The map; for your convenience.
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War · Powfoom
Flip yo phone real
War · Powfoom
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War · Powfoom
if this thing flipped.... shi... you got tilt your head the other wayyyyy
(also here's a picture of the map of the whole latessian continent, i didn't have it digitized because my shit ass tablet sucks and drawing is a pain. so here's what i doodled on a notebook image in comment)
War · Powfoom
I could... I just don't know what the hell that is. Lol.
"This... Ennomite." Hierd said. "If it fastens the growth of your crops, doesn't it fasten the decrease in the amount of fertility in the soil? If so, then Ennomite has been making your soil weaker!"
War · Powfoom
"It's over..."
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War · Powfoom
It's an M1 Garand. Cmon now. THE M1 GARAND!? Though in later chapters (vol 2) the STG-44 is used more commonly than the Kar98k that appears later in the novel. But yes, I agree that assault rifles are far more better than the M1 Garand. I'm just following the 'rule of cool' persay.
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War · Powfoom
I was a little too lazy to add on that detail, ha... I might edit that but that's a 'small' might.
"O' please, don't be so humble, accept and read its contents. And soon you shall understand my words are not fiction."
War · Powfoom
Report A-6; Germany wins, Hesians retreat as more of their magical knights die. German troops stay at the river.
Picture/s of the strategic plan of Germany Attacking Magical forces;
War · Powfoom
image of continent in comment
Auferstan: Building A Military in Another World
War · Powfoom