The elites from the six great system-allocated sects charged in as easily as if they were snapping twigs. They quickly broke through the lines of defense set up by the Yuan Dynasty soldiers and rushed into Eternal Peace Temple!
When Zhao Min and her group rushed to the foot of the tall tower, Happy received a notification from the system telling him to hold back Zhao Min and her group to the best of his abilities to buy time for the elites from the six great system-allocated sects.
The antidote had already been sent by the Shaolin Temple disciples to the place where the Wudang Sect disciples were kept while Emei Sect and Shaolin Temple themselves were using every second in their hands to recover their qi.
Since their operation had been revealed, Happy did not hide his abilities anymore. He quickly killed the Yuan Dynasty soldiers on the first floor before moving to the eaves of the first floor and looking down.
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