In a flash of light, the party was whisked away from the eleventh floor, reappearing in a much smaller place.
"I believe this place is better for chatting and is most suitable for Jack to rest. Would you disagree, Tralon?" asked Daruun, sitting himself down behind Jack's old desk.
"Of course not. Bowzer, just lay Jack down at the side with this." Tralon retrieved a thick bedroll and laid it out for Jack. "So, Daruun, can I ask what you plan to do during your stay with the Leisure Guild? I must say, we're honored to host you, though we may lack some of the appropriate accommodations."
"Don't worry about me. Sleep is of no necessity to me and I would rather chat or speak with you and everyone else than waste time sleeping," replied Daruun. "As for my plans, I have my intentions but that mostly relies on Jack. I already know what he'll be doing, so I also know what I'll be doing by default, butI'll allow him to explain himself.
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