

male LV 1

Hello everyone, my name is Bryan, I am here to bring you my only work at the moment. In the future I hope this goes further and I can turn it into a manga or anime. I hope you enjoy my works, a hug.

2025-01-05 Joined Spain
Original works
Badges 3

Moments 2
12 days ago
Replied to Zoeyy_Amy

okay, no problem. I will contact you

12 days ago
Replied to Zoeyy_Amy

Hello. I hope you are enjoying the story. Right now I don't have the resources to hire your services, but when I do, I will not hesitate to contact you. For now, enjoy❤️

  • GODS Part 1: Black Lights Arc original

    GODS Part 1: Black Lights Arc


    Recently Updated

    At first, the human world and the divine world remained in harmony, until the world stopped believing in the gods, completely breaking the ties between them. Some time later, the divine world was plunged into complete chaos between the different divinities, affecting the mortal world. In the midst of this war, different divinities interacted with each other and with humans, which gave rise to the emergence of gods and demigods. I will tell you the story of a boy far from all that, Eden Yomi.

    96 Chs 3 Collections

  • GODS parte 1: Arco de Black Lights original

    GODS parte 1: Arco de Black Lights


    Recently Updated

    En un inicio, el mundo humano y el mundo divino se mantenían en armonía, hasta que el mundo dejó de creer en los dioses, rompiendo completamente los lazos entre ellos. Tiempo después, el mundo divino se vio sumergido en un completo caos entre las distintas divinidades, afectando al mundo mortal. en medio de esta guerra distintas divinidades se relacionaron entre ellas y con humanos, lo cual, dio lugar al surgimiento de dioses y semidioses. Te contaré la historia de un chico alejado de todo eso, Edén Yomi.

    94 Chs 0 Collections

  • GODS パート 1: ブラック ライト アーク original

    GODS パート 1: ブラック ライト アーク


    Recently Updated


    94 Chs 0 Collections

  • GÖTTER Teil 1: Black Lights Arc original

    GÖTTER Teil 1: Black Lights Arc


    Recently Updated

    Zunächst blieben die menschliche Welt und die göttliche Welt in Harmonie, bis die Welt aufhörte, an die Götter zu glauben, und die Bindungen zwischen ihnen völlig abbrachen. Einige Zeit später geriet die göttliche Welt in völliges Chaos zwischen den verschiedenen Gottheiten, was sich auch auf die Welt der Sterblichen auswirkte. Inmitten dieses Krieges interagierten verschiedene Gottheiten miteinander und mit Menschen, was zur Entstehung von Göttern und Halbgöttern führte. Ich werde Ihnen die Geschichte eines Jungen erzählen, der weit von all dem entfernt ist, Eden Yomi.

    15 Chs 0 Collections

  • GODS Partie 1 : Arc des Lumières Noires original

    GODS Partie 1 : Arc des Lumières Noires


    Recently Updated

    Au début, le monde humain et le monde divin sont restés en harmonie, jusqu'à ce que le monde cesse de croire aux dieux, rompant complètement les liens qui les unissaient. Quelque temps plus tard, le monde divin fut plongé dans un chaos complet entre les différentes divinités, affectant le monde des mortels. Au milieu de cette guerre, différentes divinités interagissaient entre elles et avec les humains, ce qui donna naissance à des dieux et des demi-dieux. Je vais vous raconter l'histoire d'un garçon loin de tout ça, Eden Yomi.

    15 Chs 0 Collections

  • GODS 파트 1: 블랙 라이트 아크 original

    GODS 파트 1: 블랙 라이트 아크


    Recently Updated

    처음에는 인간 세계와 신의 세계가 조화를 이루다가 세계가 신에 대한 믿음을 멈추고 그들 사이의 관계가 완전히 끊어졌습니다. 얼마 후, 신의 세계는 서로 다른 신들 사이의 완전한 혼란에 빠져 필멸의 세계에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이 전쟁 중에 서로 다른 신들이 서로, 그리고 인간과 상호 작용하여 신과 반신이 출현했습니다. 그 모든 것과는 거리가 먼 소년, 에덴 요미의 이야기를 들려드리겠습니다.

    91 Chs 0 Collections