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33.13% Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1 / Chapter 55: V05 - Chapter 55 Good Evening RM

Capítulo 55: V05 - Chapter 55 Good Evening RM


--- Resort, Earth ---

July 14th, 2025

Everyone will be at attention, waiting inside the main conference room.

The conference room is not that large, just enough to hold a few dozen people comfortabilities. There are decorations all around the conference room, with all forms of the American flag scattered all around the tables and walls.

"You guys take this flag thing pretty far," Lelei said, noting all that. She is currently in her other outfit, a Sailor Collar Sleeveless Skater Dress.

"No kidding," Rory adds. She is in the same black, maroon gothic two pieces lolita dress with capelet she had on last night. Her other new dress while looking great but Sarah refused to let her wear it. It is a little too inappropriate for this occasion. "I can't remember the last time I had one of these State events. Must be like five hundred years now…. Yup, now I remember why I hate these events."

"Rory," Sharpe said after hearing what she just said. "You are going to be good tonight. No death and destruction tonight."

Rory looks over to him and smiles, giving him a cute wave. "No promises." She said cutely, being a smart ass like Sharpe.

Sharpe looks at her and then reflects on what Sarah said before. On how they are picking up his 'worst' traits. "Damn she's right." Now he is proud of that.

Selina stands by Sharpe, feeling nervous meeting the President. She is in a sleeveless red dress with black buttons going down the front of the dress. There are two black lacing with one on the bottom edge of the dress and the other two buttons up. Small black bows are around the dress between the two laces. She has this purplish bow on her right arm.

She looks up at Sharpe. "Have you ever meant the President before?"

Sharpe looks down at her. "Yes, well no. Not this one but the last one." He is wearing the army standard dress uniform with the peaked cap.

Out of nowhere Sarah walks over and starts to adjust his tie. "How do you still don't know how to do this." She asked him. She is in the same standard dress uniform but in the skirt variant.

"That is still so strange." Rory comments. "Having a new leader every four to eight years. That seems so short."

"Depends on which side of the political aisle your on at the time," Sharpe responds. He is a bit discomfort with his First Lieutenant as she finishes fixing the tie but allows it.

Lelei walks over with a cup of water in her hand. "Please correct me, but your President is the leader of your country however they can't pass laws or taxation?"

Sharpe looks at her. "Correct. Right now, she is our Commander and Chief. Her responsibilities are to lead the nation. But we make sure that the office doesn't hold too much power."

"And Congress maintains the government? Setting rules, funding, and policies. And they can overrule the President on any matter?" Lelei asked and then thinks. "So, it is like mini pulses in your country culture?"

"Mini pules?" Sarah asked, looking at her confused.

Lelei looks over to her. "Well yes. Every new leader is like a reset on your way of life. A constant revolution. While in the Empire it would take the overthrow of the current leader to make such a drastic change, you can do it over a few years. Bloodless mind you."

"That sounds like anarchy," Rory responds. Everything Lelei is saying is reminding her of someone in her past.

Lelei looks to Rory next. "Exactly. People are naturally chaotic. We do things that are not in our self-interest all the time. We get angry over such small daily tasked and look for ways to vent it. Their Founders found a way to bring order to this chaos. Both balancing each other out. You combine freedom of speak with elections and that acts as a valve for the people to vent their struggle. Chaos and order are now one of the same, a daily norm."

Then Lelei looks over to Sharpe. "That brings me back to what I said about mini pulses. Every nation will have good and bad leaders. That is just the order of life. However, every time you put a new president in power, that means you are resetting your national pulse. I got that idea after going through your history yesterday and when I was listening to your President's speech after our Sedera mission(1). With a new leader, your nation gains the ability to bounce back from a crisis. Or with fresh new ideas or whatever your people need at the time."

Sharpe looks at her, impress on how easily she grasps their system of government. Just in general, she seems to be able to just grasps foreign concepts so easily.

That is when all of them hear this loud but soft clapping. They all look towards the main door and see this white woman standing there in a dark navy-blue skirt suit.

"That was very impressive. I take it you are Lelei La Lalen?" President Emily Potts asked. She then walks over to them all. "Sorry, my name is President Emily Potts. It is great to finally meet you all."

When the President walks up to them all three girls curtsy her.

President Potts stand there, watching them. She gives a nod of approval, thinking it is some cultural greetings form their world. Just like some places here.

Once finished, the girls stand fully up and look up at the President.

Rory looks at her, with a little confused look on her face.

"It looks like you have a question," President Potts ask.

"Nothing. I just figured you would be taller. Being the leader of the Free World after all," Rory bluntly states.

"Rory...!" Sarah mumbles at her, not happy with that statement.

Potts just laughs at her honestly. "Wow. So brutally honest with your thoughts. I like it. You must be Mis Rory Mercury, the demi-goddess of Emroy."

After ignoring Sarah's complaints, she tilts her head confused. "How did you know that?"

"I have been following all of your activities since Italica. I have been wanting to meet you all for a while now." President Potts said. "And don't worry Mis Mercury, I thought you were taller too."

Rory gets this insecure angry look on her face. Sharpe had to place his hand on her shoulder to prevent her from exploding by that short comment.

Mis Potts then looks to Lelei. "Now Miss Lalen."

"Please Madam President, please just call me Lelei. I do not prefer formal names." Lelei asked of her.

President Potts thinks on that and smiles, nodding her head. "Ok, Lelei. If that is what you prefer. Now, the reports do not lie, your ability to grasp ideas is very impressive. You put all the sixteen-year-old on this world to shame."

Lelei nods, accepting the compliment. "Why thank you."

President Potts smiles and nods to her. After that, she looks over to the little cute girl by Major Sharpe's side. "Now, last but not least Mis Selina."

"Me?" Selina asked, pointing to herself.

President Potts knees down so she can be close to her. "Of course. This man right here gave you a lot of credit in that Elies village."

Selina had to think for a moment on what she is talking about. Back in the Elies Forest, they went to this elf village. One of the Ranger teams was attacked there, and a fight nearly happens between the elves and Rangers. The Empire took one of the Rangers in a sneak attack there. However, she is still lost in what this woman is saying.

The President notices the confused on the little girl's face. "He didn't tell you? In the report, you help prevent a firefight from happening."

"Yeah but… all I did was yell." Selina answers.

"Sometimes that is all that is needed. And you found a witness that knew what happen to our man. I personally want to say thank you," President Potts said. She then holds out her hand for a handshake.

Selina looks up to Sharpe first. Once getting an approving nod by him she looks back at the hand and takes it, giving the President a handshake.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" The President asked.

Selina nods her head, wondering what she is going to ask.

"You don't have to answer if you don't wish but I was wondering if you have a last name? Not even one of my reports has the last name listed for you," The President asked.

Selina thinks about the question. "Well, I have yet to join a cult."

The President look at her completely confused by what she said.

"Madam President, if I may explain," Sharpe said.

The President fully stands up to meet Sharpe. "You may."

"In her country, there are many different cults scattered around the region. A city can have one dominant cult or many different ones. Think about it like the Holy Roman Empire, a confederacy of many different people with a single figurehead," Sharpe explains.

Selina nods her head and then looks up at the President. "Everyone from there worships Miritta."

Sharpe lets her finish and continues for her, seeing she is a bit uncomfortable talking about the topic. "Miritta the god of Fertility and Birth. Each cult worships her differently. It is extremely complicated."

"After I give myself to Miritta I will be married off and then join a cult. Last names identify what cult you are in." Selina finishes saying.

"Very interesting. Uros is a different world than ours. Hopefully, we can make peaceful contact with your people and learn more about them," Potts said to her. She is just being nice to Selina, but she does not like what she heard about those people.

Once finished, the President stands fully up and looks over to Rory and Lelei. "I do have a few questions for both of you. I do not mean to be blunt but why are you helping us? I have read the reports, but it is so shocking that you sided with us so quickly."

Both Lelei and Rory point to Sharpe very quickly.

Sharpe looks to them and then back to the President. "All respect Ma'am, they are just being modest." He then looks to the girls, not liking the attention. "Rory, Lelei. Please answer Madam President's question."

Rory looks to Sharpe and then back at the President. "Well here. My world is brutal. After a thousand years of serving my god Emroy, nothing has changed. I had a small part in helping the Empire form six hundred years ago and regretted it ever since. Since then, I decided that I would never work or do the bidding of a State again."

The President ponders on what Rory just said. "Really, what wasn't in the dossier. I do understand not wanting to go back into politics. At the end of the day, it is a crapshoot. So why did you change your mind? And I know about the Dragon refugee incident and everything related to that might have affected but, I mean you."

Rory stands there looking up at this woman. She takes a slight breath. "As I said, my world is brutal. I thought long ago I found an alternative to the consent brutality. I was wrong until I ran into your people. You see madam President; I understand why you are confused about the sudden change of allegiance. I would be to."

She then puts her hand on her hip, getting a little more serious. "You see Madam President, Emroy is the god of war. I know your world sees war as this necessary evil however in war you can see the true character of a people. Your soldiers and Marines have fought and acted bravely. Not just my leader but all of them. Anyone putting their lives on the line for people they hardly even though. They are not even from our world. My world needs a little of that."

There will be a short silence in the conversation after Rory's statement.

"Wow. Brutally honest. I like that. If a third of our politicians were like that, we actually could solve a few world problems here," Potts said jokily. She then gets serious, looking directly at Rory. "That is a tall standard to live up to. I hope we can meet that."

"Well, if you can't then I will just have to kill everyone," Rory said, semi-joking. That is when she hears Sharpe say her name. She waves her hand at him halfhearted. "I'm joking Major."

President Potts places her hand on her chin and thinks. "I will have to take your word on that."

The President then looks over to Lelei. "How about you?"

Lelei stands there and thinks. "Well, I am not like Rory here with these noble goals, but I agree with many of your goals. Your science and ideas are remarkably interesting. I have found that they will be beneficial to my world. Magic has been in decline for decades. The main reason is because of the lack of understanding of how the world works. With that knowledge, I will be able to one day teach it to others. The opportunity to visit and learn from a world vastly different than ours is too much to pass up."

"My people are nomads by nature. I have seen many died from random monsters and bandits. The weak usually having to be left behind for the beasts to save the rest of us. This was the way of things because we have monsters like the Flame Dragon are just tom powerful, even for the Empire to handle. Your science and knowledge make these monsters irrelevant. I want to be a part of that. No more refugees dying a pointless death." Lelei said.

Right then she smirks a little. "Besides Madam President, your people would get lost without a guide."

"Oh, my gods!" Rory states with excitement. "Did Lelei just make a joke!?"

President Potts giggles a little, not fully understanding the context of why Rory making a big deal about that. "You are probably right. But if knowledge if what you want, then why do you volunteer to follow our Army Rangers into battle?"

Lelei stands there and slightly blushes a little, not wanting to answer the question.

"I understand." President Potts said. She takes a step back, so she has a better view of them. "Interesting stories, both of you. As President of the United States of America, I give you full greetings and thanks for your contribution to our effort."

They all return the compliment.

"Now, I do have a personal request, Mis Lelei." The President looks over to her. "Can I get a demonstration of your magical abilities? It is so… there isn't a word to describe the feeling for it."

Lelei looks over to Sharpe for approval. Seeing that Sharpe's approval to use her magical abilities, she looks back at the President. "It would be wise to do it in a more open area."

"OK then. The pool should be open enough." The President said. She looks over to the head of Security and gives him an approving nod.

Everyone gathers their things and heads out of the conference room. They start heading down the hallway and heading to the pool area.

"After this, I would love to hear more about your past, your beliefs and the experiences you have learned. Especially you Mis Mercury, it must be fascinating to live this long. I bet you have a lot of stories." The President said as they walk.

"I have one or two," Rory comments as they walk, against being a smart ass.

Right when they get to the pool area and Lelei gets ready to do a magical spell, she then feels a soul go through her body. "Mm…." She closes her eyes enjoying the feeling which the soul generates.

"Are you ok Mis Mercury?" President Potts ask, seeing that she acted weird suddenly.

"Yes, I am Madam President. As the Apostle of Emroy, every time a soul is killed in battle, they travel through me while on their way to Emroy. It is a very pleasurable sensation." Rory said all happy. Then she feels another.

"What did you say, Rory?" Sharpe suddenly asked her.

Rory turns around to face Sharpe. "I have explained this to you so many t…imes…" Right then it clicks. Why on earth is she feeling souls right now? They are on Earth with tons of security.

A few Secret Service agents rush into the pool area and link up with the other ones that have been guarding the President.

"What is going on?" Potts asked, looking confused.

"We are under attack. Our com system is jam somehow and we lost contact with the outside teams." One agent said.

"Correction, there is a firefight on the northside." Another agent adds.

Sharpe listens and thinks. This is an interesting development, either someone screwed up big time or someone leaked the information. Whoever these attackers are, they must be coming for Lelei, Rory and maybe Selina.

However, the enemy is attacking from one main direction, hoping to smash through. In and out the mission. That would make sense, there is no way an enemy force could mobilize a large force large enough to surround this building effectually.

That also would mean they could be trying to push us to the exit, leading us into a possible trap while the main security is fighting off the attacking force. This is a big place with a lot of hiding sPotts. It would take hours to do a full sweep of this resort, by that time the Secret Service would easily get help and retake this place.

"What are you thinking?" Lelei asked Sharpe.

"Hmm?" Sharpe responds to her.

"You have that pondering face. Every time you are planning something you have this face," Lelei said.

Hearing what Lelei just said they all look over to Sharpe, wondering what is going on in his head.

"They are coming for the girls." Sharpe points out, still thinking.

"Then let us get out of here," An agent said as he begins to escort the President. The others walk over to the girls, wanting to secure them.

"No. It is a trap. Madam President, your car is on the south side. Why would they attack from the north? That makes no sense unless they are trying to lead us somewhere." Sharpe explains.

"Doesn't matter, protocol dictates that we get the President and the diplomatic guest to safety." The head agent said.

"That is why we don't," Sharpe said and then looks to the agents. "Alright, this is the plan."

"You're not in change here Major," The head agent said.

The President places her hand on the head agent's shoulder. "I think it would be wise to listen to him."

"Alright," Sharpe then looks to Lelei. "Lelei, can you use those stars again? Like on that fourth of July party?"

"Yes, but that wouldn't harm them though. Just balls of energy," Lelei tells him.

"We don't have the hardware to probably see and track them. Use them to find and track them, pick them off." Sharpe said and then looks to Rory. "You are heading right into the frontline. Help the remaining Secret Service agents and take out the enemy."

Rory smiles and nods her head.

"Ok, I will take you two and we will rally whatever support we can through the resort and head north. We're not losing the resort," Sharpe said and looks at them all. "You have your orders, let's go."

Lelei begins walking away, followed by the President and her security. Sharpe stops Rory and looks at her, making sure he has her full attention. "Rory, remember our conversations about self-control and not going all crazy on the battlefield."

Rory rolls her eyes. They had these talks a few times now, more about him not wanting to her to get 'hurt'. Before she comments on what he just said she hears him continue.

"Tonight, forget all that," Sharpe said, looking directly into her eyes.

Rory looks into his eyes and then smirks. She fully understands what he means, and she gives off an evil smirk. Tonight, she will show whoever these attackers the demi-goddess of Emroy.

Rory nods with high approval with Sharpe's new order. Then she rushes away, heading to the north entrance.

Sharpe then pulls out his phone. "Selina, stay close to Sarah, do not go anywhere without her." He types something on his phone and hands it to Sarah. "Play this song, Metal Shadilay once Rory leaves the building."

Sarah looks at him confused and annoyed. "Your joking, now?"

"Retaking the initiative from the enemy and setting the mood Sarah. This is our house, not theirs. Besides, Tim would have loved this." Sharpe said off-hand and then rushes off.

Sarah takes a deep breath and grabs Selina's arm and begins rushing away.

As Lelei walks, she notices the President right behind her. "Shouldn't you be going to safety?"

"She is right Madam President. We need to get you out of here." The head of security said.

"I want to see this, and I believe the safest place is around these people." President Potts answers. The truth is she wanted to see what these two can do. It was clear that Army Ranger Major Sharpe has faith in these two and their abilities. At least enough confidence in their abilities to fix this current situation.


--- Outside Resort ---

July 14th, 2025

What is left of the Secret Service outside would be falling back to the decks beside the resort. Bullets flying all around, hitting the building and the thick stone walls around the deck.

One of the agents rushes up to three more that are taking cover.

"God damnit man, where the hell did, they come from? Where's back up!?" One of the agents asked.

One of the others that are kneeling by a wounded agent. "No idea. Radio is jammed."

"Where the hell is team three, six, and seven?" The first agent asked.

The agent helping the wounded agent looks up with an expression saying he does not know.

"Here they come!" Another agent yells. "We're totally out guns here."

By the trees, all these men in dark black clothes slowly coming out behind the trees. Only a few of them would stop to fire their weapons.

"How the hell did they know about this? Who the fuck are these people?" One of the agents yells as he fires his pistol.

"Where is the President? Is she out of here yet?" The agent helping the wounded man asked.

"No idea. Can't reach anyone from inside" Another agent replied as he fires his P90.

"Ok, you take left. I will cover…" The agent yells but suddenly stops.

They see this light coming from the second-floor restaurant balcony. These small white stars of energy start flying around. One, then a few and then many begin flying out, passing the few remaining Secret Service agents and head to the enemy force.

The agents look over the stone wall to see what is happening. They see each star hovering and following these people, lighten them up. Making it easier to see the attacking enemy.

That is when the door behind them opens. They see one of the short girls in purple and red cloths walk out of the building. She is one of the people they are supposed to protect.

"Lady, get back inside before you get…-" An agent yells at her as he sees two bullets hit her in the chest. Blood just flows out of her body from the bullet holes.

To the agent's shock, that girl just stands there unfazed. He and his fellow agents just look at her. It is an unbelievable sight to see. She should be dead from that, but she stands as nothing happened.

That is when the young-looking women look over to them and give them a devilish smirk and then a wink.


As Rory stands there, looking at the agents, seeing this confused and amazed expression on all their faces. She forgets sometimes that these people do not fully understand that she cannot die or be harmed by just bullets. Their bigger weapons, on the other hand, can do some real damage however these weapons, nothing.

She then feels another bullet hit her left side. She looks at her new wound and realizes her brand new dress is getting ruined.

Noticing that the firefight suddenly stopped, she looks up towards the attacking enemy. She sees them baffled that she is not dead from taking three direct hits.

Right then she and everyone else hears the building outside speakers begin blasting this heavy metal music. She has heard this type of music before while in their vehicles. She knows this had to be her fearless leader idea. Always doing something abnormal to achieve victory.

Reaching to her back, she pulls out her halberd. Raising in the air so everyone can see her massive weapon of destruction.

"Attention to those who dare interrupt my perfect vacation. My name is Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy. The god of war, violence and most importantly, Death! I am the Demi-Goddess of Emroy and all of you shall taste my wrath." Rory states in a devilish excited tone.

Cosmic absolute, regular reality

She then lowers her weapons and points to one of the attackers. "Starting with you."

Suddenly with amazing speed she leaps forward and slashes that man in half, cutting a tree in half in the crossfire. Rory looks around and sees all her targets clear as day, thanks to Lelei's spell. Over by the corner, she sees one of these unknown attackers freaking out as five of Lelei stars swarm around him, believe that they are attacking him.

Breath of a concept, syntony of civilization

With just a smirk, Rory jumps forward towards her next victim and slashes two of them in half. And then again with another one.

Confused descendants of rebel cells

This one-man behind her begins firing into her, which is doing nothing to stop her. It would not take long for her halberd to swing around and remove his head from his body. Fallen body parts flying around and littering the ground.

If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

Bullets are flying all around here from the dozens of enemy soldiers. Far more then she or Sharpe expected however that means nothing for her. All that means is just more souls to feed to Emroy.

Oooh oooh

Shadilay shadilay shadilay my freedom

As she moves through the air towards her next target with incredible speed, bullets pass her. This deep feeling of pleasure builds up as the number of souls pour through her body. Since the Siege of Italica, she has not let herself this loose and every muscle in her body is enjoying this feeling. Seeing the slaughter, she is giving them, she can stop herself from laughing.

--- Sharpe ---

As the few remaining agents on the north side of the resort stand up and just watch Rory Mercury just slaughter the enemy. Sharpe rushes out with a few agents to help with the situation. The loud music he had Sarah play over the resort stereo set. The intent was to not just confuse the enemy but to increase the morale of the Secret Service and more importantly, to pump up Rory Mercury.

Shadilay shadilay oh no

Shadilay shadilay O dream or reality

He looks out, impress on the number of enemy targets there are. It is easy to from here to see them and now since Lelei is lightening them up and pointing out their location. For a moment he stops and watches the view, Rory killing them all, enjoying herself. "That is my girl."

He smirks and looks up the balcony above him. "You're doing great Lelei, keep it up a bit longer."

He then looks to the Secret Agents.

One of them walks up to him. "Where is the president!?"

"She is fine, upstairs with Lelei and the rest of my team," Sharpe answers and then look at everyone. "Alright, Rory is currently engaging the enemy. We will provide cover fire, do not let them fall back her or us. For a line here and engage, weapons free."

Shadilay shadilay oh no

Fly into my life, no it's not finished

Then the agents who can still fight move up behind cover with their pistols or P90s and is to be picked off the enemy troops while they are distracted by Rory. Unlike before where they were desperately trying to fight off the attackers, suddenly now they are raining led into the enemy while they are distracted.

Sharpe sees many of the attackers all around, trying to find a way to kill Rory. He looks through the scope of the P90 and fires a shot, blowing the head off one of the enemy men.

I will stop


As the enemy force tries to regroup themselves, trying to attack both Rory and the agents that are now raining supportive fire, Rory continues her blood path rag again them, giving them no mercy.

Set my sails in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

I will believe in you

She runs up a tree and then propels herself off of it. Flipping in the air and then landing by two. Before they could react, their bodies would be separated in half. Blood spraying all over the place as the body lands on the ground.

Shadilay shadilay shadilay my freedom

Suddenly a hail of bullets hits her right side. She sees five of them gathering. It looks like two of them are providing cover fire for the other three. Then she notices two of them lifts a tube looking device. She has seen the Americans use a weapon like this before, called a rocket launcher.

Shadilay shadilay shadilay my freedom

Noticing the tree next to her, she slashes right through it. Forcing the tree to fall right at the five enemy attackers. The five were forced to scatter however the tree would crush one of them and then trap two more.

Shadilay shadilay oh no

See one of them trying to recover from that sudden tree landing, she begins walking over, flinging her halberd to the right. She sees one of them get up from the ground and then notices that man sees her.

Shadilay shadilay O dream or reality

Shadilay shadilay oh no

He begins scooting backward, begging for his life in some other language. He watches as the demi-goddess of death just walks right up to him. The sound of his voice makes it clear he is scared to death of her presence. Good.

Fly into my life, no it's not finished

Once Rory walks up to him, she raises her halberd and gives off this sadistic laugh. Before the man or the others around the tree could do anything, she executes them all. Leaving this dismembered bodies all around.

I will stop

Set my sails in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

As she killed those five enemy attackers, she feels the souls pour through her body, giving her a recharging pleasurable sensation.

I will believe in you

Once she feels recharge and her body beginning to regenerate, she looks around and sees about ten remaining of these attackers. They look very disarray, many just standing there looking at her, probably trying to figure out if what they are seeing is happening.

Metallic harmony, concrete realty

Electronic video clip, praise of civilization

Right then she sees these objects flying around, hitting the enemy attackers. Around the objects is this thick bluish energy field. The object rams right through the head of one of these men that was taking cover by a tree.

Confused descendants of rebel cells

Rory looks back to the resort and sees Lelei walking down the grass and heading to her. Her eyes are glowing blue with her powered up. All around her are these objects, ranging from sizes and types, all hovering in the air as she walks. Her staff is glowing brightly as she is using her telekinesis to control everything around.

I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it

If you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

Rory can see the expression on Lelei's face, and she looks very pissed. She has never seeing Lelei this piss before and loves the sight. This deep sadistic angry face, like she means business.

Oooh oooh

Shadilay shadilay shadilay my freedom

As Lelei stops at the tree line, she holds her staff up and points at the directions of the attackers. "Your time is done, this ends now." She said in a cold dark tone.

Shadilay shadilay oh no

Shadilay shadilay O dream or reality

In one sudden moment, half of the objects she is controlling begins flying towards the remaining of the enemy attackers. Some of the attackers are trying to shoot the objects in some last-ditch effort to stay alive or run for their life.

Oooh oooh

Shadilay shadilay shadilay my freedom

Rory smirks and then charges forward, going after anyone who tries to escape. One man is right in front of her, rushing for his life. The man turns around and sees her right behind him.

He trips and falls right into the ground. He tries to get back up but then gets slam back into the ground by Rory boot.

Oooh oooh

Shadilay shadilay O dream or reality

"Where do you think you are going, little man. The party has just begun." Rory said chuckling. She raises her halberd and rams the blade side right into the man's back.

Fly into my life, no it's not finished

I will stop

After killing the man, Rory begins rushing back to the fight. Right up front, she sees Lelei continuing to use her telekinesis to pick up anything around her and fling it right at the enemy attackers. Unable to defend themselves against her magic, they just start falling and dying in mass.

Some of them being hit with multiple objects, shredding their bodies into pieces.

That all remains are this one man. With his right arm gone and blood coming from his side. He looks up and sees this young blue hair girl glaring at him. Eyes bright blue and her dress waving form the energy current from her staff.

Set my sails in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

That is when the man hears someone walks up behind him. He looks up and sees Rory devilish look on her face. His eyes grow big with pure fear.

Rory looks down and then lifts her halberd. She swings it around in her hands many times until the tip is facing down at him. With just a short evil chuckle, she rams the tip of her weapons into the man's chest, killing him.

I will believe in you

--- 37 minutes later ---

Everyone is standing outside on the deck as reinforcements arrived. More Secret Service agents arrived with some members of the Army. The place is in complete lockdown and has been secured. All the attackers seem to have been killed.

During the cleanup, they found about fifty-five enemy bodies in total. All confirmed to be Chinese.

Rory and Lelei are sitting down at a table inside the resort, tired from the battle.

Sharpe walks over to them, smiling. "Great job both of you. I am."

"They were interrupting a good thing and needed to pay," Lelei said, back to her normal self.

Sharpe points to her with his figure. "For you, remind me never to piss you off."

"What about me?" Rory yells as she gets jealous.

Sharpe looks over to her. "I like it when your angry, your more fun." He said and then gives her a wink. He turns around and walks away to address the president.

Rory sits there speechless; her face turns all red from embarrassment. "I hate him so much."

"Madam President, I hope you are ok," Sharpe asked her.

She looks to him and smiles. "Am I ok? I don't think I broke a sweat. You all did great."

"With all due request but they did all the work and took the main risk," Sharpe said as he turns around to look at the table the girls are sitting at. He sees Sarah and Selina walk over to greet Rory and Lelei.

"Yes, but remember you did take control and gave the proper orders. And you were right about it was a trap, the other teams at the south entrance discovered a few more attackers waiting for us." President Potts said. "How did you know they were there?"

Sharpe looks over to her. "Because that is what I have done."

The President stands there and thinks. After a little though she smiles. "Well thank you, Major Sharpe."

She stops and thinks again and smiles. "I have a question; how do you control them?" It is a load question, curious about his answer. Seeing if her original thought about him is true.

"Control? We don't control people. Both Rory Mercury and Lelei La Lalen are members of my team and I see them no different than anyone else. I will not allow the Chinese or anyone to take or harm them, period." Sharpe answers.

"Interesting. General Holland was correct about you." President Potts responds. "You are regimented but you are real and loyal."

"Pardon me Madam President," Sharpe asked, confused.

"The reason why I set all this up was that I wanted to get to know the two main helper from that world. A private meeting so I could fully understand what we are getting into. Excluding the attack, I think I learned everything I needed to know. You made some good friends Sharpe. Please keep that up." The President said to him.

She then looks over at the table. "Honestly, that was not the only reason why I set all this up. I wanted to check you out for myself. I know your record, even the classified stuff. Been following your command since Italica. No matter what we will defeat the Empire. They are just too weak and backward for us not to defeat them."

Sharpe looks to her and then to the girls. "Madam President, I don't follow, is there something you're trying to say?"

"I served in Afghanistan for three tours. There is a lesson I learned from my time there. Battles are fought by soldiers however wars are won by individuals. Those individuals, regardless of rank can take the people around them and lead them to victory. It does not matter what rank or title you have but if the troops and people found someone worthy of following, amazing things can happen. Without that though, you can have all the power, but you shall wander lost in the abyss." President Potts said and then looks to him.

"This war will not be won with a military victory. We are fighting a world that is so radically different than ours, the idea that we can even coexist seems so far away. But, you found a way to make friends with a demi-goddess and a magic-user. Two things that are so opposite from anything from our world and yet, it has been proven consistently we can coexist with each other." The President finishes.

"I am just doing my job mam," Sharpe responds, somewhat seeing where this is going.

President Potts chuckles at that, seeing how thick his head is. "Let us be honest, it is wise not to lie to the President. We both know you're not just doing your job." She takes a short breath and looks back at the table. "I am sorry, I am rambling."

Sharpe looks back at the table and then sees the girl's waves at him, wanting him to come back. He smiles and waves back at them.

Seeing that, President Potts smiles again, now fully understanding the relationship. That has been the big question she had, what has been the driving force that allowed this to happen. "Can I give you some non-career advise?"

Sharpe looks to her, confused by that. "What is it Madam President?"

"Your nation thanks you for your service. You have consistently been called upon to do the hardest takes. This nation will always be in your debt for that. I know it has been hard on you and your old team, war does that sadly. But try to move past what happened in Mexico. Otherwise, you might lose what you have now." President Potts said to him.

Sharpe stands there and thinks. This has been an interesting few day for him. A lot has been said during these two days, a lot of sharing and opening. While some of it was not easy or fun but was completely worth it. Before he could respond a Secret Service agent walks up.

"Madam President. Major, your ride is ready to take you back to the Gate." The agent said.

"Roger that," Sharpe responds.

"Before we do that, I have one last thing I like to say to them. I got your request from the State Department, about residency. I am officially approving it." President Potts say. "And here, I brought this with me. I was going to give it to them, but I think it would have more meaning if you did."

Sharpe looks over, somewhat shocked by that. He put that request in a long time ago and kept getting stonewalled.

He nods at her, thrilled by that news. Then they both walk over to them.

Once they arrive, all of them stand up from the table.

"Madam President, this has been fun. Especially the fight at the end," Rory said, all happy and proud of herself.

"Glad you are on our side Mis Mercury. Same with the rest of you." President Potts say, looking at Lelei and Selina.

After the two greet the President, she continues. "Now I am sorry this did happen, but I am glad we came out of it strong and closer. The people of the United States are honored that you have chosen to help us during this war."

The President then stands more formally. "I believe it is in the best interest of our people to not just maintain this friendship but to expand on it. You both have gone to great lengths and risk to help us. Thanks to your leader here, we have a special gift for you."

"You will be given permanent residence within the United States. What this means is that you are now protected within the US law. Be able to travel around the nation freely and sometime in the future work and live as you please. Be able to own property and anything else you want." President Potts explains.

"Wait, are you saying we are one of you now?" Lelei asked.

"Yes, your fully under our protection. To make this formal, you will be given a salary, provided by your commanding officer." President Post responds.

"Why do we need that though? I already know Sharpe's credit card number! 5671… AHH!" Rory said but then is interrupted as she begins telling his card number out loud.

The President just chuckles at that. "This will be yours to do as you please."

"Well thank you Madam President," Lelei said.

"Hold on, that is not all. Your Commanding Officer has one last small gift for you." President Potts said.

Rory and Lelei look very confused. They look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Then they look towards short with an expression on their face demanding an answer.

Sharpe stands there and pulls out a small box. He hands Rory the box so she can open it.

Rory grabs it and opens the box, tossing the lip to her size. Lelei looks over to see what is inside. Both reach inside the small think box and pulls out these arm patches. It said V-7, meaning the Ranger team Vanguard-7, Sharpe unit.

Lelei takes it and looks up. "What does this mean?"

"It means you both officially on the team. On the roster and everything. No long hitchhikers enjoying the ride." Sharpe explains. "While this is a bit symbolic, your officially on the team and can publicly wear that around the base."

Both Rory and Lelei look at each and then back at Sharpe, all happy. They hug him, feeling welcomed.

He stands there and slowly gives them a light pat on the back.

President Potts nods at the sight, impressed by the love and loyalty they have. "Well, I have to go back to DC. I will see you all next time. Good luck." Right then she begins walking away, followed by her security.

An agent walks up to Sharpe. "I am sorry sir, but we do need to get you all back to the Gate."

"Alright, hold on." Sharpe then looks to them all. "You heard the man. Let us go, back to Alnus."

They all gather their things and begin walking off, following that Secret Service agent.

Sharpe waits and then stops Selina, wanting a little privacy with her. He knees down so he can look at her face to face. He knows she probably felt left out in all that. "Hey kid, are you ok?"

Selina nods her head. "Yes. I am fine." She wonders why he stopped her.

"That is good. I just want to let you know the only reason you did not get one of those patches was because of your age. Do not feel sad about that, it is just a patch. You're a member of the team here." He points to her chest, implying her heart.

"I understand. I am happy for them. They worked hard for you." Selina said, smiling.

Sharpe nods to what she said. "Also, that the President was saying about residency implies to you too. It means if you like you do have a place called home. It means you can stay with me legally."

Selina smiles at that. She does not care right now about all that other stuff the President said, as long as she can stay with everyone.

"And… one more thing." Sharpe said as he reaches into his pocket. "I was saving this for a different time, but I think this is good." He then hands her a small box. "I didn't get a chance to wrap it."

She takes it very confused by it. Slowly she opens it and looks inside. She sees this neckless with what looks like a star with six points with this small blue stone in the center of it. She looks back up to him. "What is it?"

"That there is what we call the North Star. During ancient times Humans used the North Star to help navigate the lands and seas. When someone is lost, this star always helps people find their way home. It was always there when lost souls went missing. Anytime you feel lost all you have to do is look at this and you will never feel lost and alone." Sharpe explains. "I don't know, I thought it might look nice if you don't like it, we can-."

Suddenly Selina jumps at him and gives him a giant hug. She will refuse to let go of him, loving the gift, being the best part of this whole trip.

Sharpe freezes a little and then smiles, enjoying it. He gives her a light pat on the back, embracing the hug.



(1)Chapter 47


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