The evening of the same day, after Vahn had taken care of Lili and Naaza individually, he eventually ended up in their room with both of the girls. Though the mood was still conducive for nightly activities, Naaza was already completely spent and, though Lili seemed to have boundless energy, Vahn couldn't easily focus on a conversation while having sex in another room. Naaza had inquired about how long he would be with Lili, while she and Vahn had been cuddling up after the fact, so Vahn eventually took 'decisive' action to get Lili to calm down. Now, he was snuggling up with both girls in Naaza's bed as they talked about the future, their hopes, dreams, and intentions.
After hearing what they had to say, Vahn felt like a soft spot had been touched in his heart because there was always something fulfilling about having a woman tell you she wanted your children. He had been a little surprised by Naaza but, after hearing her reasoning, Vahn could understand. She was similar to Aki, being that she didn't actually like the Dungeon, and, after nearing dying in the past, her distaste for the cold and dark place had increased greatly. She had put in the effort to become strong, and still intended to become even stronger, but no longer wanted to be a main combatant. Instead, Naaza wanted to focus on becoming a great Alchemist while continuing her magical studies. Now that she had her [Pactio], Spiritus Pharmacopola, there were a lot of things she wanted to research that combined the studies of both magic and [Mixing]. Her dream, besides happily raising a family, was to become the greatest Alchemist in the Alliance...
Lili was arguably more 'selfish' than Naaza, as her intentions made her want to experiences the best of both worlds. She not only wanted a happy, and apparently very large, family, but Lili also wanted to be a main combatant. Though she wasn't actually that fond of the Dungeon herself, her entire life had revolved around it and, desiring greater strength, Lili knew she would have to probe into its depths. At the same time, as one of his personal Disciples, Lili wanted to become a capable Magic Knight to further enhance her physical capabilities. As for her 'dream', she had several goals in mind that combined together to create her ideal picture of happiness. She sought strength, so that she could be relied upon, while simultaneously seeking knowledge so that she could always offer good advice when needed. At the same time, Lili wanted to become a 'special' existence to Vahn, apparently to curb his curiosity towards other races while satiating her own desires. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Lili wanted to have a big family. She wanted to 'defeat' the version of herself in the Divination but her true intention was to increase the number of Pallums in the world that could experience growing up in a happy and safe environment. Her own parents had mistreated her and, as a result of her past trauma, Lili wanted to have children of her own to break free from the cycle...
When they had both laid themselves bare, Vahn spent a fair amount of time thinking about things before eventually saying, "I don't mind if the two of you want to become pregnant, especially since you've already found your resolve to do so. I'll do my best to be a good father and also support both of your dreams, even if I don't always have the time to divert my focus in its fullest capacity." Both Naaza and Lili understood what Vahn was trying to say as, the greater number of children in the house, the less time he could actually spend with everyone. He already had to 'split' his body into two just to keep pace and, it would likely be several years until things began to calm down. Fortunately, even if Vahn couldn't always make time for the children, everyone in the Manor worked together to look after them, just like they all supported each other for their shared happiness.
Seeing that the girls were being very understanding, Vahn couldn't help but smile, even though he had to add, "Lili, you're still very young and you have to seriously consider your decisions in the future. You're at the best age to develop your magic power further and, if my intuition proves correct, there will be a lot of fighting within the next 2-3 years. Becoming a mother right now may not be the most opportune time if you want to grow quickly...not that I will stop you. If necessary, I will look for methods to help you increase your strength safely, even while pregnant..." Lili, still naked as the day she was born, tightly squeezed his arm with a happy smile and said, "Don't worry, Vahn, I've already thought about it a lot..."
As a Pallum, Lili's pregnancy was much shorter than the average and, in as little as six months, there was a high chance she would have given birth. If things worked the same way as they did in the Divination, her first pregnancy would very like be triplets. Lili felt like this would be enough at first and, even if she couldn't go into the Dungeon for the next six months, she had already intended to seriously study magic in that time. If possible, she wanted to get permission to stay within the Sub-Space orb, to give her more time to work with, but Lili didn't mind that much. Vahn spent a lot of time in the real world and it would potentially increase the amount of time she could spend with him if she also stayed outside during her pregnancy. Since Vahn had a tendency to pamper the pregnant girls, Lili was looking forward to it a little...well, a lot...
Since Lili seemed sure, Vahn just nodded his head while stroking her arm gently in support of her conviction. She had always been the type to seriously consider things so, having already made the decision, Lili had likely thought about everything in detail. He would just need to make sure she wasn't in danger during her pregnancy but, if his speculation proved correct, there shouldn't be any issues. Even though he wasn't a Pallum when they had sex, Vahn was confident that Lili's children would still be pure-blooded Pallums. It might have been a quirk of his body being comprised of source energy, but Vahn didn't seem to have a normal genetic structure at all. Instead, his 'contribution' towards the children seemed to purify their racial traits instead.
Vahn first noticed this when Aki gave birth to Anise, as their daughter had the appearance of a pure-blooded Cat Person, instead of a Half-Cat Person. As for the differences between them, Half-Cat Persons would generally have smaller tails, or none at all. Their ears would also be smaller and wider than normal with a small chance of them having human ears as well. Anise, however, looked perfectly normal and, though her ears and tail were currently adorable, they were actually more distinguishable than a normal Cat Person child, something which had been pointed out by Aki, Arnya, Chloe, and Milan almost immediately after they saw her.
With Anise as the precedent, Vahn got even more support for his suspicions with the birth of Meinya, his daughter with Arnya. Like Anise, Meinya seemed to be a pure-blooded Cat Person, something that Arnya was excited about since she had been secretly worried about birth defects. Many Half-Races had a lot of issues in their youth and there weren't many mothers that wouldn't worry about the healthy development of their children. Vahn had also been very happy that both of his daughters were healthy and, as they were both very adorable little kittens, Vahn was looking forward to having them running around the Manor in the future...
The final nail in the coffin, almost confirming his suspicions entirely, was when Tsubaki gave birth to their daughter Sakuya. Since Tsubaki was already a Half-Dwarf, she had been very nervous about if their child would be healthy. Vahn wasn't nearly as worried since he had seen their daughter in the Divination, already having become a powerful warrior. As for what was special about her birth, it was the fact that she obviously had inherited the traits of a Half-Dwarf, but her features were more 'refined' than normal. She didn't look entirely Human, nor did she look like a Dwarf and, much like when he had 'purified' Eina's blood, Sakuya had enhanced characteristics of both races. She would undoubtedly have a large amount of physical strength in the future while possessing the capabilities of casting magic without any of the difficulties that would have been expected of her heritage.
With several precedents having been observed, Vahn was almost certain that his race actually didn't matter whenever he impregnated a woman. Instead, his bloodline just seemed to purify and enhance the characteristics of his partner's race further. If this was the truth of the matter, it meant that Lili's pregnancy should proceed without any of the dangers typically associated with the union between a Human and a Pallum. This was assuming, of course, that Lili didn't something manage to give birth to a trio of Amazonesses. Fortunately, though her body seemed to emulate the characteristics of other races, it didn't change Lili's actual race. Vahn had even confirmed with his own eyes that the flow of energy in her body didn't change much, meaning she was still undoubtedly a Pallum...even if she was 'very' unique...
After cuddling and talking for the better part of two hours, the conversation was naturally reaching its conclusion. It was already well after lunch time so Vahn asked, "Are the two of you hungry? We can go get something from the kitchen, or I can just pull some dishes out of my storage dimension." At this point, Naaza made what Vahn felt to be a very adorable yawn before she rested her head against his chest and said, "I'm only a little hungry, but I'm very tired...I think I'll take a nap and then just eat a bigger dinner later." Vahn smiled, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then smiled even wider when he saw her tail begin to wag happily.
Unlike Naaza, Lili was still raring to go, almost like she had an unlimited amount of stamina while her body was still in high tensions from earlier. Seeing Naaza 'giving up' so soon, Lili lamented internally because she wasn't sure what decision was the best. She wasn't actually that hungry either, but she also didn't want to just take a nap. Deciding to eat in the room had the possibility of Vahn just giving her some food while he snuggled up with Naaza and joined her for a nap. If they left and ate something in the kitchen, however, the chance of things heating up again was somewhat less likely. Since she would also feel a little guilty about leaving Naaza alone in the room, this only gave her the option of joining them for a nap or trying to convince Vahn to split his body again...
While Lili was stuck considering her options, Vahn had already noticed the abnormality in her aura and managed to deduce what she must be thinking. He produced a wry smile inside of his mind because it was apparent that Lili's 'appetite' matched that of the other battle-crazed girls. Ais, Tiona, Tione, and, to a lesser extent, Tsubaki all had this trait, not that Vahn really minded it that much. He was just worried about Lili's body, even though he had already healed all of the internal damage she had suffered previously. Still, considering that it was her birthday today, Vahn decided to pamper her a bit more than he normally would have. Thus, while resting his head against the top of the slowly dozing off Naaza, Vahn formed his Avatar next to the bed before silently gesturing to the shocked Lili.
Seeing Vahn bring out his second body, Lili couldn't help feeling very happy with how considerate he was towards her. She didn't even have to bring it up herself and Vahn had already figured out what she wanted. Though she knew it was likely that he was giving her special treatment today, Lili didn't mind at all. Instead, she intended to take full advantage of the fact today was birthday and 'celebrate' until the date changed. Thus, only bothering to wrap her body in a blanket, Lili happily accompanied Vahn back to his bedroom where they ate a delicious lunch. She enjoyed the unique experience of sitting in his lap, still completely naked, as he fed her sweets and fruit by hand. Afterward, in order to 'thank' him for his consideration, Lili used her [Cinder*Ella] to emulate the features of a Werewolf girl. She knew Vahn had an interest in Rose from the Guild branch and decided to sate his curiosity to prevent the already large number of women around him from increasing...
Vahn awoke early the next day with two naked girls sleeping atop his body in entirely separate rooms. Seeing Lili with floppy rabbit ears, Vahn had a soft smile as he lightly ran his fingers through her pale-blue hair. At the same time, he was hugging Naaza from behind, enjoying the scent of her hair and the natural fragrance from her body. He found her mature form, and how 'natural' their interactions had been the previous day, very pleasant. Though he was more than a little intrigued with how 'unique' an existence Lili was, Vahn didn't think he would be able to keep his sensibilities if he only associated with someone like her. By the time the night had come to an end, Lili had emulated the characteristics of an Amazoness, Werewolf, Weretiger, Elf, and Hume Bunny. Vahn had been a little overwhelmed by her form as a petite, yet busty, blond-haired Elf girl. However, the biggest impact had been when Lili tried to assume the form of a Vanargandr, which had been the only transformation he refused outright...
Sensing his movement, Lili opened her hazy purple eyes and released a silent yawn while stretching her small body. When she was finished, Lili smiled and crawled onto his chest and kissed him on the lips before hugging him tightly and saying, "Yesterday was amazing...I hope I can get this kind of birthday present next year...ehehe~." Lili knew that, under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be able to get away with nearly as much as she had the previous day. However, now was a good opportunity to at least guarantee that she would have the opportunity in the future. She couldn't behave in a spoiled manner all the time, but that didn't mean she would give up trying to have Vahn spoil her plentily...
Vahn embraced Lili's thin body, firmly holding her in his embrace as he reciprocated her kiss before saying, "Sure...I'm certain things will be even better for both of us in the future..." This answer seemed to please Lili a great deal, as she tightly squeezed his face against her plush little bunnies with a happy 'squee'. If not for the fact they both had things to take care of this morning, Lili would have tried to press her luck and made full use of her current Hume Bunny traits. Instead, Lili held herself back and, knowing she couldn't act selfishly all the time, decided she would have to tempt Vahn into action without directly asking.
When Lili separated him from, Vahn was somewhat surprised until he saw her crawling toward the edge of the bed with her butt waggling towards him. She didn't have the most shapely and mature figure, by a long shot, but Vahn felt his eyes drawn to her pale buttocks and the fluffy pale-blue rabbit tail lightly twitching on her backside. He could tell from her aura, and the way she was acting, that Lili was trying to tempt him with her body. Still, as enticing a sight it was, Vahn cooled down rather quickly since Lili's young body almost forced him to think calmly. In fact, he was more impacted by the 'sad' look she gave him when she made it to the edge of the bed than when she was wagging her butt in an effort to tempt him...
With a casual smile on his face, Vahn also hopped out of the bed and began to stroker her rabbit-like ears as he said, "Don't be in such a rush, Lili. From now on, there will be plenty of time for that kind of activity. Now that you're an adult, I won't place so many restrictions on you...just don't get carried away." Lili had squinted her eyes happily when he was petting her but, after she heard his words, it was like her happiness multiplied several times as she tightly hugged his waist. Vahn continued to stroke her pale-blue hair with a smile on his face, doing his best to ignore the fact that Lili was pressing her breasts against his lower body. Her height made it so that her face was near his navel and 'dangerously' close to his sleeping dragon, which was currently being 'tempted' by the two sacrificial bunnies...
Since there was still a bit of time, Vahn ended up accompany Lili into the bath as his second body brought along Naaza a few minutes later. Most of the girls used to onsen inside of the orb these days, so they had the massive bath to themselves. Vahn noticed there were some storm clouds forming overhead, meaning there would likely be a heavy downpour today. He wouldn't have cared much in normal circumstances, as he was actually rather fond of the rain, but these particular clouds made Vahn feel very solemn. His instincts towards danger, which had been slumbering for some time, seemed to have been stirred awake by the rumbling sound of thunder.
Feeling a cold drop of water hit her head, Lili looked towards the sky and mused, "Maybe we should go inside...I don't want to get hit by a bolt of lightning in the bath." Hearing this, Naaza's face turned slightly pale, something Lili found amusing as she added, "Don't worry, Naaza, I was just joking. With the Babel Tower acting as a massive lightning rod, there has never been an instance of lightning striking anywhere in the City~." This made Naaza feel a little better but, seeing the serious expression on Vahn's face, she couldn't help but feel nervous as she asked, "Vahn...? Is something the matter?" This caught Lili's attention as well, as she had been facing away from Vahn while he was previously washing her hair.
Vahn had his eyes turned towards the sky, staring unblinkingly at the storm clouds overhead while Lili sat between his legs. Both girls could see there was a cautious glint in his eyes, making the solemn expression of his face even more serious. In an instant, the tension of their bodies increased and both girls entered an alert state as Lili repeated, "Vahn, what is it...?" Shaking his head slightly, Vahn didn't know how to answer either of their inquiries as he slowly rose to his feet, eyes still trained towards the sky. Lili had been in very close proximity to him, so her mind stalled a bit when he stood up and she got a front row seat to his slumbering dragon.
He didn't know why, but Vahn felt very unnerved by the storm clouds overhead, even though they wouldn't actually pose a threat to him. To be safe, he firmly said, "Go inside...make sure everyone else is safe..." Without questioning his words, Lili and Naaza quickly extricated themselves from the hot water and ran inside the Manor. Lili even went so far as to change into her [Pactio] raiment the moment she left the water, mentally preparing herself for an attack. Vahn rarely got serious like this, especially after his strength had increased, so Lili wanted to be prepared for the worst. As for Naaza, her raiment didn't provide much in the way of defense and it consumed a lot of her magic power to activate. For the time being, she just quickly changed into her clothes while Lili went to inform everyone of the abnormality.
When the two girls left the onsen, Vahn noticed that there was a small fluctuation in his instincts, almost like whatever had caused him to feel endangered had briefly diverted its focus from him. This realization made Vahn's mind turn cold as his [Will of the Emperor] activated in full force. That small fluctuation told him everything he needed to know about the situation. Someone had been watching them and, based on how the intent had followed the girls for a brief moment, Vahn's impression of whatever entity had the gall to spy on them had hit rock bottom. Not only did they dare to peek in on them in the bath, but they had the audacity to eye up two of the girls he had, very likely, just impregnated. Even if they weren't pregnant yet, Vahn already had the mentality that they had become far more precious to him than before...just imagining someone having intentions towards them filled him with an icy cold rage...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's existence is very 'convenient' xD...','Lili is trying to get Vahn arrested...',' Eye of the Storm...') <-(p.atreon link)
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While Vahn had been staring towards the sky, Terra had also sensed the abnormality and, as she could sense everyone within her territory, she quickly teleported to her Master's side. Seeing his 'heroic' figure, completely naked, Terra took a deep breath through her nose and flittered her wings slightly as she asked, "Master, what is it...?" Not long after her last word fell, Fenrir also popped up, icy energy radiating from her body that started causing the hot water of the onsen to begin freezing over. Vahn stepped up onto the ice without looking towards either of them as he said, "We have a 'guest' that thinks they're allowed to just peep on people in the bath whenever they want..."
Fenrir and Terra both scowled, especially the latter as she had previously been resting naked on her perch before teleporting to her Master's side. Just imagining someone observing her from afar was very disturbing, even if they likely hadn't been able to see through the illusory forest formation. Still, there was no way of knowing their true capabilities so Terra was very upset, causing a powerful and oppressive aura to spread out from her body. If not for the fact that Vahn's aura had already 'dominated' the surrounding elemental energy, Terra's aura would have caused the very void to stagnate around them.
Since his own magic efficacy left a lot to be desired, Vahn gave a momentary glance towards Terra before saying, "Terra, use 'that' magic spell..." When she heard her Master's words, Terra's eyes opened slightly before she nodded with a serious look adorning her face. Placing her palms close, without touching each other, a pale grey light began to glow between Terra's fingers as she incanted, "Ara, Ara, Ara~? Gaze into Eternity. See the Passage of History before thine eyes. Let nature reclaim all things in its motherly embrace. Pillar of Eternity, Gaea's Grace, Heaven's Pillar~!"
With her chant finished, the pale grey light between Terra's palms had formed into a strange four-dimensional cube that she held out towards her Master. Vahn nodded, reaching his hand out to grab towards the cube as he shouted, "Fixate. Seize. Load magic, 'Armament'!" It felt like his arm was going to be torn apart in the process, but Vahn managed to compress the cube in Terra's hands before it broke down and began to fuse with his body. At the same time, it was like the world around him lost its light as time itself slowed to a crawl.
The spell Terra used was called [Columnae Caeli], 'Forbidden' grade magic that could create an isolated space where time was forcibly accelerated. When absorbed by Vahn, however, it accelerated his own time in relation to the rest of the world, effectively making it as if the rest of the world had slowed down. Currently, this was the strongest from at his disposal and, though it didn't give him the actual speed of his lightning-form [Magia Erebea], his relative speed was much greater. Thus, fighting the strain placed on his body, Vahn leaped into the sky to confront whoever had the audacity to peek at 'his' girls' naked bodies...
From Fenrir's and Terra's perspective, Vahn had moved so quickly that it almost seemed like he had teleported. The ice that had formed over the onsen completely shattered as a shockwave spread out from where Vahn had previously been standing. Even though he had used [Shundo], which wouldn't have generated any momentum, Vahn's initial movements had been enough to cause an implosion from his movements tearing through the void. After all, everywhere he had previously been standing, there was pure 'nothingness' for a brief moment before the space around him was moved aside at an almost unfathomable speed.
As she wasn't suited to aerial combat, Terra turned to Fenrir and said, "I will protect the Manor. Follow our Master and make sure he is okay..." Though there wouldn't be much Fenrir could do against an enemy that could defeat the current Vahn, neither of them could simply let their Master go into battle alone. Fenrir nodded her head with her scarlet eyes glowing with a fierce light as she leaped towards the sky in pursuit of her Master. Terra watched her figure creating afterimages from her movements before once again casting a spell, this one much larger than before. Her wings spread wide and began to rustle about as a massive amount of mana swirled around her body like a vortex. When she had generated an adequate amount, Terra raised her palms towards the sky and shouted, "Reflexio, Sacrum Obex~!"
The magical energy spread from her body, creating a massive emerald green hemispherical barrier that was covered with complex magical wards. Even if Fafnir charged it's [Destruction Ray] for an entire day, it wouldn't even be able to cause ripples on the thin membrane of Terra's barrier. Though it looked fragile, almost like glass, it was her 'absolute defense' spell that had even earned Eva's praise in the past. This made sense, considering Terra had used nearly 80% of her internal reserves just to muster up enough magic power to cast the spell. Thus, feeling a great deal of exhaustion, Terra kneeled down and began slowly replenishing her energy by absorbing the natural mana through her territory. Though it would drain the vitality of the land, Terra would be able to recover in a very short period of time if her power was required for the battle...
Vahn had continued accelerating until he broke into the dense cumulonimbus clouds above, completely ignoring the strangely ionized air and how his hair was sticking up on end. His current form gave him the typical onyx-black appearance of his normal [Magia Erebea], but his hair, eyes, and the tattoos covering his body, all glowed with a dull grey light. Vahn looked like a person that had been turned completely monotone and even his smallest movements caused distortions in the space. When a bolt of lightning arced towards him, Vahn felt a prickling sensation against his skin before it had even emerged from the clouds. Thus, though he was slower than the lightning itself, Vahn managed to evade it with room to spare, even though it arced towards him.
The lightning wasn't nearly as annoying as the fact he couldn't find whatever had been observing them, however. Vahn had expanded his domain to 635m and, even after sending pulses of energy to look for invisible enemies, he hadn't been able to find anything. In a cold rage, Vahn spread his palms wide and released a thunderous roar that created a shockwave with enough force to completely disperse the dense black clouds, creating a spherical void where they had previously existed. Even so, there was no sign of his enemy without the void he had created, causing the cold feeling in Vahn's mind to spread further. It felt like the 'intent' he could feel was ridiculing him...
As the surrounding clouds slowly converged back towards him, Vahn knew this wasn't a natural phenomenon. It had to have been created by someone but, such a display of power should be beyond even the most capable mages. It was either the effect of someone's Innate, or Vahn had severely underestimated the power possessed by people within the record. He remembered Eva's cautionary words, warning him that there was 'always' something stronger. In the endless pursuit of power, there were beings that would tirelessly break through the limits most people thought were impossible to overcome. If he stopped increasing his own strength, he would undoubtedly be surpassed at some point...
Vahn detected Fenrir enter into his domain, carrying with her a dense and powerful ice elemental aura that was enough to cause the nearby clouds to crystallize into ice fragments that fell like hail on the world below. When she arrived at his side, Vahn saw her mouth open and close in slow motion as her words sounded like a long and endless droll. He couldn't understand her at all, doing his best to slowly shake his head while conveying his intention through the bond they shared. It felt like it had taken several minutes, but Fenrir eventually nodded in slow motion before 'blinking' away with her [Koku Shundo]. Though it was an 'instant movement' technique, Vahn could feel her energy converging at her anchor point in the sky and it felt like several seconds had passed between the time of her initiating the movement and completing it.
Fighting against the strain of his body, Vahn lifted his arm, resisting the resultant shockwave generated by his movements as he began to converge his vision at the tip of his finger. His [Eyes of Truth] glowed with divine light as a very small particle of pure flame elemental energy began to expand from his fingertip. This was the result of him using 'Oblivion' to create an absolutely pure fire elemental orb, the same kind he had created in the past as a 'trump' card for emergency use. He previously had a few sitting in his Inventory, but Vahn had used them as part of his experiments and never created replacements.
After consuming more than half of his source energy, the orb was around the size of an average crystal ball, having a diameter of 20cm. When it was fully formed, Vahn trusted his instincts and threw the orb towards an empty area of space, the opposite direction of where Fenrir had fled. At first, the orb generated absolutely no heat but, as it got further away from him, an overbearing amount of flame elemental energy radiated from the orb as it increased in size. The clouds couldn't hold their form at all and, even though there had previously been nothing in the area where Vahn had targeted, there were now spatial fluctuations present.
Vahn's eyes turned cold as a golden aura spread through his domain in an instant, instantly locking down the space to prevent abilities like teleportation. As a result, the entity that had tried to flee from the horrifyingly destructive true flame orb finally showed itself. For Vahn, the world was still moving in slow motion, enabling him to see the image of a man who appeared both elderly and youthful at the same time. He had silvery grey hair, sky blue eyes, and a strangely muscular body with his muscles visible through the ornate white tunic covering his chest. Even at a glance, Vahn understood the person spying on him had been a god...
Clenching his teeth, Vahn redirected the orb towards the sky since it would be problematic if he simply killed a god without at least confirming their identity. Though voyeurism was highly frowned upon, it also wasn't deserving of death and, though Vahn's impression of the unknown god had already hit rock bottom, he saw that the god had a 'warm' aura towards him. Thus, Vahn had changed the course of the orb towards the sky, allowing it to explode into the form of a second sun that completely annihilated the storm clouds that had been brewing previously. The god, who had started to glow with a divine light moments before, showed an expression of relief when the orb changed course. He had been about to use his divine power to resist the destructive orb, as the penalty for being 'ejected' from the mortal world was much lighter than having his painstakingly constructed vessel destroyed.
As the second sun caused the surrounding temperature to spike up several tens of degrees, Vahn canceled his [Magia Erebea] transformation, coldly asking, "Who are you? You have the gall to spy on me and my women when we're taking a bath? You have the audacity to look towards them with intentions right in front of my face!? If I don't like your answer, don't blame me for losing my temper!" Even though he had spared the god, Vahn's rage hadn't been quelled at all. It didn't matter that his opponent was a god, in fact, this revelation just made Vahn even angrier since he had long grown tired of the schemes of gods seeking benefits from him and his family.
Acting as if Vahn's anger was of no concern to him, the unknown god looked towards the second sun burning overhead and said, "That is quite the attack you have there, Vahn Mason...I would say it is almost at the peak of a mortal's capabilities." Then, with an intrigued expression and a crook's smile, the god turned toward him, continuing, "You have a great deal of potential, even if your temper could use some correcting. What sa-" Before the god could utter another asinine word, Vahn had blinked next to him with [Koku Shundo], a fierce expression on his face as he coldly repeated, ""
With furrowed brows, the god took a step back on empty space as sparks of electricity danced across his blue irises and the tips of his fingers. With a dark expression, he said, "My name is Zeus, God of Thunder! You would do well to show a sense of propriety, Vahn Mason, lest my own temper reaches its limits!"
Unperturbed by Zeus' threat, Vahn continued to stare with an icy expression while his sub-process made sense of the revelation he had just received. This was undoubtedly the same Zeus from the original story, the Grandpa and mentor of Bell Cranel. Vahn was wondering why he was here, spying on him and his girls, but it wasn't that important. Regardless of Zeus' reasons, even if they hadn't been conducted will ill intent, Vahn would not tolerate ANYONE believing they could casually peruse his girl's in the bath without consequence. The fact that Zeus thought he had grounds to remind him of 'propriety' made every nerve in Vahn's body go tense. After all, in many of the texts Vahn had read, it was well documented that Zeus was a lecherous pervert who generally ignored such things without any regard for morals and, in some extreme cases, even the 'consent' of the other party didn't matter.
With the same icy tone as before, Vahn stated, "This is the Mortal World, not your personal playground. I know well the vows you had to take before descending into this world and you have absolutely no right to be here, spying on a mortal's affairs with lascivious eyes. Even if you came here with good intentions, the fact you chose such a manner, completely 'disregarding propriety', automatically puts you into the category of my enemy. Make your purpose known, or leave this place before I lose my temper even further..."
At this point, Zeus' face had become fixed with a dour expression of absolute anger, almost as if it had been carved from stone. Space began to tremble as storm clouds once again began to converge around them, made possible by the fact that the true flame orb had finally burned out. In a voice that reverberated through space like rumbling thunder, Zeus said, "Such hot-headedness over such a small lack the qualities of a 'True Hero', Vahn Mason...I am disappointed in you."
Vahn felt like his nerves were being pulled taut ever time Zeus spoke his arrogant and foolish platitudes. Even now, the elderly god acted like he had the moral high ground, even though he was literally just spying on them in the bath. Still, once his anger reached a critical level, the cold sensation in Vahn's body merged together with the hot energy flowing from his heart, intermixing together as a calmness spread through his mind. Turning away from Zeus, Vahn plainly stated, "I have never needed your approval. You are no longer welcome here, Zeus, Frog-God who knows not the definition of propriety yet is the first to speak of it...the next time you try something like this, be prepared for the consequences..."
Without waiting for Zeus' asinine response, Vahn blinked towards the ground, completely having lost interest in arrogant god above. He could tell that Zeus thought very highly of himself and, even if he raged about, it wasn't as if he could actually do anything to them. Powerful as he may be, and Vahn could see that he 'was' very powerful, it didn't mean anything against the might of the Alliance. If he completely disregarded his status as a god, Vahn knew a few goddesses that would readily remind him of the status quo. Hestia herself, though somewhat weak in the mortal world, would completely wipe the floor with Zeus if he tried anything funny. Even Heaven wouldn't be a safe bastion for him, especially if she was forced to return after having dealt with his stupidy.
Thus, though Zeus raged about in the sky for a few minutes, he never actually tried to attack Vahn, Terra's barrier, or any of the other territories of the Alliance. Vahn simply scoffed at this, completely ignoring the childish god throwing a hissy fit in the sky. It was beyond silly, the fact that someone so old acted more spoiled than his 5-month-old daughters. Vahn could tell he was very used to acting without restraint, getting what he wanted without ever caring about the consequences of his actions. This time, however, Vahn had given him several slaps in the face before taking the 'true' high road and just ignoring the pompous fool Zeus had made himself out to be...
Once he had returned to the Manor, Vahn made his way to where the orb was located, as all the girls had already gathered there under Terra's protection. It was the safest place in the entire Manor and it was much easier to protect one orb than it was to protect several people. Thus, the children had been allowed to enter inside while Hestia, Hephaestus, Loki, Anubis, and Terra waited for his arrival. When he entered, Hestia came near him first with an uncharacteristically serious look on her face as she asked, "Was it that brat, Zeus...?"
Vahn was surprised by Hestia's words but, remembering that she was from the same Pantheon, and in some records, even considered the 'big sister' of Zeus, it made sense that Hestia was aware of him. With a curt nod, Vahn explained, "I tried asking what he wanted, but he just kept spouting bullshit until I stopped caring. All I know is, he had the audacity to spy on Lili, Naaza, and myself while we were bathing. If not for the fact he had his eyes on the two girls, I might not have even noticed his presence..." Even now, thinking that the lecherous god had looked at Lili and Naaza caused Vahn to clench his hands into fists.
Hestia had a solemn look on her face as Loki snorted at the side, practically spitting the words, "This is one of the reasons we allowed Evilus to force the Zeus and Hera Familias out of the City in the past. He always just did whatever he wanted, and it was super fucking annoying. The members of his Familia, before nearly getting wiped out in the fight against the One-Eyed Black Dragon, were also a bunch of hypocritical perverts. They spouted bullshit about being Heroes while trying to have their way with any woman that took their fancy. Even Hera, always acting as if she was wiser than everyone else, just let him do whatever he wanted. Whenever people complained, they would declare a War Games and just crush any Familia that opposed them...a bunch of tyrannical fools..."
Even Hephaestus didn't seem too fond of the fact that Zeus had been the one to cause trouble this time around. She could still vividly remember several members of her Familia suffering the 'patronage' of the Zeus Familia in the past. They very rarely ever paid full price for the items they purchased and, though many reputable blacksmiths avoided contracting with them, the Zeus Familia members would just bully their families until they were forced to agree. Even the Guild hadn't been free of problems, as many of the more arrogant members of the Zeus Familia would 'demand' higher payment for the items they exchanged. In some extreme cases, they even 'reserved' high paying quests, 'forbidding' other Familia from accepting them unless they intended to go to War with the Zeus and Hera Familias...
Anubis was the only goddess present that didn't really have an opinion about Zeus but, seeing everyone else's reactions, especially her Master's, her elegant face had also turned cold. She knew how annoying gods like Zeus could be, as Osiris had many of the same traits. They were arrogant, 'expected' people to defer to them, and acted however they pleased. In extreme cases, while pretending to be righteous, they would blatantly act without consideration for morals and laws. When such people actually had power and authority, almost everyone else's lives would become miserable as a result...
Vahn was surprised how 'cold' the room had become in an instant, to the point that it even made him feel a bit of pressure. The girls' anger made his own lessen as a result, causing a small smile to appear on his face as he reached out and began stroking Hestia's silky black hair. In a calm tone of voice, he said, "I can't blame you for being upset, but I prefer it when you girls smile. This fiasco with Zeus is something we can deal with when it becomes relevant. It didn't seem as if he had any ill intention and, even if he tried something, I believe we can weather it together. After all, something that childish is incapable of accomplishing anything on their own..." Even now, Vahn could hear thunder cracking in the sky above, an indicator that Zeus was still throwing a temper tantrum...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Gotta go fast','Zeus, Frog-God lusting for the flesh of Swans','The 'heroic' nature of the Zeus Familia members revealed!') <-(p.atreon link)
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