Another reason was that the people in this community had helped his family a lot during his coma, so he couldn't just leave without giving back.
Video Games · Tchao707
Una ves lei que el Mechanicus tiene problemas con la perdida de sus titanes ( de todas las clases ) podria encontrar del tipo mas chico knight ( uno roto claro ) y de esa manera poder llegar a un tecnosacerdote dispuesto a escuchar los delirios de un escriba
"Ah, it's a shame. I'm just a concubine's son, so the family only got me a T2 interstellar destroyer."
Video Games · KingTL
Sería interesante que el prota se encuentre con un artefacto (cts) en un futuro para que pueda aprender del mechanicus (sobornos), ya que parece que podría tener afinidad con las máquinas
Author's note here, so we are getting very close to getting my fic being rated. So here's the deal for every five reviews I get. I would give bonus chapters from now on. Enjoy.
Video Games · Kratos5627
ahora no parece tan mala idea comprar ese mecha de 2 a 3 metros ( no me acuerdo el tamaño
As a history major graduate, I'm naturally humanities-oriented.
War · Machine_Writer
"MOM! mom get up! Don't leave Me!" ignoring the burning feeling in his face, Evans scrambles to get up and rushes over to his mother, nudging and shaking her corpse, hoping to get some sort of reaction. unfortunately, with a gaping hole in her neck and unfocused eyes, Evans knew she was truly gone.
Video Games · Gearjay
me puse a buscar sobre esas mejoras y la verdad hay algunas que son una cosa de locos XD
But the scanning function of Leo's Kiroshi Mk.II Cyberoptics could easily help him record and trace the apartment's wiring.
Interdimensional Scientist, Starting from Cyberpunk
Video Games · Tchao707