Lia, an ordinary young woman struggling to make ends meet, finds herself in a dire financial situation. Desperate for a way out, she encounters Ryan, a charismatic and mysterious billionaire with an unconventional offer. Ryan proposes a contract that will solve all of Lia's problems, but the terms are far from simple. Bound by the contract, Lia and Ryan's worlds collide, leading to unexpected emotional entanglements.Lia and Ryan relationship evolves from business to something much deeper,Lia and Ryan must face their own insecurities and growing feelings for each other.
Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge.
Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her .
Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living,
No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist.
But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated.
Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future
Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question.
Sure,go ahead.
Why did you abducted me?
*End of Excerpt*
Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past.
Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.