The way his higher essence hit him in the head, plus and minus, because it was his own fault, it was no good climbing where there are similar entities!
How soon can we expect Ninja Turtles?? A shredder??
[img=рекомендую] This is the most beautiful work, and shows Tai Lung as just a kung fu fighter who just wanted his Father's praise, but got kicked in the ass and went to jail.
The All-Father goes to earth with the All-Mother. Tremble the world! For the Savior has come!
Love is fanfic!
I'm waiting for another chapter!! I want to continue!!
Is he going to make a planetary shield? Or maybe Terraforming? Or both!=)
Хрень! опять по кругу это читать? А смысл ГДЕ!!
Самый лучший фантик по Варкрафту что я читал за последние годы.
A Nerubian's Journey - Warcraft SI
Video Games · NeverluckySMILE