I chuckled as he showed his Magic Geek side.
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
Thought to be fair, We don't have many reference on the exact value of Yuls. The only one I remember is that the base salaries for the magic knights seem 200k a month.
After a moment, she shook her head, looking at the heavy sack of gold. "That's almost the yearly income of the entire Silva family."
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
The man made a fortune
At that moment, Luna returned to her full size and took a seat beside me, resting against my shoulder with a playful smile. "A lot. About 2.6 billion yuls. Master pretty much emptied the vault and made the entire casino bankrupt."
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
Frankly, I think their income is far more than that
After a moment, she shook her head, looking at the heavy sack of gold. "That's almost the yearly income of the entire Silva family."
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
Down below, the angry mob burst out of the wall, searching frantically for me.
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
I guess she isn't really just 18, huh? Considering her role, guessed as much.
Grabbing a large sack overflowing with gold, I bolted for the exit. Luna, now in her small form, sat comfortably on my shoulder, laughing in delight. "Master, this is the most fun I've had in centuries!"
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
Is it really his status? Luck? Or does he do it the Julius way by seeing the immediate future?
Luna, stood beside me, giggled. "More like the God of Chaos is tilting the odds."
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
That will probably earn him a blacklisting by every casino in Clover. haha
To which I replied, "Yes, but it's legal robbery."
Anime & Comics · xXShadow_MonarchXx
Thanks for the chapter man
Personally, I like this FIC, so don't worry about it. You don't have to pressure you for this.
Asta's Adventure
Anime & Comics · Daoiste1