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50% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 57: Reality against Logic against MC.

Capítulo 57: Reality against Logic against MC.

The moment Templars reached place where Siths were, they saw something that surprised them. there they stood, unhurt, protected by a person.

And this person was looking strangely in the sky, at our army.

The moment when I saw him, he looked at the camera. It looked like he was looking at me, but it is impossible. Right?


After that, I realized that he was standing in front of me.

I didn't feel anything from it. absolutely nothing.

I tried to move, but was unable to. The only thing that could move was my head.

And no one else around me could move at all.

It's like they stopped.

" Who are you, and what are you doing, breaking natural way of events? " He said, looking at me.

" I... " I tried to say, but was unable to move my mouth.

" I'm not talking to you" He said.

" System. is he talking to you? " I asked in my head.

" System? What is going on? " I began being nervous, as it didn't answer.

" How should I call you? " System replied with tired voice.

" hmm. Yes. Call me father. Now, answer my question " He said.

" I see, so you are the Force father. The representation of force. I see. " System said.

" We didn't know " I tried to say, but was interrupted by system.

" He doesn't care about it. I should've expected the existence of higher being. What do you want from us? " System replied calmly.

" Yes, I don't care about you not knowing " He said to me.

" I want you to bring all the outerworld beings, technologies and influence and leave this place. You have a month. " He said to the system.

" Also, don't interfere in anything that will happen. You've been warned. " Force father said, leaving right afterwards.

As he left, I could move again, but when I moved, nothing else moved. No one except protoss, zerg, and their ships.

" What is going on? " I asked system, as it finally seemed able to talk.

" The one you met, is the representation of this world, it is rare occurrence. Barely any world have anything resembling it. Now, we have month to get out if here. And I just hidden us from beings that were searching for me. " System said.

" Who are these beings? And why isn't anything moving ? " I asked, looking at Jedi who were standing in one of the ships.

Wait. weren't we on Mothership?

" What the duck? " I was surprised, and misspoke a little bit.

" You don't need to know about them. This is not you business, even if it can hurt you. As For reason of everything being stopped in time and Jedi's being on different ship, it is the doing of the Force. It fixes everything to the closest point in which everything would go as it should. " System said.

"Wait. so, everything I've done was for nothing? EVERY SINGLE THING? " I asked, shouting at the end.

" Yes, and no. You will still have all your protoss and zerg, but if we don't move out everything in a month, they would be erased. We should be thankful that he allowed us to collect everything we could. And even gave us whole month." System replied.

" So, Anakin will still become Evil, Yoda will go crazy?, Shmi would die, and Amidala would die while giving birth? " I asked, as I was used to being around them, and felt bad about it.

So, after being informed about situation, Protoss began transferring all their things to the furthest planet in the galaxy, that was unavailable to anyone in the galaxy itself.

All the Cerebrates, were transported on the World sized Leviathan, and were put in hibernation, to avoid any mishaps.

But before being put in hibernation, all the Hives, were used and dissolved in spawning pools, making them bigger and more potent.

All the planets were being cleaned from any outside presence, and all pools were being brought to the World-sized Leviathan, allowing it to use all that nutrition to grow.

All the Leviathans were being placed inside biggest one, and were connected to it, successfully creating escape pods of enormous sizes.

All the protoss were able to move on the last planet pretty fast, and began dismantling everything they could, using free zerg and even living protoss, who were mostly using probes for manual work.

But now, there were no time for this.

After two weeks, when all the zerg that were mainly useless, were assimilated inside the worldship, making in much bigger then expected, as it used everything Hive could provide.

There were many zerg left in the ship, but they were mostly left for protection purposes.

Protoss, on the other hand, began placing stasis chambers in masses, as it was unknown how long travel would be, so many Protoss would be placed in stasis, just to be safe.

After another week, Anomaly happened. World began moving. It shouldn't be able to, and the moment it started, Force father appeared before me.

I mean, in front of System.

" Was it you? " He asked, looking pretty annoyed.

" Don't disturb my restoration, otherwise you won't have time to leave " He said, not even waiting for an answer.

* Pop *

" No, this was not them, I was the one who have done it. " Said a man, in red costume, resembling Star-Treck's suit.

" Who are you? " He asked, being spooked and ready to fight. At least looking at his physical body.

" Oh, sorry for my manners. I am Q. " Q said.

Oh. " You mean the Q from Star Trek? " I asked, looking at him. Not expecting his appearance at all.

" Oh? Yes, it is me. Did you watch my movie? The one that I spread around the worlds? " He asked, smiling at me.

" Yes..." I answered, but was interrupted by Force Father.

" Q, or whatever. What are you doing in here? Leave this place now! " He said, looking angry.

" Oh? Why would I? I just came to you, to make it possible for you to survive, and here you are being unreasonable. " He said, smiling all the time.

" What? " Force Father tried to ask, but was interrupted by Q.

" Oh, here you are! And here I thought, where did you run to. " He said, looking at my direction.

" Anton. Welcome my first creator. Q. One of few who doesn't want to destroy me after creating me. " He said, sounding tired.

" Oh. Why are you so weak? Eh? Damaged? Come here. " Q said, and crystal appeared right in his hands, and I felt some emptiness inside the body.

" What are you doing? And what do you mean you came to help? " Force Father asked, taking Q by his shoulder, making him look at Force Father with calm face.

" Don't touch me " Q said, and Father's hand was destroyed, and reconstructed in different position, not touching Q.

" Okay, now. What is wrong with you my small creation? " Q began looking at crystal, and the longer it was outside my body, the worse I felt.

" Oh? It is really crude way of fixing the damage. using someone as a glue. huh. " He said, looking at my body, that could no longer hear him.

" Why did you do this? " Q asked the crystal, but I couldn't stand and fell.

So, everything that happened afterwards, I had no knowledge of.

But system didn't have time to explain, as appeared one being that no one expected.

Jar Jar Bings.


" uhuh! What is happening? " He said, surprisingly grammatically right.

" Who?" Force Father tried to ask, again.

" Who who. Your grandfather, you idiot. " Jar Jar answered, surprising the Father with the joke.

" That's a lie! " force father replied.


"... "

" That was a joke, moron. " Jar Jar replied, angering Father more.

" Oh. So, and here I thought that something was wrong. This place was too old for force representation to be so young and weak " Q said, looking at Jar Jar.

" Well, kinda. You know, this time Your thing here brought interesting difference in this boring place, And this stupid Boy had to change everything back to the way he sees. Ugh" Jar Jar said, looking annoyed.

" Then, why didn't you leave this place? " Q asked, as he continued talking with system telepathically.

" As if this could be so easy. Before you came, There were no way I could safely get out. This place is locked. Didn't you see it? " Jar jar said, making Q look at him strangely.

" You mean the thing that I unlocked in less then a second? I thought it was just to say that this is my territory- don't interfere " Q said.

" Yes, this one. From the inside bit couldn't be unlocked easily, I don't know how hard it was from outside" Jar Jar said, as he looked around.

" So, you were trying to force them out even when you knew that they had no way to leave? " Jar Jar asked Father, looking seriously at him.

" Well... It was to make it easier to repair... " He said, looking at these two beings and seeing that he was much weaker and younger.

" I see. So, who is coming, so you had to come ? " Jar Jar asked, looking at Q.

" Borg from my universe. They broke out of it and now they are spreading everywhere. " He said, throwing System crystal back at my body, piercing it.

" Then why didn't you stop them? " Father asked, looking at Q, not understanding the boredom beings like that feel.

" Because I see no reason to, but to make it less boring, I decided to come and see their next destination. And It was right decision. " He said, looking at crystal positioning itself back in my body.

" This place has no chance at survival against them. And also, I found long lost toy of ours, it was definitely worth it." Q said, and disappeared, destroying Father's mouth that was hastily restored.

" I will have to see what is coming. " Jar Jar said, as words of Q made him worried.

" And you, stop changing everything back. Leave them like that. " Jar Jar said to the Father, preparing to leave.

" But I almost finished! " He said, but was interrupted and said to leave everything and prepare for invasion.

" Also, leave them here. They need time to escape. Your timing of month was too hurried. " Jar Jar said and left.

" This is problematic. I need to wake Anton up before everything begins. " System said, and went silent.

After that, I was not awake for a long time. My body was placed on to the bed by Protoss, who were concentrating on modifying our escape ship. World - sized Leviathan.

" Ughh " I let out of my mouth, as I was waking up.

Last thing I remembered was Q appearing. That's it.

" Welcome back, Anton. We need to talk." System said, sounding heavy.

" What? I am listening. " I said, as it was rare for it to speak to me by itself.

" We will have to separate soon. I can no longer be with you " It said, sounding like we were dating...

" Don't think that I didn't hear what You thought. " System replied, making me look to the side.

" But what is the reason? why? what happened, forcing this? " I asked, as system brought me here and I was really used to it.

" You see, You might not know, but I am not really a system how you call me, And I was repairing myself until fiasco with Dark Archon, forcing me to slow down." System said.

" But you were ... " I said, being interrupted by system. Or not a system?

" I lied. I lied a lot. You don't understand it, do you? " It said, making me think nervously.

" why didn't you just tell me straight? It was not necessary to hide " I asked.

" You know, one of many drives for humans to grind is necessity. It was the best way to make you move. " It said.

" Why are you telling me all of this? " I asked, feeling bad about this situation.

" This is my way to say Thank you and good bye. But also, we would always be connected, but in much less straight way. " System said, flying out of my chest and separating itself in the middle.

From the middle came small small crystal, that was placed in my head.

" This is you. We are no longer one entity" It said, coming back inside my stomach.

" And what will happen now? " I asked, feeling partially empty.

" Now, I will be preparing our escape Borg are coming too soon. We could've fought them after couple hundred of years of preparation, but they came too early." it said, making me frown.

" So, the one you were hiding from were borg? " I asked.

" Not only, there are entities out there... but you don't need to worry. " It said.

" Then... well. How should I call you? if you're not a system? " I asked, remembering to ask something that would be polite.

" Call me system, as always. I don't care. But you should understand, I no longer will be providing you with anything. You will have to survive by yourself" It said.

" Then what about everything in my inventory? " I asked, as it was part ot the system.

" Oh. It was unloaded already, and ye. I worded it incorrectly. You wouldn't have access to anything in such a open way. We are still connected, so minimal thing would be available. Like small inventory. really small " system said, making me sad. I thought I was like some OP being already, with all these system features.

" Then what about trading system? " I asked.

" It won't be available. it would worth too much to connect to me. not worth it, and most probably distance would be impossibility big between us. " It replied.

" As about everything else, all the protoss and zerg would continue existing, flying through the space and void. You would be able to return to them anytime, but you most probably wouldn't be able to take them with you." It said.

" What do you mean? " I asked, not understanding current situation.

" We both will need to move fast, if you try to leave with protoss and zerg, Borg would hunt you down as part of me. " System said, making me realize that I should've made myself stronger, and not spent time on growing bigger army.

" Didn't you tell that you successfully hid from everyone? " I asked, remembering that I heard that before blacking out.

" Yes. until Q came and revealed me. it was just a bad luck on our side. Also, you didn't waste your time on growing them. You will still have partial access to the psi energy and force energy" It said.

" Well, not to the extent you currently can, and it would take time and energy for it to travel, but you would still have access to it.

" So, I will be basically nerfed? " I asked.

" You don't need to be sad, and no. You could say that your access to premium features was removed. If you want to talk in game terms " System replied.

" Uhh... so, how long it will take for us to escape? " I asked.

" we would be separated in the transfer, as my trail shouldn't include your position, otherwise you will die, so ... I think four months would be the most you can hope for. Calculations of this caliber take time " It said, giving me time to prepare.

After that, and some more talking, I began preparing.

My personal storage now only had one cubic meter, but it was not such a small space, so I requested creation of some necessities, but in extremely modified way.

The best thing of all, was the realization that from time to time, I would be able to travel back to the Leviathan that would escape from this place. It would be rarely possible, but I would be able to take some things from there back to the place where I would land.

First things that were placed in my storage, were :

Nanocostume ( to blend in and protect myself )

shield generator ( with Khaydarin energy source, making it effectively infinite. )

some food. ( mainly stuff from spawning pool, as it was the most nutritious thing for me )

Tablet with a lot of knowledge collected by everyone.

I had only basics loaded, as these basics were extremely advanced for me.

And all the space that was left afterwards, was filled with things that would allow me to survive in harsh climate, like extendable house, that was just a room that could be used as a safe place even in space.

Also, they barely fitted air generator inside, just for safety. Who knew where I would appear.

This made me think. Where would I be after transfer?

And system replied only this - around one of Earths, I don't know which one. But it would be the best planet for me. At least from system's opinion.

After three months, I realized that Jedi appeared on the Leviathan. after asking, it seems that they would be escaping with us.

" System. what is going on? " I asked.

" Massive escape out of the galaxy. Borg are coming. So, I was asked to take force's children with us. " It replied, explaining how force users were potential children of three. Two parents, and force.

Everyone in the galaxy was force's child, but some of them were closer to it, so both Sith and Jedi would be escaping. Sith by themselves, as they were too prideful, Jedi with us, as It was recommended by force itself.

And after talking with everyone, it seems that few strong force users remember me or anything about all of us. Probably because it was harder to change someone that have closer connection to the force.

This situation by itself surprised me, I always thought that I would be living in here for a long long time, but reality proved me wrong in strange way.

After talking, I knew that Borg would arrive in around twenty years, but by the system's words, if we don't hurry, it would be hard for us to escape. And all the zerg and protoss had to escape at least ten years before Borg arrive, otherwise it wouldn't be easy to do later.

As I was talking with system, I saw someone that I only saw on the screen of the battlefield.

Archon that was being repaired in early days.

He was being placed in stasis.

And you don't even need to think that it was because he would die of old age or dissipation, no. it was to protect ones placed in stasis, so they would have protector that could definitely support them.

What was his name? ahh. I only know how they call him. Grey Knight.

Well, he is Grey.

And he is strong.

By the way, about the strong.

" What happened with search of Tassadar? " I asked, as I still didn't see him.

" Oh. yes. him... " System said, troubled.

" I miscalculated with him. I thought that he is dead. And after looking through every possible position in space and time, where he could've died, I didn't see him. And it means he is alive. Especially as I tried connecting to his trail, and it pushed me away. So, no Tassadar for you " It said, surprising me.

so, no Tassadar. so it was just a waste of time? really?

fuuuck. that. shit.

Why is everything not like in games. Neverending growth in power.

No, it should neverending take stuff from me

And it is even not first time.

FFS. What is going on?

" You have 24 hours until we are out. say goodbye to everyone. " System said, as it was inevitable. But at the same time, I felt how big weight was lifted from my shoulders.

I said goodbye to everyone, and began my transfer.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]

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``` Author's note ```

`` 33 +- words ``

` 3300 words in chapter `

no one reads this. so, no thanks this time.

p.s. Still, thanks for reading ;) Enjoy, if you can.

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