Tracing the sound back to its source they looked up. A person clad in black coat, hugging him like folded angel wings was hovering in the air close to the ceiling. He wore a black helmet, with a black tinted oval shaped glass that hid his features. And a white scarf.
Anime & Comics · AFoxyScriptwriter
The First Seed—Psionics—had given me mastery over mind and perception.
TV · Saintbarbido
Beginner or Mana Walker: Learns basic control of Devi Trecks and mana propulsion.Intermediate or Mana Rider: Gains proficiency in a specific Mana Road and learns basic offensive and defensive techniques.Advanced or Mana Strider: Masters multiple techniques and gains the ability to manipulate terrain using mana.Elite or Mana King: Achieves perfect mana flow synchronization, unlocking the full potential of Devi Trecks.
Anime & Comics · taoone2
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It’ good that you went back to rewrite the goku black thing. I feel like that was to hard of a character to pull out at the moment with mc’s current power, plus it leaves room for better development in the story later on if you want to add it once the mc has at least enough power to push back darkseid considering in every dc universe it’ actually his avatar the justice league fights.
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1. Yes (Suggest)
Anime & Comics · Marveller
Would have went with that
Tracing the sound back to its source they looked up. A person clad in black coat, hugging him like folded angel wings was hovering in the air close to the ceiling. He wore a black helmet, with a black tinted oval shaped glass that hid his features. And a white scarf.
Nexus - Into the Marvelverse
Anime & Comics · AFoxyScriptwriter