"Save that for pillow talk, Jack. I'm just glad to see that the replication was successful!" Daruun reached out and hugged both Jacks, sighing, "I can't wait to see what you do…"
Jack opened his mouth to reply but a telepathic message stopped him.
'Jack, Lyrun wants to talk with you.'
Replying to Moranti, Jack stated, 'I'll be there in a minute. Let me finish something really quick.'
'No, Lyrun wants to schedule a time to talk,' added Moranti. 'He wants to know if you'll be able to speak with him in thirty minutes.'
'Sure, that's easy.'
'Great. I can't wait to see what you two come up with!'
"So, are you excited to finally get involved with Lyrun's plans?" asked Daruun, catching the women off guard.
"Then Lyrun should be the new ally you talked about?" Jack replied with a question and a smile.
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