"The option to start over in a body of my own, after knowing that I'll be thrown into these six worlds meshed into one? No thanks. I'd rather not be seen as feeble when powerhouses could be lurking every corner. Make me Baki. Yujiro is tempting but he has an extremely bad temper and was even mentioned of ****ing a freaking dude. I'd rather not want to inherit his body, thank you very much.", I answered.
Anime & Comics · Aht
"How long are you going to follow me?" I asked Tigress who was dragging her body behind me as I walked along the roads of the Valley of Peace.
Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
Whitebeard laughed out loud: "Interesting! Shark-faced kid! You remind me of two sons, one called Jinbei, the other called Namur, your character is somewhat similar to theirs."
Anime & Comics · Ginormous_Madman
I shake those thoughts out of my head immediately. Focus, Zyleth! Women are temporary, training is eternal.
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"Divinity, or more specifically, the lingering divinity of The Machine Gods." Machine?
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
Ever so slowly, the body of Reva began to compress. First, the limbs were pressed together and then the midsection. The legs and arms broke in multiple places and they folded themselves together until the only thing left of the former Inquisitor was a small ball of flesh and blood.
Anime & Comics · Vincent_0580
It wouldn't hurt to practice this more often. I personally enjoyed the process too!
Anime & Comics · Vandalizer
Claim her already and plant the seed
And so Jiran stopped whatever he was doing and stood up leaving a confused and blushing Korra behind.
Avatar The Legend of Korra: Ruthless Wind
Anime & Comics · TheSinister_Man