There was a literal cake in the system.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
to my knowledge yes, it's why axolotls are so interesting from a scientific point of view.
"What if you could merge the regenerative gene of a lizard into said human, wouldn't the Stem Cells have something new to focus on rather than running rampant?"
Anime & Comics · SonderNow
Looking at the red-haired man sitting cross-legged in the corner, quietly reading the stone tablet, Hecate felt something strange, almost like it was ridiculous.
Anime & Comics · Sothisq
yeah, though for the most part that probably just has something to do with the line of work you're in.
I crack open my little notebook - what, doesn't everyone carry one with them? - and scribble down a rough plan.
Movies · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
[You have attained the msx1 gene from the Axolotl]
Anime & Comics · SonderNow
or axalotol, they can regrow their brains AND their neral pathways will grow back the same as before their injury. granted we currently don't understand how or why they can, just that they can. so they won't go all wolverine from a bullet to the head thus losing memories.
"What if you could merge the regenerative gene of a lizard into said human, wouldn't the Stem Cells have something new to focus on rather than running rampant?"
Anime & Comics · SonderNow
it will be
Somewhere in America (No, the USA is not all of America).
Anime & Comics · Edgar_CT
is there a P@t3°n ?
Arcane: I have Plasmids F*** YEAAAAAAH!!!
Video Games · raynei_achilles