

LV 3
2024-04-17 Joined United States
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3 hours ago
Replied to GenevaSuggestions

ahh beast-bot good choice name Then something like bullet pinch or boxshell

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

3 hours ago
Replied to GenevaSuggestions

if you're going for a combiner you're going to need to make more then one transformer and if you're going for a Titan they usually only have one or two weapons sometimes they have a third one but the third one usually causes damage to themselves in order to cause maximum damage to the opponent or if you want to be special if you did choose titan then you could make it like a base because usually titans are so large the only mode they can go into is like a fortress or a rocket ship or something large

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

4 hours ago
Replied to GenevaSuggestions

ight as long as you get it done

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

4 hours ago
Replied to GenevaSuggestions

I will even allow combiner or titans

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

4 hours ago
Replied to

you welcome say I have been thinking about an op deception turned autobot to join voltage crew and i would like you to make him/her

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

5 hours ago
Replied to GenevaSuggestions

I can do that

His eyes began to slowly close his body spasming from the electric shock as his eyes fully closed he reawoking I see looked at his hands they were mechanical if you looked around he saw futuristic building he was amazed until he felt something bumped into him as he turned around it a living robot they had red eyes you carried a blaster on their back guard: move it civilian this area is restricted.

transformers:bright new world

transformers:bright new world

Movies · Jamale_Holdman

4 days ago
Replied to Theo_Miller

simply put I wanted him to be weak so training would grant him the chance to create more suppressed forms and The reason his suppressed form is so strong is because that's the only form he has so nearly all of his power is compact into that single form i plan on extending the forms down the line that's why I'm thinking of new Ore or material colors to create super forms

5 days ago
Replied to christian_rawson

something I forgot to put in the readers monster chapter for your monster was it has these Rock like humps on its back that can open up and when they Clint back down all together to create a Sonic shockwave they can give a concussion if you're too close and I just want you to know your monster is in this chapter

6 days ago
Replied to James_Field_5025

can't lie gore magala is fire I wish they had him in world cuz you know I could kind of see him being like an intro or like within the crystal he was encased in or like a variant of him encased in Crystal and during our fight with nergigante the crystal started to break until it was released

6 days ago
Replied to James_Field_5025

could be good then the child could grow up with the hatchlings they be like a myth to both the humans in the elves a human with the ability to control and tame the wyvenrns