"When I was writing, I thought it was better to address his(kratosus) uncle's wife’s family as in-laws in the same way you would refer to your brother's wife.
Also, thank you so much for reading my work.
I will give it a review later and try to fix it. <3"
When young Prince Kratosus Freeman learns that his grandfather has conspired to make him king, despite being the youngest son in the family, he is initially alarmed. However, persuaded by his grandfather’s reasoning and the need to protect his kingdom from his ambitious in-laws, Kratosus reluctantly accepts the throne. Now, with his legacy at stake, he must crush growing revolts and forge crucial diplomatic ties with neighboring realms. As the pressure mounts, Kratosus faces the ultimate test: can he maintain the continuity of his kingdom and secure his family ?
no uploads on Wednesdays and Saturdays
"When I was writing, I thought it was better to address his(kratosus) uncle's wife’s family as in-laws in the same way you would refer to your brother's wife. Also, thank you so much for reading my work. I will give it a review later and try to fix it. <3"
The Weight of Leadership
Fantasy · evilram