demoncet1230 - Profile


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2024-06-09 Joined Global

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it's bad Chinese propaganda filled Marvel×SCP fanfiction, it might have been good without the constant shitting on America and the west but with that it's just bleh

This book has been deleted.
Replied to Darkfirephoenix

it wouldn't be nearly as scary when you have the ability to break them down at a molecular level into a pile of goo

He had been able to start a more Science-based company called 'Umbrella.' which made him have a lil' giggle anytime he thought about it.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith2

Replied to Sevens_Lucky

it's been a year and some change since the point where the anime starts, so he's still a teenager

Lifting her onto his arm he grinned as she hugged him tightly. ''Think I'd miss your birthday? Not every day your best friend turns 14.''

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith2


David Kebabinez


David was now eating a shish kebab across the street from the building, after a quick pink and search, he noticed that whereas everything else was on the main system, the servers with the information were running in a private connection, explaining why Kiwi needed someone to get inside... hehkek.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Nanites SON!

Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith2


too easy a death for people like that

I then proceeded to move the pipe up and down and make a mess of his organs along the way. The metal pipe, with a sharp edge from the rust, tore through his organs like they were vegetables and turned his insides into a putty of minced meat. 

God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem

Urban · AGodAmongMen

Replied to Lemon_Square

thank you kindly

Damn! That's more than I made in that Thieves Guild job! But I'm starting to think this might be a more intensive quest mod than I originally thought, I might need a little more time to level up in order to properly handle this… I'll hear him out though, and it's definitely not for the money, "Thank you for the payment and your gratitude, but what happens now?"

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square


that might actually make for an interesting mod, it forces you to have the longstride spell before you can fast travel and when you do it completely drains stamina and magica

It takes about an hour and a half, rushing at full speed. I'm greeted with a closed gate and not a horse in sight, so I finally breathe a sigh of relief pushing open the gate and taking a moment to catch my breath and to regenerate my magika.

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square


what even is the name of this mod, i don't think I've ever seen it

Damn! That's more than I made in that Thieves Guild job! But I'm starting to think this might be a more intensive quest mod than I originally thought, I might need a little more time to level up in order to properly handle this… I'll hear him out though, and it's definitely not for the money, "Thank you for the payment and your gratitude, but what happens now?"

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square

Replied to IAmCompletelyLost

you do realize that calling someone a pedo, when they haven't been convicted of it, is illegal correct? it's accusation of a crime, which is slander/libel and can get you sued.

"Mew! What has she told you about that flattery? It gets you nyathing!" She flusteredly exclaims with a deep blush and a swooshing tail, before mumbling faintly under her breath, "But… It is nice of you to notice."

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square


i see you're following the marriage path of the mod

"And a beautiful name it is, for an equally beautiful girl," I say with a smile and a wink.

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square



Something that shouldn't be near Whiterun yet... Thalmor are escorting a wounded and shackled elderly khajit woman. Fucking Thalmor! Those elven supremacist assholes who make the Stormcloaks seem tolerant!

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Isekai From Hell: Modded Skyrim

Video Games · Lemon_Square


i have a feeling it was less him mega evolving just Mewtwo and more him mega evolving Lucario AND Mewtwo

If I ever needed to perform Mega Evolution with Mewtwo again, I needed to find a way to make it so I wouldn't get knocked on my ass every time....

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden


Janine, daughter of Koga


"Well, we already knew that he's heading to Lavender town from the profile I read. Find him Golbat."

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden



"Nghhhh!" Jessie groaned through the leather gag in her mouth, as I pushed the entire length of my cock inside her from behind to paint her womb white after the last twenty or so minutes of intense doggystyle fucking.

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden



I then turned my attention to our new disciples, and stated firmly, "now then, lets get down to business."

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden


this Rocket grunt's cousin that went into law enforcement for visualization


I immediately centered my vision on the largest of the group, a brutish looking man who had already readied his baton, and was even bending it while grinning in anticipation of the coming fight.

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden

Replied to DarkKnight11

nah she just needs a few buns in the oven to focus on instead

"First I need to get this damned thing off of me!" She declared, before going to find something to do just that.

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden

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