This was the exact reason Darius would prefer to avoid fighting rich or sentient foes, for they too could equip various ornaments and special attires that could increase their attack or defense in various ways and even provide them special abilities on top of that.
Unfortunately, this decked-out Vampire Lord happened to have such things on him. Reaching a total of 100 Resistance was by far not an easy thing.
While Gunner had a total of 105, that was only due to the Elite Warrior's Vest combined with the upgraded Synthetic Polymer Suit Version 6.0. The former was a top-notch secret creation from Gravitas, whereas the latter was the result of Darius' Combine skill.
Darius himself had only 7 points more than Gunner. 60 came from his own piece of armor, while the other 52 came from his various equipment like the staff, gloves, and earrings.
Without an appraiser like him, the special characteristics of the equipment would have remained a mystery.
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