Only 1 thing not accurate. Iceland has joined the Imperium.
[Image Of World Here]
Movies · DJMLucarionite
[Image Of World Here]
Movies · DJMLucarionite
[Image Of US Here]
Movies · DJMLucarionite
The Red Room was erased and any remaining Widows joined the Spartan Program or became civilians.
This is the first part of the Hydra takeover. Black Widow was spared because the other Widows wanted her alive. She will likely join the Spartan Program but time will tell. Until next time Ciao.
Movies · DJMLucarionite
Como se habló un poco, las Infinity Stones son bastante inútiles. Hay formas muy sencillas de evitarlos. Dañan al usuario y debido a los poderes que tiene Rio, algunos ni siquiera funcionan. En cuanto a fusionarme con el poder, no lo hice, pero prefiero eliminar las Piedras y no arriesgarme a que se conviertan en un problema futuro. English Below... As was somewhat talked about the Infinity Stones are fairly useless. There are very easy ways around them. They hurt the user and due to powers Rio has some don't even work. As for fusing with the power I didn't of that but I would rather remove the Stones and not risk them becoming a future issue.
Rio quiso aprovechar el tiempo del Trial para entrenar. No puede hacer eso si ahora tiene que lidiar con gobernar un Imperio. Entonces, una vez que completó los objetivos de la prueba, comenzó directamente a entrenar. English below just in case. Rio wanted to use the time in the Trial to train. He can't do that if he is now having to deal with ruling an Empire. So once he completed the Trial Objectives he went right into training.
Lo más probable es que no haga nada masivo con el Multiverso ya que esta es mi primera novela. English Below just in case. I will most likely not do anything massive with the Multiverse as this is my first novel.
Jim Cummings is in a lot of stuff which suprised me.
Rasputin: "In the dark of the night, I was tossing and turning.
Movies · DJMLucarionite
Why not?
I teleport to where Rasputin is hiding which was Iceland and watch as he does a song number. I had to admit it was a catchy song.
Movies · DJMLucarionite
Because they got to it first and they made a deal with Hydra.
[Image Of World Here]
Begin Again In Marvel
Movies · DJMLucarionite