The author for slave of darkness stole this btw if you don’t see my original comment he either blocked me or deleted your comment the next part is a copy paste. He stole this btw search up path of ruin and click on the link that takes you to a site called space battles you’ll find the original author as well as more chapters there up to 19
He stole this btw search up path of ruin and click on the link that takes you to a site called space battles you’ll find the original author
I guess I can see that I’m a Christian and trying to get closer to god so I can’t imagine being with more then 1 woman I’ve tried some harems since them but all of them are the same things like, Badly written, smut filled which I don’t get since if people want Smut go watch porn?, and then they age up miners or young children for it too like toph from ATLA, there’s more but it’s getting long all and all their just bad and come across as some dudes wet dream who can’t get woman and take up plot that could be used to actually help one FL in the story, their also over done almost every fic on here has it and I’ve tried to fine other sites but some are just as bad
No they were wiped out by Obitio not a 13 year old only the civilians of clan were killed by him and as well as his parents
I hate harems but I’ll give this a shot, why not a Senju just have it so his kid with them gets the Wood release
Uhhhh I’m not really sure what to think I’ll keep reading this anyways but my opinion is that you restart/rewrite this unit a way where the Big bad is still gonna be Sukuna and not Wtv this is
This book has been deleted.
Wow that was a cool moment Tyftc
ASOIAF/GOT : Grey Dragon
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar