Reviews of Harry Potter but AU??? by DAFR - Webnovel



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Okay, I’ll be honest here. There are problems with the story. There is a significant period of time where the MC becomes extremely stupid. Making rash decisions over and over that seem to only be his downfall. I think it was mostly the writer forgetting how stupid doing these things in repeat one thing after another. It’s the second year. If you can get past the fact that following that the rest of the characters seem to ignore his existence and he becomes a background character from that point on. The story ends right where I think the story would begin to get good. So overall there are some flaws in the story I don’t like. That being said, it’s a fan fiction. Also for those who don’t like people getting stuff wrong in the story. It doesn’t matter it’s not real life it’s not history. It’s a fan made fiction based on another fictional story.

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a decent fanfic (i am at around chapter 119) i almost dropped because of the first chapter and agreeing with the gripes in the comments, but i am glad i didnt. if that is also you, i would recommend reading till chapter 12 at least. the problem only seems like a problem at first. the idiot reincarnated at a price, but that price erased what made him stupid, and the other problems were solved by plot devices early on, so he isnt an emotionally stunted moron as the first chapter would make you think. it is a wrong boy who lived fanfic (twin is basically a dudley treated as a hero, where harry the main character is an outcast. despite all the good characters being bad and bad being decent, it isnt all dark either, altgough there are some really dark story elements, it makes up for it. the grammar and spelling can be atrocious at times, but is mostly readable. i would say a middlechool to early highschool level of grammar and spelling mastery most likely. it isnt as bad as mtls and translations, the errors are unique to the author, simple mix uos that hapoen frequently. like replacing words like "great" with "grate", or run on sentences that get so confusing that it is indecipherable. i just skip those paragraphs entirely, you dont miss much by doing so. so the author could use some edits, but it is a completely free to read fanfic, so it makes sense that the effort wouldnt be put into that, it was likely written for fun to begin with. overall a decent story with a mildly strong character with only slight opness that isnt flaunted. evil dumbledore, evil potter family, evil pomfrey, evil hermione, etc. there are only two characters that stay good characters throughout, aside from the mc, so far.

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История мне очень понравилось. Грамотно продуманные желания гг при начале новой жизни дали прекрасный старт и сделали его фанатом тяжёлой умственной работы. При этом остаться посредственностью в жизни можно только если его будет насильно сдерживать, чего, конечно, не произошло. Прочёл книгу с большим удовольствием, наблюдая за всеми поворотами сюжета и разносторонним развитием героев. Главным недостатком, как по мне, здесь являются неточности и ошибки перевода. Жаль, что продолжения нет.

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The story was alright but a few chapters in and it’s just waffle like his dad Jamie’s potter is still alive he’s in a wrong boy who lives story it’s just a bunch of nonsense really

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OMG this is one of the best novels i read too bad it stoped

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I just can't stand MC whining and ranting all the time when he never experienced what Book Harry did. The grammar seems written by a child and the story is full of plot holes and wrong facts, but author just sweeps everything under a rug and say, "it's AU".

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O fato da personalidade dele ter se tornado um pouco distorcida no final, não me agradou muito, mas essa ainda é uma das melhores fanfics que li de Harry Potter, espero que o autor pelo menos poste mais alguns capítulo

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not related though I like to ask about a novel I read before where the MC is nephew of Amelia bones and was kidnapped in childhood where lestransge did some ritual on him. can anyone give me the name of the novel. I tried to find that as that was one of the best novels I read

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I want to continue I want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continue

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, ,.. . . . . . . m. m. n. n . . n .

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if you like the standard over used plot device of strong mc pretends to be weak and never not once shows his true strength nor fo we readers know of how strong he actually is. an author who forced plot because he can and doesn't care about the story at all. finally a story about wishing that the mc would stop hiding and grow a back bone and just kill everyone already despite long having the power to kill his enemies he won't do it and is afraid. then this is the story for you

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This was a really good read and I throughly enjoyed the Timon and Iago Joke, it’s a shame it’s been dropped I was looking forward to what would happen when Dumbledore attempted to get his hands on wonder alley I even thought that it was going to be a part of the Christmas meeting and try to get miss W to force them to give it him with a (oh just tell me who your partners are and I will handle everything speech) as if he is doing them a favour.

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LV 10 Badge

Read till chapter 173… Pros: The story so far is well written and the descriptions are nice. MC is going on a unique path and the events so far are interesting. I like the pairing for romance but it has not progressed much. Cons: A lot of drama in this book…People betraying MC left and right. Author seems to have talent in infuriating readers but this can be a pro as it made it more interesting. Doesn’t mean I like it tho… MC has basically killed himself multiple times in this book by making multiple personalities and merging with them for experiments… Even though MC has Tony Stark’s intelligence it doesn’t get mentioned much and he doesn’t seem that smart…sure he may be a genius but he is an average genius definitely not Tony Stark Level. The biggest cons: There loads and loads of chapters that are wasted on meaningless betrayal feelings and MC’s best friends leaving him for basically not telling them his whole life history…like bro it’s fine to have secrets and it’s not like they have told him theirs first. Then MC just goes to cry inside making us hate those people but then MC makes up with them anyways in most cases. The other Con is that MC still hasn’t gotten his revenge… All that he has done till now is affect the potters financially but that hasn’t really made that much of an impact on them… With all his strength and boasting of wanting to torture them he sure hasn’t really acted on these feelings…also I have a feeling that with how he has revealed his hate for the potters to his close friends there is going to be unnecessary drama of his friends and Luna stopping him from killing them… This kinda sucks as I want to see the revenge but author is preventing MC from taking revenge even if he is powerful enough at the moment to do so. The third biggest con is that MC is going into kingdom building for some reason? Like bruh I would expect him to take his revenge first and then get into making more companies and acting against Voldemort and dumbles but NO he ignores all that and is working on all kinds of plans to “Better the wizarding society” man…what is this? This came out of nowhere. First of all he isn’t strong enough yet at least get to third stage before planning to ”rule” and prevent wizards and muggles from going to war. The last point is that autho is just stretching the story out now and although he has good ideas he doesn’t let us readers feel satisfied. I mean he has all these plans going on but you gotta know that readers are more interested in you getting stronger faster to take revenge and THEN think about “caring” for all. I could be mistaken and author must be someone smart who knows how to hook people with anticipation for revenge but keeps on letting us hang in the edge and waiting for MC to do something significant. MC is so fricking passive. Anyways my rant/review ends now. Honestly the book is good but now I don’t like it anymore. I have wasted a lot of time but author keeps going onto the researching tangent too much that I have lost interest now. Maybe you would like it if you got a lot of free time but I gotta go back to study. I came for a light read and fast revenge to get satisfaction but author probably plans to stretch it out a lot.

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well its one those dark type ff...where mc is always suffering, his whole talent will not recognized by the world at large expect for 2 or 3 ppl, in starting he will have foster parent who will die in next chapter then have friends who will not be his friends in next chapter and all most all the adults are the reasons for his suffering. so be careful if you want your mind to suffer.

Ver 2 Respostas

The best world building I have seen the idea of Magic and science being the about the same is creative the relationship feel real though the inventions that he makes are hard to believe it is still good too bad the author either abandoned it, died or school interrupts him is sad since this is the best hp fanfics I have read

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La historia es muy buena pero el autor no publica nada desde hace un año, espero que vuelva a publicar devuelta 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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An interesting story that was dropped, ah well, a pleasant diversion. Some cringe and interesting cross of ideas. Hope author is doing well.

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I am sad to see this dropped, this story was very good to me in the moment, I hope you come back one day and continue this, thanks for the story

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Writing Quality 4/5 Stability of Updates 4/5 Story Development 4/5 Character Design 4/5 World Background 4/5

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An interesting take on the wizarding world. Though admittedly I only read it half-heartedly, I enjoyed the fact that there are very few plotholes. The story is a bit rough around the edges, but if a better writer used this fanfiction as a framework, fleshed out the characters and detailed the world background, it would deserve a place in my top 20 favorite fanfictions of all time.

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Don't even bother to read this piece of 💩. It's beyond horrible and obviouslty, the writer was too lazy to get the names right, spell correctly, or even use the proper words.

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. .. ..... ! .. .nnn .. ...... .... ....... 😁😁🙄🪅🪅🙈🪃🪃🙈😂😂😍🙈🙄🪅💯👍😑😑😑😘😁🤣🙄🪅🪃🙈🙈😂😂😍😍👌👌😍😂🥺👍👍👍🪃💕🙈😍😂 not good at reviews

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this s a magic world and this author keeps on bring science in to this world this was supposed to be a fantasy novel but the author almost made it a science fiction novel

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It's a great story.. Have many information/theory about magic.. But, I like it more if Harry have more interactions with his friends, than more focus to his many projects (he forget everything when he focus to one of his project, he even don't tell his project to his friends until one of them ask him).. please make him have more interactions with his friends.. Can I ask you something?? Harry is smart, why he doesn't suspect that Dumbledore is the one whose kill his parents (he's the mastermind from light faction)?? I understand his angry with The Potters, but I hope he forgive James, because I think his still love Harry and have the best intention for him... Can't wait the next chapter 😁😁👍😍

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This is an intriguing and semi confusing story. More true life like than most. Not all good or Evil or Light or Dark. Reincarnation with good/bad effects. Not good Dumbledore, major mind altering spells.

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LV 12 Badge

It was a great read. Thanks. [img=recommend][img=recommend] 👍👍👍👍

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This fanfiction is really good. If you are just not too hook up towards canon then you can enjoy it very much , as the author has dropped the novel or not is unkown for me but as i have completed the novel until half of its current chapter , it is really good as you could see new personalities of our cannon characters and plot changing sequences happening because of it. I really wish to see the epilogue of this story if possible ,let be hopefull

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when will you continue this fanfiction ???? please do not drop it the fanfic is good ....[img=exp][img=exp][img=coins][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins]

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LV 12 Badge

I liked this novel first but after 180chap later i can say its not to me. Author just make all characters we know and love, evil or harry using them or want kill themm. and i just hate harry in this novel sometimes he is nice and other evil a** hole

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Okay, I’ll be honest here. There are problems with the story. There is a significant period of time where the MC becomes extremely stupid. Making rash decisions over and over that seem to only be his downfall. I think it was mostly the writer forgetting how stupid doing these things in repeat one thing after another. It’s the second year. If you can get past the fact that following that the rest of the characters seem to ignore his existence and he becomes a background character from that point on. The story ends right where I think the story would begin to get good. So overall there are some flaws in the story I don’t like. That being said, it’s a fan fiction. Also for those who don’t like people getting stuff wrong in the story. It doesn’t matter it’s not real life it’s not history. It’s a fan made fiction based on another fictional story.

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a decent fanfic (i am at around chapter 119) i almost dropped because of the first chapter and agreeing with the gripes in the comments, but i am glad i didnt. if that is also you, i would recommend reading till chapter 12 at least. the problem only seems like a problem at first. the idiot reincarnated at a price, but that price erased what made him stupid, and the other problems were solved by plot devices early on, so he isnt an emotionally stunted moron as the first chapter would make you think. it is a wrong boy who lived fanfic (twin is basically a dudley treated as a hero, where harry the main character is an outcast. despite all the good characters being bad and bad being decent, it isnt all dark either, altgough there are some really dark story elements, it makes up for it. the grammar and spelling can be atrocious at times, but is mostly readable. i would say a middlechool to early highschool level of grammar and spelling mastery most likely. it isnt as bad as mtls and translations, the errors are unique to the author, simple mix uos that hapoen frequently. like replacing words like "great" with "grate", or run on sentences that get so confusing that it is indecipherable. i just skip those paragraphs entirely, you dont miss much by doing so. so the author could use some edits, but it is a completely free to read fanfic, so it makes sense that the effort wouldnt be put into that, it was likely written for fun to begin with. overall a decent story with a mildly strong character with only slight opness that isnt flaunted. evil dumbledore, evil potter family, evil pomfrey, evil hermione, etc. there are only two characters that stay good characters throughout, aside from the mc, so far.

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История мне очень понравилось. Грамотно продуманные желания гг при начале новой жизни дали прекрасный старт и сделали его фанатом тяжёлой умственной работы. При этом остаться посредственностью в жизни можно только если его будет насильно сдерживать, чего, конечно, не произошло. Прочёл книгу с большим удовольствием, наблюдая за всеми поворотами сюжета и разносторонним развитием героев. Главным недостатком, как по мне, здесь являются неточности и ошибки перевода. Жаль, что продолжения нет.

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The story was alright but a few chapters in and it’s just waffle like his dad Jamie’s potter is still alive he’s in a wrong boy who lives story it’s just a bunch of nonsense really

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OMG this is one of the best novels i read too bad it stoped

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I just can't stand MC whining and ranting all the time when he never experienced what Book Harry did. The grammar seems written by a child and the story is full of plot holes and wrong facts, but author just sweeps everything under a rug and say, "it's AU".

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O fato da personalidade dele ter se tornado um pouco distorcida no final, não me agradou muito, mas essa ainda é uma das melhores fanfics que li de Harry Potter, espero que o autor pelo menos poste mais alguns capítulo

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not related though I like to ask about a novel I read before where the MC is nephew of Amelia bones and was kidnapped in childhood where lestransge did some ritual on him. can anyone give me the name of the novel. I tried to find that as that was one of the best novels I read

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I want to continue I want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continueI want to continue

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, ,.. . . . . . . m. m. n. n . . n .

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if you like the standard over used plot device of strong mc pretends to be weak and never not once shows his true strength nor fo we readers know of how strong he actually is. an author who forced plot because he can and doesn't care about the story at all. finally a story about wishing that the mc would stop hiding and grow a back bone and just kill everyone already despite long having the power to kill his enemies he won't do it and is afraid. then this is the story for you

Ver 1 Respostas

This was a really good read and I throughly enjoyed the Timon and Iago Joke, it’s a shame it’s been dropped I was looking forward to what would happen when Dumbledore attempted to get his hands on wonder alley I even thought that it was going to be a part of the Christmas meeting and try to get miss W to force them to give it him with a (oh just tell me who your partners are and I will handle everything speech) as if he is doing them a favour.

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LV 10 Badge

Read till chapter 173… Pros: The story so far is well written and the descriptions are nice. MC is going on a unique path and the events so far are interesting. I like the pairing for romance but it has not progressed much. Cons: A lot of drama in this book…People betraying MC left and right. Author seems to have talent in infuriating readers but this can be a pro as it made it more interesting. Doesn’t mean I like it tho… MC has basically killed himself multiple times in this book by making multiple personalities and merging with them for experiments… Even though MC has Tony Stark’s intelligence it doesn’t get mentioned much and he doesn’t seem that smart…sure he may be a genius but he is an average genius definitely not Tony Stark Level. The biggest cons: There loads and loads of chapters that are wasted on meaningless betrayal feelings and MC’s best friends leaving him for basically not telling them his whole life history…like bro it’s fine to have secrets and it’s not like they have told him theirs first. Then MC just goes to cry inside making us hate those people but then MC makes up with them anyways in most cases. The other Con is that MC still hasn’t gotten his revenge… All that he has done till now is affect the potters financially but that hasn’t really made that much of an impact on them… With all his strength and boasting of wanting to torture them he sure hasn’t really acted on these feelings…also I have a feeling that with how he has revealed his hate for the potters to his close friends there is going to be unnecessary drama of his friends and Luna stopping him from killing them… This kinda sucks as I want to see the revenge but author is preventing MC from taking revenge even if he is powerful enough at the moment to do so. The third biggest con is that MC is going into kingdom building for some reason? Like bruh I would expect him to take his revenge first and then get into making more companies and acting against Voldemort and dumbles but NO he ignores all that and is working on all kinds of plans to “Better the wizarding society” man…what is this? This came out of nowhere. First of all he isn’t strong enough yet at least get to third stage before planning to ”rule” and prevent wizards and muggles from going to war. The last point is that autho is just stretching the story out now and although he has good ideas he doesn’t let us readers feel satisfied. I mean he has all these plans going on but you gotta know that readers are more interested in you getting stronger faster to take revenge and THEN think about “caring” for all. I could be mistaken and author must be someone smart who knows how to hook people with anticipation for revenge but keeps on letting us hang in the edge and waiting for MC to do something significant. MC is so fricking passive. Anyways my rant/review ends now. Honestly the book is good but now I don’t like it anymore. I have wasted a lot of time but author keeps going onto the researching tangent too much that I have lost interest now. Maybe you would like it if you got a lot of free time but I gotta go back to study. I came for a light read and fast revenge to get satisfaction but author probably plans to stretch it out a lot.

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Ver 1 Respostas

well its one those dark type ff...where mc is always suffering, his whole talent will not recognized by the world at large expect for 2 or 3 ppl, in starting he will have foster parent who will die in next chapter then have friends who will not be his friends in next chapter and all most all the adults are the reasons for his suffering. so be careful if you want your mind to suffer.

Ver 2 Respostas

The best world building I have seen the idea of Magic and science being the about the same is creative the relationship feel real though the inventions that he makes are hard to believe it is still good too bad the author either abandoned it, died or school interrupts him is sad since this is the best hp fanfics I have read

Ver 1 Respostas

La historia es muy buena pero el autor no publica nada desde hace un año, espero que vuelva a publicar devuelta 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Ver 1 Respostas

An interesting story that was dropped, ah well, a pleasant diversion. Some cringe and interesting cross of ideas. Hope author is doing well.

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I am sad to see this dropped, this story was very good to me in the moment, I hope you come back one day and continue this, thanks for the story

Ver 0 Respostas

Writing Quality 4/5 Stability of Updates 4/5 Story Development 4/5 Character Design 4/5 World Background 4/5

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An interesting take on the wizarding world. Though admittedly I only read it half-heartedly, I enjoyed the fact that there are very few plotholes. The story is a bit rough around the edges, but if a better writer used this fanfiction as a framework, fleshed out the characters and detailed the world background, it would deserve a place in my top 20 favorite fanfictions of all time.

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Don't even bother to read this piece of 💩. It's beyond horrible and obviouslty, the writer was too lazy to get the names right, spell correctly, or even use the proper words.

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. .. ..... ! .. .nnn .. ...... .... ....... 😁😁🙄🪅🪅🙈🪃🪃🙈😂😂😍🙈🙄🪅💯👍😑😑😑😘😁🤣🙄🪅🪃🙈🙈😂😂😍😍👌👌😍😂🥺👍👍👍🪃💕🙈😍😂 not good at reviews

Ver 0 Respostas

this s a magic world and this author keeps on bring science in to this world this was supposed to be a fantasy novel but the author almost made it a science fiction novel

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It's a great story.. Have many information/theory about magic.. But, I like it more if Harry have more interactions with his friends, than more focus to his many projects (he forget everything when he focus to one of his project, he even don't tell his project to his friends until one of them ask him).. please make him have more interactions with his friends.. Can I ask you something?? Harry is smart, why he doesn't suspect that Dumbledore is the one whose kill his parents (he's the mastermind from light faction)?? I understand his angry with The Potters, but I hope he forgive James, because I think his still love Harry and have the best intention for him... Can't wait the next chapter 😁😁👍😍

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This is an intriguing and semi confusing story. More true life like than most. Not all good or Evil or Light or Dark. Reincarnation with good/bad effects. Not good Dumbledore, major mind altering spells.

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LV 12 Badge

It was a great read. Thanks. [img=recommend][img=recommend] 👍👍👍👍

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This fanfiction is really good. If you are just not too hook up towards canon then you can enjoy it very much , as the author has dropped the novel or not is unkown for me but as i have completed the novel until half of its current chapter , it is really good as you could see new personalities of our cannon characters and plot changing sequences happening because of it. I really wish to see the epilogue of this story if possible ,let be hopefull

Ver 1 Respostas

when will you continue this fanfiction ???? please do not drop it the fanfic is good ....[img=exp][img=exp][img=coins][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins][img=exp][img=coins]

Ver 1 Respostas
LV 12 Badge

I liked this novel first but after 180chap later i can say its not to me. Author just make all characters we know and love, evil or harry using them or want kill themm. and i just hate harry in this novel sometimes he is nice and other evil a** hole

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