After meting out Verðandi's punishment, Vahn made his way through the stone gate leading to his next Trial. He found Skuld waiting for him there, but, unlike before, she kept her distance and her back toward the wall.
Shrugging his shoulders, Vahn attempted to justify his actions, explaining, "It's no secret that my children are my soft spot. If you're going to try and use them against me, you should prepare yourself for the consequences."
Swallowing the knot that had formed in her throat, Skuld muttered, "I'll keep that in mind..." before waving her hand and causing the room to turn into an ancient forest filled with white, leafless trees covered in runes. A dense fog emanated from the interior, broken only bouts of magical blue flames that periodically flickered in and out of existence.
"This is the Forest of Forgotten Dreams. To make your way through, you must have a powerful ambition or something that drives you forward no matter what. Spirits that get lost within this mist are doomed to wander without aim for all eternity..."
Manifesting an ancient-looking lantern constructed primarily from wood, Skuld added, "The fuel for this lantern is hopes and dreams. It will light your way even in the darkest of circumstances, but overusing it will lead to the consumption of one's spirit and will. Take it, and may your journey be swift..."
Accepting the lantern from Skuld, Vahn waited for a few moments without anything overt occurring. He could feel an intent within the lantern trying to probe at his mind, but it was far too frail to advance.
Seeing the flame failing to ignite, a touch of ruddiness spread through Skuld's cheeks as she recalled the previous incident with Vahn and her sister's mirror. If the lantern was unable to ignite, she could be punished by the Central Network for staging a Gift Game that couldn't be won.
Fortunately for Skuld, Vahn wasn't just standing around aimlessly as he eyed the peculiar lantern. Instead, he was deconstructing how it worked by deciphering the runes carved into its surface and testing the functions of the intent within. Once he was finished, a cerulean blue flame erupted from the lantern's interior before surging towards the Forest of Forgotten Dreams like a tidal surge.
Smiling at Skuld's slack-jawed response, Vahn mused, "I'll be taking the scenic route." before promptly vanishing into thin air. The rules for the Gift Game forbade teleportation and spatial movements, but he had more than a few ways around such restrictions.
With the ghostly forest fading moments after Vahn's disappearance, Skuld knew he had satisfied the conditions of the Sixth Trial. Her expression still revealed a fair amount of helplessness, but she couldn't help adopting a faint smile as she muttered, "He's quite something, isn't he...?"
In response to her younger sister's utterance, Verðandi appeared out of thin air, her expression significantly less approving as she poutily replied, "He's a brute, that's what he is."
Maintaining her smile, Skuld gave her sister a side-long glance before asserting, "Most men are. The Sage Dragon Emperor is just one of the few that possesses the leeway and character to get away with it."
Crinkling her brow and nose, Verðandi wanted to retort but found herself unable to find suitable words. Instead, she suggested, "We should hurry and prepare our future Trials. Given his performance thus far, I suspect it won't be long-"
Receiving a notification that Vahn had just entered her Trial, the look on Verðandi's face alternated between confusion and disbelief. It hadn't even been three full minutes since Vahn blazed through Skuld's Trial.
Restoring her sister's senses, Skuld reiterated, "We should be on our way." before disappearing into thin air. Verðandi followed shortly after that, but not before staring in the direction Vahn had departed, whispering, "I pray the Nine Realms never antagonize the Aldrnari Empire..."
With Urðr's challenge requiring him to face everyone he had ever killed or failed to save, Vahn simply decided not to give her access to his thoughts and memories. As a result, the Central Network was only able to recall the people he had faced in the Tower and during his stay in the Divine Realm.
Since he was no longer in the mood to play around after the incident with Verðandi, Vahn shattered Urðr's illusory domain the moment Gandr, of all people, made an appearance. He knew better than anyone that the boyish Vanargandr harbored absolutely no resentment towards him, so Vahn just shook his head in exasperation, muttering, "What a farce..." before turning to Urðr and asking, "Want to try something else? Even I'm starting to feel guilty about how easy this has become."
Shaking her head, Urðr attempted an emotionless, unreadable expression as she replied, "With your success in this Trial, you've become the Master of the Past. I can stage another if you'd like, but the person who would be dictating the rules would be you."
Though most people wouldn't be able to notice it, Vahn could see Urðr's aura flaring with a mixture of fear, anticipation, and barely restrained lust. The Origins of her and her sisters coincided with the conceptualization of Time itself, so it wasn't an exaggeration to say she had been waiting since time immemorial for a man capable of completing her Trials to appear.
Adopting a wry smile, Vahn gave Urðr's scantily clad figure a quick once-over. She was easily one of the most stunningly attractive women in all of creation, but the same could be said for the vast majority of his harem. He would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted, but it just didn't seem right to claim her when she had been waiting for so long...
With Vahn observing her with his eyes rather than his other sensory abilities, Urðr's heart began to race as the purple feathers forming her garment began to flare, unfurling like the petals of a flower in bloom. If Vahn requested it of her, she was ready and willing to give her everything to satisfy his desires.
Understanding that Urðr probably wouldn't be content if he just 'tossed her aside,' a faint chuckle emanated from Vahn's throat as he shook his head and muttered, "Here we go again..."
Upon teleporting to the location of the Seventh Trial, Verðandi was briefly surprised to find her elder sister floating behind Vahn, her arms wrapped around his neck and an absentminded smile on her face.
Furrowing her brows, Verðandi asked, "What is the meaning of this...?" in a disproving tone.
Since Urðr was more focused on nuzzling against him than responding to her sister, it was Vahn who casually replied, "I'm very good at what I do."
Though she was tempted to ask what Vahn was talking about, Verðandi already had the answer in her heart. After all, if he managed to complete the coming Trial, she too would be subject to his whims and desires.
Seeing through the lavender-haired giantess's thoughts, Vahn shook his head and remarked, "I'm not the type that forces people against their will. If you would rather accept my offer of freedom and find someone worthy of your care and attention, I would not stop you."
Hearing Vahn's words, Urðr promptly came back to her senses, squeezing him tightly as she stared at her sister and asserted, "I'll support whatever decision you make, but I'm convinced that Vahn is the person we've been waiting for all this time. I haven't felt this whole...this 'complete' since our initial separation from Mother."
Seeing her sister clinging possessively to Vahn, Verðandi had no doubts about the integrity of her words. Had the former not spanked her just a few minutes prior, she would probably be looking forward to what came next.
Exhaling a sigh, Verðandi tapped the twining, spear-like end of her staff against the ground, saying, "We'll see what Fate has in store..."
Since she hadn't been given much time to prepare, Verðandi left it to the Central Network to fill in the blanks for the Eighth Trial. Given Vahn's performance thus far, she was convinced it didn't really matter what she threw at him.
So long as it wasn't one of his children...
Fortunately for Verðandi, the will associated with the Central Network seemed to understand the futility of pitting Vahn against anything known to him. Thus, after a remarkably long and progressively tense delay, the world around the trio began to crack and fragment away, eerie grey light emanating from within.
Raising his brows, Vahn suggested, "You should probably stand back for this one." Urðr reluctantly complied but not before planting a kiss on his cheek and pressing her now-familiar breasts against his shoulders.
Adopting a faint smile, Vahn manifested Enkidu and sent it flying toward the cracks rapidly spreading across the sky. He didn't know what was on the other side, but it caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end, a phenomenon that hadn't occurred in quite some time.
Compelled by Vahn's intent, Enkidu tore through the cracks in space-time, eager to seal whatever lay beyond. From the golden chain's point of view, it was moving at incomprehensible speeds toward its target. What it didn't know, and what Vahn didn't expect, was for Enkidu to effectively freeze in place the moment it came into contact with the grey energy exuding from the cracks.
"Well, that's not normal..."
Dodging one of the beams of light that seemed to curve toward him, Vahn watched as it spread out across the ground like a mist, rapidly eroding the surface and converting it to a type of inert ash, utterly devoid of life and energy.
Furrowing his brows, Vahn waved his hand in an attempt to prevent the strange mist from spreading outward. He had reached a point where he could manipulate even the Void, but there seemed to be something 'off' about the peculiar grey mist. He could see it very clearly with his eyes, but it didn't have any presence whatsoever. It was like everything within range of the fog simply ceased to exist, leaving nothing for him to sense.
As it wasn't his first time dealing with something capable of erasing the very concept of existence, Vahn was relatively calm even as his efforts to stem the mist's expanse failed. This was a stark contrast to Verðandi and Urðr, who, for the first time in their lives, could not access their powers. It was like Time, Fate, and Reality itself were being eroded by the enigmatic mist.
To the horror of the two giantess's, especially Urðr, Vahn stopped trying to dodge and allowed the mist to encompass him. Enkidu had been frozen in place, but unlike everything else influenced by the mist, Vahn could still sense it. Thus, in order to get a better understanding of just what the mist actually was, he allowed it to affect him directly.
As the light-formed mist enveloped him, Vahn experienced a phenomenon similar to time stopping. More accurately, it was like time spontaneously ceased to exist, nearly severing his connection to the outside world as he looked around to find a world shrouded in ash.
Noticing that he couldn't feel the ground beneath him, nor the influence of gravity, Vahn experimentally moved his right foot. He felt as though every molecule within his body weighed as much as a small start, but that didn't prevent him from sifting through the ashen ground beneath his feet. There was absolutely no feedback, and, rather than being propelled forward, the ash clung to him like weightless mud, wholly unaffected by the laws of physics.
Recognizing the phenomenon, though he had never experienced it in such an extreme manner, Vahn peered through the cracks in reality to find what appeared to be an impossibly ancient man sitting motionless in the center of an empty grey void. Parts of his body appeared to have decayed away, but Vahn could feel an incomprehensibly powerful intent exuding from his body and permeating the entirety of the ashen world...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Speedrunning strats...','Some things never change...','O_O...')
Making his way toward the monochromatic figure, Vahn's expression became somber as he tried to speak, but no sound came out. There was no air to carry his voice, and while he could muster his intent without issue, it effectively dissipated the moment it left him. As a result, he couldn't even use telepathy to try and communicate with the ancient figure.
("How troublesome...")
Stopping less than a meter and a half from the motionless man, Vahn half-expected him to raise his head or at least try to communicate. Instead, he remained as motionless as the world around him, a milky grey glow emanating from the depths of his eyes as he stared into nothingness.
Though he was unable to sense the man, that didn't stop Vahn from kneeling down in front of him to get a better look at his face. It appeared human at a glance, but his flesh was knarled and twisted like a petrified tree. Deep scars covered his body, and several large chunks of his flesh appeared to have been gouged away by rune-covered stakes. A spear covered in similar runes had been stabbed through the gap between his left shoulder and collarbone, a non-fatal wound designed to prolong the victim's suffering for as long as possible.
("I guess I'm not the only one to have made it this far? How peculiar...")
As the man before him was one of the most ancient and powerful beings in all of Creation, the Demon Lord of Stagnation, Vahn found it a little odd that others had managed to approach him. He was one of the few entities that Shiroyasha had expressly cautioned him to be wary of, a Last Embryo whose domain would inevitably spread to consume all realities...
Unsure of what, exactly, he was supposed to do, Vahn decided to confer with Loi-chan. He might not be able to form a link with the Demon Lord of Stagnation, but his connection with Loi-chan should give him some insight into what to do.
Appearing the moment Vahn thought about her, Loi-chan's face crinkled into a rare frown as she took a moment to view her surroundings.
"I don't like this place..."
Since she didn't actually communicate with sound, Vahn was able to hear Loi-chan's words without issue. In response, he adopted a wry smile and replied, ("I'll take you someplace fun once we return home. For now, can you tell me what, if anything, this man is thinking? If that doesn't work, try transforming into Laplace. If this is someone's attempt to try and 'seal' me away...well, some punishments will need to be meted out...")
Though there was visible reluctance in Loi-chan's expression, she didn't hesitate to nod and transform into the Demon Lord of Stagnation. As she did, even Vahn felt an unusual sense of 'dullness' in the back of his mind, almost like he was spacing out.
After a tense period of complete silence, Loi-chan eventually reverted to her original form, an apologetic expression on her face as she shook her head and revealed, "The only thing in this guy's head is a strange sound. It's kind of like the dial tone of a phone, but it reverberates around in your head and prevents you from thinking."
Extending his hand, Vahn ruffled Loi-chan's vermillion-red hair as he said, ("No worries. At least you tried.")
Feeling a lot better after Vahn's caress, Loi-chan's smile returned as she changed into the form of a remarkably voluptuous woman with purple hair that extended well past her feet. She bore an uncanny resemblance to the Medusa from the Nasuverse, but she was nearly two meters tall and 'a lot' more developed...
Aware of Vahn's thoughts, a teasing smile developed across Loi-chan's face as she put her hands on her hips and shamelessly wagged her butt. Her white and gold outfit left 'very' little to the imagination, large sections of her skin left entirely exposed while the rest was veiled in a paper-thin fabric that looked like it would become completely transparent when wet.
As much as he appreciated the sight of Laplace's ostensibly flawless body, Vahn didn't want to tarry in the Demon Lord of Stagnation's domain. He might be immune to most of its effects, but if his connection with the outside was somehow severed, the Little Garden might not even exist by the time he emerged. The likelihood of that happening was infinitesimally small, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Sensing Vahn's concerns, Loi-chan offered a curt nod before closing her eyes and focusing. Laplace possessed one of the most all-encompassing forms of omniscience within the Transcendental Path to Heaven. She was given the purpose of observing and cataloging all things within the Order of Creation, so, in many ways, she could be considered the younger sister of Loi-chan. Others would be completely overwhelmed by the vastness of Laplace's awareness, but Loi-chan felt a peculiar sense of comfort as she casually sifted through an infinite number of conscious threads.
"Found it~."
Opening her amethyst-purple eyes, a playful smile developed across Loi-chan's face as she revealed, "It was Laplace herself that intervened. She is concerned you're ruining the plan her friend sacrificed herself to set in motion, so she wanted to keep you here until things concluded. As for the clear condition of the game, you simply need to touch the Demon Lord of Stagnation's body."
Understanding what Loi-chan was referring to, Vahn couldn't help feeling a twinge of guilt. Unfortunately, while he didn't mind letting Izayoi and the Problem Children play heroes, he wasn't going to let trillions of people die in the wake of the Demon Dragon God's release. Canaria, Izaoi's adoptive mother, was an extraordinary woman, but the plan she formulated was no longer the only way to ensure the Little Garden's survival.
Extending his hand, Vahn gave the transformed Loi-chan another pat on the head as he said, ("Try to convey to her that the legacy of Canaria was never her plan, but the future that lies beyond it. So long as even a single additional person is saved, I doubt Canaria would mind events playing out a little differently...")
Nodding her head in understanding, Loi-chan closed her eyes and tried to convey Vahn's intentions to Laplace. She had no direct influence over the people whose identities she assumed, but Laplace was methodical to the point she would notice even subtle changes in her thoughts or intentions. Thus, from the moment Loi-chan assumed her identity, Laplace had been analyzing each of her threads of consciousness in search of the 'anomaly' that existed within.
While Loi-chan was busy doing her thing, Vahn floated over and placed his hand on the Demon Lord of Stagnation's shoulder. The moment he did so, the world around him began to dissolve away as the Laws of the world gradually came into effect. What was far more surprising, at least to Vahn, was the fact that the Demon Lord of Stagnation abruptly raised his head, a twisted smile adorning his face before his body dissolved away with the world around him...
Though he sensed no malice from the man, Vahn couldn't help thinking, ("Well, that was ominous...") as a destructive force collapsed in on him from all sides. The Demon Lord's domain had created a void within space and time itself, so the pressure differential between the interior and the outside was enough to generate a compressive force rivaling a singularity as the atmosphere attempted to achieve equilibrium.
Unaffected by the destruction, Vahn took a moment to assist with the stabilization process before turning to meet the stunned gazes of Urðr, Verðandi, and even Skuld. When he did, illusory hearts seemed to appear within pastel blue eyes before she abruptly teleported over to him, arms wrapping around his head as she forced his face into her bosom and exclaimed, "That's my darling~! Not even one of the Three Great Demon Lords is enough to stop you~!"
Seeing how shameless her elder sister was being, a faintly exasperated sigh emanated from Verðandi's throat. Immediately afterward, however, a smile developed across her face as she and Skuld floated over. Vahn still needed to complete the Ninth Trial, but that was more of a formality than anything else. By becoming the Master of the Past and Present, he could 'grasp' the Future whenever he pleased.
With Urðr releasing him after a gentle smack to the bottom, Vahn met the gaze of Verðandi as he mused, "That was quite the Eighth Trial..."
Smiling wryly, Verðandi attempted to defend herself by saying, "I have no control over who or what appears in my Trials. If I did, I would have never allowed that...thing to enter this place..."
Since there were no known means to stop the spread of the Demon Lord of Stagnation's influence, only slow it down, it wasn't an exaggeration to say his appearance had jeopardized the World Tree and the Nine Realms as a whole. Thus, even though she was still a little frustrated by Vahn's previous words and actions, Verðandi's most prominent sentiments right now were anxiety, gratitude, and a hint of expectation...
Though he felt it was wrong for Verðandi to refer to the Demon Lord of Stagnation as a thing, Vahn alleviated most of her concerns by nodding his head and stating, "No worries." before shifting his attention to Skuld and asking, "What now...?"
Averting her eyes, Skuled used her three pairs of wings to conceal her body as she meekly replied, "Now you just need to claim your becoming the Master of the Past and Present, you've gained the right to shape the Future as you please..."
Punctuating her words, Skuld slowly opened her wings to reveal she was nearly naked. A complex runic pattern covered much of her torso, almost like a corset, but the thing that stood out more than anything else was her ornate silver chastity belt. There was also a key attached to a silver chain around her neck, but Skuld promptly pulled it off and presented it to Vahn as she said, "The Future is yours..." in a solemn tone tinged with devotion.
Though he accepted the key, Vahn didn't actually need it if he wanted to remove Skuld's chastity belt. Thus, after a moment of deliberation, he left the blue-haired beauty at a momentary loss for words as he tossed it over his shoulder. Then, before she could misconstrue his intentions, he moved close enough to slip his thumbs under the metallic band of her belt as if it were comprised of ordinary fabric. Her body briefly tensed, leading to her closing her wings around him, but Vahn just smiled as he leaned closer in an attempt to kiss Skuld's lips...
After loudly clearing her throat, a tinge of red bled into Verðandi's cheeks as she hugged her body remarked, "There is an order to can't become the Master of the Future without first claiming the Past and Present..."
Understanding what Verðandi was trying to say, a low chuckle emanated from Vahn's throat as two more versions of himself manifested out of thin air. He had already crossed the line Urðr, so while he still believed the trio would be happier if they found someone else to dedicate their hearts and bodies to, he had no intention of leaving things half-finished...
Distracting her from her search for Loi-chan, the eyes of the original Laplace widened as she 'witnessed' Vahn overcoming what should have been an impossible trial. Ever since the destruction of the original Little Garden and the advent of Gift Games, no one has managed to approach the Demon Lord of Stagnation. His power had increased drastically since then, so she couldn't fathom had Vahn had managed to break free, much less in such a short period.
Shifting her focus to Vahn, something she had rarely done throughout her entire existence, Laplace was unsurprised to find him having sex. She had witnessed such scenes countless times before, so she didn't so much as flinch upon seeing it. She did, however, pay attention...something she had never done before...
(A/N: We're baaaaaaack~! For those that don't know, I put EPIC on hiatus to focus on my mental and physical health for a bit. If you'd like to read the story I was working on in my 'off time,' feel free to check out Mushoku Impact. It's up to Chapter 140 now and is only getting better~!)
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