I had thought of something like adding Jake as a teenager so that he becomes friends with Andrew, since Jake is very funny and half crazy. Because I can't think of a way to connect Andrew who lives in Los Angeles with the 99th precinct that is in Brooklyn.
Andrew felt a mix of surprise and confusion. So it was true. The characters from The Big Bang Theory were standing right in front of him, in the flesh.
TV · Nathe07
The average height for males in the United States is 176 centimeters. Andrew is 178 centimeters and only fifteen years old. So if he is tall
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TV · Nathe07
Look for a male TikTok model with an effeminate style that is to your liking.
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TV · Nathe07
It's a comedy TV show, Modern Family or other series like Friends are full of exaggerated and absurd situations that don't necessarily follow the rules of reality. That's one of the fun things about these shows. Phil in several scenes starts rapping impromptu or doing ridiculous choreography while singing, no one would do that in real life.
Andrew was on the floor doing push-ups. His small face was covered in sweat as he counted the push-ups out loud.
TV · Nathe07
This is not a super-real story, it's from a comedy TV show where crazy and embarrassing things are happening all the time...
He started lining up the stuffed animals on the floor, creating a diagonal line. He spaced them about a foot apart to have enough room to run between them.
TV · Nathe07
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic
TV · Nathe07