No? She is now the shadow of a human…. she used to be a human being
Why would he destroy such a powerful Shadow after going to all that trouble to gain it?!
Fantasy · Guiltythree
Why can’t I comment under certain parts of the chapter 😭 is it something wrong with webnovel or is it just me 😞
You did a very good job with the nightmare I liked the twists and the development of the characters 👏🤭
Well, then it was probably me 😭😂
I think there were few typos in the chapter. I couldn’t comment under them idk why 😭 but they could also not be typos and my English is just terrible 😎😂
That’s actually scary
If Sarai had entered the Nightmare right at the point that Noble had succeeded, would she have killed her best friend?
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Is their emotional signature exactly the same or slightly different?
Searching for Nic's—or rather Derik's emotional signature, Noble eventually locked on to the man in question.
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Ig this answers my question 😂🤭
"Since it hadn't disappeared, Fort knew you must be alive somewhere. He reluctantly gave it to me as well as a special Memory to transport it in hopes that it would help me find you sooner."
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
God damn 😭😂
"Exactly, so how did you get her?"
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree