George, a man from modern-day Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transported into two parallel worlds simultaneously. One body is in the Marvel Universe, where he is a test subject created from the fused genes of Professor X and Magneto. The other body is in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, inhabiting the body of an orphan boy named Dave, who was once under the control of a Dark Wizard. As George discovers that he can use his mutant abilities in both worlds and share talents between them, he embarks on a journey to survive, escape his captors, and potentially reshape both universes. With the hope of immortality driving him, George begins hatching bold plans that could change the course of two worlds forever.
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------- This is a Translation -------
Original Author 挂前川
RAW NAME: 漫威的诸天魔法掌控者
"Can't master nature transformation? Fine, I don't need it!" Kai decided. With extreme chakra control, he would develop powerful non-elemental ninjutsu, create his own Six Styles of Combat, and even design a human-based Sage Mode. Who needed conventional ninja techniques when his path would be just as strong—if not stronger?
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------- This is a Translation -------
Original Author: 卖身葬节操
RAW NAME: 木叶:学不会忍术,只好自己研发
George, a man from modern-day Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transported into two parallel worlds simultaneously. One body is in the Marvel Universe, where he is a test subject created from the fused genes of Professor X and Magneto. The other body is in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, inhabiting the body of an orphan boy named Dave, who was once under the control of a Dark Wizard. As George discovers that he can use his mutant abilities in both worlds and share talents between them, he embarks on a journey to survive, escape his captors, and potentially reshape both universes. With the hope of immortality driving him, George begins hatching bold plans that could change the course of two worlds forever.
If you want to read 20 chapters ahead, join my patreon :
------- This is a Translation -------
Original Author 挂前川
RAW NAME: 漫威的诸天魔法掌控者