Zaneos woke up earlier in the morning, early before the sun was up. As a demon, he had learned a lot about humans, including simple habits such as washing his face and brushing his teeth. He knew that it did not really matter if he brushed his teeth or not as his teeth would not decay, even if he lost his teeth, they would regrow back. But the habit was just infectious, watching all the people do it every morning, he started to follow them.
After the morning, he started with his morning walk, wearing sports pants, a black plain shirt, and running shoes. The only thing that did not change was his straw cone hat. He still had it, always on his head whatever he did. Working, training, or even going shopping. The hat never left his head when he was outside, and it had become his signature over time. People on the street called him Officer Strawhat, and it was how people called him now, even his subordinate.
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