Following Ryouma's disappearance, Cheshire leaped towards Vahn with a paradoxically fierce yet adorable expression on her face. Unfortunately, the moment her feet departed the ground, Vahn arrested her momentum and anchored her in place. She was still able to move around and swing her hammer, but, the moment she tried to throw it, Vahn just placed it into a pocket dimension, saying, "Calm down. It's not as though he has truly died. Once the game has concluded, you will find him outside."
Ignoring Vahn's words, Cheshire held up her hands as though she was about to grab the air. The dimensions of her mouth suddenly began to expand, but, before she could execute whatever she had in mind, Vahn waved his hand to produce a pair of paper talismans over her mouth, explaining, "They will fall when the game ends or when an hour has passed."
On that note, Vahn teleported Cheshire back to the Akuma Community's planet before using long-range telekinesis to physically rip their Teleportation Nexi from the planet's surface. This was pure theatrics on his part, but, as it looked pretty cool to see massive, ruin-like structures ripped from the ground, he doubted the spectators would complain.
Shifting his attention to the remaining members of Ryouma's party, Vahn took notice of the fact that less than half of the twenty-three women present bothered to try and 'avenge' their lost lover. Those that rushed forward found themselves temporarily frozen in place, not because Vahn didn't feel like dealing with them, but because there was a far more important matter for him to address.
Turning towards Fenrir, Vahn's expression softened in a tender and loving smile as he wrapped his arms around her and said, "Sorry for showing up so late..."
Chuckling in response to her Master's words, Fenrir's tail began to waggle slightly as she nuzzled against his chest and said, "Master arrived just in time. It was my fault for choosing to intervene. I just wanted a chance to show off but ended up embarrassing myself..."
Rather than commenting on what Fenrir had said, Vahn continued cradling her in his arms while nestling the lower half of his face and nose between her ears. He could sense the desire for revenge she was doing her best to keep concealed from him. Until it had abated to the point he was certain she wouldn't sneak off to teach Ryouma a lesson, Vahn had no intention of letting her go...
Understanding her Master's thoughts, an exasperated sigh escaped Fenrir's throat as she nestled even closer to his chest. She had been isolating herself with increasing frequency as of late so her anger and frustration had been increasing along with her desire to prove herself. It didn't help that she had spent the last seven months attempting to master the basics of the Magia Erebea...
Aided by her Master's scent and the meditation technique she had been practicing for decades, a calm and cooling sensation gradually spread through Fenrir's mind. By the time half an hour had passed, her desire to kill Ryouma had transitioned into the comparably tame desire to cut off his hands and feet. Ten minutes after that, she had convinced herself that she would be satisfied with someone else kicking him a firm kick in his reproductive organs. She was tempted to do it herself but she didn't want to get her paws dirty...
Sensing the flames of Fenrir's hatred mellow into smoldering ashes, Vahn planted a prolonged kiss atop her head, whispering, "Good girl..." in an affectionate tone of voice. This caused her drooping tail to begin waggling again, but, more importantly, it thoroughly smothered any lingering appetite she had for revenge. So long as Ryouma didn't go out of his way to rekindle it, she likely wouldn't even spare the dichromatic man so much as a single thought...
While the primary version of himself escorted Fenrir, Kusu, Vados, and Marcarita back to the throne room, Vahn made his way over to where the members of Ryouma's party were currently waiting. He needed to act before Shion could announce that her Community had surrendered, so, shortly after sending Ryouma off to explore space, Vahn manipulated the flow of time to give them as much as he needed.
Waving his hand, Vahn released the frozen members from their temporal prisons before sending them skidding backward in the same motion. At the same time, he adopted his characteristically casual smile as he said, "You are free to attack me, but, as I mentioned to the diminutive girl with cat-like features, there is little point. Once the Gift Game has concluded, Ryouma will be perfectly fine. As for why I've kept you here...I merely wanted to ask each of you a series of questions. Who among you is willing to act as a representative?"
To Vahn's surprise, it was the little lolita with oversized twin tails and a massive Gatling Gun that stepped forward, stating, "When Ryouma-san is absent, I have the highest authority as Strike Team Leader. If you have something to ask, I will answer do my best to answer your questions. Just know that, no matter what you say, none of us here will betray Ryouma."
Though he had serious doubts about the little lolita's words, Vahn offered an understanding nod before ignoring her statement entirely as he asked, "Do each of you follow Ryouma of your own volition?"
" asshole...!"
Preempting the little lolita's attack, Vahn held up his hand and declared, "From this point onward, aggression equates to docility. The angrier you become, the stronger your desire to sit in a seiza."
Immediately following Vahn's words, four of the girls present sat down in a flawless seiza with their backs straight and eyes forward. The look in their eyes made it very clear they were angry, but, due to the overwhelming difference in Authority, there was very little they could do to free themselves from their predicament.
Using the four as an example, Vahn passed his gaze over the other women present, stating, "I have no intention of harming or forcing anyone against their will. As I stated previously, I simply want to ask you a series of questions. Once my curiosity has been sated, you will be allowed to leave at your leisure."
Though he wasn't particularly fond of using his Authority in this manner, Vahn knew he would need to demonstrate his capabilities. This demonstration would serve as a deterrence against those who still viewed him as an 'upstart' with cheat-like abilities and limited Authority. In reality, his Authority was his greatest asset, so, while he couldn't help feeling a little guilty about forcing a bunch of girls to sit in seiza, he maintained his usual smile without so much as flinching.
Loki would have been proud.
Following the impromptu interrogation, Vahn learned that nearly half of the women present had effectively been tricked into becoming members of Ryouma's harem. The moment they accepted his offer for a date, it was already too late to change their mind. So long as Ryouma kept pestering them and providing gifts, they would eventually feel 'obligated' to return the favor. After that, they would either become addicted to pleasure or offered power in exchange for becoming members of his harem. In many cases, both.
Though this explanation made it sound as though the girls were partially responsible for the events leading to their 'downfall', the truth of the matter was that Ryouma had approached the majority of them at taverns, restaurants, or cafes. He had figured out an exploit that allowed him to trigger the activation requirements of his System by approaching women and proposing to buy them drinks in exchange for their company. The moment they accepted, Ryouma would treat them with care and consideration for days, sometimes weeks on end. By the time most of them realized something was wrong, they were already being introduced to the other members of his harem.
Simply put, Ryouma had taken advantage of the fact that some girls visited taverns with the intent of receiving free drinks or having one-night stands. If he had respected their intentions, it would be difficult to say he had done anything wrong. Instead, Ryouma entered into such situations with the singular intent of adding new members to his harem. In other words, he ignored the fact that most of the girls present were simply looking for free drinks or casual relationships. He didn't drug them or anything, but, by tracking them down to their Communities and constantly pestering them on a daily basis, he effectively removed the right of the women to refuse his advances.
Ryouma was a textbook example of someone who used their 'kindness' and charisma as weapons to take advantage of people. To make matters exponentially worse, he didn't find anything wrong with his behavior. In his mind, he was still the protagonist of a world where every attractive woman he encountered was a viable target to romance. He basically treated everyone except for himself as non-playable characters, people whose only purpose was to add flavor and variety to his life.
The saddest thing about this was that Ryouma was a genuinely good person. He viewed himself as the Hero of the world so he never stopped trying to help the people around him. His perspective of the world had simply been twisted to the point it was almost impossible for him to change.
Fortunately, though it would take several years for Ryouma to accept it as a good thing, Vahn was there to guide the youthful-looking Hero back to the path of righteousness. His power allowed him to purge the influence of Ryouma's Ero God System from the girls' minds. This resulted in all but six of the girls choosing to seek asylum with the Sage Dragon's Hearth. As for the rest, they hailed from worlds that Ryouma had passed through on his journey.
By completing each of the girls' routes, Ryouma had effectively earned their unconditional love and support. There were times when they felt unbelievably frustrated by his incessant womanizing, but, understanding it was necessary for Ryouma to increase his strength, it never took long for them to forgive him. Some had even helped him pick up girls by accompanying him to various taverns and cafes. The presence of another female was a good way to lower the guard of a potential target, so, with the hope of having a date with the one they loved, many of the girls accompanied Ryouma in spite of the knowledge that their lovers' night out might turn into a plot to expand their numbers.
Armed with this information, one of the first things Vahn did in the days following the promotional Gift Game was ripping out Ryouma's Ero God System. At the same time, he helped Shion purge the more 'cancerous' elements of her Community. Instead of killing them, however, Vahn afforded each of the former 'Heroes' the opportunity to prove they weren't completely irredeemable. To this end, he marooned each of them in an Actualized World based on memories from the lives they had led prior to their first reincarnation/transmigration. He wanted to see what kind of decisions they would make if given similar opportunities but without the 'cheats' to back them up.
Though some would undoubtedly liken Vahn's decision to a form of imprisonment, he felt no guilt as it was ultimately the decision of the Heroes. He had given them the option of choosing between transmigration and returning to the cycle of reincarnation without memories. Each and every single one of them had chosen the former. Some may argue that Vahn hadn't really given them a choice, but, considering 99.99999999999999...% of people reincarnated without being given the option to retain their memories, it was kind of a moot point...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn be like, "Grab the Vanargandr and squash it against your body. It may not like it at first but it will eventually calm down. You just need to keep squashing it until it feels calm and secure in your embrace."','Authority is pretty terrifying...','I like to imagine that the only reason the Heroes got off easily is because they have A-SS Rank Luck (O w O)...') <-(p.atreon link)
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With Shion announcing her Community's resignation shortly after Ryouma's one-way journey to the sun, the last Community Vahn had to deal with was Indra's Trāyastriṃśa.
As the Rank 1002 Community, Trāyastriṃśa was inarguably one of the most powerful Communities outside the 1-3-Digit Gates. The only groups occupying lower-digit Gates than them were the Three Schools Alliance, the principal Buddhist Faction, and the Divine Army.
Though the aforementioned Communities were ranked higher, the only reason for this was because one was the policing body of the Little Garden while the other was an amalgamation of hundreds of thousands of lesser Communities. When factoring in individual influence, Indra was without equal in the Little Garden. He was the Leader of Trāyastriṃśa, the Commander-in-Chief of the Divine Army, a Bhikkhu in the Three Schools Alliance, the Strongest of the 12 Devas, the Patron God of Heroes, and the Origin from which all Sky and Thunder Gods originated.
Simply put, opposing Indra was the same as opposing the interests of the Little Garden. His power had waned considerably with the passage of time, but, with so much as a single word, every major faction in the Divine Realm would move at Indra's behest. This included the recipients of his power, and, more importantly, the majority of Heroes to ever exist throughout history.
Ignoring these factors, Vahn, accompanied by Fenrir and Mikoto, appeared a few hundred meters away from the defensive line established by the Asura and Rakshasa Tribes. The Commanders of the opposing armies immediately noticed their arrival, but, before they could react, Vahn raised his left hand toward the sky and muttered, "Shukai." in a voice that resounded through the minds, bodies, and spirits of everyone present.
Ever since his 'awakening' in the Tower, Vahn no longer needed to undergo an incubation period in order to achieve Shukai. He and Laev-tan had long since become a singular entity. The only reason they spent any time apart was due to Vahn's pursuit of the stage 'beyond' Shukai. He wanted Laev-tan to one day become independent from him, so, when the two of them weren't fighting in Shukai form, he had her looking after his other Zanpakuto Spirits.
Due to his increased mastery of the Shukai form, there was no pulse of energy when Vahn activated it. Instead, his hair turned pure white as feather-like scales spread along his left and right forearms. As for Laev-tan, she resembled a plain yet pristine white blade whose only conspicuous trait was the fact it had fused with his arm.
Rather than slice downward, Vahn lowered Laev-tan in a slow yet graceful manner as he said, "The curtains have closed. Your chance to perform has now passed. Surrender and Begone."
Compelled by Vahn's overwhelming Authority, the majority of Rakshasa and three of the Asura Tribe members promptly surrendered. When the bluish-white light faded away, a mere eleven individuals, excluding the people from his side, remained on the battlefield.
Passing his gaze over those who remained, an appreciative glimmer appeared in Vahn's silvery eyes as he nodded his head and said, "The Trāyastriṃśa Community is worthy of its status as one of the most powerful Communities outside the 1-3-Digit Gates. I genuinely didn't expect more than three of you to remain. Beyond praiseworthy."
Towards the end of his statement, Vahn shifted his attention to Fenrir and Mikoto to find the two of them staring at him with serious yet fervid looks on their faces. The aura exuding from his body was enough to send those closest to him into a complete frenzy, so, before they could get too agitated, Vahn adopted an approving smile as he said, "Have fun."
Transforming into her Pikachu form, Mikoto practically teleported into the center of the remaining Asura Tribesmen and women before releasing a phenomenally powerful burst of golden electricity. Fenrir, following suit, transformed into her dragon-wolf form. Instead of charging forward, however, she activated her Gleipnir and began spreading her Domain of Primordial Ice through the area. She was very nearly immortal in her dragon-wolf form, so, even if the opponent attempted to interrupt the process, the most they could hope to accomplish was delaying the inevitable.
Unable to resist the urge, Vahn took a moment to nuzzle and caress Fenrir's head and maw before turning around. By the time he had turned around completely, he was standing less than ten meters away from where Indra was seated atop his throne.
Surprised by the ease with which Vahn transitioned through space and time, Indra's brows perked up to their maximum height. A visibly impressed expression developed across his face as he rose to his feet, manifested a five-pronged golden Vajra, and stated, "Shiroyasha really knows how to pick her Champions. At your current pace, I can't imagine it taking more than ten years for you to spread your influence throughout the entire Little Garden..."
Returning a smile, Vahn took a step forward, stating, "Only if I get distracted..." before reappearing in behind Indra in an instant.
Ignoring the veritable fountain of golden blood erupting from his shoulder, Indra's smile became markedly more vicious as he half-laughed, half-growled, "You cheeky brat..."
As the blood erupting from Indra's body flowed in reverse, countless tendrils of lightning erupted from the Vajra in his left hand. Then, at a rate far exceeding the speed of light, he 'sliced' towards Vahn as if he were wielding a cat o' nine tails.
Instead of dodging, Vahn maintained a relaxed smile as he met Indra's fiery golden gaze over his shoulder. Several tendrils impacted and coiled around his flesh, but, despite their best efforts, they were unable to leave so much as a blemish on his skin.
Though he wasn't going all out, seeing Vahn resist his lightning caused Indra's smile to fade away. Even the Demon God and other Gods of Lightning weren't completely immune to his lightning. It was supposed to be one of the most powerful and destructive forces in all of Creation. Vahn being able to resist it could only mean two things. His Spiritual Power was far beyond comprehension or his existence was somehow unbound by the current Order...
("That would explain his anomalous properties...")
Believing he had discovered Vahn's secret, Indra discarded his Vajra before manifesting a massive golden spear known as the Brahmastra Spear. With the exception of Shiva's Trishula and Vishnu's Chakra, it was the most powerful weapon in the Hindu Pantheon. It could turn entire armies to ash simply with its manifestation, and, once thrown, it could neither be evaded nor stopped. Unless the target possessed a 'very' special constitution, it would run them through and destroy them from the inside.
Eager to confirm his suspicions, Indra's smile threatened to tear at the muscles of his face as he excitedly shouted, "Let's see how special you really are...!"
Without needing to rear back, Indra merely swept his hand forward. In response, the Brahmastra Spear sped up to incomprehensible speeds in an attempt to run Vahn through. It was so fast that even the latter was unable to react, but, instead of piercing through his body, a devastatingly loud metallic ping resonated throughout both the Game Board and the Little Garden as Vahn was sent smashing through and far beyond the planet.
When Vahn finally processed the fact he had been hit, an incredulous expression developed across his face as he found himself viewing the Game Board from an 'outside' perspective. The interior of the Game Board was supposed to be an infinite expanse, yet, against all rhyme and reason, he now found himself flying away from it at speeds that could best be described as imaginary.
Grabbing the spear impacting his chest, Vahn continued to tighten his grip until fractures began to spread across its length. Had it not disappeared the moment the first couple of fractures appeared, it would have been destroyed.
Shaking his head, Vahn took a moment to inspect the area where the spear had struck him before teleporting back to a very serious-looking Indra. The side of the planet he had been standing on was now nowhere to be seen, but, rather than focusing on that, Vahn met the tanned God's gaze and asked, "Got any more surprises?"
Though he was anything but calm, Indra managed a smile and a soft chuckle in response to Vahn's words. His previous attack had effectively forced Vahn outside of the Game Board. This should have disqualified him from the competition, yet, as if the rules simply didn't apply to him, he was able to come back as if nothing had happened.
Understanding that he shouldn't address such topics in the middle of a Gift Game, Indra surprised nearly everyone by shaking his head and stating, "Not this time. Rather, now that you have proven yourself more than capable of contending against the prevailing Rulers of the Outer Gates, I look forward to seeing the changes you will introduce to the Little Garden."
On that note, Indra stepped forward to give Vahn a firm pat on the shoulder before turning to the nearest camera and announcing his Community's withdrawal from the Gift Game...
Though the Little Garden practically erupted the moment Indra declared his intent to withdraw, one person could be heard exhaling a sigh of relief.
Despite the immense trust she had in Vahn, Shiroyasha hadn't been able to shake the feeling that something would go wrong at the last moment. Now that he had defeated Indra, most of her plans moving forward could now be implemented with extreme ease.
"Nadeshiko, please inform the Salamandra Community that we have accepted their invitation and will be attending the festival to decide their next Leader..."
Appearing the moment Shiroyasha spoke, Nadeshiko offered a courteous bow before attempting to excuse herself. Before she could leave, however, Shiroyasha looked over her shoulder and added, "Once you have completed that task, feel free to take the rest of the day off. I'm expecting guests..."
Though she showed an expression of confusion, Nadeshiko didn't bother asking why she was being dismissed if Shiroyasha was expecting guests. Instead, she quickened her pace in order to carry out her duties as quickly as possible...
Around the same time that Nadeshiko was preparing Shiroyasha's response for the Salamandra Community, two exceptionally beautiful women emerged from behind an ordinary-looking light post. Their unexpected appearance startled the people nearest to them, but, the moment they laid eyes on them, any thoughts of questioning how the two women had appeared vanished from their minds.
Though she was relatively short at only 158cm tall, the first of the two women was an indescribable beauty with golden hair, ruby-red eyes, and an ensemble reminiscent of a high-ranking member of the Nobility. This included a fashionable red, white, and gold dress that was cut so low it looked like her ample bosom might spill out at any moment. The gazes of men and women alike were drawn to the captivating sight, but, the moment they dared to stare directly, a milky haze would emerge from the depths of their pupils.
"What the fuck!? Who turned out the lights!?"
"I...I can't see! Someone help me...!"
While dozens of people in the surroundings were panicking due to their sudden loss of eyesight, the golden-haired woman turned to her companion, a 183cm tall woman with sharp features, long purple hair fastened into a braid, and emerald-green eyes.
"It would appear I forgot to activate my concealing charm. Will you do the honors, Scathach?"
Offering a polite bow, the woman's companion, Scathach, answered, "It would be my honor to be of service to my Queen." before raising her head and drawing a series of glowing runes in the air. When she was finished, not only did the people in their surroundings stop panicking, they showed absolutely no signs of being able to discern the duo's presence...
"Thank you, Scathach. Now then, shall we pay our former vict-ahem, our old friend a visit~?"
"I'm looking forward to it. Ufufufufufu~."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Everyone else is desperate to master Shukai while Vahn is over here trying to get his Zanpakuto to be more independent xD...','1% Indra is surprisingly powerful...','Some massive ara ara energy radiating from these two...') <-(p.atreon link)
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