The Hardy empire Hardy empire
The tyrant billionaire
now to chapter 617
later when the companies develop you should let him enter the electronic business and control the telephone business
you should release the all the chapters to 603
in Russia and China Hardy should let the gangs expand first before Hardy inter the with his companies, and Germany economy will start to thrive after east Germany joined the federal republic of Germany, and America recognized east Germany in 1974, so Hardy have a lot of time to prepare, and Russia will thrive in 90s economics and diplomatic and they have a lot of natural resources like oil, gas, and a lot more, and China will thrive in late 70s and the US start it's diplomatic relationship in 1978, Hardy can make all these to start early to make money and have more influence in the world like the Rothschild family.
you can play the public opinion game in Germany, Russia, and China. don't forget the Malaya islands
it's gonna be a long term investment because if merchandisers saw how Hardys Supermarket chain sell and the people buy from it they will eventually start to trust Hardys Supermarket and he can play the public opinion game like open branches of ABC Station and The global time.(with public opinion controlling he can make the big conglomerates begging him for help).
after the korean war these conglomerates didn't have the power they have now, because after Japan lift Korea corrupt officials appeared in the first republic president who took office and gave special treatment to them after the military took the government in 1961 those who took the special treatment were plagued and after that the government started to cooperate with the chaebol or the conglomerates to grow the economy so if Hardy could make the new president to make him the economic envoy to South Korea and he invites the 7 constorias he can somehow control South Korea and he should start with banks either aquire it or be a major shareholder and open a branch of Wells Fargo, so Hardy control the conglomerates there if he wants because after the korean war the economy was in a bad situation
I am not really good in writing novels only giving suggestions, but the novel you are writing is getting me hooked. And I use all of my accounts.
Tyrant Billionaire
Book&Literature · IRainHeart