Two years ago, Beatrice lost her hearing in a tragic, mysterious incident that still haunts her. Now, she shoulders the responsibility of her father's prestigious musical instrument company, Windmill Melody, in Amsterdam, all while navigating life in silence. Meanwhile, Louis, an immigrant fleeing the clutches of the Belgian mafia, finds refuge in the vibrant Kalverstraat neighborhood. With his extraordinary talent for playing the piano, Louis becomes a street musician, using his music to survive and bring joy to passersby.
As Beatrice and her friends wander through the bustling streets of Kalverstraat, they stumble upon a crowd entranced by the music of a street pianist. To Beatrice's astonishment, she can hear the enchanting melodies flowing from Louis's piano. Intrigued and determined to uncover the reason behind this miraculous exception, Beatrice start to uncover on a journey to find answers, drawing her closer to Louis and the secrets of her past.