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37.93% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 43: Siths, Life, Shit.

Capítulo 43: Siths, Life, Shit.

All things aside, but I am bad at planning. Especially when it concerns war.

So, I decided to leave everything to the Legendary figures and council, who now should be called Government.

As of now, we began trying to negotiate with republic, as our relationships are very bad.

Hmm, I should go and see what was found about force from captured Siths and Jedi's Library.

As I walked through the streets, from my apartment to the warp gates, I sipped from the barrel that I carried on my back, and because of this, I received strange looks from everyone.

Should I change barrel to anything else? It might be good idea.

As I warped to the Earth, The only place where I could get information needed to me, I met Aden who was waiting for me. He will get me to the research facilities and information banks that had information from Jedi's Library.

After meeting, we went to his room, where I again met Adriana. The protoss woman who was watching over the Shmi.

" Weren't she supposed to watch over Shmi? " I asked, knowing that Aden was already in relationship with Adriana.

I didn't expect them to live together.

" Oh, yes, she is watching over her, Adriana created a team to watch for Shmi's safety." Aden replied, while changing his clothes to official ones.

" Adriana, how is Shmi? What is she doing? " I asked, remembering about her. I totally forgot that she is on Rakata. Should've visited her.

Well, it is fine.

" First few months she was getting used to new life. Nowadays she began learning and wanted to go to the university, to learn geology or something like that." Adriana replied, turning to me.

And she had a big belly. Wow. She is pregnant?

" Aden. Why didn't you tell me? " I said, pointing at her.

" I would've let her relax. She doesn't need to work while she is in last months of pregnancy" I said.

" It doesn't matter. He wanted to tell you, but I wanted to continue working with Shmi. She is very nice and pregnancy is not such a difficult thing for me. I am fully functional" Adriana said, while beginning to clean her battle gear.

" Is it true? protoss's pregnancy is less stressful then Human's? " I asked Aden.

" Not really... But Adriana is strong and don't want to relax until last days" Aden said and went to the door.

" Let's go" He said, and went out.

" Okay. Have a good day. " I said to Adriana, who just waved at me and continued polishing her armor.

As we left the house, we warped right to the entrance of facility number one. Containing weaker Siths, which were allowed to move in the building. Obviously limited and under supervision. Allowed to read, write and so on.

They were too weak to get out. Especially as base was underground and no direct exit existed.

" We learned that in the body, so called midichlorians establish connection to the force. Siths themselves don't have any force powers. " Aden said, continuing walking to the laboratory that have detailed information.

" Midichlorians by themselves can't live without a living being, at least we don't know any precedent, yet. After blood or any part of the living tissue is taken from the species, midichlorians continue to live until the cells where they lived are still alive. " Aden entered the security checkpoint and proceeded to the computer.

" Look, here we keep small amount of blood in a state resembling a living being. For now, midi-chlorians keep living in there, but in a passive state. A state, where they don't communicate with the force. " He said, and moved to another table.

" Here, we too have blood, but this one is taken from Sith. Midichlorians in this one connects to the force and stores a little amount of it for some reason… then releases it back. We are still uncertain, but we suspect that midichlorians with certain concentration can have some hive minded behaviour and under influence of the host, they begin to recycle force existing in the universe, so it would be controlled easier by these changed midichlorians."

" As for this one, " He showed sample that was placed besides Sith's.

" It was taken from Qui-gon. It's midichlorians are connected to the force and they just keep the connection and work like a tube for the force. Force just passes through them without changing. When we added blood of the same type, but with less midichlorians, connection was severed or weakened enough that our devices can't register it. " Aden said.

" Wait wait wait. What devices? How can you register the Force? Isn't it interact only with a living beings?" I asked, confused as he began his explanation from the middle.

" Oh. yea. sorry about that. I thought you knew. In short, a device was made. combining our technology of preserving lives in machines and a lot of different kinds of sensors. And we now have Sith sitting in a chamber, and through him we receive response to the force. Do you want full explanation about it? " He asked.

" No, continue with your explanation about blood samples. " I replied.

" Okay. As we found out by experimentation, when force recycled by Sith's midichlorians is released in presence of Jedi's midichlorians, They both get agitated and Sith's midichlorians begin to try and convert Jedi's. Also, when they are diluted enough, all the activities stop and they just become passive like in the first example, taken from simple human. " He said.

" So, midichlorians are just filters for the force? " I asked.

" Not exactly, but it is the only function we found on non living tissue. And as most of the time we worked on a way to register the force, we began testing most of the things a month ago, so there are not much to be seen yet. " Aden said, continuing moving to the next room.

" In here, we put Siths in stasis, from time to time, and look at how force react to our psi or void energies. For now, we know that force and psi energy can coexist in one body, but void energy consumes or erases force from it's vicinity. We are not sure what exactly is happening, research is in progress. " He said, showing three different Siths, from different races, in different situations.

One of them was placed in a tube filled with some kind of liquid and had sensors connected to him.

Another one was on the table, and he could operated on. It looks like they are not currently operating him, but looking at protoss standing to the side, and medical equipment, I would say they will begin after we leave.

As for the last one, They are taking blood from him and replenish it with some kind of liquid.

" What is this thing? " I asked, pointing at the liquid that was replacing blood of the Sith.

" Oh, this is artificial blood. It will be converted by recipient's body into blood and adapt to it. We replace parts of his blood, and do this from time to time. We want to see if blood would begin having midichlorians in previous concentration, or will it only exist in newly generated blood. " He said.

" Ah, we should move on, operation is scheduled. " Aden said, and we began moving to the next room.

" What operation? " I asked.

" Oh, he have a problems with liver, we are removing tumor and regrowing lost part of damaged liver. And this also provides us with tumor tissue for research. Not necessarily needed, but new thing to research" He said, as we were walking in corridor and entered a room where behind the glass I saw these Siths eating behind the tables.

" This is part of the facility they are allowed to be in. If we climb these stairs, we would be standing on the roof of their living spaces and would be able to see any part of it." Aden said, as he began walking up the stairs.

" So, how are they in general? Siths I mean. " I asked, as we began walking above them and look at their interactions.

" They all have anger issues, or generally can't control their feelings. They always follow what they feel. Sometimes they think, but most of the time they follow their desires. Such as to fight, eat, drink, or anything else." He Said.

" This one, is especially aggressive. He can barely control his anger " Aden pointed at three meter tall bulky man, who was doing pish ups.

" He is always trying to fight others and only strength works for him. He won't listen to reason "

" As. for his neighbour, he is exceptionally crafty. He always tries to try and get out of here. He knows almost everything about everyone in here, and uses this information when he need it"

" For now, our conclusion is that so called Dark side of the force doesn't really change a person much. It just allows for a person to do anything he or she wants. " He said, walking above fighting Siths, who were using force freely on each other.

" If it have effect, it is minor and most probably affect people in long run, so we are still doing our tests. " He said, not reacting to the fight below.

" Shouldn't we stop them? " I asked, pointing down.

" Oh, not really. They would be stopped when it reaches dangerous point. We are here not in re-education facility, we won't interfere easily." He said, not turning his head and moving further.

" I see. So, anything else? " I asked, while fight below stopped as they got tired.

" Yes, but not much in this facility. " He said.

" Do you see these two below? " Aden pointed at two greenish aliens of the same race.

" Yes, are they special? " I asked.

" Not really, but they are a husband and wife. They are the calmest and they don't go against the rules. in here, they are the closest to what you could Call law-abiding." Aden said, as we walked past their room and continued to the exit.

" so, anything else you can tell about them? " I asked, as we were going to the gravity tunnel that would lead us deeper.

" Well, from what we found about them, they knew each other long before they were accepted as siths, they lived on a planet where you could hardly find food to live, so when they had a chance to live better, they accepted it. At first, Only husband's midichlorians were tested, as the one who took them didn't feel anything from the girl." He said, as we teach the gravity tunnel and went down.

" And? " I asked, interested at how they still ended up together.

" Well, as they didn't trust anyone, they were practically doing everything together. Even husband's master couldn't separate them without killing her, but being at least somewhat smart, he decided against it. And so, just like before, they spend all the time close to each other, until this master began feeling the force from the wife. " he continued, as we stepped out of the tunnel and proceeded to the next room.

" And after testing, it was found that she too had midichlorians in concentration enough to be a student. Even though it was lower then the boy's. So, he gave her to his previous student. Who was practically living with him. " He said.

" Okay, this is everything important about them. This information made us create few new directions in which we began experimenting. " He said, opening the room.

In this room I saw a baby. A child with a family.

" This family was brought from one of the lower levels of Coruscant. They ate not force sensitive. we tested it. Just like their child. " He said.

" Isn't it against your rules, to experiment on people, especially on small kids. " I asked.

" It isn't really bad on them. They lived in worse conditions. Here they have food, entertainment, and everything they need. As for kid, we have few families like this one down here. They would be able to enjoy their lives to the full extent. " He said.

" I see, so what exactly are you doing here? " He said.

" Well, this family was only husband and pregnant wife, when they were transferred here. Unlike other families in this facility. We collected a lot of blood from the force sensitive people, from kids on Rakata too, while testing for midichlorians. and now we keep it circling all around their living spaces, so they would be kept around high concentration of midichlorians at all times." He said.

" We suspect that while young, living beings can be affected by them and begin having more and more midichlorians. For now, though we have no results. As this project began only two months ago. " He finished.

" I wanted to ask long ago, but how do you know all this? You are not this project's manager or something. You are bot connected to it at all. " I said, waiting for an answer.

" Hah, don't forget that we all are connected to Khala, and we can share information through it, especially as all I know doesn't have any details or numbers. For these, you would need to get to the specialist who works here. " He replied, as we began walking back to the entrance, from which we would warp back, as it was restricted to travel in-between the facilities themselves.

For safety. They might be able to brainwash protoss, who knows if it is possible. They have this mind trick at their disposal.

As I returned back to the Rakata, I was informed that Fenix wanted to meet me at my Arbiter, that was again being connected to become Ardis.

" Ok. on my way " I replied, through the connector.

As I was walking through the street, getting to the warp station, as it was a secret to the universe, that we could just warp anywhere on the planet where energy field exist, I saw kids playing with ball, throwing it at each other and if they don't catch it, they are out.

Should I introduce Earth's sports to this place? I was not really into it, by memories should have most of the rules of few activities.

Maybe at some point, later... someday... in the future... distant future...

Meh. never really liked them.

On the way, I decided to visit the cafe to the side, So I took little detour, and sat down in it.

" What would you like, sir? " Asked mechanical voice from below the screen of my table.

Table itself was a screen, So I should say - voice came from below the table.

" Hmm. What is current dish of the day? " I asked.

" Red fish under T H I C C layer of cheese with truffle. "

" Okay, give me one dish of the day, one Borsch, two servings of pancakes with some honey, and a milkshake. Big one. " I said.

" Order received. Approximate waiting time: Four minutes" Came the voice, and the screen with menu dimmed down.

While waiting, I decided to look around, and I was surprised that some people were looking at me from time to time. Why are they looking at me?

As order was brought by the living person, human to be exact, I asked him the reason for this little commotion.

" Sorry, but could you tell me why are you looking so surprised at me? and why is everyone looking at me like that? "

" Oh. sorry about that, I didn't want to inconvenience you. And to answer your question, I am surprised that one of your race is eating. I thought that your kind doesn't need to eat. As for others, most probably the same reason" He replied, waiting to be released.

" Oh. thank you. You can go. " I said, giving him a small tip.

" You are welcome " He replied, happily taking money.

So, now I understand. Well, should've though about it sooner. I don't think that it is rational to change how I look now, everyone knows me with this face. I mean, everyone non protoss.

As I ate, their food of the day had a strange taste, but maybe someone would like it more then me. Well I don't care.

After finishing, and payment taken from me automatically, I continued to go to the ship.

Getting closer, I saw some protoss standing around it and protecting it from any intruder.

Fenix most probably have something important to talk about. If he brought guards with him.

After getting to the ship, I asked:

" So, what is going on. It is rare for you to call me. "

" Ahh. An Ton. I called you here because we anchored Dark Archon from the battlefield. And he is unstable. We placed him in stasis, as he doesn't want to listen. Could you try and order him to calm down? As you are generally have full control over us" He said, saying last part quieter.

" Ah. yes, I can try. Does it trouble you? being unable to decline my orders? I asked, getting to the room with DA.

" Me? not really. But some of us think that it is bad, but can't even think or begin thinking about resisting. Even though there are no real reason to resist, the existence of control itself is disturbing to some. " He said, showing me the shiny red ball of energy and hate.

" Is he locked? " I asked.

" Yes, we can release him from stasis when you will be ready. " He said.

As I approached him, in a room, from which he won't be able to escape from, I said: " Release him"

And from this point on, came the worst moment of this life.

* wznn* Came the sound of stasis device turning off.

" Arrghahahahahahah " Dark Archon laughed.

" IDIOT" He said, in a thunderous voice, and used maelstrom disabling any and all my movements. and I could only see the room behind the glass, where Fenix was turning his face to the side. I couldn't say anything. couldn't do anything. And even my thoughts began to s.l.o..w... d....o...w....n.

" PUT HIM BACK. IN. STASIS!! " Shouted Fenix, to the protoss who was behind the control panel.

"* Whummmm * came the sound of stasis turning on, the last sound I heard as I blacked out.


Thank you, my first pa treon member.

Grey Knight.

Your reward is:

being able to read it one day before release ;)


``` Author's note ```

`` 50 +- words ``

` 3051? words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Psst. join my pa treon. Psst. it will keep me motivated.


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