Exactly once, early on, in order to accomplish a goal. He doesn’t like it and neither does she, particularly. If that upsets you on a deep and visceral level you may of course pass on the story, but it sure as hell isn’t a core element of the plot.
Discredit Drusilla la Salle, a human woman in Northshire Abbey, so that a meaningful proportion of Northshire Abbey will distrust her. If you do not draw attention to yourself in the process, you will be penalized.
Video Games · Jerynboe
In the interest of later doing Drusilla with a far more positive connotation? She’s handy, especially early on.
Discredit Drusilla la Salle, a human woman in Northshire Abbey, so that a meaningful proportion of Northshire Abbey will distrust her. If you do not draw attention to yourself in the process, you will be penalized.
Video Games · Jerynboe
Not opposed, but orc ussy indeed has no power over me. Not a group I’d prioritize. Even if I were trying to make a nonmagical warrior harem, I’d be headed to darnassus to find a bunch of 7 foot tall elf amazons.
Both rewards seemed worth pursuing, and the tasks reasonably doable. I don't know if Drusilla actually deserves to become an outcast, but if she's in my retinue she can leave along with me once I finish Alliance Boot Camp. I need every advantage I can get.
Video Games · Jerynboe
If you don’t have a better afterlife lined up, I suggest it.
I haven’t. My wife has serious beef with Netflix, so we don’t usually have an ongoing subscription. I’ll add it to the list of things to binge the next time we pay for one month and get caught up on Netflix things.
Thank you, Thomas. :D
That’s certainly the plan. Unfortunately the way formatting works on Webnovel means I need to do a bit more than a straight copy-paste job to post here, since I made heavy use of underlining for system messages and to represent when the MC is using their quirkiest power. I’ve got the entirety of book one finished, but lack the patience to read and edit the entire book quickly while also writing the sequel and another side project at the same time.
That would have been the smart thing to do, yes. Instead he tried to drop ten feet, rolled terribly, and rolled max fall damage. And yes, for many things I do legitimately roll.
"Alright. Everyone come back down." We all started to descend, but it wasn't quite as much fun as climbing up. I looked down, gauged myself to be maybe ten feet off the ground. I was a good bit more athletic and I was some kind of video game character; I figured I could safely jump down. I could not.
Video Games · Jerynboe
I was never a big raider, other than some dabbling with Naxx and Tournament in WotLK. Despite that, I also just kinda lost interest while leveling in Pandaria. I didn’t find the leveling process all that interesting, as there wasn’t much challenge and the writing wasn’t good enough to keep me invested on its own. This may shock my readers, but I’m primarily a lore nerd. The lore got bigger and dumber as expansions came out, and while some of it was interesting it was frequently just… ok.
Second, I need to build up my retinue, preferably with women that can help keep me safe and well connected. Once I've done that, I should be able to try to be proactive. If I keep these priorities in mind I should probably be able to survive through the next five years. Of course, I stopped playing halfway through the Mists of Pandaria expansion, so that's where most of my prior knowledge will run dry. Eh. Who am I kidding? This will probably be over way before then, and that should probably fill me with existential dread. I smiled. I'm pretty ok with that, given that the other option was being raw material; stress resistance was a good purchase.
Video Games · Jerynboe
She was the mission reward. He didn’t give her a necklace: instead she was instantly captured.
I was pleased to see Drusilla marked with a blue circle indicating that she was captured. She seemed in good health too, thankfully. She didn't have a control panel, which probably meant she wasn't given complimentary jewelry. Unfortunate, but not that big a deal. I could give her a necklace when I saw her, and it wouldn't count against the hard cap on jewels I had.
Real Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester
Video Games · Jerynboe