: +1]

[Warrod Sequen: +2]

[Aya Asagiri: +3]

[Lux Arcadia: Thanks!]

[Warrod Sequen: I suppose I shall be the next one! How do I do this?]

[Lux Arcadia: There's a camera icon near where you changed your nickname]

[Warrod Sequen: Let's see... Ah, here it is!]

{Warrod Sequen has sent a picture} -> [📷]

[Willa: Are you... a tree?]

[Lux Arcadia: Warrod... are you okay?!]

True to their words, Hyuto could see that the picture Warrod sent was of himself, yes, but he appeared to be made entirely out of wood. He looked like a sentient tree! Hyuto wasn't surprised at all though, the Omniverse is vast and he had also seen far stranger things throughout his life. Someone being a tree wasn't surprising at all to him.

Willia didn't appear to be too surprised, though it was hard to tell since this was a chat group where they were talking to each other in text. They could voice chat, but he didn't think everyone was comfortable with doing that yet. Who knows if someone was in a rather uncomfortable position for voice chatting right now.

Lux seemed to be surprised quite a bit if the worry that he could feel in Lux's sentence was anything to go by. The dude screamed the question.

[Warrod Sequen: Hahaha~! I am very much fine, there is nothing to be alarmed about, Lux. My world is quite interesting, magic everywhere!]

[Lux Arcadia: I-I see, magic, huh?]

[Aya Asagiri: D-Does magic actually exist?]

[Warrod Sequen: Remember that we all live in different existences. Anything is possible!]

[Aya Asagiri: I suppose... but, doesn't it hurt?]

[Warrod Sequen: No need to worry, I am doing just fine!]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Well, how about we move onto Willa's turn?]

{Willa has sent a picture} -> [📷]

Hyuto opened up the picture to see a young girl who appeared to be around his age, though he had a feeling she was probably a lot older than what she looked. Wouldn't be the first time he had run into someone like that. He remembered that one time when he encountered a person who looked twenty but was way over five hundred years old.

The girl had creamy smooth skin and a pair of tired-looking deep blue eyes. She had long light bluehair that was tied into high twintails as her outfit consisted of that of mainly black and white. A white short skirt, black shirt with disconnected sleeves, and also a similar fashion accessory around her neck. Her shoulders were left bare as the sleeves didn't reach up to them.

She also had a strangely large chest for someone who appeared to be fourteen, though once again, she very well may be much older. The most strange and standing out feature were her ears though, she had extremely long ears similar to an elf, but were much longer compared to elves that he had seen during his life.

[Lux Arcadia: Willa... what's with your ears?]

[Warrod Sequen: I suppose you aren't exactly human, correct?]

[Willa: No, I'm a demon]

While Hyuto wasn't surprised about her being a demon, he would definitely say she was the most normal-looking demon he had ever seen. The ones that he had seen would usually always have horns, a tail and other stuff too depending on the type. When she said that, he could also imagine her saying it in a dull and tired voice, courtesy of the picture she sent.

[Lux Arcadia: Wait, a demon?! That's kind of crazy... don't you think? Hyuto? Warrod?]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Not really]

[Warrod Sequen: Don't take me wrong, I do find it surprising. Though, I have had my encounters with a goof fare share demons in the past, though they were quite frightening in appearance compared to Willa here. I won't be surprised that easily]

[Lux Arcadia: You guys must come from some crazy worlds... what about you, Aya? What do you think?]

[Aya Asagiri: W-Well, I find it hard to believe. Compared to what all of your worlds sound like, mine appears to be the most normal. I haven't seen anything like demons or anything supernatural...]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: Well, we shouldn't really be surprised that much. This is the Omniversal Chat Group after all, so you would expect to find things that are completely out of the norm compared to your own worlds. The Omniverse is a vast and mysterious place, who knows what you can find out there]

[Lux Arcadia: +1]

[Warrod Sequen: +2]

[Aya Asagiri: +3]

[Willa: +4]

[Warrod Sequen: Well, I suppose that's all of u-!]

[Aya Asagiri: W-Wait, I'll go!]


Aya smacked her face onto her pillow as she felt incredibly embarrassed right now. She had just suddenly screamed into the chat, and now she really couldn't back out as she honestly did that out of instinct. She was thinking about whether to show them a picture of herself or not this entire time, and now she was going to do so.

She was truly surprised when she saw the images of her new friends, mainly the ones of Warrod and Willa as those two were truly unique in appearance. Both Hyuto and Lux were good looking males in a female's point of view, but Warrod was just truly unique with his tree-like appearance and Willia with her long ears.

She clicked onto the camera icon as a screen similar to that of a phone's camera appeared along with a timed button to take the picture. Her face was present on the screen, and she noticed how her hair was a bit of a mess since she had been lying on her be the entire time. She couldn't do anything about the bags under her eyes, but could fix her hair.

After quickly straitening her hair, she prepared to take the photo. She had yet to change from her school uniform since she had been distracted with the chat group for the past hour, she was honestly having a great time chatting with them. It was probably one of the only moments she actually felt happy.

'I hope they don't make fun of me...'

Aya would honestly feel destroyed if they suddenly began making fun of her. What if they were putting up a facade this entire time? She wouldn't know how to feel anymore... She could only hope that, that wasn't the case. She smiled as she took the photo, an actual genuine smile as she found herself smiling this whole time they were chatting.

{Aya Asagiri has sent a picture} -> [📷]

Aya gulped as the file soon went through.

[Willa: Why were you hesitant, Aya? You look cute]

[Warrod Sequen: Indeed. I'm sure you'll grow up into a fine young woman!]

[Lux Arcadia: You don't need to nervous with us, Aya. I agree with the others!]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: I can say the same. Don't be worried about your appearance if that was what was holding you back with sharing with us]

As Aya read the messages sent through by the members, the smile on her face, as well as her eyes, grew as a blush soon found its way onto her face. It seemed that even with the bags under her eyes, the others still thought she was cute. She had never been complimented like that, so she had conflicting emotions about it.

She was happy but also felt like she was about to burst into tears. At least they weren't going to be sad ones. She was extremely worried about if they were truly just pretending to be nice, only to destroy her soon after. However, she was surprised when the group didn't do what she expected and actually complimented her.

She was back to lying on her bed as she could feel her tears running down the sides of her face. She then reached forwards before responding.

[Aya Asagiri: Thank you!]

[Hyuto Ryuzae [♛]: +1]

[Warrod Sequen: +2]

[Lux Arcadia: +3]

[Willa: +4]


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