it's pretty good Hope has an in goal I know some multiverse goes on and on and on in the end. good time frame
can you put more detail like Diablo and fight with the two of the people he is supposed to kill for the thoughts and things that are going around the world I understand kind of pointless but it puts more development on what's going on around the world and what people are thinking
not bad I think it needs more detail inside and outside the dungeon character thinks what's going on around and stuff like action into the dungeon you know . for the real romance part it's not bad you need to spray space out a little bit Ball he's not with sir every single chapter he's boyfriend doing the dungeon and stuff like that and other events or new ones.
pretty good not bad
I think you should merge all for one and bells personalities together not making them good or bad kind of you know caring to his friends and family but everyone else is just thing make him like a anti-villain hero and you need to work on his background criminal empire shooting I do think both one does need a change a little if not he's just going to repeat everything again
the first option
So, I have two proposals for you all. The first is to include Freya in the harem and make it so that when Bell arrives in Orario, Freya doesn't see him romantically, but rather as a prized trophy to obtain.
Anime & Comics · Cozmooo
first one
pretty good and amazing I hope you continue with the story
Hope the older brother saves Freya . from her cage she is not a bad person she needs a helping hand to free her or falls in love to give her true happiness or have a war game getting River killer or exile 3 options. I have a question every time MC the older brother lets be honest he's the main protagonist of the story his little brother is in the background . when he level up this Witcher ability do they get stronger you know like his ability to recess charms stuff like that and minor abilities do they stay the same.
it's pretty good I just wish It had more perspectives and thoughts from other people and reactions . and just having fun with the game is nothing too serious.
Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds