Don’t mind me just shameless author review. A wise man once said nothing, and yet, here I’m, talking anyway. -🧣
i think i dont make it clear, he is from our normal world, not marvel
Ahh yeah i can do that, thanks for the suggestion👍
"…Body Freezing Spell."
Movies · KujoW
one of sun wukong abilities, he can immobilize enemies for short period of time
"…Body Freezing Spell."
Movies · KujoW
as for how strong, there is some abilities that mc havent had, and some equipment that he hadnt found, one at the time
ikr, dont worry, they will be competent, like an x men should👍
its freedom fighter from a movie V for Vendeta
"V - The Phantom Rebel"
Anime & Comics · KujoW
I Took it from a narrative from a comic 'The Ambush at the Ten Rings' Indian Diamond Mine was an attack on Iron Man that happened when he came across an illegal diamond mine in India ran by the Ten Rings. Two terrorists managed to disable his armor, but Iron Man was able to escape and recharge it with the help of Abby Rose.' that is a copy paste of the slice of the comic.
Movies · KujoW
step by step, he will slowly goes around making mess here and there
Thank you, finally someone get the reference😁🎉
Chapter 7 – Four Years of Pain, Power, and No Meat
Marvel: Monkey King
Movies · KujoW