he cant'tuse his other abilities since hes'son disguise
"Oh, shit…"
Fantasy · NihilRuler
cool down should've been 1day. it makes this ability kinda useless
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · RashCore
wtf?? are retarded or what?
ohh yeah. thats sounds forced and stupid I'll agree with that I thought u were talking about something like *if he forgot everything how does he knows that the attack was organized by a noble house*
"And that noble emblem… I don't quite remember which family it belongs to." His voice dropped. "But it's definitely from one of the noble houses."
Fantasy · lance_8
bro only a noble house would use emblem. and he said it's a noble house after he noticed the emblem on the girls suit(the one that left him and saved his mom and bros)
"And that noble emblem… I don't quite remember which family it belongs to." His voice dropped. "But it's definitely from one of the noble houses."
Fantasy · lance_8
"And that noble emblem… I don't quite remember which family it belongs to." His voice dropped. "But it's definitely from one of the noble houses."
Fantasy · lance_8
hey author is he going to sacrifice some bond or memories to survive this? And hopefully you'll make a revenge arc on Rosalind and the bitch that left him(best tamer) soon.
the story is like ***extra's guide of survival***. but also has its'sown uniqueness I hope story will take a different route going forward
you can always improve it. but understand where you're coming from
lol.... but now she became a perfect waifu
The taller elf beside him smirked, twirling his bloodied blade. "Because it's fun."
The Cursed Extra: Bloodline of Sacrifice
Fantasy · lance_8