"Every ninja in the shinobi world is essentially my enemy."
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
When that one bro everyone likes activates the old group chat that was forgotten for years and the entire squad joins the group as if they only talked yesterday (we're preparing for Ragnarok)
By using Edo Tensei to resurrect them, and with their preserved bodies as vessels, these ancestors could fight at nearly full strength.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
"he stole my whole fuking flow! word for word the, bar for bar"
How had he not realized before that Gensou was such a thief?
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
[You feel your sins crawling down your back.] Nero: "You good, Dad? You've been stuck in an unskippable flashback cutscene for the past 36 seconds." [Your sins have decided to let you off this time.]
My daughter is cute and no one can deny that, I suddenly feel Determined to go find meat for her and get some chocolate for myself. But first, I will go get the others.
Anime & Comics · Ender_Child
Bro is not even mad; he's playing for the love of the game.
The stronger his opponent, the more exhilarated he felt.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
literally Madara's reaction to that information:
"Huh? Madara, why do your eyes look like Gensou's?"
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
future site prediction < deja vu foreshadowing why look into the future when you could look into the past and see your mistakes in perfect detail
Those words sounded eerily familiar.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
a certified Him
But Gensou had done it.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
Third, actually.
Gensou had managed to live a second life?
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
"Would you like to see for yourselves?"
I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!
Anime & Comics · Zaelum